R Announcements

R - Individual Marriages
Alice RAMSEY -- see James T. ALLEN
Source: Crawfordsville Review 26 Feb 1898 p 1
Sunday morning between the hours of 12 and 1 o’clock, Clerk Sparks was rudely aroused from sweet dreams by a loud knock at his door and a voice saying, “Git up, there’s a couple out here what want to be married.” The couple proved to be Sammy Randolph and Cora Mounts, a dining room girl at Ramsey Hotel under the chaperonage of Wm. Muhleisen. Mr. Sparks kindly went downtown and issued the license after which the young people repaired to the home of Squire Stilwell at 2 o’clock in the morning the marriage ceremony occurred. Mrs. Randolph is a very pretty blonde whose home is in Lafayette while the groom is in the employ of Muhleisen, the cigar manufacturer. – kz
John RANKINS - crazy marriage
Source: New Richmond Record 27 Dec 1900 p 1
Fearful of spending 20 years in prison and expecting to escape punishment if he took a bride, John Rankins of Crawfordsville married in much haste last Thursday. Several men charged with selling their votes were discussing the matter among themselves and two or three brighter than the rest bent on a practical joke, gave it out that the punishment for selling one’s vote was 20 years in prison. They said that if the accused was a married man, however, he was exempt from imprisonment in order that he might support a wife. Rankins, who was a single man became considerably excited and declared that he knew where he could get a wife on short notice. He secured a license and hastened to the home of a young woman named Bennett, followed by the jokers. The young woman was somewhat surprised but was perfect willing to keep Rankins out of prison. A justice of the peace was secured and the nuptials were celebrated amid great hilarity.
Birdie RANSDEL - Joseph COREY
Joseph RATLIFF -- see Jeanne BURRIN
Ellen RAUCH - see Virlen PAYNE
H.D. Ray - see Millard APPLEGATE
Opal Marie RAYLE - Orville WOODY
Source: Darlington Herald 3-23-1917
Rev. and Mrs. JH Rayle, of Elk Rapids, Michigan have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter Opal Marie to Orville Woody of this place. The wedding will occur at the Rayle home on Wednesday evening, March 28. Miss Rayle is well known here where her father was pastor of the ME Church moving to Michigan 3 years ago. Mr. Woody who spent the winter in Elk Rapids was here recently for a short visit with his father, Guerney Woody.
Frank RAYNER _ see Clara HUGHES
Elam REATH - Lennie RUSH
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 27 October 1914
Elam L. Reath and Miss Lennie M. Rush both of Waynetown were united in marriage by Justice EM Brewer at his matrimonial parlors this morning at 10:30. Mr. and Mrs. Reath will reside on a farm near Waynetown. -- kbz
Source: New Richmond Record 19 Dec 1912 p 1
Miss Flossie Ryker, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Charles Ryker of Kirkpatrick, and Forest Reath of Shadeland were united in marriage Saturday afternoon shortly after 1 o’clock in the county clerk’s office by Justice Willian Luger. Miss Ryker has been making her home in New Richmond for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Reath will reside on a farm near Shadeland.- kbz
Charles REDDING - see Olia BOLING
John F. REDDISH - see Hazel REEVES
Marjorie REDDISH - see Charles GOFF
Myrtle REDDISH - see William H. OGLESBEE
Ronald REDDISH - see Lucille HALL
Charles REED -- see NMary CONNER
Source: Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana July 3, 1908 p 2
The marriage of Mr. John F. DEDRICH (sic – Reddish?) and Miss Hazel REEVES occurred at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Reeves, one mile east of Brown’s Valley. After the ceremony, which was witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends of the bride and groom, a reception was tendered them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reeves. This evening at the Waveland home of Mr. and Mrs. H.C REDDISH, parents of the groom, another reception will be given for the newly wedded couple. Mr. and Mrs. Reddish will go to housekeeping on a farm near Waveland. - kbz
Noble REEVES - see Bettie DEMAREE
Muriel REITER - see John PARRISH
Ambrose REMLEY - see Minnie SHELBY
Florence RETTINGER - see Wiley HARRIS
Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 Nov 1911 p6
