O Announcements - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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O Announcements

O - Individual Marriages
Ellen O'CONNER - see Patrick FANNING

Sam O'DELL - see Laura FARROW

Barney O'FARRELL - Widow Laneum

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 28 Nov 1874 p 8
Barney O’FARRELL and the widow Laneum were married in Sugar Creek Township on Thursday evening by Rev. Otterman.

William H. OGLESBEE - Myrtle REDDISH

Source: Hiram Pratt Dairy, Waveland, Indiana -- Wednesday March 25 1903-- $4.80. Paid 70 c for fresh pork 50 for dried peaches. Weather nice and fair. Two public sales and a wedding in town today. Will Oglesby age 17 Myrtle Reddish 16 were married by the consent of their parents. When Wm. is of age he will heir $30,000 given to him by Grandfather Wm. J. Davis deceased. It is to be invested in land in this county. Wm. Kelso and family dined with us today. -- kbz

Source: Waveland Independent, Friday March 27, 1903 -- One of the prettiest events of the season occurred on Wednesday afternoon when to the strains of Hearts and Flowers played by the Misses Straughan, Mr. William Oglesbee and Miss Myrtle Reddish were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Reddish on South Cross Street Rev. LF Galey officiating. The bride was attired in a lovely costume of serpentine swiss, made high neck, long sleeves, en train, and carried bride's roses. The groom wore the customary black. Immediately after the ceremony refreshments were served and the young couple departed on their wedding tour. The parlors were beautifully decorated in green and white. The presents received were many and appropriate. About 50 relatives and friends were present. The guests from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Hocker and Mrs. William Rawlings of Marshall; Misses Ida and Mary Burford of Roachdale and Mr. Ed Oglesbee of Brownsvalley. Mr. and Mrs. Oglesbee will be at home to their friends after April 1 at the residence of the parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oglesbee. -- kbz

Edward O'HAVER - see Catherine FULLENWIDER

Francis A. OLDHAM - John N. WRIGHT (50th)

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News, Jan 31, 1891 p 1
Saturday evening at 401 E. Jefferson Street about 75 friends called to off their congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. JN Wright and to leave them some tokens of their friendship, including $35 in gold. 50 years ago at Louisville John N. Wright and Francis A. Oldham were married, both of them natives of Kentucky. There were born to them 4 children: Miss Anna E. WRight; Charles W> WRight; JH Wright and Mrs. Mary F. Booth, the last two being twins. All save Charles live at Indianapolis. All wer ehere, JH Wright being accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss Florence. Congratulator telegrams were received from Washington City, Memphis, San Francisco and other places. Mr. Wright was taken with a chill during the evening and had to retire but it was nothing serious. - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 30 May 1872 p 3

“Waveland Scraps” - Robert Oldshue and Miss Florence Peterman were married by Rev. JM Bishop on Wednesday morning, the 15th and left on the 7 o’clock train for Pittsburg, PA on their wedding tour. They returned on last Wednesday morning. Please correct your statement in the Journal of the 6th that Robt. Oldshue was married to Miss Sue Peterman and that they had gone to Vicksburg.  

Vivian OLDSHUE - see Leon GUY


Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Mon 9 July 1934 p 4

Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Mary E. Oliver of Detroit, Mich a graduate of Purdue and Ernest R. Mueller, Jr. a graduate of Michigan State and Purdue Universities, which took place June 27 in Detroit. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Oliver south of Crawfordsville and has been employed in the home economics department of the JL Hudson Company in Detroit. Mr. Meueller is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Mueller of Danube, Minn and received her masters degree at Purdue in 1933.  At present he is employed by the Detroit City Gas Company. They are at home at 238 Edmund Place, Detroit. - kz

