ORHO club - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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ORHO club

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles
Members present: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peebles
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Peebles
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grey & Son
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Butler & daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Quigg
Supper at 7 p.m. consisting of oyster soup & trimmings
Social hours, consisting of interesting conversations and also were royally entertained by Mark Robert Gray who was acting physician for the evening and whose medicine gave quick results. He rightly deserved the name Doc given him by his patients The latter part of the evening was given over to some party plays “upstairs’ and the last order of business was selecting time, place and menu for next meeting.  

Pres – Lou; Treas – Ed; Sec – Haz. Guests – Mabel, Rozzie; Entertainment –  Blanche; Nina; Ola; Margaret
ORHO Source: From the collection of the Weliever family (thanks so very much to Mary Lou for sharing)  Dec 16, 1921
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Butler
It has been more than 7 years ago
We organized a Society
And called it ORHO
We have plenty to eat
And is easy to entertain
When a crowd so jolly
Do not stop for snow or rain
We have ice cream & cake
And strawberries in season
Should anyone feel ailing
You will likely know the reason
We eat fried oysters
And have them in soup
And have seen Uncle Herb
When he could hardly stoop
We did not use to eat turkey
Thought they roasted too high
But since Lester carves so neatly
We cannot let it pass by
At a meeting long time ago
Deciding what it would be
Up spoke our good friend Tommie
And said leave it to me
Here’s to the eats
Of which we have partaken
We can all say it was good
And not be mistaken
The cost may be high
But the pleasure is great
To eat ORHO Christmas dinner
With turkey on our plate.
‘Tis pleasant to meet
Twelve times a year
But tis the most pleasant
With all our Christmas cheer
Here’s to the new parents
Mr. and Mrs. S-t-e-w-a-r-T
who have a new son
To trot upon the knee
Here’s to our friend Everette
The Farm Bureau man
Who works on automobiles
whenever he can
And here’s to Lester M
The Shannondale mayor man
His wife says he works as fast
As his Fordson tractor can
Here’s  to the man and family
Who go by the name of Gray
Who works until six o’clock
To draw his yearly pay
Then there’s Merritt
Who is very much kinder
Since he invented a Tractor hitch
To put on his binder
And here’s to Uncle Herb
The Airdale Man
Who went on a fishing trip
To Urs. In a Sedan
Here’s to the man
Who’s the Fertilizer Guy
Who always does insist
Buffars Brown ? to buy
Here’s to the children and wives
The best in the land
And may our friendships
Together always stand
Here’s to the hoste & hostess
O be it we heard
We are grateful to you
For cooking this turkey bird

Source: Weliever family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing
Here’s to you all, and the hosts as well
I’m glad to be here more than tongue can tell.
The eats are good the toasts are fine
So I hope you will accept this one of mine.
And as a person disobeys then repents
This is to keep from paying fifty cnets … Edith Quigg

Source: Weliever family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing
The ORHO Society held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Butler last Saturday evening. Owing to the busy times the members wer elate in arriving so supper was next in order. Each person brought their suppers separately in sacks which were place on a table behind a curtain and each one had to fish one out to obtain his meal. This together with lemonade composed the refreshments of the evening. After supper, music and a general good time was enjoyed by all. Those present were Merritt Peebles & family; Herman Stewart and wife; Clifford Quigg and family; Roy Peebles and family; Herbert Peebles and wife and Claude Quigg and wife. All left at a late hour. Mr. and mrs. Harold Gray will have the next meeting on August 4th.

Source: Weliever family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing
To Mr. and Mrs. CA Quigg; Miss Edna LaFollette – Thorntown, Ind RR #1 Darlington Dec 16, 1940
‘Twill be four days before Xmas on Sat night
In the library basement you’ll see a light
So take the side entrance and join the rest
Your belts will soon be put to a test
The hour is six so be on time
And don’t forget your present for a dime

1924 – newspaper clipping Source: Weliever family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing
ORHO met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. JE Butler, Saturday night Dec 20 for the annual Christmas banquet all members being present. After the arrival of the guests the dining room doors were opened to display three tables, very pleasingly decorated with Christmas decorations and ladened with a bountiful spread of which two large turkeys displayed an important part. When the host had satisfied himself that no one present could be induced to eat another bite he turned the meeting over to Lester Morrison as toastmaster. Mr. Morrison called the roll in an original way using his well known poetical ability to describe each member in a manner quite amusing to all except the one being described. Each member responded with an original toast in verse. All were then invited to the parlor where a Christmas tree was witing with gifts for the children and for the usual exchange of present between members. This being the meeting for the annual election of officers HL Gray was elected president and JE Butler reelected sec-trea.s The remainder of the evening was spent in a social way all leaving at a late hour agreeing the 1924 banquet one of the very best.

