(Rev) EL Prather -- in trouble
Source: Crawfordsville Review 4 Sept 1897 p 1
Rev. EL Prather fills the pulpit of the Baptist Churches at Waveland and Brown’s Valley. Concerning him the Waveland Independent of last week says: “Rev. Prather came here from Arkansas an entire stranger and made such a good impression that he was at once called to the pastorate to the two churches. He proved an energetic, popular and successful pastor and many were added to the membership of the churches. But some time since damaging rumors about him got into circulation which some of the brethren set about investigating. The result of this investigation is absolutely astounding there being allegations of the grossest immorality coming from different sources. The evidence shows one of three things conclusively: either that the man has been most terribly maligned (and we sincerely hope this may prove to be the true explanation); or he is an irresponsible sexual pervert or a villain of the deepest dye. Rev. Prather bitterly denies each and every accusation. He says he can refute every charge and asks for a full investigation. It is understood that he has already begun suit against a man in Kansas who sent one of the damaging letters and will prosecute him for sending obscene matter through the mails.”