P Announcements

P - Individual Marriages
Catherine Pierce PADDOCK - J. C. MAXWELL
Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 27, 1872 p 3
At Liberty, Union County at the residence of Joseph Pierce, brother of the bride, by Rev. JL McCain, Mr. J.C. Maxwell of Crawfordsville to Mrs. Catharine Paddock of Liberty, Ind.
Harry PALMER - see Carrie BRITTON
Helen PALMER - Forrest LAYMON
Source: Indianapolis Star 13 Aug 1925 Thu p 4
Washington – Miss Helen Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Palmer and Forrest Laymon son of Mr. and Mrs. JT Laymon were united in marriage Wednesday at the First Methodist Church, the Rev. SL Martin, pastor officiating. The bride, after graduating from Washington HS attended Miss Blaker’s School of Indianapolis. The bridegroom is a graduate of Purdue University where he was a member of the Phi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Immediately following the wedding the couple left on a motor trip through the East. They will be at home in Hammond, Ind after Aug 24. - kbz
William F. PALMER - see Florence EWING
John PARRISH - Muriel Reiter
Source: Decatur, Illinois Herald & Review Sat 21 June 1919 p 2
John Parrish and Miss Muriel Reiter both of Waveland, Indiana were united in marriage in the Court House Saturday, Judge Wamsley performing the ceremony. The groom is a garage owner in Waveland. He was a resident of this city up until four years ago when they moved to Waveland. The bride is the daughter of the late Cyrus Reiter of the Villa Grove vicinity.
Lois "Marie" PARRISH - see Charles William WEAVER
Harry PARROT - Eulala PATTON
Source: Crawfordsville Review 6 July 1911 p 2
Harry H. Parrott, a railroad telegrapher of Danville and Miss Eulala Patton of Waveland were united in marriage in Danville Thursday morning, Justice Henry J. Hall performed the ceremony in his matrimonial parlors at 11 o’clock. The young people were unattended. The groom is 22 years old and employed on the Cairo Division of the Big Four railroad. His bride is 18 years of age. They have not decided where they will live but will probably temporarily make their home in Danville. They have many friends in their home communities who will wish them happiness.
Horton PATTERSON - see Katherine COCHRAN
Anita Jane PATTON - Robert Therien
Source: 1940 Virginia US Marriages #23558
Robert Bogan Therien
21 white single never married
Seaman 1st Class, USN
Born: Veedersburg, Indiana
Father: Leonard Therien
Mother: Grace Bogan
Resides: USS St. Louis, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, VA
Bride: Anita Jane Patton
Born: Crawfordsville, Ind
Father: Fred Patton
Mother: Blanche Kelly
Resides: 1317 N. Bronson Ave, Hollywood, Calif.
Married in Portsmouth, VA on 15 June 1940
Wm. Baker, Clerk – Angie C. Ottavio Clerk of Hustings Court
Archer B. Baas Baptist Church Minister married them on 15 June 1940 in Portsmouth, VA
Bell PATTON - see Jake SWANK
Charles PATTON -- see Nora BREAKS
Clarence PATTON - Lidia McNEELY
Source: Weekly Argus News, Sept 7, 1895 p 8
About 8:30 o’clock last night at the home of William H. McNeeley, on Elm Street occurred the marriage of Miss Lidia Helen McNeely to Mr. Clarence Patton. About 75 guests and relatives witnessed the ceremony and partook of an elegant supper. The bride is one of Crawfordsville’s fair daughters and the groom is to be congratulated in his choice. Mr. Patton has been a resident of this city for some time and is a popular member of the city fire department. They were the recipients of many elegant and useful presets. The Argus News extends congratulations to them as they enter upon the matrimonial sea. - kbz
Dollie PATTON - Ora Armstrong
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 9-18-1902
On last Sunday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Lida Patton, Ora Armstrong and Dollie May Patton were married by Rev. Reeder of the Methodist Episcopal Church, attended by CL Lauthers and Miss Ida Galloway, niece of the groom. The bride was dressed in light colored gray silk, trimmed in white silk and applique. The bridesmaid wore a Venetian gray cloth trimmed in light blue silk and applique; the groom in the usual conventional black. The home was decorated in nature's flowers. Those from a distance were Misses Ethel Linn and Ethel Branch of New Market; Ezba Armstrong and family of Lebanon; Howard Patton and wife of Wesley. After the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the beautiful lawn lighted up by gas jets and Chineses lanters there to partake of a magnifcent supper prepared by the bride's mother. Supper being over, congratulations were extended after which the bride and groom were escorted to the large reception room, there to receive the many presents, consisting of silverware, cut glass dishes of all kinds and colors, table linen, towels and painted pictures with handsome frames. From here we followed the bride and groom to the Christian church and listened to a very able sermon by Rev. Conner. After church we repaired to the beautiful home on Armstrong street, which the groom had prepared and furnished in elegant style. Bidding the bride and groom goodnight we returned to our homes. Conducted by Rev. Strecker. - transcribed by kbz
