M Announcements

M - Individual Marriages
Mary E. MACK - Arch MARTIN
Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper Oct 5, 1875
At the bride's residence 4 miles southeast of this city, on Thursday, Sept 30, 1875, by Rev. J.E. Wright of Pleasant-Hill, Mr. Arch Martin and Miss Mary A, daughter of James B. Mac. THe newly married couple took in the CIncinnati Exposition on their wedding tour leaving home on the day of their marriage. - kbz
Mary Jane MACK - see Richard SNYDER
Allen MADDOCK - see Alice SEARCH
Source: New Richmond Record 12 Sept 1912 p1
The news came to his home folks here the first of the week announcing the marriage of Ira Magruder and Miss Clara Johnson of Urbana, Ill., the wedding taking place at 7 o’clock Saturday evening in Danville, 111. Mr. Magruder is building a new bungalow in Urbana and he and his bride expect to be in their new home about October 1st. – kbz
Stewart MAGUIRE - see Mabel BRATTON
Iva MAHOY - see Howard BOOTS
William MANGRUM - Grace HARRIS
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 19 Aug 1904 p 1
Mr. William V. Mangrum and Miss Grace Harris were married at the home of the bride in Cloverdale, Wednesday Aug 17. They will be at home after Aug 18 at Carthage, where Mr. Mangrum is superintendent of schools. - kbz
William David MANN - see Edna BROWNING
Fred MANSON - see Lida LEWIS
George Durham MANSON - Mary Joel WHITTINGTON
Source: Crawfordsville Journal 15 Sept 1921
A beautiful wedding was solemnized Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. William Tyre Whittington on South Grant Avenue when her only daughter, Mary Joel, was united in marriage to George Durham Manson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manson. The double ring ceremony was read by Rev. J. Frederick Rake, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Evansville, Ind. Before the ceremony Miss Marjorie Orton of Cincinnati, played a number of pre-nuptial airs and Mrs. Robert Tinsley sang, “At Dawning.” As Miss Orton played Lohengrin’s wedding march the maid of honor, Miss Julia Deere, dressed in a pink taffeta dress and carrying an arm bouquet of pink roses, descended the stairs. She was followed by little Miss Charline Whittington who wore a dainty white satin dress with net overdraped. She carried a basket of pink rose buds. Following the little flower girl came the bride waring a gown of cream satin trimmed in princess lace. Miss Whittington wore a veil and carried a shower bouquet of bride’s roses. At the altar awaiting the bride and her attendants were the groom with his best man, his brother, Paul Manson and Rev. Rake. During the service Miss Helen McCarthy played the harp. An informal reception followed the ceremony. Assisting Mrs. Whittington in the hospitalities were Mrs. James M. Waugh, Mrs. Charles W. Ross, Mrs. George Steele, Mrs. George Durham; Mrs. MF Mason (Manson) and Mrs. LA McKibben and Misses Elizabeth Deere, Waneta Deere, Katherine Whittington and Mrs. Paul Deere. The house was beautifully decorated throughout in masses of greenery, southern smilex and clusters of vari-colored autumn flowers with lighted cathedral tapers. Pink and white were used in the dining room. The bride and groom were both graduated from the local HS with the class of 1919. Miss Whittington attended Western College for Women at Oxford, Ohio. Mr. Manson attended Wabash College and is a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Manson have gone on a wedding trip and will be at home in this city after Oct 1. Guests from a distance were Miss Marjorie Orton, Cincinnati; Miss Anita Williams, Columbus, Ind; Miss Martha Manson and Miss Martha Belle Manson --- (rest gone)
Will MARMADUKE -see Charlotte THOMPSON
Elmer MARSH - Ollie MILLS
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Saturday 3 Dec 1892
The elopement of Elmer Marsh and Miss Ollie Mills is still fresh in mind and the affair is again being discussed thoroughly on account of the unlooked for and rather remarkable reunion of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh. After the elopement, Mrs. Marsh took rooms on North Green Street, furnished them elegantly and proceeded to lead a life of love lorn loneliness. She still loved the erring Elmer, however, and a life size crayon sketch of the frivolous young man hung in her parlor. Several days ago her smiles brightened perceptibly and to a few confidential friends she stated that she had received a letter from her wandering husband full of love and repentance. In this remarkable epistle he made no mention of Miss Mills, but declared to his wife that he still loved her with the fervor of his youth and that life without her sweet companionship would be a barren waste. The tender sentiments of the epistle were backed up by a ten dollar bill and a request that Mrs. Marsh hasten at once to him in St. Louis, where a glorious and never ending reunion would occur.
