Q Announcements

Q - Individual Marriages
QUICK, Eliza - see Sanford LOWE
QUICK, Ethel - see Charley KENNEDY
QUICK, Nathan
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 Jan 1874 p 2
“Prairie Edge news” – Nathan Quick, who was married a month or so ago is having a serious time with his new wife. Your correspondent has not seen her but has heard a great deal and if one fourth is true, she is terrible. Nathan has applied for a divorce.
QUIGG, Clifford - Edith Maye LaFollette
Source: Weliver family clippings (thanks Mary Lou)
Last night at 8 at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.W. LaFollette, near Shannondale, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Edith Maye to Clifford a. Quigg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. LM Reagon of Darlington in the presence of about 40 guests. Miss Hallie LaFollette of Russellville played the Lohengrin wedding march as the bridal couple entered. Following the ceremony refreshments were served. The groom is the son of Mrs. Tacy Quigg and is an industrious and prosperous young farmer. His bride is an accomplished young woman and is popular with a host of friends. They will reside on a farm near Darlington.
QUIGG, Mildred - Richard WELIEVER
Source: Weliver family clippings (thanks Mary Lou)
Shannondale, Aug 21 - Friday afternoon, Aug 18 at half after 2 o'clock, Miss Mildred Quigg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CA Quigg, of near Shannondale, and Richard Weliever, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weliever, of Darlington were married by Rev. Miller in a single ring ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. The bride wore a surf-blue dress with white accessories and a corsage of white button chrysanthemums and babies breath. Bouquets of gladoli and snapdragons decorated the living room where the bride and groom were married in the presence of the following relatives: Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Quigg; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weliever and son Jimmy, the groom's grandparents, Mrs. Weliever and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woody, Mrs. Hubert Lynch, Mrs. Keith Cox, Mrs. Hazel Peebles, Misses Edna LaFollette, Rena Quigg, mabel Quigg and Helen Peebles. Refreshments of ice cream and angel food cake in colors of pink. Mr. and Mrs. Weliever left for a short wedding trip immediately after the ceremony. The bride is a bookeeper at the Citizens National Bank at Crawfordsville and the groom is a farmer near Darlington