W Announcements - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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W Announcements

W - Individual Marriages

Lucy WADE - see Edward CORD

Teressa WALL - see Cline SAYLER

Alice WALLACE - see DeGeorgia FITCHEY

Arthur WALLACE - see Daisy STOVER

Glenn B. WALSH - see Anna OTTERMAN  

Jennie WALTER - see William Q O'NEAL

Jesse WARD - see Ethel CAMPBELL

Leslie WARE - Julia A. EVANS

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 3-24-1899
Leslie W. Ware and Miss Julia A. Evans were married at Island Grove Illinois March 15. -- kbz

Juliet Alice WARNER - see Dumont PECK

Buel WARREN - see Thelma MARTIN

S.  C. WARRENER - see Alice VanSLYKE

Charles WARRICK - see Emma STEELE

William WARRICK - see Lona BUTCHER


Source: Crawfordsville Star, March 29, 1883 -p8
Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. EP Washburn, Linden on March 22, 1883 by Rev. F. Mikels of Stockwell, Ind, Mr. James H. White to Miss Emma J. Washburn, both of Linden, Montgomery County. With their industry and energy they are sure to make a success of life. May joy and prosperity attend them - kbz

Nellie WASHBURN - see Frank HAXTON

J.H. WASSON - see Elizabeth VORIS


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 April 1893 p 1
Jacob Davis of Boone County and Miss Mary Wasson of Brown’s Valley, daughter of Joseph A. Wasson, were married by Rev GP Fuson Tuesday afternoon at his residence. - kbz


William WASSON - see June MORGAN

Lewis WATKINS -- see Annie DOUGLASS

Helen WATSON - see Urban STOVER

Luella WATTS - Charley KOCHELL

Source: New Richmond Record 7 Feb 1901 p 1
At the home of the bride’s father in the south part of town, on Monday evening at 6 o’clock, February 4, was solemnized the marriage of Miss Luella Watts and Mr. Charley Kochell; Esquire Amos Ebrite performing the wedding ceremony; the immediate family of the bride being the only witnesses. Miss Watts has been brought up in New Richmond and is a most excellent young lady with a wide circle of friends. Mr. Kochell resides near Newtown. Mr. and Mrs. Kochell will continue their residence in New Richmond until March first when they will move to a farm two miles north of Newtown which the groom has rented. The Record joins with the multitude of friends to wish them unbounded success on the matrimonial sea.

WATTS, Minnie - Foster

Source: Crawfordsville (Montgomery County) Indiana Review June 3, 1919 p 6
Two more divorce suits were filed in the county clerk’s office yesterday and in both cases the wives are the complaining parties.

The first suit is by Minnie G. Watts seeking divorce from Foster Watts. She alleges they were married November 4, 1908, had one child and were separated in November of 1917. Temporary allowance, custody of the child, a divorce and all other proper relief is sought. Cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide are the grounds set forth.  Thomas, Foley and Lindley represent her.  

Zella May Jenkins avers her husband was cruel and inhuman, that he abused her by striking her, calling her profane names and falsely accusing her of improper relations with other men. That he also failed to provide a suitable living for her is also alleged in the complain drawn by Caldwell & Simms. Temporary allowance, a divorce and other proper relief is asked.  Deputy Clerk Homer Schwindler stated yesterday the divorce business in this term of court is unusually heavy with more than 40 cases now on the docket pending action in addition to the number which have been acted on during the current term.

Milton B. WAUGH - see Maggie HERRON

Forest WAYE - see Vera EBRITE

Charles William WEAVER - Lois "Marie" PARRISH

Source: Waveland Independent, Feb 9, 1939
Miss Marie PARRISH and Charles WEAVER were married on Saturday evening at six o'clock by Squire Ben C. CANINE at his residence. Those present were Mrs. Canine; Mr. and Mrs. James Moody and Dicky Dale. Dickie (sic) was very much interested. It was Ben's first marriage ceremony, but then it was the young couple's first marriage so it was an even matter. The bride is the daughter of John Parrish of West Union, but has made her home for a number of years with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer REITER. Mr. Weaver is the son of Homer Weaver of Byron. He is employed by the Farm Bureau elevator of Browns Valley. They will live in the tenant house on the Ewbank place. - kbz