Mrs. Marsh fairly hopped with joy and night before last accompanied by an extremely gallant and polite young man, she went to the Vandalia station, where bidding her escort a tender farewell, she departed for St. Louis. Last night, she, Elmer, and Ollie Mills all came back to Crawfordsville as happy as a cage of monkeys. Elmer and wife are now at home to their friends in Mrs. Marsh’s suite of rooms and Miss Mills is at home with her mother near the Plum Street station.
This morning Mrs. Marsh, whose joy is of the exuberant kind, related her experiences to a friend. She arrived in St. Louis as sound as a dollar and was met at the station by Elmer who fell on her neck and wept. After the usual preliminary greetings and caresses, he asked her to go home with him. She did so and was surprised on arriving at his rooms to find Miss Ollie Mills fast asleep. The quarters were not at all clean, but ashes and dirt prevailed to an alarming extent. Mrs. Marsh states that she at once told Elmer that he didn’t find things so while she kept house for him and during the interview Miss Ollie awoke and while greatly surprised, was glad to see her. The whole party came home last night and the Marshes will leave this place as soon as possible.
While away, Marsh worked at all sorts of things in Chicago. The sooner Marsh leaves Crawfordsville the better. A year ago he was a young man with good reputation and fine prospects. He had a good business opening and all seemed bright, but his bad break has eternally blasted his name here.
John MARSH - see Abigail Langdon
Source: Indianapolis News 20 Sept 1916 p 77 (Wed)
Crawfordsville, Ind Sept 20 – Franklin Gerard Davidson, son of Dr. Jesse F. Davidson, supreme medical examiner of the Tribe of Ben-Hur and Miss Elsie Shellady Marshall were married yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Iliff in East Main Street by George R. Grose, president of DePauw university of which the bride is a graduate. Mrs. Davidson came to Crawfordsville in 1909 as teacher of music in the high school and for five years was a member of the hs faculty. Mr. Davidson was graduated from CHS in 1910 and from Wabash College in 1914. He is now a senior in the Harvard University law school and after his graduation from Harvard next spring will return to Crawfordsville to practice. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson will be at home after Oct 15 at Cambridge, Mass. Mr. Davidson is a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity and his bride of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority.
Jennie MARSHALL - see Dave EADS
Lillian MARSHALL - see Melvin BROWN
Otis MARSHALL - see Elizabeth May COOK
Arch MARTIN - see Mary MACK
W. Everet MARTIN - see Nellie LONG
Nellie MARTIN - see Otto DENNEY
Source: Darlington Herald newspaper, Darlington, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, December 20, 1923
The marriage of Miss Thelma Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin, and Buel E. Warren, was solemnized Sunday eening at 5 o'clock at the home of Rev. and Mrs. E.A. Arthur in Crawfordsville and was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Francis; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lockard; Miss Ruth Martin, Miss Gladys Mullen and Ernest Stephenson. The bride wore brown canton crepe with accessories to match. Following the marriages ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents which was very pretty with its Christmas Decorations. The bridal colors, pink and white, were carried out in the refreshments, which were served by Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Herman Francis. Guests at the reception aside from those who were present at the marriage were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Flanigan; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Flanigan; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chadwick; Miss Agnes Peebles; Miss Mercede Swank; Steve Perry and Earl Chambers. The bride is a graduate of Darlington HS with the class of 1921 and for the past several months has been employed at the People's Bank. She will retain her position there until the first of March. Mr. Warren is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren and was a soldier during the World War, going over seas with the same regiment of which Rev. Arthur was chaplain. For the present Mr. and Mrs. Warren will reside with Mrs. Warren's parents and in the spring will go to house keeping on a farm. -- kbz & thanks Sharen :)
William MARTIN - see Mattie JONES
William K. MARTIN - Julia BROMLEY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 31 Dec 1892 p 1
