Y Announcements

Y - Individual Marriages
Manford YADEN - Amy SMITH
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Review newspaper, March 2, 1911 p 1
Miss Amy Cleola Smith, aged 17, was married to Manford Yaden, 19, by Justice EM Brewer at 2 p.m. Friday. A number of friends were present. The bride is a daughter of Edward E. Smith and was employed at the match factory. The groom is a son of Richard Yaden and works in the wire mill. They will live in a home prepared for them.
Sarah YEAGLEY - see Capt. RH MYRICK
Charles YELTON - see Julia DEERE
Charles E. YOUNG - see Mave AUSTIN
Emma YOUNG - see George Selby HARNEY
Fern YOUNG - Maurice VANNICE
Source: Darlington Herald, Friday Jan 5, 1917
Maurice Vannice, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Vannice and Miss Fern Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Young were married Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. The ceremony was performed at their home by Rev. Bradbury of the Christian Church. Only the members of the immediate families were present.
Source: Crawfordsville Semi-Weekly Journal, October 1, 1887
Jacob Shrader, of Montgomery county and Miss Julia Young were married at the home of her father, Edward Young, in Mecca, Tuesday evening, by Rev. W.P. Cummings. There was a fine feast a nice company and a general good time all around - Rockville Tribune. -- thanks to Kim H
Lavancia YOUNG - Montgomery C. BURK
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 30 Nov 1900 p7
Last Monday at the home of Rev. S W Goss occurred the marriage of Montgomery C. Burk and Miss Levanchia Young, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilhite being the only witnesses of the happy union. Mr. and Mrs. Burk will reside at 613 S. Washingotn street. Both are popular young people and their many friends with them joy.
OMER YOUNG - see Charles E. BUTLER
Bessie YOUNT - Omer F. TROUT
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Nov 26, 1915
Omer F. Trout and Miss Bessie Yount were married on Saturday afternoon at 4:00 by Justice Brewer at his office in Crawfordsville. They will live with Mrs. James Trout. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, Jan 23, 1947
A pretty wedding was solemnized at 7:30 Friday evening Jan 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry YOUNT, when their daughter, Helen became the bride of John WEAVER son of Homer Weaver of Waveland. The Rev. CN McBrayer read the single ring ceremony in the presence of the immediate family. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Albert BEASEY of Waveland. The bride wore a powder blue suit with brown accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Beasy wore a rose dress with black accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Light refreshments were served following the ceremony. The bride is a graduate of the Waveland HS and has been recently employed at the Shades. The bridegroom attended the Byron School and is now employed at Canine Garage. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver will be at home in an apartment in Waveland. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Britton and family of Ladoga. -- kbz
Joseph A. YOUNT - Geneva THOMPSON
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 1-4-1940
At the home of Rev. Hugh M. Bannen (sic - Bannon) of the Lutheran Church of Rockford, Illinois, Saturday, Dec 31, occurred the marriage of Geneva Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Rockville to Joe A. Yount, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yount, of Wavland. The bride wore a beautiful dress of teal blue with accessories to match and carried a beautiful boquet of flowers, gift from Joe. They will live in Rockford, Ill, where Joe is employed with the National Lock Company of that city. All of their friends here and at Rockville wiish them a lot of happiness. -- kbz
Ruth YOUNT - Albert BEASY
Source: Waveland Independent, Thursday, Dec 11, 1941
A lovely wedding was solemnized Sunday afternoon Dec 7, at 2:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry YOUNT when their daughter, Ruth became the bride of Albert BEASY, son of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Beasy of Monon. Rev. McBrayer of the Mehtodist Church read the single ring ceremony in the presence of many friends and relatives. The bride wore a lovely street length dress of navy blue trimmed in medium blue with navy accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Miss Marsella Beasy, the bride's attendant, wore medium blue trimmed in white with navy accessories Arthur Smith of Chalmers served as best man. Light refreshments were served immediately following the ceremony. A lovely three tiered wedding cake decorated in pink and white, adorned with a miniature bride and groom was the centerpiece on the decorated dining table. Mrs. Beasy attended the Waveland school and was employed in Waveland. Mr. Beasy graduated from the Monon HS and is employed as a mechanic at the SMith Garage in Chalmers. Mr. and Mrs. Beasy will reside in Chalmers where they have a furnished apartment. Out of town guests were: Mrs. Charles Beasy and daughter, Miss Marsela of Monon; Arthur Smith of Chalmers; Miss Margaret Britton of Rockville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Britton of New Market.
Source: The Monon News - Friday 12 December 1941 p 1
A pretty wedding was solemnized at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yount at Waveland when their daughter, Ruth, became the bride of Albert Beasy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beasy of Monon. The Rev. McBrayer of the Methodist church in New Market, once Monon minister, read the ceremony in the presence of many friends and relatives. Attendants were Miss Marcella Beasy a student nurse in Ravenswood hospital, Chicago and sister of the bridegroom, and Arthur Smith of Chalmers. The bride wore a lovely street-length dress of navy blue with trimming of medium blue and black accessories and a corsage of white gardenias. Miss Beasy wore light blue trimmed in white with navy accessories. Light refreshments were served following the ceremony after which the couple left for a short trip. A three-tiered wedding cake with pink, white and green trimmings, formed a centerpiece for the decorated dining table. The cake was baked, decorated, and presented the couple by Mrs. Levi Hern of Chalmers. The bride attended Waveland high school and later was employed there. The bridegroom is a graduate from Monon high school, class of 1938, and is now employed as a mechanic at Chalmers, where they will live. Mrs. Clarence Beasy of Monon, mother of the bridegroom and Miss Marcella Beasy and Arthur Smith of Chalmers attended the wedding.
Thanks muches to Ginny A for this one that fills in a few more details :) kz