GAR - Grand Army of the Republic - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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GAR - Grand Army of the Republic

Source: Indianapolis Journal Mon 21 Jan 1895 p 2

Pawnee, Ind Jan 20 – In Scott Township, Montgomery County, John Coschow Post No 513 of the department of Indiana GAR was organized Aug 5, 1887 with 11 charter members: Logan Stanley; PJ Johnson; JN Couchman; SL Janes; Alvin McLaughlin; James M. Vancleave; HC Browning, Jonathan McMurtry; JM Quinley; Abraham Fink and John T. Harrell.. They now have a working membership of 27. In the quiet old village of Parkersburg stands a beautiful and commodious hall which they have bought and dedicated as their home. The post will hold this property as long as any of the members live, when it will pass to the junior organization, the Sons of Veterans. This is one of the few GAR posts that have so wisely provided for themselves a home and by so doing they are drawing from other organizations. They invite the rich and poor alike and no one who has been honorably discharged will be excluded from this order. Those who have been excluded from other posts because they are disabled and are unable to pay their dues are especially welcomed to all the privileges of this lodge. Every veteran who casts his lot with this post will find a perfect organization, a permanent home and place of meeting and a hearty welcome. - kbz

GAR Posts (thanks so much to Grand Army of the Republic Posts of the Department of Indiana) -
I knew of THREE GAR posts in our county until I found this nifty site - we had NINE actually in Montgomery - this site tells you the #, Name where it was and the years it existed - it is one awesome site - so if you need some CW fodder, here ya' go - only takes a minutes to peruse 100 at a time of 500 + - I just scrolled, looking for my three counties - only knew of two in Putnam - there were six and in Fountain no clue how many - 5 of those so putting those on the sites next time we load some goodies up :)) ENJOY

Montgomery County Posts – GAR
#7     McPherson        Crawfordsville 1879-1936 +
#24    Abe Lincoln     Mace 1880-1914
#245   Steadman                    Whitlock 1883-1914
#273   Bruce      Ladoga 1883-1918
#343    Waynetown      Waynetown 1884-1902
#423    Garland      Waveland 1885-1917
#437     R.C. Kise      Darlington 1886-1916
#449    Henry Howard      New Ross 1886-1899
#513     John Coshow      Parkersburg 1887-1927         

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