A very pretty holiday wedding occurred on Dec 28 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bromley, Sr on West Wabash Avenue. The contracting parties were Wm. K. Martin and Miss Julia Bromley, two of the best known and most popular young society people of Crawfordsville. The residence was very handsomely decoration for the occasion, the prevailing adornment being cedar and Christmas holly, which was profusely displayed, rendering a very pretty effect under the delicately shaded lights. In the parlor the lights were red and in the hall and dining room a delicate yellow. 75 guests were assembled at 8 o’clock when Mrs. Will Townsley began playing the Mendessohn wedding march The bride and groom entered from the front hall and proceeding to the north side of the room faced the guests and the officiating minister, JW Greene. The ceremony which was an impressive one was that of the Methodist Church including the ring service. The bride, a very pretty young lady was gowned in a becoming robe of white landsdowne, trimmed with brocaded faille and carried an exquisite bunch of white rose buds. Immediately after the ceremony the guests repaired to the dining room where a dainty collation was served, the favors white satin bows. After refreshments the remainder of the evening was very delightfully passed by the guests whose comfort was seen to by Mr. and Mrs. Bromley and Mr. and Mrs. IN Vansickle. In the back parlor was displayed the large number of costly and beautiful presents to the bride. At the evening’s close Mr. and Mrs. Martin were drive to their elegantly prepared home on East Main street where they will begin housekeeping at once attended by the by the best wishes of a large circle of friends. Mr. Martin is one of the most energetic and capable young business men, the junior member of the firm of Martin & Son. He is a graduate of Wabash College and is thoroughly popular with all. Mrs. Martin is one of the most lovable of Crawfordsville’s young ladies and is a leading spirit in both church and society circles. She is a most estimable young lady in all respects. Among those from a distance who attended the wedding were Mrs. Minnie Bullard of Kokomo, Miss Etta Martin of Newtown, Frank M. Kistler of Logansport and Mrs. Rhoda McDaniel of Hillsboro. - kbz
Zerelda MARTIN - see Bernard COOPER
Otis MARTS - see Dora GOWENS
Lulu MARTZ - see Charley BRAYARD
Bess MASON - see Charles EVERSON
Livonia MASON - see Jonas MILLER
Attonay (Attorney?) M. MASON - see Clara CARMEN
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review July 6, 1878 p 1
Mr. Thomas L. Mason and Miss Ann E. McCormack were married on the 23d of June at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. G.W. Stafford -- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal. March 29, 1895
Frantz Myers, of Scott township, and Miss Ella Maxwell were married Wednesday at 12 M. at the residence of B. It. Russell, by the Rev. R. J. Cunningham. - transcribed by Kim H
J.C. MAXWELL - see Catharine PADDOCK
Austin MAY - Goldie RICHARDS
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review 4 Nov 1901 p 1
On Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Richards, on South Grant avenue occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Goldie to Mr. Austin May. Only the relatives and a few intimate friends witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. HL Nave. Congratulations and a wedding supper followed. The groom is an industrious young mechanic and has employment at the match factory. His bride is a charming young lady and their many friends unite in wishing them much joy. They have gone to housekeeping at their own home 514 East Jefferson street. - kbz
Bertrand Emil MAY - see Esther Hutton CLEMENT
Frank MAY - see Madge BOOE
Lena MAY - see Lafayette PENN
Frank MAYHEW - see Lucy HARDEE
Georgie McBEE -- see George FOX
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 9-14-1950 p 1
The Waveland Methodist Church was the scene for the uniting of Miss Barbara June McBrayer daughter of Rev & Mrs. Charles N. McBrayer to Rev. Henry Miller Proffitt son of Mr. and Mrs. Ora L. Proffitt. The couple will reside in Jamestown after a short wedding trip. Rev. Proffitt is pastor of the Salem and Lizton Methodist Churches. Guests were many. - kbz
McCAMPBELL, Grace - see Harry KRITZ
McCAMPBELL, Pearl - see Edward ZIEGNER
Addie McCARTNEY - see John T. BALDWIN
Blishe McCAW - Mary Katherine MYERS
Source: Crawfordsville Review Aug 7 1917 p8
Monday morning at 9 o’clock occurred the marriage of Blishe C. McCaw and Miss Mary Katherine Myers daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers of Ladoga, Rev JM Sellars, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. McCaw will make their home in Ladoga. - kbz
Bernard McCAY - see Ruth MOORE
Helen McCAY - see Louis HAYWOOD
Cecil McCLAMROCK - see Russell COFFIN
James A. McCLAMROCK - see Abbie COFFEE
William B. McCLAMROCK - Ella KUNZ
Source: Crawfordsville 28 Feb 1884 p 1
On last Thursday evening Rev. SB Towne pastor of the ME Church married Wm. B. McClamrock, the popular opera house grocer to Mrs. Ella M. Kunz. The wedding was a quiet affair. Numerous friends of the excellent young couple join in hearty congratulations and wishes for their future happiness. -kbz
On last Thursday evening Rev. SB Towne pastor of the ME Church married Wm. B. McClamrock, the popular opera house grocer to Mrs. Ella M. Kunz. The wedding was a quiet affair. Numerous friends of the excellent young couple join in hearty congratulations and wishes for their future happiness. -kbz
Joe Harlan McCLASKEY - Nettie MOTE
Source: Indianapolis News Sat 30 Jan 1909 p 11
Joe Harlan McClaskey, son of Capt. EP McClaskey of Darlington and Miss Nettie Mote were married last evening at the bride’s home.
