Kincaid - Frank what marital troubles - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Kincaid - Frank what marital troubles

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal
Thursday, 25 May 1893 Edition

Frank Kincaid lives on the farm of Jonathan Nutt, southwest of the city and until yesterday afternoon his wife lived with him. Yesterday noon Kincaid came in from the fields and found his wife engaged in making him a shirt. It was tried on and after dinner he returned to his work accompanied by an eight year old orphan lad whom they were raising. It is not known whether or not Kincaid and his wife had a quarrel at noon but subsequent happenings seem to indicate that such was the case. Along in the afternoon Kincaid’s seven year old daughter came to him in the field stating that her mother had sent her out to stay.
When Kincaid and the children returned to the house in the evening they found it unoccupied. Mrs. Kincaid was gone together with her clothes and a lot of woolen goods recently purchased at the Yount Mills. Kincaid came to town and ascertained that she had drawn $50 from the bank. Then an ugly explanation of the affair was suggested. It was charged that she had eloped with George Largent, a hand who formerly worked for Kincaid and who has recently returned from the West. He had been observed hanging around Kincaid’s place lately by the neighbors and his actions had caused much gossip among the neighbors.
Kincaid ascertained at the station that a man answering Largent’s description had yesterday afternoon checked a new trunk to a point in Iowa where Mrs. Kincaid has relatives. This but confirmed the elopement theory. Mrs. Kincaid was seen on the streets here at 6 o’clock this morning and the police are busily engaged in searching for her. It is generally thought, however, that she has left town.   She is the daughter of John Eshelman, a well-to-do and reputable farmer living near New Richmond.
Kincaid left for the West today determined to find the runaways. He is much broken up over the affair and declared that he would kill Largent on sight.
(Eva Eshelman Kincaid)

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday 26 May 1893

Mrs. Frank Kincaid has been found. Her husband returned from New Richmond last night and found her at home. She stated that she had been to Indianapolis on business.

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Monday, 29 May 1893

Frank Kincaid has separated from his wife. Her recent bad break in starting away from home and then returning was too much for him. During her absence the neighbors unburdened their bosoms to him and related all the suspicious actions of Mrs. Kincaid and Largent. Mrs. Kincaid upon her return failed to return satisfactory answers to his questions so he took her home to her father, John Eshelman, of Coal Creek Township. Divorce proceedings will doubtless be instituted.

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