The most beautiful and impressive marriage ceremony of the season took pace at the New Ross Christian Church Sunday afternoon at 3:30 when Rev. LE Murray of Indianapolis united in the holy bonds of wedlock Miss Temple Rettinger and Mr. Raymond Eddingfield. The colors were white, pink and green. The altar and chancel rail were covered with a profusion of foliage. As the wedding guests assembled Miss Ethel Bowers played a program of bridal airs and sang, O Promise Me and Miss Stella Bowers sang Faithful as the Stars Above followed by Tell Mother I’ll be There (instrumental) in memory of the first meeting of the bride and groom. For the entrance of the bridal party Miss Bowers played the bridal chorus from “Lohengren” and during the ceremony The Sweetest Story Ever Told. As the four ushers, Joseph Miller, Ladoga Eddingfield, cousin of the groom, Mark Hale and Dave Dosett, emerged from the north entrance. First walked the four bridesmaids, Misses Ethel Hale, iva Tharp, Hazel Hankins and Donna McMullen. Miss Hale and Miss Tharp were gowned alike in white lingerie frocks of baby Irish embroidery while Miss Hankins and Miss McMullen wore gowns of cream lansdown; the former being trimmed in handmade battenburg insertion while the latter was trimmed in pearl and crystal braid. All carried arm bouquets of white chrysanthemums and green foliage. Next walked the matron of honor, Mrs. Charles Ebaugh, sister of the bride gowned in white silk with crystal trimming and carried an armful of white carnations and foliage. Following was the little flower girl, Nina Layne, a niece of the bride groom gowned in pink with white trimmings and she carried a sheaf of white chrysanthemums. Last in the party appeared the bride with her father, who gave her into the bridegroom’s keeping at the chancel where he waited with his best man, Ernest Eddingfield, twin brother of the groom and minister, Rev. Murray. The wedding gown was fashioned of white silk, made entrain. The trimmings were of white over lace, crusted with pearls, combined with crystal braid and fringe. The corsage was of draped silk, edged with crystal and caught up at the left side with a cluster of handmade satin roses and tulle. A loose panel hung from the high waist line and was finished at the lower edge with crystal fringe and braid. Her tulle veil was held with a banbeau of the same material and handmade with satin roses. The Episcopal ring ceremony was used and the wedding party retried to the strains of Mendelsohn’s wedding march. After the ceremony a reception was given at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Rettinger who were unassisted in receiving their guests. The bride and groom stood beneath an arch of foliage in the entrance to the library where the gifts were on display. Miss Forest Baber presided at the punch bowl and Mesdames David Mitcheltree and John Rettinger also Misses Willa Baber, Ruth Buser and Eva Imel assisted in the dining room. The bride’s table stood under a canopy of foliage and white satin ribbon and the centerpiece was of white chrysanthemums. The bride is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Madison Rettinger and is one of the most popular and accomplished young ladies of New Ross, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Eddingfield and is one of the most prosperous young farmers of the community. Both have hosts of friends both far and near who wish them much success, prosperity and happiness in their journey through life together. They will be at home to their friends after November 1 at the home of the groom’s parents west of town where they will reside a short time until the house which Oscar Eddington, father of the groom is preparing for them will be completed. Guests from a distance were as follows: Dr. and Mrs. RF King of Jamestown; Miss Ina Minnich of Lebanon, Miss; Hattie Ebaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nees of Crawfordsville; William Smith and family; Miss Ruth Byrd, Miss Ethel and mark Hale, Mrs. Julia Cook and Allen Hurt and family of Ladoga; Miss Ruth Buser of New Market; George Layne and family of Indianapolis and Dr. Eddingfield of Mace.
James Frederick RHEA -- see Dorothy NELSON
Ethel RHOADS - Dafford ALLEN
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 7 Dec 1933 p 5
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rhoads announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ethel Rhoads to Dafford Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ethal Allen who reside on the Overcoat Road. The marriage took place in Paris, Ill, on Sunday Dec 3 at half after six o' clock. The single ring ceremony was read by the justice of the peace, TJ Davis. After a short honeymoon trip Mr. Allen and his bride will return here where they will be at home for a time with the groom's parents. The bride is a graduate of the Crawfordsville HS with class of 1932. Mr. Allen is employed on the Jesse Ward farm. - kbz
William J. RHOADS - Flora J. BECK
Source: Crawfordsville Star 10 April 1884 p 1
William J. Rhoads and Flora J. Beck of this county were married on the 3d instant by Rev. GW Stafford at his residence on East Market Street.
