Elmore - James B _Bard - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Elmore - James B _Bard

Source: Ft. Wayne Sentinel Fri 24 April 1903 p 4

If culture as she is cultivated at Wabash College was exemplified in the riot which took place in the Crawfordsville opera house the other night, when a large party of students pelted with eggs and old vegetables an eccentric lecturer, then the state of Indiana has plenty of the brand. The victim of the attack was James B. Elmore of Montgomery County better known as the “Bard of Alamo.”  He writes rhyme which he earnestly believes is poetry.  All the mild newspaper chaffing bestowed upon him he has taken seriously, with never a suspicion that his Pegasus may be a bit spavined.  He was lecturing on “Pure Literature” when the outbreak occurred. While he is what Josh Billings would term an “amusin’ cuss,” he is entirely harmless, the soul of good nature and takes his own aspirations and endeavors with profound seriousness. The Wabash students who engaged in the disgraceful riot have launched the odium of their conduct on their alma mater and upon themselves. They should be punished as common rioters.

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