Mabel McCLELLAN - see James Lee BROWN
James E. McCLURE - Mary Edna GOBEL
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday, June 11, 1926, page 5
McClure-Gobel Miss Mary Edna Gobel and James E. McClure, both of this city were united in marriage on Thursday evening by Rev. A. E. Arthur, pastor of the Memorial chapel at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gobel on East Pike street. The groom is the son of Egbert McClure. Both young people are well known in this city. The ceremony was witnessed by a small company of friends and relatives of the contracting parties. After a short honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. McClure will be at home to their friends in this city. - transcribed by kbz
Sadly - the rest of the story :(
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Saturday, January 29, 1927, page 1
Mary Edna McClure was granted a divorce from James E. McClure and her maiden name Mary Edna Gobel was restored by the Montgomery circuit court Saturday morning. The couple married June 10, 1926, and separated on August 22, 1926. The plaintiff charged cruel and inhumane treatment and failure to support. - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Feb 23, 1917
Miss Waneta Gooding daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ephie Gooding of Parkersburg was married to Roy A. McClure of Crawfordsville on Wednesday of last week. They will live in Crawfordsville. Mrs. McClure is well known here, as her parents lived on the Durham farm for a number of years and she attended the Waveland schools - typed by kbz
Ann McCORMACK - see Thomas MASON
Florence Lee McCORMICK - William A. PLUNKETT
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 25 June 1914 p 5
William A. Plunkett, car inspector of this city and Miss Florence Lee McCormick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton McCormick, were united in marriage by Rev. GL Stine, pastor of the First United Brethren Church at their home on Oak Street Wednesday evening. A number of friends witnessed the ceremony - typed by kbz
Jno. McCOY - Bessie WOLF
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Argus Jan 4, 1900
Miss Bessie Wolf, daughter of Mr. AJ Wolf of Waveland will be married on the 24th to Mr. Jno. McCoy of Greencastle. - kbz
Thomas McCREEY - see (Dr) Martha J. FRENCH
Bayonis McCULLOCH - see John FORESTER
Mildred McCULLOUGH - see Jesse GRAVES
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 24 March 1910 p 2
Linden news – March 24 -Miss May Tribby of this place and Calvin McCutcheon were married at North Manchester Monday evening at 7 o’clock. They will make their home on the farm of the groom near North Manchester.