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery Count, Indiana 8-31-1917
Word has been received here of the marriage of Guy RICE, son of J.H. Rice and formerly of this place, but now of Decatur, Ill and Miss Ethyle ADAMS of that city. The marriage occurred at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at the home of the bride. The groom is an estimable young man and is well known in Waveland having spent a greater part of his life here. kbz
Perry RICE - Anna PEAK
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 April 1893 p 4
Two preachers came to Kirkpatrick last Sunday each without knowing the other was coming. Rev. ET Spohn came from the south and Rev. ER Johnson from the north. Both came to perform a wedding ceremony. Mr. Johnson at half past six united together the hearts and fortunes of Perry Rice and Anna Peak while an hour later Mr. Spohn did the same for John W. Brush and May Horney. There was much joy in Kirkpatrick that evening. Our congratulations to both couples.- kbz
Raymond RICE - see Opal HAUK
Grant RICE - Margaret BRUSHLEY
Source: Crawfordsville Review 13 August 1892 p 1
Grant Rice and Miss Margaret Brushley of Sugar Creek Township were married on Sunday afternoon by Rev. G.W. Stafford at his residence on east Market street
-- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 25 April 1902
Hubert Rice and his sweetheart, from New Market, Montgomery County, Indiana, planned to surprise their friends by slipping over into this city and getting married, but were themselves shocked when Deputy Clerk Current informed the young man that he could not get a license until he furnished consent from his parents or guardian. Rice said that he was twenty years old, but spoke before he knew the trouble telling the truth about his age would cause him. It did not take him long to properly diagnose the situation, however, and he made some overtures to Mr. Current that surprised the popular deputy. He first suggested that the clerk “mark him up to twenty one,” and this being refused, he said, “I will go into the hall and come in again, and when I get back you be gone and let there be another clerk in your place. I will tell the other man that I am twenty one and that will do the business all right.” Mr. Current informed him that it would be impossible for him to get a license here after having admitted that he was too young, unless he could furnish the necessary consent of parents or guardian. The clerk asked Rice if he did not have to pass through Covington on his way home, and he replied that such was the case, and he and the girl hurried out of the office and made a rush for the Big Four depot to head off the first east bound train that came this way. Such perseverance deserves success.—Danville, (Ill.,) News (*Hubert Rice & Clara Johnson April 21, 1902 in Fountain County marriage records)
Perry RICE -- see John W. Brush (double wedding)
Thomas Washington RICE - see Zella Dee PATTON
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 18 Feb 1869 p5
Mr. James Rich and Mrs. Kate Peterson were married on the 10th by that adept in that line, J.J. Manker. So you see, Sirs that Kate gets Rich in “short meter” which is something we cannot all do.
Goldie RICHARDS - see Austin MAY
Harry J. RICKEY - see Bertha THOMAS
Ida RIDGE - see Oliver COUTANT
Fern RILEY - see Francis WILSON
Sarah RILEY - John SPEED
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 15 February 1901
John M. Speed and Sarah Riley, both of Crawfordsville. were married last Thursday night by Squire Stilwell. at his residence. 700 South Walnut street. = transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star June 14, 1877 p 1
Dr. HG Ristine, of Ft. Dodge, Iowa accompanied by his bride is in this city. He was united in marriage by Rev. LC Gray on Tuesday evening May 29th to Miss Carrie S, daughter of Woolsey Wells, Esq of Ft. Dodge, iowa. Mr. Ristine has been enjoying a lucrative medical practice in his Western home but at last concluded it was not best to enjoy it alone.