Source: Waveland Independent, Jan 23, 1947
A pretty wedding was solemnized at 7:30 Friday evening Jan 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry YOUNT, when their daughter, Helen became the bride of John WEAVER son of Homer Weaver of Waveland. The Rev. CN McBrayer read the single ring ceremony in the presence of the immediate family. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Albert BEASEY of Waveland. The bride wore a powder blue suit with brown accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Beasy wore a rose dress with black accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Light refreshments were served following the ceremony. The bride is a graduate of the Waveland HS and has been recently employed at the Shades. The bridegroom attended the Byron School and is now employed at Canine Garage. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver will be at home in an apartment in Waveland. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Britton and family of Ladoga. -- kbz

William WEAVER -see  Rhetta MORGAN

(Rev) Herbert WEBSTER = see Susan THOMPSON  

Dora WEEKLY - see James FRANCIS

Jacob WEIL - see Jennie CULBERTSON


Source: Weekly Argus News, Oct 15, 1898 p 5
On last Wednesday evening at Crawfordsville, occurred the marriage of Miss Alda M. Switzer of this place (Yountsville News item) and Mr. Henry Weir of Offield. The ceremony was performed by Squire Buck in the presence of a few of their most intimate friends.l The bride was attired in a becoming gown of white albatroll with hat and gloves to match, while the groom wore the usual black. Immediately after the ceremony, they drove to the home of the bride where an elegant reception awaited them. Mr. Weir is a prosperous young farmer and has won for his life companion one of the most charming and accomplished young ladies of this place. Their many friends extend them their best wishes through their journey of life. - transcribed by kbz

Marjorie WEITZEL - see Clarence BARTON

Jennie WELCH - see John H. LYNCH

William WELCH - see Sarah ALNUT

Richard WELIEVER -- see  QUIGG

Carrie WELLS - see H.G. RISTINE

Herschel WELSH - see Jean Marie DAHN



Source: Crawfordsville Star April 18, 1876 p 8
Married on the 13th instant at the residence of the bride’s father by the Rev. Caldwell of Thorntown Mr WH Rhorer of Frankfort and Miss Ollie Wescott of this city. If we were a single man and bent on matrimony we would like a waist coat of the same style as they seem to be the most popular at present. Well, luck to ‘em!

Doris WESNER - Thomas Z. BALL

Source: Pottsville PA Republican Sat 26 Oct 1946
The marriage of Miss Doris Lorraine Wesner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wesner, Port Carbon to Thomas Z. Ball, Tamaqua, son of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Z. Ball, Crawfordsville, Ind will take place Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Port Carbon Rev. Adam Polcrack officiating. The attendants will be Miss Jean P. Wesner, Bethlehem, sister of the bride and D. Albert Yost, Tamaqua.  Ushers are: William Wetterau, Tamaqua and Lelan Wesner, Port Carbon brother of the bride. White chrysanthemums will be used to decorate the altar and the wedding music will be played by Stewart Schraeley. Mrs. John Steidle, Pottsville will sing, “I Love Thee and O Perfect Love.”  The bride, given in marriage by her father, will wear an ice blue satin and marquisette dress fashioned with a fitted bodice, long pointed sleeves and a full skirt. She will wear ice blue ostrich feathers with a face veil attached and will carry white chrysanthemums. The maid of honor will wear a salmon pink taffeta gown made with a square neckline, fitted bodice, full skirt with bow in back to give a bustle effect. The sleeves are ¾ length. She will wear ostrich plums in her hair and will carry gladioli. Following the ceremony a reception will be held in the social rooms of the church after which Mr. Ball and his bride will leave for the New England states. Upon their return they will reside in Tamaqua. For traveling she chose a smoke wool suit, black accessories and a corsage of camelias. The bride is a 1932 graduate of Port Carbon HS and is a graduate of Cedar Crest College. She was employed in the paymaster’s office of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal & Iron Company.  Mr. Ball is a graduate of Wabash College and Purdue University and is a chemist for Atlas Powder Company, Reynolds.

