U Announcements

U - Individual Marriages
Source: Crawfordsville Review 26 Feb 1898 p 1
Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock at the beautiful country home of Harrison Breaks, three miles northwest of the city, occurred the marriage of Miss Leora Petro and Fred C. Utterback, Rev. Tinkham officiating. The attendants were Miss Clara Stout and James Walter while Miss Minnie Thompson of New Richmond presided at the piano. The house was tastefully decorated for the happy occasion. At the close of the ceremony the guests, to the number of 75, repaired to the spacious dining room where they paid their respects to a sumptuous wedding supper. Mr. and Mrs. Utterback are among the county’s most popular and best known young people. They will at once go to housekeeping on a farm near Elmdale.
John UTTERBACK - see Pearl BIBLE
Source: Crawfordsville Review, 24 December 1898
John C. C. Utterback and Miss Carrie D.. Keys both of Waynetown, were married in this city Wednesday afternoon by Squire .S. Stilwell. - thanks to Kim for this one
Mayme UTTERBACK - see Walter LOWERY
Nettie UTTERBACK - see Charles TIFFANY
Sarah UTTERBACK - William ASH
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Sunday Star Nov 11, 1901 p6
On Monday afternoon three young people drove up to the office of Justice Stilwell. There were two handsome young folks in the carriage in their best clothes, the young man was handsome and the girl was as pretty as a peach. Her name was Miss Sarah Utterback and his name William H. Ash and their home was at Wingate. Justice Stilwell was asked to get in the carriage and ride down to his pretty home on South Walnut Street where he married them with greatest of grace. The young people took the evening train an hour later for a trip to Indianapolis and Cincinnati. Justice Stilwell said they were the handsomest couple he had married in many a day - transcribed by kbz