Source: Munster Times Thu 7 Oct 1909 p 2
Crawfordsville, Ind Oct 7 – One of the most fashionable weddings of the autumn season in Crawfordsville was solemnized at 8:30 o’clock Tuesday evening at Center Presbyterian Church when Miss Helen Osborn, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. James H. Osborn, became the bride of Harley Thomson Ristine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ristine of this city. 500 invited guests witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Dr. Clarence Hall Wilson pastor of the Center Presbyterian Church. The altar was banked with palms and ferns. Prior to the ceremony Miss Mary Peck Thomson of Chicago sang. The bridal party entered to the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march, played by Kirby Davis of Wabash. The ushers were Insley Osborn, brother of the bride; Theodore C. Frazier of Warsaw and Henry Crane Ristine of Crawfordsville, cousins of the bridegroom; Carroll Ragan of Chicago and Roger Wilson of Wabash. Frank H. Ristine of this city, brother of the bridegroom, was the best man; Miss Alice Rondthaler of Chicago, formerly of Indianapolis and Miss Louise Milligan of Indianapolis were bridesmaids; Mrs. William W. Forbes of this city matron of honor and Miss Elsie Osborne, sister of the bride, maid of honor. Immediately following the ceremony a reception in honor of the newly wedded couple was given at the home of the bride’s parents who live in the Wabash College campus. Mr. Ristine is a graduate of Wabash College with the class of 1903. After attending Harvard University law school he began practice of his profession in Crawfordsville. He was the republican candidate for prosecuting attorney of Montgomery County at the last election. He is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity and the best man and the five ushers were all members of his fraternity. Tau chapter of Beta Theta Pi attended the ceremony in a body. The bride is the daughter of Prof. James H. Osborne, an alumnus of Wabash and for many years an instructor in the college. She is a graduate of Crawfordsville HS and a musician of ability. Mr. and Mrs. Ristine will live in Crawfordsville.
Harold H. RISTINE - Eileen McCALLA
Source: Crawfordsville Review June 24, 1924 p8
The following account, taken from the Boise, Idaho, Statesman tells of the wedding of Capt. Harold Holmes Ristine, youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. WH Ristine of this city to Miss Eileen McCalla on Wednesday, June 4 at Boise, Capt Ristine graduated from Wabash College with the class of ’15 and is very well known here. At high noon, Wednesday at St. John’s Cathedral, Miss Eileen Mary McCalla, daughter of Dr. and mrs. LP McCalla, became the wife of Capt. Harold Holmes Ristine of Crawfordsville, Ind, lately of Camp lewis, Washington. Mrs. Ristine is a graduate of the Georgetown Visitation Convent at Washington, DC. She continued her musical studies in NY and abroad, having but recently returned from a two years’ stay in Paris. Officiating at the ceremony was the Rev. JM Verhoeven, rector, St. John’s Cathedral. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of ivory white satin, fashioned on simple peasant lines, the skirt, slightly shorter in front, falling very full from a normal waist line. The bridal veil, of Carrick Macross lace was fastened snugly about the head with clusters of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of baby breath and forget me nots. Mrs. Ristine was attended by Mrs. Clayton Davidson as matron of honor. Mrs. Calvin D. Cowles, Mrs. John F. Wall, Mrs. Robert Lee Nourse, Jr, bridesmaids and Margaret Davidson, Jane Falk, Barbara Smith, Betty wall, Helen Wall and Elaine Falk as flower girls. The matron of honor wore an old-fashioned gown of blue with hat-to-match and carried an old-fashioned nosegay. The bridesmaids’ gowns were of pastel shades with hats to match and carried nosegays, following the old-fashioned note carried through all the appointments. The flower girls wore frocks of pink and white organdy and carried colored wicker baskets of roses. The bridegroom was attended by Lt. HJ Guernsey of Camp lewis as best man and Major J.D. Downer of Camp lewis; Major John F. Wall and Robert Lee Nourse, Jr. as ushers. Frederick Fleming, Beale played the wedding marches and following the ceremony, Miss Lenore Wagner sang, “O Lord, Most Holy, by Caesar Franck. Immediately after the wedding a buffet luncheon was served to the bridal party at the McCalla home. Capt. and Mrs. Ristine left at once by automobile for Portland and American Lake, Wash and will be at home in Boise after the first day of September. Another short piece – Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Fulk gave a delightful buffet supper in the patio at their home Sunday evening complimenting Miss Eileen McCalla and Capt. Harold H. Ristine, whose marriage took place Wednesday.
Belle RIVERCOMB - see James NICELY
Joseph H. RIVERS - Etta May SIMMS
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review 3 Jan 1901 p8
Joseph H. Rivers and Etta May Simms of Bluff Mills were married by Squire Stilwell at his office at noon.