Samuel B. WEST - see Lillie FRALEY


Source: Crawfordsville Review Aug 7 1917 p8
Goul(d) W. Westfall and Miss Ruth Marie Williams of New Richmond, were married Monday morning at the marriage parlors of Justice EM Brewer. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Westfall of New Richmond and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams of New Richmond. The young couple will reside on a farm near that place. - kz


Source: Lafayette Journal-Courier Mon 26 Dec 1927 p 4
Miss Grace Livingston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Livingston of New Richmond and Clarence Weyls, son of Mr. and Mrs. EJ Weyls of Romney were married at a candle light service Christmas evening at 6:30 o’clock at the home of the bride’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harriman in New Richmond. The Rev. William Blean performed the ceremony in the presence of 30 relatives and friends. During the service the bridal party stood within a bower of greenery. A large white wedding bell was suspended from the arch. The bride wore an attractive gown of white georgette crepe and bridal veil held in place with a band of orange blossoms and pearls. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Jean Harriman, niece of the bride served as the ring bearer.  She was dressed in an embroidered blue voile frock and carried the ring in a lily. Samuel Livingston was best man. Preceding the ceremony Walter Harriman sang, “O Promise me,” accompanied by Miss Susan Stewart at the piano who took up the strains of the Logenegrin wedding march for the entrance of the bridal party.  Following the service a course supper was served at tables adorned with bridal appointments and also Christmas suggestions. The bride is a graduate of the University of Illinois, class of 1925 and has been employed as stenographer in the government service at Washington DC. The groom is a farmer, living near Romney. Among those present at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weyls of South Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hadley of Rossville and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rust living near West Point – kbz.

Edmond WHITE - Leona BIBLE

Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 July 1892 p 3
The marriage of Mr. Charles Edmond White and Miss Leona Bible will be solemnized at the residence of RA Snyder next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. - kbz

Ellen WHITE - see Sam IRWIN

Fred WHITE - see Clara THOMPSON (married in jail)

James H. WHITE - see Emma WASHBURN  

Joseph S. WHITE - Louisa E. THOMPSON

Source: San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, California, Thursday, July 30, 1891

  Crawfordsville (Ind) July 28 - Joseph S. White, a wealthy resident of San Diego, Cal., and Miss Louisa E. Thompson were married here this morning.  The groom is 73 years old and the bride is 53,- thanks to Kim H

Mattie WHITE - see John W. SHANKLIN

Bessie WHITECOTTON - see William SWINNEY

Mamie WHITTINGTON - see Jno. S. MUNNS  

Mary Joel WHITTINGTON - see George Durham MANSON

Jennie WIBLE - see Henry VanCLEAVE

Lena WILHELM - see Samuel McKINLEY

Hubert WILHITE - see Sada LONG

Gertrude WILKINSON - see George SUYDAM


Ross WILLIAMS - see Mazie FREED

Effie WILLOUGHBY - see Rober TAPP

Bertha WILSON - see Oscar FLANNINGAN

Minnie WILSON - see Peter CULBERTSON


Louise WINTON - see Walter SERING

Mayme WISE - see Ed COTTON
Josephine WICKHAM - William DeCaux TILNEY

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News July 13, 1895 p 2
At the home of Dr. and Mrs. WB Kreider, 501 South Sixth street at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon occurred the marriage of Miss Josephine Wickham of Indianapolis to Dr. Wm. DeCaux Tilney of Crawfordsivlle. The ceremony, witnessed by only the immediate family was performed by Rev. CT Sout, St. James'  Episcopal Church. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Krieder whose guest she had been for the past two weeks and is well known in Goshen where she formerly lived. She is a most estimable lady. The bridal couple left for Crawfordsville this afternoon and will make their permanent home there- Goshen Times - transcribed by kbz

William WIDDOP -  Odelia SCHIRMER

Source: Indianapolis News Wed 18 Oct 1893 p 1

Greencastle, Oct 18 – The first wedding to occur in the Episcopal  Church of this  city occurred last night when Miss Odelia Frances Schirmer and William Widdop were married. The bride was formerly a resident of Indianapolis and the bridegroom is a worthy young gentleman of Ladoga. The Rev. Mr. Sannders of Bloomington performed the ceremony and at its close a brilliant reception was held at the residence of Mrs. K.L. Higert, sister of the bride.  

