O'Neil, annie - tries suicide - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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O'Neil, annie - tries suicide

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Saturday 24 June 1893

Several weeks ago Roland Kyle, the popular valet de chambre at Insley & Darnall’s livery stable, led the beautiful and blushing Annie O’Neil to the altar of hymen and bowing with her under a canopy of roses swore to love and cherish her forever and ever. This was all very beautiful but when Annie failed to fry the potatoes according to the Delmonico style to which Roland was accustomed and persisted in mixing the daily beer with nasty coffee it grew too much for the nerve and plighted troth of rude Roland. He kicked the chairs over, and the other evening he and Annie had a boisterous and wildly woolly time in their fashionable apartments in the old post office building. This was more than Roland could stand, being naturally retiring and sensitive, and he packed his trunk and left for pastures new. Annie called at the stable and in her choice and select language invited him to return to her loving embraces. Roland smiled, and, giving the horse he was currying a sly kick in the ribs, stated that he was satisfied to leave things as they were. He flatly refused to return and Annie took the desertion greatly to heart.
This afternoon she went down to Smith & Myers’ Drug Store and bought of Billy Coleman, the suicide’s friend, a dime’s worth of morphine. She then repaired to her couch and calling in Em Hoshwinder and another beauty who occupies adjourning quarters, she bade them a touching farewell and swallowed the deadly drug with a gulp that shook the pictures on the wall. She was soon in a comatose condition and after Em and her friend had watched the workings of the poison to their satisfaction, they called in Dr. Gott who arrived about 2:30 o’clock and at 2:33 had Annie disgorging in a most satisfactory manner.
At 3:30 she is pronounced comparatively out of danger and will in all probability live to welcome the repentant Roland with open arms and a lavish growler. - thanks to S for typing this article

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