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Jan 24, 1908
On Thursday at high noon at the residence of Rev. SK Fuson in Marshall occurred the marriage of Mr. R. Stallard Rivers and Miss Lucy E. Rusk. The bride wore a light grey traveling suit, while the groom wore the usual black. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Rusk, Mr. John Rusk and Miss Mouna Porter. They left on the five o’clock train amid showers of rice for Scotland, Illinois for a short visit. Both are highly respected young people and we wish them a happy journey thru life. - kbz
Marguerite ROARK - see Samuel KINCAID
Blanche ROBBINS - see James ENDICOTT
Wiley ROBBINS -- Clara Cottrell
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 14 Dec 1939 Thu p 24
Miss Clara Evelyn Cottrell, daughter of Mrs. Mayme Crane was married to Wiley Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Robbins Sunday afternoon Dec 10 at the home of the bride’s mother. Miss Julia Wilson at the piano played before the ceremony and the wedding march. The bride and groom took places before a group of plants and flowers and floor candelabra. Rev. JC Whitson read the ceremony at 1 o’clock in the presence of immediate relatives. The bride was lovely in white and the couple was unattended. After a reception, the couple left on an automobile trip to Arizona – kbz
Martha ROBERTS - see Bazillia CLARK
James ROBERTSON - see Alice KRITZ
Jessie ROBERTS - see Jesse PATTON
Margaret ROBINSON - Otis ALLEN
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Indiana Nov 25, 1927
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Robinson announce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret to Otis Allen. The wedding took place on July 30 in Indianapolis. Mr. Allen is an electrical engineer, whose home is in Elwood. Mrs. Allen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Robinson and since graduating from the WHS has been in training in the ME Hospital in Indianapolis. They are at home at 1069 W. 31st Street, Indianapolis. A family dinner was held yesterday at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Luna Bayless at Freedom in their honor. - transcribed by kbz
Clyde ROGERS - Sallie SPARKS
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana March 7, 1924
Clyde Rogers of Browns Valley and Miss Sallie Lee Sparks of Lee's Summit, Mo were united in marriage on Friday evening, Feb 29, 1924 at 5 o'clock at the home of Rev. D.J. Evans of the First Baptist Church of Kansas City, Mo. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sparks and is a graduate of Washington University, St. Louis and a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers and is a well known Montgomery County boy and a graduate of Wabash College, class of '14. He has been traveling salesman for the past two years for the Union Trust Co of St. Louis. Congratulations are extended by a host of friends. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 9 May 1916
New Ross, May 8 - Harmon Rodgers and Miss Mae Tipton of this place were married at the residence of Rev. WW Speer at Advance Sunday at 2:30. Mr. Rodgers is a graduate of the New Ross HS of the class of '11 and a rising teacher of Montgomery County. Miss Tipton is also a graduate of New Ross HS of the class of '16. They are both commendable young people and the very best wishes of their many friends are exptended to the newlyweds. They will reside this summer at the home of the bride. Their future residence will depend on where Mr. Rodgers' profession calls him. He has taught 3 years at Fountain and last year was principal at Shannondale. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Indianapolis News Sat 30 Jan 1909 p 11
Crawfordsville Jan 30 – Melvin B. Rogers and Miss Flossie Stonebraker, both well known young people of Crawfordsville were married Thursday night at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stonebraker.
Herman ROHS - see Julia KARLE
Manson ROMINGER - Lavinia STEPP
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 3 Dec 1868
MARRIED : On the 1st of December by Rev. T.S. Webb at the ME Parsonage, Hiram HEDRICK to Mary F. WASSON
On the 1st of December, by Rev. TS Webb at the Clifton House, Albert Piggott to Martha Wright
On the 29th of November, by Rev. TS Webb, Mr. Manson Rominger and Miss Lavinia Stepp, all of this county.
On the 26th of November by Rev TS Webb, Mr. Thomas C. Evans, of Logansport and Miss Mary F.Mitchell of this city.
On the 24th of November in the Presbyterian Church of Waveland at 7 p.m. by the bride’s father, assisted by Revs. Aldudice and McNutt, Mr. James R. Milliken and Miss Fannie M. Irwin both of the above named places.