Eulala PATTON - see Harry PARROT
Gertrude PATTON - see Robert FOSTER
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Nov 22, 1907
Mr. Jesse Patton and Miss Jessie Roberts were married at Crawfordsville by Squire Stilwell, Wednesday Nov 13. Mr. Patton is the son of Mrs. B.M. Galey (Lista Smith whose 1st husband was Joel Lee Patton) of Brownsvalley, and Miss Jessie formerly made her home in Waveland. They are visiting friends at Brownsvalley and will go to Cramer, N. Dakota the first of December. - typed by kbz
Zella Dee PATTON - Thomas Washington RICE
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, March 10, 1899
Thomas W. Rice and Miss Zella Patton were married at the home of the bride's father, TF Patton, near Brown's Valley, on Sunday, Rev. H Benninghoff officiating. - transcribed by kbz
Elma PAYNE - see Herman GILKEY
Virlen PAYNE - Ellen RAUCH
Source: New Richmond Record 4 March 1915
Virlen Payne and Miss Ellen Rauch, both of Romney, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon February 26, by Rev. Albert C. Dudley, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Payne, of Kentucky, and is a highly respected young farmer. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rauch, of Romney, and is a very estimable young woman. They will reside on a farm near Romney.
Grace PAYTON - see Fred JESSUP
Anna PEAK - see John W. Brush (double wedding - she married Perry Rice)
John M. PEARCE - see Emily KENNEDY
Sarah Ellen PEARSON - Norman K. MITCHELL
Source: Weekly Argus News May 17, 1890 p 4
Wednesday Squire Cumberland at his office married Norman K. Mitchell and Sarah Ellen Pearson, both of CC Township. They went to the show that afternoon and then home. The groom will not vote for neither Goben nor Wingate for Auditor. He is only 18 years old.
Dumont PECK - Juliet WARNER
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 7 Sept 1900 p 1
Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Warner, south Water Street, marriage rites were solemnized for their daughter, Miss Juliet Alice and Mrs. Dumont M. Peck about 80 guests being present to witness the happy event. The rooms of the residence were elaborately and artistically decorated for the occasion, a color scheme in flowers and lights being maintained in each room. In the parlor, where the marriage service occured and in the dining room the colors were green and white, a wealth of flowers and vines producing a most beautiful efect. In the music room the adornment was in yellow and green while the library was in yellow and purple. At half past 8 Miss Minnie Landman began playing the wedding march from Lohengrin and to the strains of this the bridal party entered the parlor. The groom, accompanied by his father, Dr. Peck of Goodland, entered from the music room. THe bride descended the stairs and came through the library to the parlor, preceded by the four ushers, Messrs. Fred Weimar of Indianapolis, Harry Little of Goodland and Howard Sidener and Sidney Warner. The bride came on the arm of her father and was attired in a most becoming costume of white batiste trimmed with valenciennes lace insertion. The gown was demi-train, high neck and long sleeves. The bride wore the double veil and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. Following the bride came Mrs. Peck mother of the groom, in a costum eo black satin and Mrs. Warner, the bride's mother in a toilette of black and white foulard with steel trimmings. The attendants stood in a semi-circle about the contracting parties while the marriage service was performed by the Rev. Dr. Leiser of Lafayette. The ring ceremony was employed and the bride was given away by her father. During the beautifully impressive ceremony Miss Landman played Schuman's "Traumerie" and after the benediction the wedding march of Mendelssohn. Congratulations were extended the happy couple immediately after the ceremony, an elaborate wedding collation being served later. The bride was tendered by her friends many very elegant and costly presents. Mr. and Mrs. Peck left on the late train for a bridal trip through the east and upon their return will be at home to their friends in New Richmond where Mr. Peck is at present engaged in business. The wedding was a most pleasing affair in all its details and united the fortunes of two most excellent young people. Mr. Peck during the time he attended Wabash College and during his subsequent busines slife here has made a host of warm friends. The bride is a most charming and accomplished young lady and the couple have the well wishes of all in their new life. Those present at the wedding from out of the city were Dr. and Mrs. Peck of Goodland; Fred Weimar of Indianapolis; Mrs. Edward Warner of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bloomburg of Orrville, Ohio; Harry Little and Miss Hardy of Goodland.
