Railroad - Convention 1866 - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Railroad - Convention 1866

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 17 May 1866 p3

RAILROAD CONVENTION – Pursuant to a call issued May 3, 1866, a convention assembled at Crawfordsville on Thursday May 10, 1866 at 11 o’clock a.m. Delegates reported themselves from the city of Indianapolis and from counties of Hendricks, Boone, Montgomery and Fountain.

On motion, Dr. WS Pierce of Indianapolis was chosen chair of the meeting. Messrs. IC Elston, Joseph Ristine, JR Cope, Dr. Trowbridge and JC Giesendors chose VP; Messrs J. Keeney, CH Bowen, JH Spence, E Wilson and JL Campbell appointed secs.  

Dr. Pierce proceeded to present in a forcible speech the importance of the enterprise. He said he was not prepared to say the road was abandoned – but thought it safest to treat it as abandoned – he was sorry that Indianapolis did not sympathize with us at the start – but is now satisfied that  they will raise $50,000 for us – he thinks subscriptions can be obtained along the line – now is the time to build the road – we now have high pressure, redundant money, high hopes and capital can be obtained, hence now is the time to strike – we can now get the right of way out of the city of Indianapolis and beyond the city better than before.

After the address of Dr. Pierce, the report of the committee appointed at the meeting of May 3rd was presented and adopted. Said report is as follows: The committee appointed May 3rd 1866 to report a plan for constructing a rr form Indianapolis via Cville to Danville, Ill submit the following:

1st The formation of a Company of at least 15 stockholders with a capital of at least $50,000 to constitute a body corporate according to the law of Indiana to be designated the Indianapolis, Crawfordsville & Danville RR Company.
2d. The appointment of a suitable committee to secure the transfer, to the Indianapolis, C’ville & Danvl RR Company of the subscription lists and other papers relating to the enterprise now in the hands of HC Lord.
3d. An addition to the present subscription, for donations, of at least 100,000 together with the right of way on the line already surveyed between the termini of the roa.d
4th. A preliminary subscription amounting to at least $3,000 made payable to the Directors of the IC&D RR in installments as they may deem necessary for the purpose of defraying all expenses incurred in inaugurating this enterprise; it being especially provided that the subscriptions thus made are included in the donations promised and so far as paid are to be credited on the donations of the several subscribers. All of which are respectfully submitted: JP Campbell; JC Campbell; JM Butler; V Q Irwin; Jas. Graham, Committee

JM Butler presented articles of association for the purpose of organizaing a RR Company. For the purpose of filling blanks, this paper was referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Graham; Butler; McClelland; Galvin; Trowbridge; Scarey; Ristine; Lowry; Cope; McDonald; Sangster; Wilson; McCarty; Holmes and Carlyle to report at 2 o’clock.
On motion, the delegates from the several counties were requested to form in their own counties committees to secure the increase in subscriptions. The following committee was appointed on behalf of Montgomery County: Lew Wallace, J. Guthrie, Jas. Graham, D. Harter, VQ Irsin, SC Willson, Robt. Beck, WK Wallace, SM Houston; JS Brown; TH Scott; RH Craig; James Nolan, JH Blair. The following committee was appointed to prepare an address for publication in the newspapers along the line: JW Blair; Lew Wallace; JL Campbell; A. Thompson; J. McMaony; J. Lingerman, Dr. Trowbridge. Recess until 2 o’clock.
2 o’clock – Convention met pursuant to adjournment. The report of the committee on the organization of the RR Company was presented and adopted. The following resolution, reported by the same

Resolved: That the Board of Directors be requested to adopt as the line of the Railroad, the line already surveyed and worked upon, westward from the west line of Marion County. After reading the articles of association, the subscription list was presented to the convention, whereupon $50,000, the amount necessary to perfect the organization, was immediately subscribed.
The stockholders retired to Col. Willson’s office and proceeded to elect a Board of Directors for the current year, consisting of the following persons: JR Cope of Hendricks; John Scarry, of Boone; David Harter, SC Willson, IC Elson, JS McClelland, VQ Irwin and James Graham of Montgomery; EH McDonald, WA Sanger and EC Wilcox of Fountain; John Adamson of Warren; Wm. P. Chandler, Vermillion, Illinois.

The Board of Directors elected the following officers:
Pres: SC Willson
Sec: David Harter
Treas: WA Sangster
Chief Engineer: JL Campbell
Exec Board: IC Elston; James Graham; D Harter, JS McClelland, VQ Irwin.

After an earnest address by Col. Willson, Pres of the IC&DRR on motion the proceedings of this meeting were requested to be published in the different papers along the line of the road.  On motion, a committee consisting of Sam’l C. Willson; IC Elston and JW Blair was appointed to receive the transfers from Mr. Lord. A unaminous vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Pierce, the presiding officer of the convention and on motion, convention adjourned.

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