Maggie McDANIEL - Dick SMITH - elope
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Thursday, Thursday, 28 August 1873
Ladoga has had a sensation. Mr. Dick Smith, a prominent shoe merchant of that place, wooed and won a fair lady by the name of Maggie McDaniel. “True love never did run smooth.” And so it was in this case. The lady’s parents objected to the match, from some cause or other, and placed obstacles in the way of the young couple which it seemed almost impossible to overcome. “Love laughs at locksmiths,” and subsequent developments that the twain were equal to the emergency. Suddenly the young lady conceived a desire to visit friends in Crawfordsville, and her parents, probably thinking the visit would cause her to forget the object of her girlish affections, reluctantly consented, and about ten days ago she arrived in the city, visiting Mrs. Fannie Townsley, an intimate friend, to whom she confided her story, and in a short time she had the sympathy of a number of young ladies, who “knew how it was themselves.” Early last Monday morning our hero, the seller of brogans, might have been seen, in the disguise of a hunter, wending his way out through the suburbs of Ladoga, into the country, at length coming cautiously out into the road. A rumbling noise is heard in the distance, and away down the road may be seen a covered carriage coming at a frightful speed. “All right, Funk?” “All right! Jump in!” And this is the last that is seen of Smith until he arrives at Crawfordsville, where he exchanges his hunter’s garb for a suit of broadcloth, proceeds to the residence of Mr. Ed. Townsley, where—well, we all know how it ended. Rev. S. Beck officiated. The happy couple returned home the same day, and had a reception, according to previous arrangement, in the evening at the hotel. We forgive them. - kbz
Maude McDANIEL - see Charles BUCK
Rosetta McDANIEL - see Henry McDONALD
C. N. McDONALD - see Maggie BLAIR
Source: Richmond Indiana Item Tuesday 7 Jan 1902
Flora, Ind Jan 7 – About three months ago Henry McDonald, aged 93, and Mrs. Rosetta (Mc) Daniels aged 87 of this city were married. The courtship was rather a stormy one. After marriage the honeymoon was no more placid that the courtship had been. Mrs. McDonald was jealous and frequent quarrels disturbed their otherwise serene atmosphere. Mrs. McDonald gathered up her belongings and left, remarking as she departed that when a man arrived at the age of 93 it was time for him to stop flirting and settle down. (Krout maiden name)
Malcomb Scott McDONALD -- see Hanah Cristy BELL
Dory McGAUGHEY - see Mary C. BARR
Henry McGILL - see Effie CLORE
C. W. McGUIRE- see Frances SNYDER
Source: Crawfordsvile Weekly Journal 29 Dec 1899
“Darlington Echo” – John McIntire and Elsie McMullen drove up from Crawfordsville Tuesday and, calling on Rev. JS Crowder, were united in marriage. That careful young man called in Uncle Sam Martin, who was passing and Mesdames JC Martin, James Flannigan, Eva Kilmer and Daniel Pittman and Miss Edith Marshall to act as witnesses and they sang in full chorus, “Blest be the Tie That Binds.”
William McINTIRE - Jennie DAVIDSON
Source: Crawfordsville Star 6 March 1884 p 5
Mr. William McIntire and Miss Jennie Davidson were married at Elder Quillen’s last Sunday at 3 o’clock p.m. after which the happy couple went to Mrs. Thomas’ and stayed until Monday evening. The tin pan brigade furnished some unexceptional music on Monday evening and received a good treat. We all wish the happy couple much joy.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 8 Feb 1855 p2
Married on Feb 1st, by Rev. JB Gray, Mr. Wm. McIntire to Miss Rhuhama Thompson all of this county.
Married on Feb 1st, by Rev. JB Gray, Mr. Wm. McIntire to Miss Rhuhama Thompson all of this county.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 24 March 1894 p 4
Samuel McKinley and Lena Wilhelm were married by Rev. GP Fuson at his home, 405 Seminary Street Friday evening at half past 6 o’clock.
Dorothy McKITTRICK - see Alex. CRAWFORD
McKee, Harriet - see Harvey TINSLEY
(Rev) John McKEE -- see Clarissa BOOTH
LeRoy McLEOD - see Irene MILLER
McMAINS, Loiuis - Sadie GWYN
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 5 July 1895 p 3
Louis McMains, of Ristine & Ristine Law Office was married last Wednesday evening to Miss Sadie B. Gwyn, an estimable young lady of Bloomington, Ill. The happy couple arrived here Saturday evening and were tendered a reception at the home of the groom’s father Anderson McMains south of the city. After July 10, Mr. and Mrs. McMains will be at home at 913 W. Main. The groom is an excellent young gentleman and his bride will prove a charming helpmate to him through their lives
Lilie McMAKEN - see James VanGORDEN
Elsie McMULLEN - see John McINTIRE
Sarah McMULLEN - see Benjamin SOWERS
James McNEELEY - see May DAVIS
Lidia McNEELY - see Clarence PATTON
Margaret McNUTT - see Maxwell DILLMAN
Fred McNUTT - see Edna Britton
Albert McQUINN - Lillie HALL
Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Weekly Argus News, April 17, 1897 p 3
Elder Vancleave counts a day lost that he don't help out master cupid with his little bow and arrow. Wednesday he united in matrimony Benjamin F. Zimmerman of Ladoga and Harriet E. Morrison of New Ross. Of the same day he also married Albert McQuinn and Lillie Hall of this city, total number 869.