Ferdinand WILBERT - Clara COLEMAN

Source: CWJ 22 Dec 1899
A most beautiful wedding was solemnized at the country home of Edward Coleman, two miles east of Linden Dec 20.  His daughter Clara was given in marriage to Ferdinand P. Wilbert of Collinsville, Ill. The rooms were handsomely decorated in holly, carnations and roses and a large number of friends and neighbors were assembled in them when at the appointed hour, 6 p.m. Mrs. Arthur Fraley began the Mendelssohn wedding march and the bridal party advanced from the north rooms preceded by the minister, Rev. Robert Harris of the Veedersburg Christian Church and little Miss Orphia Montgomery as ring bearer. The ceremony was a most impressive one, embodying the ring service.  Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the dining room. The table was beautifully decorated with ribbons extending from the ceiling to the tables and roses. The bride was dressed in white French batiste, trimmed in lace, and carried American beauties.  The groom wore the conventional dress suit.  An elaborate dinner was served in courses. Eddie Brandkamp discoursed most beautiful music throughout the evening. The bride is a most charming young lady who has a host of friends wherever she is known, who extend to them congratulations and best wishes for the future. The groom is a prominent salesman of Indianapolis and all who have met him are well pleased with his pleasant address and business ability and the outlook for their future life seems most auspicious. A very large number of presents were sent in, consisting of cut glass, china, silver, table linen, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert go to St. Louis to spend the holidays with the groom's parents, returning the first of the year to Indianapolis, where they will be at home at 610 East Ohio Street. Those present from a distance were: John Wilbert of Indianapolis; Mesdames Ann Noland, B. Rusk, A. Fitchey, Charles Vancleave, Misses Alta Rusk, Jennie Price, Grace Kohl, Messrs. AF Ramsey, Chas. Goltra and Eddie Brandkamp of Crawfordsville, Wm. Sidener and wife of Yountsville.  

Emma WILHELM - Marion Skaggs

Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 22, 1883 p 1
Married on Monday Feb 19 at the residence of the minister, Elder MM Vancleave, Robert E. Gwin and Arvilla A. Burroughs.  This is the Elder’s 467th couple.
Elder Vancleave managed to tie four couples last week.  He is still ahead of the divorce court.
Married by Elder MM Vancleave on Wednesday Feb 14 at the residence of Mr. Withem in this city, Charles Bassett and Laura Goldsberry.
Married at the home of the officiating minister, Elder MM Vancleave on Feb 15, Tilghman M. Cunningham and Rhoda Ellen Peyton.
Marion F. Skaggs and Emma Wilhelm were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Thursday Feb 13. Elder MM Vancleave officiated.

Ada WILHITE - see Charles FERGUSON

Hubert WILHITE - Sada LONG

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News July 13, 1895 p 1
The marriage of Hubert L. Wilhite and Miss Sada R. Long occurred last night at the Christian Church in the presence of a large audience. Stant Wilhite, DV Blair, Parker Willis and Charley Long acted as ushers, Miss Mayme Wilhite presided at the organ.
At 8:30 to the strains of Mendellohn's wedding march, Herbert Wilhite & Miss Long proceeded by Messrs. Long and Willis, marched down on the church aisle, and stopped in front of the rostrom, where Rev. Creighton said the cermeony and pronounced them husband and wife. From the church, the bride and groom went to their new home on West Wabash avnue, where a number of invited guests were given a reception and repast.
The bride is the daughter of Henry Long who resides north of the city and is a young lady possessing both beauty and accomplishments. The groom is a well known young man, and is honored and respected by all his acquaintances. The bride was gowned in a white organdie with Valencien trimming and carried a boquet of bride's roses. The groom appeared in the usual dark suit. After the ceremony, Prof. Lee O. Smith's orchestra called and tendred the newly married couple a beautiful serenade. They were invited in and spent the evening discoursing the sweetest of music.
In entering upon wedded life so auspiciously the young couple have the best wishes of a large acquaintance.