ORHO - Source: Weliever family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing
Darlington Jan 6 1932 – The annual Christmas and New Years dinner of the ORHO was enjoyed last Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford QUigg east of Darlington. The members assembled around 6:30 o’clock and soon after were invited to the dining room where the long tables were beountifully filled with turkey and all the trimmings. For the first time one of the younger set acted as toastmistress. Miss Helen Peebles, daughter rof Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peebles introduced each member with a description of each that could not be mistaken. Clever, humorous and wittingly each introduction brought forth much cheering and fun which was answered with a toast. This is an exciting time as the comical side of each family is dealth with in one way or another as well as the serious. The club has been in existence since 1913, meeting at the homes on the average of once a month since the start. The organizers numbered nine. There was soon 18 and now 33. Peculiar in its ways and different from most clubs in its activities it leans more to the religious than the secular. Many games and diversions which are so prominent in other clubs are not permitted and it is believed this has had much to do with the length of its existence and the many happy occasions it has enjoyed through these many years. Concluding the toasts all repaired to the other part of the house where Marion Edward Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Butler entertained for some time with old time songs on his guitar and harmonica. After an exchange of presents from the Christmas tree the annual business meeting was called to order by the president, Merritt T. Peebles. During the business session a unanimous vote of thanks was extended to the host and hostess for the delightful evening. Claude Quigg was elected president for this coming year.  Mr. Merritt and Roy Peebles were elected vice president and J. Everett Butler, sec-treas. Much regret was expressed that Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stewart and Suzanne could not be present on account of sickness. Those present were the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford QUigg and Mildred; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peebles, Wallace, Lucile, Helen and Lester; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Quigg; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Butler, Louise, Charled, Edward and Catherine; Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Gray, Mark and Vrignia; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peebles; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morrison, Craig and Richard and Mr. and Mrs. Merritt T. Peebles and Mary.

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles
Last Sunday evening the members of the ORHO Society met near the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peebles and drove to the house taking Roy on surprise, it being his birthday. The ladies took well filled baskets and a bountiful dinner was served in dairy lunch style at the noon hour.  Various games and amusements were enjoyed throughout the day, Mr. Clifford Quigg being the photographer for the society wa son hands with his machine and took several views of the crowd in different positions. The guests left late in the evening after partaking of the contents of the baskets again, wishing Roy many more happy birthdays and voting him and his wife royal entertainers. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray and family; Claude Quigg and wife; Clifford Quigg and family; Merritt Peebles and family, Herber Peebles and wife; Herman Stewart and wife and Everett Butler & family.

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles
Darlington, June 22 – The ORHO Society held a call meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peebles on Tuesday evening, it being Mrs. Peebles’ birthday a surprise was planned on her which proved to be an absolute success. The members met at Merritt Peebles’ and motored down to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peebles’ and took Mrs. Peebles very much unaware. After the excitement was over the crowd got busy and froze four gallons of vanilla and strawberry ice cream. Music was rendered on a Victrola and general good time was had by all. We hope that Mr. Morrison and Mr. Gray will be present at the next meeting, Mr. Gray has been in NY for the past two months where he is employed by Crabbs, Reynolds & Taylor Co in installing the machinery in their new seed house at that place. He expects to return by July 1. Those present were Merritt Peebles and family; Clifford Quigg and family; Roy Peebles and family; Herman Stewart and wife and new Ford; Claude Quigg and wife and Everett Butler and family. On account of this surprise the next meeting will be at Everett Butlers July 7, instead of Hubert Peeples as formerly stated.,

Verse 4- handwritten – no year – At the present time we have a nice Society. We meet each month and sure we are a crowd full of glee
We talk and sing and there we eat our evening Diary lunch
Anyone could tell you quck we are a lively bunch
Verse 5- So here wer are the favored ones of ORHO
And proud to think we are the sort that sure makes it go
The hen picked man he dares not let his mustach to stay
But that won’t let him off for he has a fine to pay
Verse 6
Chief bouncer man hes a fights he is so very tall
And when he says it must not be we are dare to carol
Singing soup of dear old Highous? Always on the square
Till bouncer got excited there he should to them there.