McQUINNEY, Catherine - see Jasper COVINGTON
Jennie MEHARRY - see Charles M. FRALEY
James F. MICK -- Annie FERRIS
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 7 June 1860 p 2
Married in Sharonville, Ohio on Thursday evening May 24 by Rev. JF Conrey, James F. Mick of Crawfordsville and Mrs. Annie M. Ferris of the former place.
Dorothy MILES - see Archie Lamar COOPER
May MILES - see William C. MILLER
Nelson MILES -- see Goldie ALWARD
Hattie MILLER - see Ollie HAMPTON
Source: Greencastle Star 15 Oct 1881 p 1
The evening of Oct 11th was a gala day with the young people of this vicinity. (Orange Blossoms) Elder OP Badger at your city, who, by the way is the universal favorite among the young folks as a marriagist, preached to a very great concourse of people, old and young, in our church at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. after which precisely at 15 minutes to 7 o’clock, eight very finely dressed young people, four ladies and four gentlemen, were seen pushing their way up the densely crowded aisles. The ladies were all so fine looking, that words of comparison would be invidious. The bridesmaids were dressed in pure white, while the brides wore the popular stone-colored silks, with head-dresses of small white flowers. The Elder greeted them with a polite bow, and proceeded to station them to the best advantage, after which he introduced the ceremonies of this very interesting occasion with a few well timed remarks and a beautiful prayer. He then turned to Mr. Willis Stevens and Miss Emma C. Grantham and consummated the marriage rite in a most impressive manner; he then turned to Mr. Jerry Miller and Miss Cora A. Utterback, and they were soon made one, after which the benediction was pronounced; and while the bridal parties moved with measured step to the doors, the vast audience sat and gazed in mute silence. Soon the happy pairs and their many friends were whirling away to the residence of Elder Thomas Stevens, ¼ of a mile distant, where a sumptuous repast of good things was waiting for them. Truly, “All went merry as a marriage bell,” until a late hour and here I took leave of the happy throng and hied me to my house for repose. Exit – Fort Red, Ind Oct 12, 1881. – note: the article says he married four couples but only two are mentioned so not sure !
Austin MILLER -- see Mary Florence FRIEND
Fred H. MILLER - see Maleah ASH
Source: Huntington Herald Mon 28 June 1915 p 6
The marriage of Miss Irene Miller to LeRoy McLeod of Brown County (Browns Valley?) was solemnized at high noon Friday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. EP Miller. The Rev. George Grose of DePauw University officiated. Both Mr. and Mrs. McLeod are graduates of DePauw University.
Source: Huntington Press Fri 25 June 1915 p 3
A marriage license was issued yesterday to LeRoy O. McLeod, 23 years old a farmer of Brown Valley (sic) Ind son of LM McLeod and Miss Irene R. Miller, 23 years old, daughter of EP Miller of Warren.
John MILLER - see Ica Lee HAMILTON
Source: Waveland Independent, 30 July 1909
On July 22 at 8 p.m. occurred the marriage of John A.W. Miller of Terre Haute and Ida J. Masterson of Waveland at the house of the bride’s cousin, Mrs. Dorothy (Ciorce?) Young at 608 E. Market Street, Crawfordsville. They were handsomely dressed and looked fine. The bride and groom left on night train for Indianapolis for a few days stay after which they will return to Yeddo where Mr. Miller is interested in coal land. They will be permanently located in their future home in Terre Haute about sept 1, where they will be pleased to entertain their friends. Mr. Miller is a good businessman. He deals in coal land and is highly respected in Terre Haute. Rev. JM Cauldwell officiated - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 5 Oct 1893 p 4
A letter was received by Albert Miller this morning from his father, Jonas Miller stating that he and Miss Livonia A. Mason were married yesterday afternoon at Irvington. They are now visiting at Findlay, O and it is not known when they will return to this city. The parties are well known in this city and their many friends wish them much happiness in their married life.
