N Announcements

N - Individual Marriages
Franklin NANNET - Beverly ROYER
Source: Indianapolis News Thursday 26 Dec 1957 p 24
Linden – Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Royer announce the engagement of their daughter, Beverly Joyce and Franklin Tyler Nannet, son of Mrs. Vashti Nannet, Crawfordsville. Mr. Nannet is a graduate of Culver Military Academy, Purdue Technical Institute and completed a training course in jet engines at Northrop Aviation institute at Los Angeles, Cal. The wedding will be Jan 11 in Linden-Kirkpatrick Methodist Church at Linden.
Maggie NAUGLE - see John DOSS
Olive NEAL - see John Frank SIMISON
Elinor NEEDHAM - see Walter COOLMAN
Harold NEEDHAM - see Mary GRAVES
NEELEY, Maymie - see Deck HALEY
Source: Crawfordsville Review Jan 3, 1913
Friends in Waveland have received word announcing the marriage of Miss Emma L. Russell to Mr. Andrew J. Nelson of Greencastle Tuesday evening at Danville, Ill where the bride has been making an extended visit with friends. The cremony was performed by Rev. William E. Adams, pastor of the First Church of Christ, of Danville, at his home in the presence of a few friends. The bride wore a gown of white embroidered mull. They are the guests of Mrs. Nelson' sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Francis O. Brown, at 2814 Washington Boulevard, Indianapolis for a few weeks. They expect to make Indianapolis their home. Mrs. Nelson was one of the most estimable young ladies of Waveland and she was active in both religious and social circles of that town. She is a charter member of both the Coterie and Outdoor Clubs. Mrs. Nelson also is a reader of marked ability and has often given pleasure to her friends by her delightful readings. Mr. Nelson is employed as a traveling salesman by an Indianapolis fruit company - kbz
Dorothy NELSON - James Frederick RHEA
Source: Martinsville Reporter-Times Wed 30 March 1938 p 2
Miss Dorothy Nelson and James Frederick Rhea, both of Crawfordsville were married Sunday afternoon at the bride’s home. The groom is the son of Dr. James O. Rhea of Linden and is a nephew of Mrs. Claud Shipley and Mrs. EO Edwards of this city. – kbz
Mazine NEUBARDT -- see Ross HAHN
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 22 Feb 1901 p 5
Ernest Newkirk was married to Mrs. Wilson of Rockville, last week and returned with his bride Saturday evening to visit his friends and relatives of this place (Smartsburg). His mother and friends gave a reception for them on Sunday evening. There were about 36 present. Refreshments were served and everyone had a good time and all joined in wishing them a long and happy life.
William H. NEWKIRK - Olethia KRIEGER
Source: Crawfordsville Review 28 January 1899 p 1
The 26th inst at his residence near the city, Rev. GW Stafford united in marriage William H. Newkirk and Miss Olethia B. Krieger. Both the contracting parties are highly respected. - kbz
Source Daily Arkansas Gazette Thu 21 April 1892 p 1
Crawfordsville, Ind April 20 – Last June there was a high society wedding in Crawfordsville and with great ceremony, floral offerings and numerous congratulations, Miss Mabel Newton, daughter of Horace Newton, a wealthy citizen and Will Goben son of Auditor Goben were united in the bonds of matrimony. After an extended wedding trip the young couple returned to Crawfordsville and began life in an elegant suite of apartments. All seemed lovely until last Saturday when it was announced that Will Goben had left for Salt Lake City to enter business with his brother-in-law. This morning Mrs. Goben filed a suit for divorce in which the most sensational charges are made. Cruelty of a most atrocious and inhuman character is alleged in the complain which is as voluminous as it is horrible. The scandal falls on the community like a thunder-clap and is creating a tremendous sensation. Both families are very prominent and widely known. – kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 25 Feb 1888 p 5
New Ross item – Mr. James Nicely and Mrs. Belle Rivercomb were married at the bride’s residence in this place at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Rev. Rodgers of Jamestown officiating
Source: Greencastle Star Press 19 March 1892 p 8
On March 12 Mr. GD Nichols of Linden was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Grantham of Roachdale, the bride is 66 years of age; the groom’s age is 65; and this is his 5th wife.
