Gravelly Run
Source: 140 Years of Darlington Community History
The Gravelly Run Centennial celebration held in 1942 was to commemorate the locating of the gravelly Run Meeting at the present site. The large gathering bore witness to pleasant associations with the church and the community. It included many grandchildren and great grandchildren of those early active members. One who served Gravelly Run in the years close to 1950 was Lorton Heusel. He has advanced and attained the office of General Sec of Friends United Meeting.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 Feb 1890 p 6
Gravelly Run – This neighborhood was settled by the Friends about the year 1832. Timothy Johnson, Lemuel Butler Micajah Peebles being the first settlers, also Samuel Binford of Crawfordsville (who was once a resident of this place). It was by their faithfulness in their generations and their sons in later years that the neighborhood has been in a flourishing condition. For over 55 years church has been continued at this place; winter and summer, rain or shine, twice a week. Church each Sabbath, also church on Wednesday and prayer meeting in the evenings. Of the oldest settlers, only James and Jos. Johnson, Mahlon and Pleasant Butler are left of the many whose faces we were wont to meet in other days.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 16 March 1904 p 4
We mourn the departure of one of Montgomery County’s most respected and substantial citizens. Mahlon Butler, son of Lemuel and Jane Butler, was born in Dinwoody County, Virginia Jan 3, 1821. With his parents he came to this state when six months old, and to this county in the year 1834. In 1850 he was united in marriage to Eunice M. Lace to which union were born five children, all of whom with the exception of the youngest son, Charles E. Butler, have preceded him to the better world, together with the wife and mother, who departed this life June 25, 1902.
Mr. Butler was one of the pioneer settlers of this county. Coming while yet the country was an almost unbroken wilderness he learned in the academy of experience the toils and hardships incident in pioneer life and by his labors won from the wilderness one of the best farms in the county. He was known widely as an industrious hard working, self reliant man of excellent judgement and above all of eminent piety.
He held a birthright membership in the Friends Church and for fifty years was an elder in that organization to all the duties of which he was faithful unto death. As a father, a husband, a citizen and neighbor his memory is blessed and his name is sweet on every tongue. He had no enemies. Honorable and upright in all his dealings, he excited not like cupidity or animonisty of less honorable men but all classes and conditions respected and admired him. In his presence the habitually unrestrained tongue was tamed and his simple presence was a rebuke to evil thinking.
Mr. Butler had often been called to pass through the valley and drink of the waters of Marah. One by one he had bidden farewell to the members of his family, daughters, son and wife, and though ever the same after the departure of his gentle companion, his soul was not embittered, nor his sublime faith shaken. In his declining years he was tenderly cared for by his devoted son, who remained constantly by him to the end.
Mr. Butler was stricken with paralysis Tuesday evening March 1. He felt the attack approaching and was led to a chair by his kinswomen and housekeeper who perceived his illness. His mind seemed to be reaching out to the things beyond and he joyously remarked, “How sweet the birds sing. How happy they seem to be, and they are happy for the long winter is passed.” As a matter of fact the day was not unusually bright nor the song of the birds unusually sweet but there was a song in his soul that communicated itself to things of earth and the light that never was on sea or land alone in his heart to glorify the commonplace as earth receded from his mortal gaze. He soon lapsed into unconsciousness from which he was not aroused till he passed away on the evening of March 5, 1904. His life lived so perfectly in favor with God and man reached the rare age of 83 years two months and one day. His going is as one who retiree to __ at the close of a long and advanced day of labor. The night has come. May his rest be sweet till the eternal morning. Blessed are the dead who idle in the Lord from henceforth, yea, saith the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them.
April 17, 1925 Gravelly Run Daily-Weekly Issued Yearly Volume 20 – Number One – Established 1905
All communications received in person or by radio.
Copyrights reserved and may be used by permission. Ad-rates on
application. LRP Ed& Mgr. CAQ – Mgr & Ed.
We very much doubt if there is a similar publication which has continued through periods of prosperity, panics, war periods, drouths and wet crop seasons. We have weathered a period of history since our first publication, which records some interesting bits of reading matter.