Mary E. WILHITE - see Dumont KENNEDY


Source: Crawfordsville Star March 22, 1888 p 5
Browns Valley item - John Wilkerson of this place and Miss Lillie Dickerson of Fincastle were married at the residence of the bride’s parents today at 6:30 o’clock p.m. Rev. JB Fosher of Fincastle officiating. - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Monday, 27 Oct 1924, page 5 column 1-2.
Transcribed by Suzy Wert

[It doesn't say, but this is Byron Frederick Myers, father of Byron J. Myers, He was the son of David S. Myers and Mary Ella Etter Myers. The bride was the daughter of Arista Decatur Wilkinson and Emma P. Thompson.]
A beautiful October wedding was celebrated on Sunday evening at six o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Decatur Wilkinson, 1007 west Main street, when their daughter Miss Ina Hazel Wilkinson was united in marriage to Byron F. Myers.
Rev. J. L. Wilkinson, pastor of the first Christian church, read the double ring ceremony and the young people plighted their troth before an improvised altar of autumn flowers, foliage and cathedral candles. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Alta Ward sang, "At Dawning" and "I Love You Truly" accompanied by Miss Ola Wilkinson, cousin of the bride. The stairway down which the bridal party passed was entwined with greenery and the house was attractively arranged with chrysanthemums and other fall flowers in the bride's colors of orchid, pink and yellow. As the chords from the Lohengrin wedding march were struck, Rev. J. L. Wilkinson entered from the center hall followed by the groom and his best man, Dick Cline. The bride and her attendants entered from the open stairway. Miss Opal Kellar as bridesmaid was beautiful in an orchid georgette dress trimmed in ostrich and shaded ribbon gathered with forget-me-nots. She carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. She was followed by the ring bearer, little Leanna Burroughs, dressed in white over pink satin carrying the rings in a miniature gold basket tied with yellow tulle. Following her came the matron of honor, Mrs Carl Walters, sister of the bride, who wore a charming gown of orchid, trimmed with shadded (sic) beads and carried an arm bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums.
Preceding the bride was the little flower girl, Mary Bess Huffine, prettily dressed in a frock of white trimmed with pink ribbon and in her hair wore a wreath of rose buds. She carried a French basket of rose petals which were strewn in the path of the bride. The bride wore a lovely gown of pink georgette over satin fashioned in straight lines and beaded with tiny pearls and crystals also trimmed in shaded butterflies. In her hair a band of silver garland and rose buds. She carried a shower bouquet of butterfly roses. The bride is a very popular young woman of this city. She attended Madame Blaker's school for teachers in Indianapolis and the State Normal and for the past five years has been one of the very successful teachers of the city schools. Mr. Myers is the son of Mr. and Mrs David Myers of Waynetown. He served in the World War in medical division and was overseas for eighteen months. Mr. and Mrs. Myers have gone for a honeymoon trip and upon their return will be at home to their friends on west Main street. Immediately after the ceremony an informal reception was held. The bride's table was decorated in pink roses with gold baskets and lighted with white tapers in crystal holders. Those assisting in the dining room included Mrs. Karl Huffine, Mrs. Carroll Burroughs, Mrs Lloyd Keeling, and Mrs. Robert Dowden, Misses Stella Corbin and Opal McQuown. In the parlors were Mrs. Decatur Wilkinson, Mrs Carl Walters, and Miss Ola Wilkinson and Alta Ward.
Those here for the wedding from a distance were ...... [sorry, it was cut off.]

[Note: Sadly, Ina Hazel Wilkinson Myers died one hour after her first child, Byron J. Myers, was born on 4 Feb 1926 in Culver Hospital.]


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 December 1901 p4

Fred Wilkinson and Miss Stella Lewallen were married last Wednesday at the home of the bride. Only a few guests were present.


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News, March 4, 1893 p 6
Last evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of the bride, two miles southeast of the city, occurred the marriage of Mr. James Wilkinson and Miss Anna Fields. On account of illness in the family, the wedding was very quiet and was witnessed by a very few friends. The groom is a prosperous young farmer and the bride a very excellent young lady, and a daughter of the late Stephen Fields. Rev. Snyder performed the ceremony. - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 12 April 1901 p 1
Seth Swank of Elmdale and Miss May Wilkinson were married Wednesday by Squire Stilwell

Mina WILKINSON - see Oliver GRIEST


George WILLIAMS - Elizabeth VanKNOCKER (married in jail)

Source: Saturday Mercury, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 11 December 1876
Squire Ramsay was called upon last Thursday to unite in the holy bonds of matrimony George Williams and Elizabeth Vanknocker, both inmates of the county jail.- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star Nov 30, 1875 p 1
A marriage took place in our county jail on Thursday last, Esq. Ramsay officiating. The parties were Geo. WIlliam and Elizabeth Vannocher (sic). They were and are in jail under the charge of appropriating the property of others to their own personal use without a permit; and therefore, in violation of the laws "made and provided." - kbz