Louisa MILLER - see Otto SCHLEMMER
Margaret MILLER - see Edgar CUPPY
William C. MILLER - May MILES
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 18 March 1893 p 5
A secret wedding always presents a romantic side. This is especially so when the parties are well known and highly respected. Secret marriages will leak out, however, in a short time. It is too good to keep. The Reporter to-day reveals a secret of this kind. On the night February 23. a few persons, previously sworn to secrecy, assembled at the home of Mrs. Charlotte McCann, immediately north of the city, and there beheld the impressive ceremony that made William C. Miller, of Montgomery county and Miss May Miles of Boone county, husband wife. Rev. W. H. Ashley was let into the secret and was present and at 7:30 performed the ceremony. The license was secured secretly and all was done without the least cause for suspicion. After congratulations had been offered by the ten persons who were present, Mrs. McCann conducted her guests to the dining room, where a bountiful and elegant repast was served.
After spending pleasant evening the guests departed as secretly as the came, the newly married couple returned to their respective homes, and the fact has been proven that ten persons have kept the secret for two weeks. Miss May Miles is the charming and accomplished daughter of Lao Miles, postmaster at Cason. She is well known here, where she numbers her friends by the full number of her acquaintances. Mr. Miller is a farmer of Montgomery county who has learned the true secret of successful farming. He is well and favorably known here as well as in his own community, being a cousin of ex-Sheriff Joseph S. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will go to housekeeping at once on their own farm near Shannondale. The Reporter joins the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Miller in hoping that their married life may be as perfectly happy as their wedding was a secret.—Lebanon Reporter
Frances MILLIGAN - see Clyde KESSLER
Kenneth MILLIGAN - see Katherine BOLING
Edna M. Millikan - see James B. MILLIKAN (love it!)
James MILLIKAN - see Francis IRWIN
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 13 April 1900 p 1
Greencastle Banner: James B. Millikin and Edna J. Millikin drove to Greencastle and were married this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Millikin reside in Browns Valley, Montgomery County and decided that Greencastle was about the proper place to unite and therefore drove the intervening 23 miles despite the bad weather. Justice Dan Langdon pronounced the ceremony in the parlors of the Commercial Hotel at 10 o’clock in the presence of a few witnesses. Mr. and Mrs. Millikin have been married before and were divorced. They made a favorable impression among the few Greencastle people they met and returned to Browns Valley where the groom is a prosperous blacksmith.
Ollie MILLS - see Elmer MARSH
Henry MILNER - Ethel HIATT
Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Weekly Review Jan 3, 1908 p 5
"Darlington News" - There was a quiet wedding New Years evening, Mr. Kippmilner and Miss Ethel Hiatt. The wedding took place at the bride's home, relatives of the contracting parties being present. They are highly respected people having lived their entire lives here. We extend congratulations. - kbz
Note: Although the article said Kippmilner in Marriage Licese Book 17, p 226 their application for marriage has this:
Henry Clifton MILNER born Darlington on Aug 18, 1872 resides Darlikngton - dry goods merchant. Father; John Milner born Darlington - not living - mother Sabina Smith retired life born near Darlington resides there. First marriage: No married once before - she passed away Aug 11, 1906. SIgned Henry Clifton Milner married 1 Jan 1908 by Rev. CB Kerschner
Female: Ethel E> Hiatt born Aug 6, 1874 in Darlington Indiana resides there - is a clerk. Father; Ira Kenworthy Hiatt born Darlington - grocer; Sarah Katherine Mullen housekeeper born and live sin Darlingotn
Josephine MILNER - see E. Frank BIRCHFIELD
Minnie MISH - see Cecil CANINE
Cleve MISNER - see Ellen BAKER
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 9-29-1916 p 7
On Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock at the Presbyterian parsonage, occurred the marriage of Mr. Fred A. Myers son of Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Myers of near Waveland, and Miss Clemmie Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Mitchell of Byron. Both of these splendid young folks are well and favorably known by the people of this community and that they will make good in life as they go walking and toiling on together is the expectation and the reasonable hope of all those who are acquainted with them – Marshall news
John MITCHELL - see Lizzie LAYNE
Mary MITCHELL - see Thomas EVANS
Nannie MITCHELL - see Bert DOWDEN
Norman MITCHELL - see Sarah Ellen PEARSON
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 29 Dec 1899 p 4