Source: Crawfordsville (Montgomery County) Indiana Review 20 May 1919 p 1
New Market, May 18 – The marriage of Miss LaVina Busenbark to Roscoe Peffley both of this place, occurred Sunday afternoon May 18 at 4 o’clock in the parlors of the Crawford Hotel oat Crawfordsville. The bride and groom had as their attendants Miss Mary Alexander and Mr. Minor of Crawfordsville, Miss Maude Williamson of Indianapolis and Noble Reeves of New Market. The ring ceremony was used the Rev WD Hedrick of Indianapolis performing the ceremony, after which the couple went to their home which they had already furnished in Crawfordsville near which place the groom is employed on a farm. The bride and groom are both prominent young people in the community, the bride having lived here all her life and for the past seven years has been a teacher in the county.
Lafayette PENN - Lena MAY
Source: Crawfordsville Star 10 April 1884 p 1
On Thursday, April 3d, Eld MM Vancleave united in marriage his 500th couple, Lafayette Penn and Lena May.
Lena PERKINS - see John TILLEY
Daniel PERRINE - see Emily BROWN
William A. PETERS - Jessie HENDERSON
Source: New Richmond Record 8 Oct 1914 p 1
A quartette of young people were the “contracting parties” in a double wedding event last Thursday. They were Miss Mary Nolan of Linden and Mr. Chauncey Dukes of Crawfordsville; Miss Jessie Henderson of Round Hill becoming the bride of William A. Peters of Crawfordsville. The wedding ceremony took place at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. J. N. Green, pastor of the Broadway M. E. church, Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Dukes and Mr. and Mrs. Peters will reside in Crawfordsville.
Kate PETERSON - see James RICH
William B. PETERSON - see Augusta HARTUNG
C.W. PETRO - see Nettie HOLLAND
Leora PETRO - see Fred C. UTTERBACK
Merton PETRO - Lillian SLADE
Source: Crawfordsville Journal abt 25 April 1904
Ladoga, April 20 – The wedding ceremony of Miss Lillian Slade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Slade, and Merton L. Petro of Crawfordsville was solemnized at 12:30 o’clock today at the home of the bride’s parents. A few immediate relatives and friends witnessed the simple ring ceremony read by the Rev. RW Michel, pastor of the Ladoga Methodist Church. The home was attractively decorated for the ceremony. Dinner was served immediately after the ceremony and yellow and wife decorations were used in the dining room. A wedding cake and yellow tapers in crystal holders formed attractive table decorations. The bride was dressed in sand colored georgette crepe with slippers and hose to match and carried a corsage of roses, sweet peas and forget-me-nots. Her traveling suit was of dark blue poitret twill with sand colored accessories. The bride was one of the most popular women of this place. The groom is a violin instructor in Crawfordsville. The couple will go to Kenosha, Wis for their wedding trip and will be at home in Crawfordsville after May 1. Among the out of town guests for the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Petro of Crawfordsville. Slade
Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 22, 1883 p 1
Married on Monday Feb 19 at the residence of the minister, Elder MM Vancleave, Robert E. Gwin and Arvilla A. Burroughs. This is the Elder’s 467th couple.
Elder Vancleave managed to tie four couples last week. He is still ahead of the divorce court.
Married by Elder MM Vancleave on Wednesday Feb 14 at the residence of Mr. Withem in this city, Charles Bassett and Laura Goldsberry.
Married at the home of the officiating minister, Elder MM Vancleave on Feb 15, Tilghman M. Cunningham and Rhoda Ellen Peyton.
Marion F. Skaggs and Emma Wilhelm were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Thursday Feb 13. Elder MM Vancleave officiated.
