Kersey, Stephen G - sued breach promise - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Kersey, Stephen G - sued breach promise

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Monday, 9 January 1893

Steven G. Kersey is a member of the popular drug firm of Kersey & Booher at Darlington, and is one of the best known young business men in the county. He is quite popular and has had full swing at Darlington and the region round about.
For two or three months there have been rumors to the effect that all was not well with him and Miss Ida Durham, a young woman of the town to whom Mr. Kersey was known to pay attention. Miss Durham was hardly in Mr. Kersey’s social swim and it was a matter of great surprise when it was reported on the authority of the young woman that they were engaged to be married. Then came the rumors of war. The Durham girl had a miscarriage and claimed that the father of the child was Mr. Kersey. She threatened to sue him but he came to the front and it was currently reported had squared the affair for a cash consideration. The talk had nearly died out when Miss Durham now comes to this city, employs Wright & Sellar and enters suit against Mr. Kersey for $5,000 for breach of promise. She avers in her complaint that Steve was once very loving and attentive and nothing seemed to give him so much joy as to hold her lily hand and whisper sweet nothings in her ear until the man in the moon maddened by jealousy hid behind a cloud. Steve’s arm would sometimes steal around her wasp like waist and in the very ecstasy of love he would imprint about 47 burning kisses upon her cherry lips.

This sort of monkey business went on for some time and finally Steve seemed to tire of it. Ida was in an interesting condition and the aid of a doctor was called in by the father and an abortion was performed. Then Steve refused to marry her. She entreated and he still refused. She bridled up and threatened to sue him and he quickly came to time and renewed his old oaths and pledges. He seemed in no hurry to fulfill them, however, and constantly put her off with one excuse or another. Finally after waiting several months, Ida became impatient and employing Wright & Sellar sued for $5,000 damages.

Mr. Kersey has as yet made no reply but one will be awaited with peculiar interest by his many acquaintances and friends.

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