OLIVER - PAYNE - Affidavit

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County Indiana June 20, 1913
State of Indiana, Montgomery County in the Montgomery Circuit Court April Term 1913
Alonzo G. Payne et al vs. Emeline Oliver et al. Complaint No 47,028 – Come now the plaintiffs by JO Rosebaum, their attorney and file their complaint herein to quiet title to Real Estate situated in Montgomery County, Indiana, together with an affidavit that said defendants the unknown heirs, devises, legatees, next of kin and legal representatives of Henderson Oliver, deceased, Julia Wineland, the unknown heirs devisees, legatees, next of kin and legal representatives of Julia Wineland, deceased. Henrietta Trotther, unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, next of kin and legal representatives of Henrieta Trotter, deceased; Levi M. Trotter the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, next of kin and legal representatives of Levi M. Trotter, deceased; Henrietta Wineland, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, next of kin and legal representatives of Henrietta Wineland, deceased; Milton Wineland, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, next of kin and legal representatives of Milton WIneland, deceased; Elizabeth Wineland, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, next of kin and legal representatives of Elizabeth Wineland, deceased; Frederick Wineland, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, next of kin and legal representatives of Frederick Wineland, deceased are not residents of the State of Indiana. Notice is therefore hereby given said defendants that unless they be and appear on the 1st day of the September tern, 1913, of the Montgomery Circuit court, the same being the 15th of September AD 1913, at the Court House in Crawfordsville, in said County and State and answer ___ to said complaint the same will be heard and determined in their absence. Witness my name and the seal of said Court affixed at Crawfordsville the 10th day of June AD 1913. Thomas E. Matthews, Clerk.


William Q. O'NEAL - Jennie WALTER

Source: Crawfordsville 28 Feb 1884 p 1
A large number of the relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties met at the residence of Henry Walter, west of the city at 8 o’clock last evening to witness the happy and auspicious marriage to William Q. O’Neal and Jennie Walter. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Aaron Wood of Yountsville, the pioneer minister of Indiana.  Many handsome presents were given the bride. A magnificent supper was served. The bride and groom took the midnight train for a trip to Chicago and other prominent points. They start out on the journal of life followed by the best wishes of a large circle of admiring friends in this city and elsewhere. - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, February 5, 1897
  It was in mild September, when the mocking bird was singing and the McKinley Drum Corps was playing, that Rob Hartman and Miss Hattie Opperman were very pleasantly, peacefully and quietly married over in Danville, Ill.  The drum corps, of which Robert was a member, had gone over there to participate in a rally and Robert and Miss Hattie took advantage of the occasion to be married.  They had long loved each other and concluded that September was the proper time and Danville, Ill., the proper place for their union.
  They kept their marriage a perfect secret, however, and upon their return, Mrs. Hartman, who has been engaged as supply teacher in the city schools here, went right to work.  In some way it became circulated that the two were one and the rumor was published in the Journal, only to be promptly denied by the groom who wasn't ready just for the marriage to be made public.
  Wednesday morning, however, Mrs. Hartman went over to Gas City where her husband was staying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Hartman.  Robert met her at the train and they proceeded to Mr. and Mrs. Hartman;s Sr. and stated their case.  The fatted calf met its traditional fate and after a pleasantly passed the young couple returned here on the midnight train for a visit with friends.  After a few days they will return to Gas City where the groom is employed in the pottery.  Mrs. Hartman is quite an estimable young lady and as a successful school teacher has made quite a reputation. – thanks to Kim  H

Edward Templeton OPPY - Ruby May FOSTER

Source: New Richmond Record 31 Dec 1914 p 1
Edward Templeton Oppy and Miss Ruby May Foster, both of New Richmond, stole away to Crawfordsville Thursday morning, December 24, procured the necessary permit of County Clerk Thomas E. Matthews, then hied themselves to the home of Rev. J. M. Cauldwell who married them. Mr. and Mrs. Oppy went at once to their home on Mr. Oppy’s farm west of New Richmond. Both are very fine young people and all their friends are well wishers.

Benjamin L. ORNBAUM - see Mary L. BARR


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 25 Nov 1898 p 8
Morgan A. Foster and Miss Delia Osborn were joined together in the holy bods of matrimony on Saturday afternoon by Squire Stilwell at his office. The bride and groom live at New Richmond.

Helen OSBORN - see Harley RISTINE


Source: Crawfordsville Review Oct 10, 1912 p 6
Relatives and friends have received invitations to the wedding of Miss Anna Otterman of Ladoga and Glenn B. Walsh of this place which will occur at the bride’s home on Wednesday evening, October 16 - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 24 Oct 1874 - p8
Married - On Sept 30 by Rev. GW Stafford at the residence of the bride’s father near Ladoga, Mr. Lewis C. Otterman to Miss Ann R. McKnight.

OWENS, Mollie - see W. S. MUCK

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