ORHO Herman Stewarts Dec 16, 1927 – Christmas Meeting
Linking of events … Our lives are made up quite largely by Dreams, or Air Castles and many an encouragement has been the substance of some of our Dreams. In an Imaginary dream I find myself making a tour of our country, driving more or less aimlessly along enjoying the scenery and having the pleasure of meeting many people and making new friendships from among them.  AsI journeyed along I marveled at the improvement of folks who live out in God’s great open country. I found myself entering in an outstanding neighborhood from point of improvements an dup to date methods for farming and beautiful homes occupied by a most friendly group of folks whom very countenance shone with friendliness and good will.   My curiosity in my dream led me to decide to call upon each and every one of these folks, so I shut off the gas put on the brake and with a squeak made a most sudden stop at a modern home along a state highway where in adjoining fields and along the shaded banks of a small creek I saw numbers of nice, fat and sleek Angus cattle contentedly chewing their quid, and going up to the front door I glanced in at a handsome man of tall stature trying to cut out static on his Atwater Kent; and on questioning him found he was a champion Debater.
Lester M – Feeling assured I was in a land of people where I might pour out my tranvles ? I got my car again on its way after much persuasion and some adjustments I knew nothing about I crossed beautiful streams and was soon attracted to an outstanding farm, but was somewhat attracted by “No Hunting or Trespassing” adorning the hedge fence. I drove in and found I truly was in the vicinity of an order called (the ORHO) since I learned myself at home where founded and also found this fellow could soon repair my badly acting auto engine for are all corners I said Tractor, gas engines and threshing machines. Upon inquiry I found him to be the general Secretary of aforementioned sisters – JEB.
Hurrying on I proceeded on my way crossing small streams, and passed a silent city of the dead, I came in sight of a tall mansions standing back from the road and on reaching same his good wife reported him off hunting ducks but would soon return. Shortly he came in home with his Chevrolet well decorated with green heads and to my surprise found him to be a Radio fan and on entering the house first thing he did was to tune in his Grebe for some music.
H.E.S. – We now more on and as we drive along admirining nature and its beauty we find ourselves soon in the door yard of another home and on alighting from my car found myself entirely surrounded by German Police dogs. I simply stood still until the man of house appeared asking me if I wished to buy a dog. No, I answered I want some Poland China hogs alright he said only I am not at home only on Saturday.
LR Peebles – I soon left and continued a short distance and was induced to stop at the next house and to my utter surprise found myself again surrounded by a pack of hounds and to this lamp ? a story for I soon learned to my astonishment that these hounds were trained almost alike into impossibilities. For, I learned from the owner they were capable of treeing anything from a mouse to a Hydraulic Rain. Let the owner tell his own story.
HHP – Having had enough of dogs I proceeded on and roads were so smooth almost thought I was flying and could hardly account for it, but soon found out for came to a nice little home and work long up two weeks ahead of time buildings all up in good shape but only which had been removed from its foundation. On questioning found out this amounted for those good roads.
MTP – As my dream continued I found myself at the close of a day and being prepared to camp stopped when I came to a woodland and pitched my tent; although it was dark. Being along a State Highway and anxious to put in another full day, I awakened about 3:30 a.m. and to my surprise saw a light in a barn. To satisfy my curiosity I sauntered forth and which when I came to it saw something resembling a tall monument, but proved to be a cement silo; while looking at this I heard noises similar to static on a radio and stepping inside there stood a long row of Holsteins and the static I heard was the constant swish, swish of milk entering the milk pail. By questioning I found this was the man who furnished “Baby Milk” for a nearby city.
CEQ – Going back to camp I proceeded to break camp and move on. After driving a short time found I was entering a small town with one large elevator; and being interested in grain I thought I would see what I could find out, drove up just as the proprietor was opening up for the days business. I was attracted by signs all around which read, “Feeds and Seeds to meet your needs.”  The manager a young auburn haired heavy set man I found to be a most interesting bit of human nature and insisted of me finding out anything he turned the tables and began asking all kinds of question regarding crop conditions.
ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history
Fifth meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peebles. Members present: Mr. and Mrs. Everette Butler & daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Peebles. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peebles & children. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stewart.  Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Quigg. Supper at 7:00 p.m. consisting of baked beans, cocoa, pickles, crackers, pie and then more if you wanted it. Following supper toasts were given led by Harold Gray and then appropriate Valentines were given to the gentlemen who were compelled to read their fate before the audience. Then following came a ring around to a music march by which pardners (sic) were secured and the lady’s choice was given a designated color of ribbon bow who in turn found her valentine swining by same color of ribbon and on bended knee facing his partner he read the fate of his future to her. A continued story of a trip to the county Fair was written by all present in chapters which gave a very interesting account of such a trip.  The latter part of the evening was given over to some party plays “upstairs” and the last order of business was selecting time, place and menu for next meeting.
Most of the invitation and notation regarding the ORHO were in poetic form as per below – (from the Weliever family collection – thanks muches to Mary Lou for sharing this great history)
Our annual Banquet is here once more
With goodies to eat and presents in store
None are old, we all look with glee
At the ever, Welcome, Christmas Tree.”
ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history
The next meeting place to be at L.R. Peebles sugar camp at a called notice Menu- Roast chicken, potatoes, boiled eggs, etc. To be continued at next meeting.  Will up to suit yourself.  These are just some of the actual facts.  By order of President ORHO Society. I hereunto affix my hand & seal. CA Quigg – my commissions expire whenever the Society sees fit to do so.
A guessing contest was given by fictitious names and a biography was written which was throught to be suitable for that person. In another congest for finding the most number of hearts and threaded or a thread, was won by Mrs. Herbert Peebles & Mrs. G. and Clifford Quigg and Mrs. Blanche Peebles found the least number therefore the winners and losers were to entertain the crowd which they did by handing out more appropriate valentines.  
On the evening of the 22nd of this month you know
There will be a banquet of the ORHO.
Come at six o’clock prompt don’t bring evena plate
If you come after that you are bound to be late.
Bring with you some poetry or better a toast
For that is the wish of the hostess and host.
The supper will consist of “Leave it to me.”
If you don’t know what that isi come early and see.
Lou & Merritt
The table was laden, good things to eat
But the Beuatiful Tree to all is also a treat.
The past year brought joys and sorrows as well
and within us our heart seem to swell
When we think of our blessings how bountiful they are
And like the wise men let our guide be the star
That led them where the Christ child lay
And, through him our blessing come today.
So here’s to you all, Best of all the earth
For your friendship I cherish, a fortune ‘tis worth!