We very much doubt if there is a similar publication which has continued through periods of prosperity, panics, war periods, drouths and wet crop seasons. We have weathered a period of history since our first publication, which records some interesting bits of reading matter.
Starting in the old frame school house, seeing it
discontinued, a new consolidated building in 1909, and now on the eve of a new
adventure in schooling our children. We
remember where boys and girls walked and waded to school with boots and shoes
well coated with tallow in place of overshoes. This was followed by home-drawn
hacks to haul the school children.
Later came the famous Ford school buses which quickly convey
them to school door – might be unamerican to see the time when they will spin
through air to receive their share of education, but such a thing is possible.
Science tells us sometime in the future men will be able to
take from the open heavesn all words ever spoken by human being and with that
thought in mind we will be very careful in what we say in this our annual
Therefore as your names are referred to we (hope to please
you heavens is come adventures). Say if we please you tell then if not tell no,
we would beg to change and say if you are pleased tell us, and if not tell
others. Our reasons for this is due to our infirmities of old age; we dn’t want
coals of fire heaped on our glad heads.
We plead with you personally and collectively to bear with
us through this trying ordeal.
It has and will be our aim to please everyone, we will not
give premium (?) give and list effects to its success.
We therefore submit for your approval or condemnations the
contents of this “paper after an honest effort to please you.
A is for Abbott - Our chairman in 1923
Who is busy farming and caring for children three
B- is for Butler as busy as can be When he goes to farming
Makes his Avery pull plows three
A is for Abbott - Our chairman in 1923
Who is busy farming and caring for children three
B- is for Butler as busy as can be When he goes to farming
Makes his Avery pull plows three
C – is for Cohee the man on the creek
Who farms his land well
And blacksmith till he’s weak
Who farms his land well
And blacksmith till he’s weak
D is for Damon a young man bold
Who calls on a young lady in this neighborhood we’re told
Who calls on a young lady in this neighborhood we’re told
E is for Earl – that’s the professors name
Who teaches the school and kindles the flame
F – is for Farmers the bald headed men we know
Who works on a schedule and not very slow.
Who works on a schedule and not very slow.
G – is for Gravelly Run a small church but dear to us all
‘Twas here we first studied the Bible and from here we hope to go when we answer the last call
‘Twas here we first studied the Bible and from here we hope to go when we answer the last call
H – is for Herbert the jolly man up East
Who works his steel mule to save his beasts
Who works his steel mule to save his beasts
I – is for Independence the thing we all adore
And if we make lots of money we always want some more
And if we make lots of money we always want some more
J – is for Jessie who this year graduates from DHS
And where she sings for us always does her best
And where she sings for us always does her best
K – is for kitten a very young cat
Where dimsped ? cut on the road Don’t know where he is at
L – is for LR the fertizer man
Who travels all around and sells all he can
Who travels all around and sells all he can
M – is for Mullen and for Martins too
Their families furnish music for meetings at Highview
Their families furnish music for meetings at Highview
N – is for Noel the chicken man we all know
Who makes his hens lay by electric light glow.
Who makes his hens lay by electric light glow.
O – is for Orville the man from the West
Who came to do LR’s plowing So that he could rest
Who came to do LR’s plowing So that he could rest
P – is for Peebles of which there are quite a few
When it comes to eating – they like a big stew
When it comes to eating – they like a big stew
Q – is for Quigg and Quaker too
The Quakers settled here about the year 1832.
The Quakers settled here about the year 1832.
R – is for Radio by which we receive news
Can stay at home to hear a sermon that will drive away the blues
Can stay at home to hear a sermon that will drive away the blues
S – is for Smiths and for Selfs too
Both live on the creek and have lots of fishing to do
Both live on the creek and have lots of fishing to do
T – is for Tommy who is a hustling lad
But if he cant beat all his neighbors it certainly makes him mad.
But if he cant beat all his neighbors it certainly makes him mad.
U – is for us all who make up High View
Lets all boast for the community club
And do all each one can do
And do all each one can do
V is for Vannice the hog feeding man
Feeds them Colembran and makes them eat all they can
Feeds them Colembran and makes them eat all they can
W is for Warren and Williamson too
With out their help what could the community club do
With out their help what could the community club do
X – is for Christmas that comes in winter time
But since ice cream is served in April it’s Spring time for mine
But since ice cream is served in April it’s Spring time for mine
Y - is for yearly
where this paper does appear
Will celebrate our 20th anniversary in just one more year.
