Voris - 1st Dem mayor - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Voris - 1st Dem mayor

Source: Indianapolis News 5 Sept 1904 Mon p 4
Crawfordsville, Ind – Sept 5 – SE Voris, mayor-elect who took his office today will be the first Democratic mayor in the history of Crawfordsville. His personal popularity was attested in the spring election when he overcame a Republican majority of 550 and won out with 196 votes to spare, carrying every precinct. Mr. Voris was postmaster under Cleveland’s last administration and is well known I state politics. He is regarded as a likely candidate for the state office two years hence. He is treasurer of the Supreme Tribe of Ben Hur, being one of the founds of that order.  Mr. Voris has an international reputation as a trapshooter and now holds the sparrow championship of the world. He was on the handicap committee of the Grand American Handicap tournament recently held in Indianapolis - kbz
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