Will PHEBUS - see Gladys BUNDY
John L. PHILLIPS (Rev) - Belle HIATT
Source: Indianapolis Journal Thu 24 Oct 1895 p 3
Crawfordsville, Ind Oct 23 – Rev. John L. Phillips, of the Newlight Church at Graysville and Miss Belle Hiatt of Darlington were married on Sunday Oct 20 in the Darlington Church Rev. FP Trotter officiating. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents and the couple left at night for a visit at Dayton, Ohio. - kbz
Winnie PHILLIPS - see George VanCLEAVE
John S. PICKARD - see Lucinda BEACH
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Nov 21, 1895 p 3
At the office of Squire Stilwell, on Thursday afternoon, Nov 14, 1895, Jacob Stonebarker (sic) and Alice Pickett, both of Yountsville, were united in the hold bands of matrimony.
Charles PICKETT - see Nellie INGERSOLL
Lawrence PIERCE - see Edith JOHNSON
Source: Crawfordsville Review 13 July 1911 p 4
“New Richmond News” – A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage here Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. The constracting parties were Miss Vernie Pierce and Ora Fouts. They were attended by Miss Mamie Pierce, the bride’s sister and Lester McClamrock who were the only witnesses to the ceremony except the family of the officiating minister, Rev. GB Jones. The bride is well known here; being the daughter of George Pierce of Round Hill. The Groom is a young farmer from the Young’s Chapel neighborhood and he and his bride are both highly respected young people who are beginning their married life with the best wishes of a host of friends. - kbz
Daniel PIERCY - see Ida May SCOTT
Albert PIGGOTT - Martha WRIGHT
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 3 Dec 1868
MARRIED : On the 1st of December by Rev. T.S. Webb at the ME Parsonage, Hiram HEDRICK to Mary F. WASSON
On the 1st of December, by Rev. TS Webb at the Clifton House, Albert Piggott to Martha Wright
On the 29th of November, by Rev. TS Webb, Mr. Manson Rominger and Miss Lavinia Stepp, all of this county.
On the 26th of November by Rev TS Webb, Mr. Thomas C. Evans, of Logansport and Miss Mary F.Mitchell of this city.
On the 24th of November in the Presbyterian Church of Waveland at 7 p.m. by the bride’s father, assisted by Revs. Aldudice and McNutt, Mr. James R. Milliken and Miss Fannie M. Irwin both of the above named places.
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Jan 2, 1879 p 1
There was a pleasant wedding at the residence of John Mullikin, on Jefferson Street on last Wednesday, Dec 25th at which time Rev. BP Russell solemnized the wedding vows of Fred T. Pitman and Adelia F. Mullikin. About 40 guets were present. The bride received a number of very nice and useful presents. The young couple have taken their departure for a short wedding tour to New York, but will return to make their home in Indiana. - transcribed by kbz
Jesse PLUNKETT - see Hazel SCOTT
William A. PLUNKETT - see Florence Lee McCORMACK
Vincent POSTHAUER - see Lucille GRABMAN
Melvina POTTINGER - Wesley FIGG - 1835
Source: Crawfordsville Record 3 Oct 1835 p 2
Married on Thursday evening, last, by the Rev. Amasa Johnson, Mr. Wesley Figg of Shelby County Kentucky to Mrs. Melvina Pottinger of this county.
Elmer POWELL - see Edna CHADWICK
Leo POWELL - see Lucretia SEAMAN
Ella POWERS - see William BREWER
Priscilla POWERS - see George KEISER
Source: Lafayette Journal Courier Tue 21 Feb 1950 p 8
Miss Mary F. Price, daughter of Mrs. Lena Price of Darlington and Bill Jones, son of Mrs. Mabel Jones of Crawfordsville were married Feb 11 in the parsonage of Calvary Baptist Church at Crawfordsville. James Price, brother of the bride and Mrs. Price were attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are employed by the RR Donnelley and Sons Printing plant at Crawfordsville. - kbz
Nellie PROCTOR -- see William N. GOTT
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Feb 13, 1872
Mr. Clark Vanice, and Miss Susan Proctor, were united in marriage by Eld. Jewell, at the Christian Church in this city, on Sunday evening Feb. 11. The ceremony took place at the close of the regular church service and was witnessed by some 600 persons. - typed by kbz
Henry PROFFITT - see Barbara McBRAYER
Winnie PUMPHREY - see Elva LEWIS
Ava N. PYLE - see Raymond H. MOORE