Cary - looks for lost son - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Cary - looks for lost son

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Monday, 6 August 1894
L. H. Cary and wife, of Bloomington, Ill., were in this city during July on the hunt of traces of a lost son. They have been here before, in fact, several times during the past twenty years. Their son, aged five years, was sent to this city to visit his grandparents, and while here, he suddenly disappeared, and all efforts to even get a trace of him were fruitless. The parents were satisfied that their son had been kidnapped, and a close watch was kept for the least clue to his whereabouts.  All gypsy caverns were closely inspected and considerable money spent in conducting the search. Mr. Cary disposed of his property and used a large sum of this money in searching for his boy. He would at times obtain a clue to his boy and was positive that he was not dead. He went all through the west several times, and when his means were exhausted he abandoned the search, but not hope. In a few years after the boy was missed, it was learned that he was in the south, but this clue finally vanished. Finally he learned that a young man named Cary was living at Indianapolis and upon going there he found out that he had gone to Tipton. At Tipton it was ascertained that Cary had taught there in the city schools and had told that he was an orphan. From Tipton the young man had gone to some point in Illinois, and the parents are sure that he is their missing son, and they have gone out to hunt him up

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