John O. WILLIAMS - see Ida VanSLYKE

WILLIAMSON, Fannie - N. B. Couberly
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 16 Nov 1892 p 3
Four hearts there were at Waynetown today that beat as two. The residence of E. R. Williamson was the scene of a beautiful double wedding at high noon. N. B. Couberly was joined in the sacred bonds of matrimony to Miss Fannie S. Williamson, and Charles Hartsock to Miss Marva Williamson. The ceremony was performed in an impressive manner by Rev. T. J. Sbuey, pastor of the Christian church. It was an occasion long to be remembered by the families of the contracting parties and the invited guests assembled. Plants and flowers ornamented the house and at the close of the ceremonies a bountiful wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Couberly took the afternoon train for Danville, Ind., where they will enter the normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Hartsock will live on a farm near Waynetown. All four of these young people are highly respected and admired and all wish them joy. Mr. Couberiy, it will be remembered hat just made a gallant but unsuccessful race for the legislature and Mrs. Couberly has been the postmistress at Waynetown for nearly four years.

WILLIAMSON, Marva to Charles HARTSTOCK - see above Fannie Williamson


Source: Waveland Independent, Montgomery Cunty, Indiana 2-7-1908 p 8
Miss Lulu Wilson and Mr. James Simpson of Hebron surprised their parents and friends by quietly slipping away on last Tuesday to Paris, Illinois where they were united in marriage. They will reside in Rockville. - kbz

Milton WILLIAMS - Lizzie VORIS

Source: Crawfordsville (Montgomery County, Indiana) Daily Journal 8 October 1891 p 4
Milton Williams accompanied by Mrs. Lizzie Voris left this morning for Indianapolis. They will be married there today, and will take up their residence in that city. Both are well and favorably known here and Crawfordsville gives them up with great regret, but at the same time extends to them hearty congratulations on their union. - kbz

Ross WILLIAMS - see Mazie FREED  

William V. WILLIAMS - see Emily ESRA

Minnie WILSON - see Peter CULBERTSON



Effie WILLOUGHBY - see Robert TAPP

Bertha WILSON - see Oscar FLANNIGAN

Francis WILSON - Fern RILEY
Source: Crawfordsville Review 27 May 1919 p 8
Miss Fern Riley of this city and Francis R. Wilson of Davenport, Ia were united in marriage Saturday at one o’clock at Christ’s Episcopal Church in Indianapolis. The attendants at the ceremony were Miss Mabel Carey of Princeton, Miss Mable Robbins of Sheridan and Russell Stuart of Indianapolis. Immediately after the service a luncheon was given for the young people at the Servin Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left Monday on a motor trip to Chicago to spend a few days before going to Davenport where they will make their future home. The bride taught in the New Ross HS the past year and is a very popular and charming young woman. Mr. Wilson is manager of the Extra Department of the International Harvester Co. This wedding is the culmination of a romance which started in Indiana University where the young couple attended school.  The groom is a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity and the bride a member of the Delta Zeta sorority. - kbz


Source: New Richmond Record 7 March 1901 p 3
On last evening at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dettbenner, north of Sugar Grove occurred the marriage of their youngest daughter, Martha to Mr. Ira M. Wilson, son of Stephen J. Wilson.  Mr. and Mrs. Wilson go at once to housekeeping on the Meharry farm which he has rented and but recently vacated by John E. Wilson and family.

JOSEPH Wilson - Sarah Wilson
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 3 Sept 1868 p 3

On the 27th day of August by the Rev. Mr. Utter, Mr. Joseph Wilson to Mrs. Sarah Wilson.  Accompanying the above notice came a bountiful supply of cake for which the happy twain have the unfeigned thanks of the Journal office, Railway and all.

Minnie WILSON - see Peter CULBERTSON

Orion WILSON - see Rosa CUSTER

Sarah WILSON - see Joseph Wilson

Silvia WILSON - see Frank BROWN

Alice WINANS - see William T. BUTCHER

Curtis WINDESS (Windus - from findagrave) - see Thelma BROOKS


Louise WINTON - see Walter SERING  


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 Dec 1868 p8
MARRIED - Wise-Lansbury - On the 7th inst, by Rev. Mr. Johnson, A.F. Wise and Mrs. Lida J. Lansbury all of this city. The Journal folks tender the happy pair whose marriage is recorded above, their heartiest congratulations, with the hope that they may enjoy an abundance of the blessings of this life and grow Wise-r as the days comes and go.  