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles
Dec 18th you know is the date
For the OR Turkey Banquet be not late
At 6:30 o’clock Mary, Merrit and Lou
Wish you to be seated and ready to chew
Be sure of your toasts, ladies and gents
You must respond or pay fifty cents
Table service and presents for tree are required
Give hand shadke at the door or be fired … The Butlers

ORHO Turkey Feast
The ORHO Society held their annual turkey feast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stewart, four miles southeast of Darlington on Saturday evening Dec 20. The members were all instructed to come early, which they did and when they were seated at a table laden with a big fat turkey and all the fixins which had been prepared by Mrs. Stewart assisted by Mrs. Everett Butler it was not very hard to tell by the expressions on the faces of those seated that it was pleasing to the eye as well as pheasant to taste. Lester Morrison manipulated the carving knife and Mrs. and Mrs. Herman Peebles assisted in serving plates. No complaints were heard except from Merritt Peebles who drew a wing bone and he almost flew to pieces, but on a second help was favored some so he soon was in a good humor. The last course consisted of brick ice cream and cake and some extra icing thrown in. After the financial needs were looked into the remainder of the evening was spent in being around the old fire place with a blazing hot fire, spinning yarns, recalling days gone by and listening to music furnished by Herman’s new Edison. The only near accident to happen during the evening was when Harold Gray got too warm and narrowly escaped a sick spell but soon recovered and was able to enjoy the remainder of the evening. These meetings have ben held each month for almost five years and are most enjoyable times. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Butler and son Marion Edward; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morrison and son, Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Claude QUigg; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peebles and children; Wallace, Lucile and Heln; Mr. and Mrs. CA Quigg and daughter, Mildred; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peebles; Mr. and Mrs. MT Peebles and daughter, Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray and son Mark Robert. Next meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Quigg Jan 17… a guest.