Dwight ROSEBAUM -- see Mire Jeanette BROWN
Fred ROSEBRO - see Myrtle LONG
Source: Covington Friend Thursday July 24, 1890 p2
A foam-flecked hope over which James E. Rosenbarger of Veedersburg held the lines was driven up panting to the home of County Clerk Hulett about 5 o’clock Sunday. He wanted a license to marry Miss Mary E. Bunnell of Waynetown and he wanted it bad. He was to be married at Waynetown at 7 p.m. and Mr. Hulett kindly consented to issue the license even though it was Sunday. It was then learned that Supt. Zuck was the only man in town who could make affidavit as to the prospective bride’s age. Unfortunately he was out of the city and Mr. Rosenbarger drove sadly back to Waynetown and dismissed the minister and waiting guests. At 4 o’clock Monday he was back to Crawfordsville with the bride’s brother for a witness and the muchly desired document was issued. The friend on whom the groom had depended to get the license Saturday caused all the trouble and delay by failing to perform that duty – Crawfordsville Argus News.
Henry ROSS - see Susan CHAPPELL
Source: Greencastle Banner 14 Oct 1880 p5
On Wednesday of last week at the residence of the bride’s uncle, James Carver, was solemnized the marriage of Miss Belle Durham and Mr. D. Rounhouse of Crawfordsville. The attendants were Miss Lillie Stevenson and WA Durham. There was only a small and select party in attendance, no cards being issued. Rev. JS Pitner of Locust Street Church officiated. There was a number of valuable presents, mostly of silver. The couple oft the same evening for Crawfordsville where they will make their home.
John P. ROWE - Katherine KEYS
Source: Indianapolis Star Aug 30, 1953 p 74
New Market, Ind – Miss Katherine Keys became the bride of John P. Rowe Aug 1 in the Christian Church at New Market. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry V. Keys. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Rowe of Eagle Lake, Minn. After a reception in the church the couple left for a short trip in southern Indiana. They will reside at Eagle Lake where he is minister at the Christian Church. The bride and bridegroom are graduates from the Minnesota Bible College. He received his ministerial degree there last spring. – kbz
Beverly ROYER - see Franklin NANNETT
Charles RUFFNER - see Bertha BLACKETER
Lennie RUSH - see Elam REATH
Josephine RUSK - Robert MYERS
Source: Lafayette Journal-Courier Thu 9 Aug 1945 p 16
Before a floral arrangement, Miss Josephine E. Rusk and Robert Myers exchanged wedding vows at 3 p.m. Sunday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rusk. Rev. Gary Allbritten read the double ring service. Mrs. M.B. Snyder was pianist. The bride was attended by Miss Anna Mae Fickle, of Mulberry and Norman Lentz of Howe served as best man. A reception followed the wedding. Out of town guests were the bridegroom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. Thad Hall of Howe; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Compton and daughter, Doris of Marion and Junior McDonald of Hammond. The bride was graduated from Waynetown high school and Purdue University. She teaches home economics at Howe. The bride-groom is a farmer and they have started housekeeping in part of the home of the bridegroom’s parents. - transcribed by kbz
LaVaughn RUSH - Forest LAYNE
Source: Kenosha News Dec 28, 1920 p 3
A pretty childhood romance which had its inception when the principal were schoolmates in Crawfordsville, Ind culminated this afternoon in the marriage of Miss Lavaughn Rush and Forest Layne in Waukegan, Ill.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Rush, 921 Erie Street; Mr. Layne is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Layne of Crawfordsville, Ind. The Rush family and Mr. Layne have made their home in Kenosha for the past few months where Mr. Layne is an interior decorator.
While both Mr. and Mrs. Layne have made many friends since residing in Kenosha, the announcement of their marriage will come as a surprise to many. The couple was accompanied only by the bride's brother, Harold Rush of the News editorial staff. After the ceremony the party returned to Kenosha where a supper to 22 guests, relatives and intimate friends was served at the home of the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Layne will be at home at their apartment on Newell Street after Jan 15.
Lucy RUSK - see R. S. RIVERS
Emma RUSSELL - see Andrew NELSON
W. A. RUSSELL -- see Josie GREEN
Nellie RUTLEDGE - see Robert DAVIS
Flossie RYKER - see Forest REATH