Source: Greencastle Star Press 26 March 1892 p 1
On March 12, Mr. G.D. Nichols of Linden was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Grantham of Roachdale – the bride is 66 years of age; the groom’s age is 65 and this is his 5th wife.
Source: Daily Greencastle Banner 8 Nov 1932 p 2
The marriage of Miss Lelah E. Nicholas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Nicholas of near Ladoga and Clyde B. Gentry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Gentry of New Market, occurred Sunday morning at 8:30 o’clock at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. EA Arthur on south Water Street in Crawfordsville.
Nancy NICHOLSON -- see Thomas CAMPBELL
Mary NOLAN - see Chauncey DUKES
Arthur NORMAN - Daisey SOWDERS
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 9 Nov 1918
Arthur Norman, son of Stanley Norman of Linden and Miss Daisey Belle Sowders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sowders of the same place, were united in marriage this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by Justice E.M. Brewer at his marriage parlor on South Washington Street. A number of friends were present for the ceremony and after a short wedding trip the young couple will be at home on a farm near Linden. - kbz
Tisula NUSSIS - Pandelis CAMESAS
Source: Crawfordsville Journal 22 July 1952
The marriage of Miss Tisula Nussis, formerly of Crawfordsville, daughter of Mrs. Tiffon Nussis and the late Triffon Nussis, 28-37, 50th St, Woodside NY to Pandelis Camesas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lazarus Camesas, 23-18, 21st St, Astoria, NY took place Sunday June 8 in Asoria, NY. A simple setting of palms and burning candles were used in the St. Demetrius Greek Orthodox Church for the ceremony read at 4 p.m. by Rev. Demetrius Frangos of Astoria. Mrs. Mary Americanus was at the organ.
Given in marriage by her cousin, James Nussis of Siatistia, Greece, the bride wore a gown of white lace and tulle fashioned with a lace bodice of hand-clipped Alencan lace with an illusion neckline with lace applique, short sleeves with matching lace gauntlets. The skirt was extremely full made of nylon tulle with the lace applique at the hipline, the skirt was terminated in a full sweep. The bride’s headpiece was a seed pearl crown with a fingertip veil of silk illusion. She carried a bouquet of white gladiolas, white orchids and baby breath. As maid of honor, Miss Anitsa Nussis, the bride’s sister, wore a white organdy over aqua taffeta and the full skirt was of ballerina length. The bridesmaids, Miss Lola Camesas, sister of the groom and Miss Dora Zahartzis cousin of the brid, were similarly gowned. They carried bouquets of yellow daisies with crowns of yellow daisies on their heads. The ushers were Nichols Eukides of Astoria, NY and Peter Mastrogeannes of the Bronx. They are friends of the groom. The best man was Costas Djivelis, godfather of the groom. Mrs. Nussis chose a street length dress of black chiffon over black crepe. Mrs. Camesas wore Navy chiffon and lace. Each had an orchid corsage. The reception was held at Paprins in Woodside, immediately following the ceremony. The guest listed included relatives and friends from Warsaw, Indiana, Connecticut, NY. Fololowing a wedding trip in Connecticut, the couple will live at 28-37, 50th St, Woodside. For travel, the bride chose a gray suit with pink and white accessories. Miss Nussis was formerly employed at the Crawfordville HS until her family moved to Woodside, NY. She is now employed as secretary with he Division of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Church in NY City. Mr. Camesas, a graduate of the City College of NY and a member of Phi Beta Kappa is a senior at the Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery. He is Grand Master of Psy Omega Dental fraternity. Kamma Lambda chapter and president of the William Jarvis Honor Society of Dental Research.