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles
Two years ago on Halloween, 8 young married couples met with Evertt Butler’s to plan and establish bylaws and constitutions for the organization now known as the ORHO. Since that time the society has met at least once a month with someone of the members. So on Tuesday night the crowd met with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peebles to celebrate their second anniversary. While all were busy enjoying a warm conversation, the hostess appeared with two suit cases and umbrellas and in each suitcase there was a pair of rubbers and gloves. She then announced that the one who could put the outfit on go into the other room and return with the attirement properly replaced in the suitcase in the shortest time would get a prize. Mrs. Harold Gray was the winner. The guests were then invited into the parlor and seated for lunch. The room was decorated in keeping with the evening. Refreshments of pumpkin pie, doughtnuts, coffee, milk and cider were served. After supper was over, Roy and Merritt Peebles gave an entertainment by casting shadows on a sheet. Adjournment came at a late hour after each had assured Mr. and Mrs. Peebles of their delightful time. All members were present except Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stewart.
ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles
Dear ORHO – 12-15-30
There’s a feeling of Christmas in the air! We’re looking for company, I declare!  
We hope you’re going to eat a plenty
On the evening of December 20.
Bring service for selves and a ten cent gift
If we can’t find a tree, we’ll use a makeshift,
So come about six, as near as your able
To put your feet again under our table.
Bring: Table Service.  Toasts – Seniors – same as usual – Juniors -Music receitation or what have you
Gift for Tree
Food – Spread (not bed) … Claude & Nina

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles
Dear ORHO’s (Feb 8, 1928)
Just to remind you that you have a date for Sat. eve. Please bring a pie. Don’t get stuck in the mud!  Thee be sure to come.  Your in-laws, Claude & Nina

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles
Crawfordsville, Ind Dec 12, / 25
Dear Friends
Come, come ye ORHOs
December the 29th the knows
Come ye with a joyous toast
A happy Xmas present and
A smile for the turkey roast., Yours truly, Mr. and Mrs A H Peebles

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history – Nov 27, 1915
Second meeting held at home of Mr. and Mrs. LR Peebles
ORHO Dec 19, 1931
We are gathered here
with a world of good cheer
To mingle with friends
At the close of another year
We’ve seen many changes
Of this and of that
But not much change
In the way we chat.
We have less money
And buy few clothes,
But yet we are happy
Amongst all our woes
So let’s be happy
And sing a merry song
And trust this condition
Will not last so long
So here’s to the ORS
So faithful, trie and true
Who bright up our spirit
When we’re feeling blue … Edith Quigg
Another one from him …
I wis I were a Poet,
So that I might write,
Of the good I see in others
Oh! What a wonderful sight.
I can see a helping hand
From friends so tried and true
I can see a brighter future
With a distant golden hue.
Their smiles left the burdens
Of a weary downcast soul
Their words a lasting comfort
As billows around me roll.
Our friendships are our fortunes,
To spend here on earth below
And no better friendships exist
Than among the ORHO.

And daughter Mildred wrote this
I love the friends of the ORHO
And the welcome home to where we go,
It helps us continue day after day
At an unpleasant job, that shows us the way
To have our aim toward a very high prize
Wich waits for us in yonder skies
And when we part to meet above,
May the fire from our hearts still burn with love!

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at historyCrawfodsville Ind, 305 Dubois Street Dec 1931(post card)
In tree form – Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle down to Grays. Come at six between or betwixt, the 19th is the day. Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells .. here to play. A speech, a toast for the roast. You know know the way. ORHO. The Grays

ORHO – from Weliver family papers – thanks so much to Mary Lou for sharing this interesting look at history
Next Sunday the 13th is the chosen day
Come first to the home of HL Gray,
You must be present not later than nine,
Wear your old clothes for we’re out for a time
Bring well filled baskets and Sunday School books,
For we will have Sunday School in spite of our looks,
Bring horse shoes and stakes, bat and ball,
For the place we are going there’s be room for all,
Then over the hills and thru the lot
We’ll drive our cars to the chosen spot. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gray ORHO

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