V Announcements

V - Individual Marriages
Virginia VAIL - see Ralph SAYLER
Mamie VANCE - Maury KELLEY
Source: Crawfordsville Star Nov 7, 1878 p 4
There was a private wedding at the Methodist Church on yesterday evening at 8 ½ o’clock at which time Rev. Green solemnized the nuptials of Maury Kelley and Miss Mamie Vance, oldest daughter of LM Vance. The attendants were Weston Snyder and Miss Amanda Kelley. The wedding was a quiet affair witnessed by only a few intimate friends. The bride was exquisitely dressed and looked charming. Some very handsome presents were received. The happy pair have the congratulations of The Star office in this new venture in life.
Evaline VanCLEAVE - Cornelius AIRHART
Source: Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue 1906 + by Cloe Collings Myers thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
Rev. C.L. Airhart was married at Crawfordsville on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. His bride was Miss Evaline Vancleave from near New Market. The ages of the parties are given in the certificates were 51 for the groom and 23 the bride. The latter is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ransom VanCleave of near New Market and Mr. and Mrs. Airhart will make their home with them for the present.
Notes: Cornelius Laird Airhart & Ada May Canine had these children:
Mayme marr Frank Tate lived in Roachdale, Ind
Blanche marr ? Jackson lived North Salem
Jesse E (male) b 30 May 1886 married Bertha Hovermale 30 Jan 1912 - Jesse died 8 March 1950 - not sure if they had children
Claude L. born Feb. 13, 1893; died Veterans Hospital, Los Angeles, Ca. on 10 Jan 1953 [California Death Index has AIRHART, CLAUDE LARRY: born 02/13/1893 in Indiana; mother's maiden name CANNINE, died 01/10/1953 in Los Angeles County.]
Maude Paul Thomas (b 12 April 1896) married Mary Belle Long I think Cornelius Airhart was 41 at the time of his marriage, his birth on 10 Sep 1860.
George VanCLEAVE - Winnie PHILLIPS
Source: Weekly Argus News Dec 3, 1898 p 6
On Wednesday, Nov 23 at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips near Mellott, occurred the marriage of their daughter, WInnie to Mr. Goerge Vancleave of WIngate. The very impressive ceremony was performed by Rev. Postil, of the Methodist Church, while Mrs. Moore of Mellott played the march. Ther were about 90 invited guests present and as the hands of the clock pointed to the noon hour, Mrs. Moore took her place at the piano and began the beautiful wedding march, to which the bridal couple entered the parlor unattended. After the ceremony, Rev. Postil led the way to the dining room where an elegant dinner was spread for the occasion. THe bride looked loved in a becoming gown of white organdie, trimmedin lace and ribbons, while the groom wore the conventional black. Mr. Vancleave is to be congratulated on chooseing Miss WInnie as his future companion as she is one of the fairest and most popula ryoung ladies in the neighborhood in which she lives, while Mr. Vancleave is one of Coal Creek's promising young teachers. They were recipients of many beautiful presents. They were tendered a reception at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vancleave near Wingate on Thanksgiving day. THe young couple will reside in Wingate for the present. - kbz
Source: Indianapolis News Wed 6 May 1903 p3
Crawfordsville, Ind May 6 – Miss Hattie VanCleave, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen VanCleave of New Market near this city was married today at the family home to Claude Brown, principal of the New Ross public schools. Both are well-known people in this county as both have had charge of important schools. It is probable that Mr. Brown and his wife will spend next year at the university at Bloomington. During the summer they will be at his home in Madison County near Pendleton. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review 22 June 1889 p 1
Henry N. Vancleave a highly honored and respected citizen of New Ross was at 2 p.m. Wednesday married to Miss Jennie Wible of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. GP Fuson of the First Baptist Church with Henry D. Vancleave and Miss Clara Bailey as attendants. The bride and groom went immediately to the home of Mr. Vancleave at New Ross where a reception was tendered them by Mr. Vancleave’s mother. - kbz
Nancy VanCLEAVE - see Benjamin GILLISPIE
Samuel VanCLEAVE - Pearl JAMES
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 30 Dec 1898 p 4
New Market – A few of our young people attended services at Freedom Church Christmas night after which occurred the wedding of Samuel Vancleave and Miss James.
Source: Same under “Possum Ridge”
Sammy Vancleave and Miss Pearl James were married at Freedom Church on the 25th. They start out in life with the brightest prospects before them. We wish them a success in their matrimonial life. Mr. Vancleave is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Vancleave and has been engaged in the blacksmith business for the past few years and has made a success of it. Miss James is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Susan James who resides near the old Freedom Church.
William VanCLEAVE - see Pearl THORNBERRY
James M. VanGORDAN - Lilee Jane McMAKEN
Source: Crawfordsville Record 8 Feb 1834 p 3
Married on Thursday the 4th ins by the Rev. James Thomson, Mr. James M. Vangordan of Butler County
Ohio to Miss Lilee Jane M’Maken of this county – recently from BC Ohio.
Clark VANICE - see Susan PROCTOR
Elizabeth VanKNOCKER - see George WILLIAMS (married in jail)
Maurice VANNICE - Fern YOUNG
Source: Darlington Herald, Friday Jan 5, 1917
Maurice Vannice, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Vannice and Miss Fern Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Young were married Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. The ceremony was performed at their home by Rev. Bradbury of the Christian Church. Only the members of the immediate families were present.
Nannie VanSANDT - see Thomas SIDENER
Source: Weekly Argus News Jan 10, 1891 p 7
On New Years Eve, Miss Alice VanSlyke was married to SC Warrener at Lincoln, Nebraska in the parlors of the hotel. The bride is a Crawfordsville girl and the groom is an estimabl eyoung man who is a fine stair builder but who is now employed in the express office at Lincoln. The Argus News sends its congratulations - kbz
Source: Saturday Evening Journal, October 11, 1884
Miss Ida M. VanSlyke was married on Tuesday evening to John O. Willims, of Tiffin, O., at the residence of the bride's parents. Rev. G.W. Stafford performed the ceremony. The bride is the second daughter of W.H. VanSlyke, and the groom a bride carpenter on the Ohio Division of the I., B.& W Railway. The Journal wishes the couple a happy and prosperous voyage through life. - thanks to Kim H
VerPLANT, Lawrence - see Betty Lou GRIMES
Ellizabeth VORIS - J.H. WASSON
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 14 December 1900
Wednesday at the home of the bride 113 north Grant avenue occurred the marriage of J. H. Wasson and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Voris. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Wallace Tharp. Immediately after the services Mr. and Mrs. Wasson were driven to the Big Four station and took the train for Indianapolis where Mr. Wasson is connected with the rural free delivery department of the postal service. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wasson extend congratulations - thanks to Kim H
Maurene VORE -- see Allan TODD
Lizzie VORIS - see Milton WILLIAMS
Sallie VORIS - see George BISHOP