KIA - DOD - etc - Putnam

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KIA - DOD - etc

Source: Greencastle Banner 24 Aug 1865 p 3
At the Homestead, near Putnamville, Ind Aug 19, 1865
Ed. Banner: Dear Sir, I perceive the report of those who died in their country’s service from this part of the county is incorrect. For instance, Walter Logan who lived near the Warren and Cloverdale Township line is given in neither; also George D. Martin and John F. McMains are omitted in the Cloverdale list. They having gone in the Warren Union Guards, rendezvoused at Putnamville have been overlooked probably in that manner. In that company 32 died in the service of their country and 23 of that number were killed or died of mortal wounds received in battle. In that number 20 were not from this township and five were not from this county who were as noble comrades as ever fired a musket. I think the number of fallen heroes could be more accurately obtained by calling on the late company commanders for a list of their dead; giving rank, when deceased, where and cause of death; whether he died amid the carnage of battle or perished through the long, lingering, loathsome disease of the army hospital. The names should be headed under the different battles they died in, and as there were but eight or nine companies from the county, the monument will be plenty large enough, I presume, to have them so recorded upon it, under the corps emblem under which  they so gallantly fought; and according to an ancient custom a history of their deeds should be place in the foundation of the monument.  I have a correct list of the Company with which I was connected and take the liberty of forwarding it, trusting it may give you some information or produce further suggestions.  Yours truly, Josiah C. Williams, Late Capt. 27th Ind Vol. Inf.  PS Below are the names of the deceased members of the Warren Union Guards of Putnam County.

Roll of Honor of Putnam County’s Volunteers in “I” Co. 27th Ind Vet Vol. Infantry.
Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va.
1st Lt. GW Reed, Killed in Battle Aug 9, 1862
Pvt. GD Martin same
Pvt.Thos. Deveraux same
Pvt. Abraham Swartz same
Pvt David Tuggle same
Pvt Chas. H. Lewis same
Pvt JH Martin of wounds at Alexandria Hospital
Battle of Antietam, MD
Sgt. Robt. L. Good, Killed in Battle, Sept 17, 1862
Pvt C. Newman same
Pvt Robt. W. Faith same
Pvt Wm. Dellahunt, Frederick. MD of Wounds Oct 12, 1862
Battle of Chancellorville, Va.
Sgt. JP Beard, Killed in Battle, May 3d, 1863
Corp. David B. McDonald same
Pvt. Joseph W. Smith same
Pvt. Thos. I. Dodson same
Pvt. John F. McMains, Aquia Creek Hospital of wounds May 20th, 1863
Battle of Gettysburg, Penn
Pvt. Jos F Gilmore, Killed in Battle, July 3, 1863
Pvt Ira Hunt, died of wounds, York Penn
Battle of Resacca, GA
1st Lt. George T. Chapin, Killed in Battle May 15, 1864
Corp Hamilton Asher of wounds, Nashville, Hospital June 14, 1861 (sic 1864?)

Battle of New Hope Church, GA
Pvt M. Kutch, Killed in Battle May 25, 1864
Pvt John Patrick, Nashville Hospital of wounds July 8, 1864

Atlanta, GA
Pvt. James Bradshaw, killed in the trenches July 20, 1864
OF Disease
Pvt. Marion Harris, Darnestown, MD Dec 1, 1861
Pvt. Walter Logan, Berryville, VA April 1, 1862
Pvt John Hussly, Phila Hospital April 22, 1862
Pvt James Grimes, Strasburg VA May 23, 1862
Pvt Bascom Thomas, Harper’s Ferry Sept 28, 1862
Pvt Cyrus Alexander, Harper’s Ferry Oct 22, 1862
Pvt William Douglas Philadelphia Hospital no date
Pvt Samuel Pickens, Jeffersonville, Ind July 22, 1864
Pvt Anson Clark, Alexandria, VA Sept 11, 1863

Additional Soldiers KIA With Obituaries

TODD, Wesley - CW - KIA

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