Will celebrate our 20th anniversary in just one more year.
Z – is the last word And not very often used
So will not say much for fear it is abused.
So will not say much for fear it is abused.
Artie Martin had been troubled very much with corns so she
bought some well advertised corn plasters and soon sent in the following
testimonial, “Your corn plasters did not give me any relief. I only took one
and that was so tough I could hardly chew it.”
Bertha Quigg always has been very fond of jokes, but is
absolutely down on anecdotes.
Henry Ford will soon establish a new branch assembly plant
in order to furnish Lawrence Vannice a new car anytime he wishes one.
Recently at school Mr Barger asked the following arithmetic
problem: “If I cut a beefsteak in two and then cut the halves in two what do I
get? “Qarters” replied Loise
Butler. Good, and then again? “Eights” Correct, again? Sixteenths.
Exactly and what then?
“Thirty-seconds.” And once
more? Hamburger, cried Louise.
Herman Smith asked his mother how long girls should be loved and she told him the same as short ones.
Herman Smith asked his mother how long girls should be loved and she told him the same as short ones.
Fools are not all dead yet, most of them are not even sick.
Bachelors are men who failed to embrace their opportunities.
Flappers care not what time it is just so it is a good time.
Flappers care not what time it is just so it is a good time.
Merritt Peebles has always been looked upon as a very enterprising farmer keeping things handy. His motto has been “A place for everything and everything in its place,” but he would like to know where is the right place for a boil?
Merritt Peebles has always been looked upon as a very enterprising farmer keeping things handy. His motto has been “A place for everything and everything in its place,” but he would like to know where is the right place for a boil?
Clint Barley reports he has his
garden planted so his wife’s chickens will have some place to scratch.
Ruth Pickering says it will not
be in style for warm weather but she wants to continue wearing her “Boots.”
Mabel Mullen says she never
desired to enter politics but if she ever ran for office it would be for
Albert’s Mullen when she gets to
keeping house will always keep on hands some concentrated lye, when asked what
brand said it would be Lewis Lye.
A.D. Peebles has for sale plenty
of peach sprouts, either for setting out or for home use. Kids beware.
For Sale: Booking orders for annual sweet clover
seed. Guaranteed pure with high
germinating test. Cannot kill it out.
Fine shade for hogs and frogs. Full direction with each among sold.
Prices on application as market fluctuates frequently. Phone, write or call JE Butler, E Highview
Mrs. Thelma Warren says she
finds housekeeping such an easy task that she has plenty of time to help Pete
with his farm work.
Wouldn’t it look funny to see
Frank Paddack and Herman Francis wearing wigs?
In conversation with Les (Leo?)
Flaningan he says he has found but one fault with his new Fordson and it was
that it will not stop when you say whoa!
A most exciting and momentus
meeting of the patrons of High View was held last week to decide if High View School
was to be or not to be. Jr. Butler “subsided in the chair in his usual
efficient manner. Various members
together with Trustee Woody who was present – tried by strong winds of oratory
to blow the undecided members off the fence. Harry Wheeler read pleasing
selections from Shakespeare to vary the monotony. Ballots were distributed for
a secret ballot on the proposition under consideration. This shook all undecided members off the top
rail of the fence of doubt. But all seemed to light with out injury except
wounded feelings.
Election clerks were chosen and
ballots counted. The clerks had a hard time tabulating votes owing to
scratching of ballots but were finally able to announce High View winners
(worries?) by a margin of 3 votes.
Harry Wheeler finished the
program with further gems from Shakespeare and gave one of his famous Wm. J.
Bryan Speeches on a subject he has specialized in for years. The subject of his
remarks was “She”
It is reported Harry Wheeler and
Bill Peck immediately recovered from a 10 day illness when ballots were
counted. It is also reported Jr. Butler and Merrett Peebles have been under the
Drs care ever since.
“Our Information Department” –
Adam was the first radio fan. He made a loud speaker out of his spare
Scientists say that 90 per cent
of the girls who marry are working girls. It is common knowledge that 100% of
the girls who marry are working men.
