Z Announcements

Z - Individual Marriages
Blanche ZACHARY - Harry FORNER (Farner)
Source: Waveland Independent March 30, 1916
Harry Forner (sic - should be Farner) of Montezuma and Miss Blanche Zachary, were married at the ME parsonage by Rev. Olin Stewart on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Farner is a daughter of Harmon Zachary. They will live in Montezuma.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 23 January 1963 p 14
KINGMAN - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cunningham announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Jane Cunningham, to Clyde A. Zachary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Zachary, Crawfordsville. The single-ring ceremony was read by Rev. C. H. Loveland in the sanctuary of Trinity Methodist Church in Crawfordsville. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grady of Crawfordsville. The bride wore a street-length dress of white silver brocade featuring an A-line skirt. Her earrings were mother-of-pearl and her corsage, red sweetheart rosebuds. She is a graduate of Wallace High School, attended the Utterback Business College and is employed at Donnelley's. The groom is a graduate of Crawfordsville High School and is employed by the Bell Telephone Co. He is a Captain of the 38th Division of National Guards. Mr. and Mrs. Zachary are residing on Rt. 7, Crawfordsville. A pre-nuptial miscellaneous shower was given in the home of Mrs. Gray.
Thanks to their son, Andy Zachary for this nifty piece :) kbz
Kenneth ZACHARY - Frances ALLEN
Source: Crawfordsville Journal & Review May 31, 1938 p 5
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Allen, 118 east Jefferson street announced the marriage of their daughter Frances to Kenneth Zachary son of Jacob Zachary. The wedding took place Sunday morning, May 29 at 10:00 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents. The ceremony was read by the Rev EA Arthur in the living room which was decorated with ferns and pink garden flowers. The bride was beautiful in a pink silk crepe dress with British tan aaccessories and carried a bouquet of gardenias. The only attendant was the bride’s sister Mrs. Thelma Steart who wore a British tan dress with white accessories and Richard Allen, brother of the bride, who served as best man. Mrs. Allen, mother of the bride wore a flowered chiffon dress. Following the ceremony a dinner was served to the immediate family. The table being centered with a beautiful wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Zachary will be at home to their friends at 614 East Jefferson Street. Among those present were Richard Allen; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Allen; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Steart and little son, Freddie. The groom is employed by the Big Four railroad and Mrs. Zachary is associated with the FW Woolworth Store. - kbz
Lloyd ZACHARY - see Gladys BUNNELL
ZIEGNER, Edward Henry to Pearl McCAMPBELL
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 12 June 1914 p 5
Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. McCampbell for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Pearl to Edward Henry Ziegner on Wednesday evening, June 24 the ceremony to be performed at the home of the bride’s parents, East Jefferson street.
ZIMMERMAN marriages via Elder VanCleave
Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Weekly Argus News, April 17, 1897 p 3
Elder Vancleave counts a day lost that he don't help out master cupid with his little bow and arrow. Wednesday he united in matrimony Benjamin F. Zimmerman of Ladoga and Harriet E. Morrison of New Ross. Of the same day he also married Albert McQuinn and Lillie Hall of this city, total number 869.
Source: Crawfordsville Review 24 Sept 1892 p 8
Ben Zimmerman and Alice Dodd were married at the residence of the bride’s father on last Sunday evening by Rev.
Ben Zimmerman and Alice Dodd were married at the residence of the bride’s father on last Sunday evening by Rev.
ZOOK, Cora - Herbert SIES
Source: Crawfordsville Review 11 May 1889 p 6
Herbert E. Sies and Cora M. Zook were married at the residence of Mrs. Myra Zook Sunday May 5 at 2 o’clock p.m., Rev ER Johnson officiating.
ZUCK, Earl - see Rose BRIDWELL