Mayme WISE - see Ed COTTON

Howard WITT - Pearl ADKINS

Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Weekly Argus News Jan 30, 1892
At the home of Mrs Jennie Davis this afternoon at 2 o’clock Rev. GW Switzer united in matrimony Howard Witt and Pearl Adkins. At present Mr. Witt is living in Anderson while Miss Adkins has been living in New Ross. Mr. Witt used to live here. - kbz

Bessie WOLF - see Jno. McCOY

Pina WOLFE - see Lee CRIST

Rachel WOLFE - see Jess LaFOE


Alonzo H. WOODS - see Emma "Pearl" CRISP

Pearl WOODS - see Marion CRISP

Lucille WOODWORTH - see Roscoe SHANNON

Orville WOODY - see Opal Marie RAYLE

Leona WRAY - see Ed GROVES

Myrtle WRAY - Howard G. LEE

Source: Crafordsville Indiana Daily news-Review July 5, 1902 p 1
On Thursday evening, at his home, Rev. Wallace Tharp united in marriage Mr. Howard G. Lee of Quincy, Ill and Miss Myrtle Wray of this city. Following the wedding an informal reception was tendered them at the home of the bride's father, Jerome B. Wray. Refreshments were served and the occasion was a most happy one. The bride is a charming young lady and has a wide circle of friends. Mr. Lee is an express messenger on the Burlington Road between Chicago and Kansas City. They will remain here until Monday when they go to Chicago to reside. The best wishes of a host of friends will accompany them to their new home - kbz

Elizabeth WREN - see Fred GRIMES

Adam WRIGHT - Maggie JONES

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, June 7, 1895
Miss Maggie M. Jones, daughter of J.W. Jones of near Crawfordsville, was married on Tuesday to Adam Wright, of West Plains MO at the residence of the bride's uncle, SP. Thompson at West Plains where she had been visiting. The newly wedded couple arrived here yesterday on their wedding trip and after a few weeks visit with Mr. Jones will return to Missouri to live where the groom has an excellent position in the post office department. -- kbz

Harry WRIGHT - see Emma CRIST

Herbert WRIGHT - Effie BRITTON

Source: Logansport Pharos-Tribune Fri 28 April 1899 p 16
Last evening at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Montraville Britton at 311 Melbourne Avenue, Rev. Martin Luther officiating in the presence of quite a number of the friends of the contracting parties, Miss Effie M. Britton was united in marriage with Mr. Herbert M. Wright of the firm of Wright & Britton, confectioners.  Pearl street, a charming wedding supper followed and the marriage occasion was made one of much pleasure to all concerned.  The officiating minister had, the evening before at Chicago, undergone the same sort of an agreeable experience at the marriage altar and the fervor with which he pronounced the solemn words of the marriage ritual was pleasantly marked.  Mr. Wright is one of Logansport’s most energetic young business men and his bride is one of the city’s fairest daughters.  There are many well wishes in this community regarding this marriage.

John N. WRIGHT - Francis A. OLDHAM

Martha WRIGHT - see Albert PIGGOTT


Source: (Probably Crawfordsville Journal May __ 1922
Sunday afternoon Mrs. Charles E. Davis, west Wabash Avenue, announced the marriage of her daughter, Miss Ruby Wright, to Murray R. Sutton of Decatur, Indiana. The wedding took place at Marshall, Illinois may 20, 1922. Mrs. Sutton is a Crawfordsville girl and a number of years had charge of the milinery department at the George W. Graham store. For the past few years she has been in the same department at the WH Block store in Indianapolis. She is a member of the Alpha Gamma sorority of the city. Mr. Sutton is the son of Judge and Mrs. JC Sutton of Decatur, Indiana. He attended Wabash College and Purdue University and is now connected with the Bowser Company at Fort Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. sutton are at home to their friends at 905 Oakland Drive, Fort Wayne. The affair SUnday afternoon was also given in honor of Mrs. Robert A. Thompson who will soon leave to join her husband in New York City, where they will make their future home. - kbz

George WYATT - see Beulah CURRY

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