It’s no crime to beat your wife
up in the morning.
The fussiest man we know of sold
his lot in a cemetery because they buried a man who had died of a contagious
disease too near it.
A hearse is a poor vehicle in which to ride to church. Why wait for it?
An Irish philosopher says the trouble with some men is they can’t
believe half the lies they tell.
A man who does nothing can never finish his job. There’s too much of it
to do.
Appearances would indicate few men get enough beauty sleep.
Henry Ford is a wonderful man. He has the making of another Lincoln
always in mind.
A garage man may have to work hard – but he all ways has the jack.
The “shingle bob” probably got the name from being so close to the wood.
The old-fashioned girl used to stay home when she had nothing to wear.
Pete Warren said if when the crowd went in and chiravaried them that if
anyone besides his mother-in-law had sown up his overalls he sure would have
been very angry.
Horace to Morris – Mose why are you so sure that your girl will accept
your proposal? – Well, she insists on us occupying only one chair and – that’s
enough boy – she is on the last lap.
From the amount of time Wallace Peebles spends around the South
Christian Parsonage in Darlington we feel sure he must be considering the
Marion Edwqards – “Pap what is an echo?”
Everette – an echo my son is the only thing that can prevent a woman
from having the last word.
Leslie Edwards said that while he may not have a “little Fairy” in his
home, he did have a little miss in his engine and a little “made” in his
Harry Wheeler says if you want the bread man to deliver bread to your
kitchen door just invite your sister-in-law for a visit.
Our reporter was just tipped off to the fact by Dr. Peacock that it
costs Jr. Butler a $1- doctor bill to get his wife ears back in place on
account of her smiling too big when she took her first ride in the new Overland
Mr. Barger to Norman Coddle ? Cohe? Cooke? Please stand up and tell us how many sexes
there are – Norman – Male sex, female sex and insects.
Said the shoe to the stocking – I’ll rub a hole in you. Said the stocking to the shoe “I’ll be darned
if you do!”
Elsie Hitch says she has no apologies to offer for her Sunday night
caller staying so late only it’s a hard road to find back to Balhinch and owing
to his youth she is afraid to send him home till day light.
Ruth Martin seems to have decided she would prefer a farmers life to
being in the restaurant business.
It makes no different to Louise Butler how short her friends are so the
name is Long.
Lucile Peebles when she goes shopping says it is a very good rule to
always find out the Price.
Merritt Peebles and Morris Quigg are now booking sales for fall. Their
success at the sale of Mr. and Mrs. Aben Abbott was so great that folks are
clamoring for their services.
At school Damon Francis was asked what pasteurized milk was and he
answered, “It is milk from cows that have been out on pasture.
The ladies at Abbotts sale got so excited bidding that they paid awful
prices for some of the bargains.
Due to continued rush of traffic thereon over to our main highway from
the Detour sign south of Harve Smiths, the State Highway Commission has seen
fit to establish an Infiromation Bureau and has placed Mrs. Hazel Peebles in
Horace Quigg says of all the months of the whole year he has after
several years experience decided that it certain is Jime?
Eva Moore has decided that by telling any young man to “wait a minute”
he undoubtedly will become the man of thee hour!
Wanted – a cook and housekeeper on duty until crop season is over must
be trustworthy as is necessary for me to be in field most of time. Apply to
Mrs. Blanche Flaningan.
Some one asked Helen Peebles if her dad used “Balloon tires.” No she
said balloons don’t need tires.
Housecleaning has been quite a burden to housewives, but the ladies
which attended Aben Abbotts seminar sale each got a hint and more sales will be
booked soon. Moral “It is more blessed
to give than receive.”
Laugh and the world laughs with you frown and you frown alone. Why not
The Last Page
The year 1926 will be the occasion of the 20th anniversary of
the Publican of the Gravelly Run Daily-Weekly and we hope we will be permitted
to be able to edit and publish an edition at that time which you will all be
proud of. It will mean much time, labor and expense, yet we feel the need of
the continuation of a neighborhood publication and we desire your hearty
support in the future as we have had in the past.
Boost for our homes, our church, our school and our community club!