#13 News – Young Cupid has been sharpening his arrows during the passing year, ready to consummate about the Christmas Time. Miss Pearl Bible and John Utterback were married Wednesday at high noon at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Richard Bible in the presence of immediate relatives and in the evening occurred the marriage of Miss Winnie Dazey and Rob Monnell. Probably there may be others to report
Source: New Richmond Record 31 Dec 1914 p 1
Emery V. Monroe, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Monroe, and Miss Mima Kemble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kemble, both of New Richmond, were united in marriage on Wednesday, December 23, by Rev. Joseph Myers, pastor of the New Richmond Christian church, at his home in Crawfordsville. Both are very estimable young people with a host of friends who extend many good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe will reside on the Mrs. Etta Walker farm south of New Richmond. – kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 Dec 1900 p 11
Word has just been received here of the marriage of Mrs. Estella Montague, widow of the late Dr. FT Montague, to Dr. Fred S. Bennett of Atlanta, Ga. The marriage occurred last July in New Orleans but was kept secret until a few days ago. Since her marriage Mrs .Bennett has visited in Indiana but even her relatives were not notified of the happy event. Dr. Bennett is a leading physician of Atlanta. - thanks to Kim H
Paul MOODY - Helen LYTLE
Source: Waveland Independent 17 August 1917 p8
Paul Moody and Miss Helen Lytle were married by Justice Brewer in Crawfordsville on Tuesday morning. Miss Lytle is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lytle who at one time lived in Waveland. Paul is a barber by trade. The young people will go to housekeeping at once in Crawfordsville. – kbz
Alexander MOORE - Mattie COPAS
Source: Waveland Independent April 14, 1922 p 8
Set up house keeping -- in an old time log and frame house. A few years later he erected a commodious brick house. He molded cut dried and burned the brick necessary for the building. In 1936 the house was still standing"
Source: Russellville Searchlight Friday Nov 6, 1908
On Wednesday evening, Nov 4, 1908 at the bride's home, 2 1/2 miles southwest of town, occurred the marriage of Miss Minnie Copas to Mr. Alexander Moore of Waveland. At 8 o'clock Miss Miriam Spencer began Mendelsshon's wedding march and to the sweet strains of the music the bridal couple, preceded by their attendants, Miss Mattie Copas and Mr. Mentor Williams, marched down stairs to the parlors, where they were united in marriage by Rev. Wm. Hargrave. Immediately after the ceremony they marched to the dining room where ice cream, cake and punch were served. The bride was dressed in white and the bridesmaid in pink, the colors being used in the decorations. The parlors were decorated in evergreen and white chrysnthemums, the dining room in pink and white, the favors being a pink chrysanthemum bud with pressed pine. The presents were numerous and beautiful. Relatives and friends to the number of 150 were present to witness the ceremony and all wish the couple long and useful lives. Mr. and Mrs. Moore went Thursday to their country place one mile north of Waveland where they are at home to their many friends. – thanks so much to Rob Surface for sharing so much Moore history
Mary MOORE - see William Wasson GOLTRA
Raymond H. MOORE - Ava N. PYLE
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Oct 11, 1914
Miss Ava Pyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Pyle and Raymond Moore were married at the home of the Rev. Mr. Barbre, pastor of the Christian Church at Rockville, Saturday afternoon at five. Miss Helen McClain and Rhom Johnson accompanied them. The bride wore a blue jacket suit with hat and gloves to correspond. On their return home a reception was given them at the home of the bride's parents. About 30 guests were present. They expect to go to Montana in the Spring where Mr. Moore has taken up a claim. For the present they will live with Mr. and Mrs. Pyle. -- typed by kbz
Robert Erwin MOORE - Thema Rosella MOORE
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 13 Oct 1899 p1
Robert E. Moore and Miss Thema Rosella Moore, of east of the city were married on Wednesday the 11th by Rev. GW Stafford at the residence of the officiating minister east of the fair grounds. - kbz
Ruth MOORE = Bernard F. McKAY
Source: Waveland Independent April 14, 1922 p 8
Miss Ruth Moore, daughter of the late Dr. Charles Moore and Bernard F. McCay of Linden were married on Monday evening at the First ME Parsonage in Crawfordsville. Mr. McCay has enlisted in the Naval Reserve at Great Lakes. - kbz
Squire George MOORE - see May DONOVAN
Thema Rosella MOORE -- see Robert Erwin MOORE
Theodore MOORE - see Mildred BRANDENBURG
Glenn MORGAN - see Hazel COLLINS
June MORGAN - William WASSON
Source: Crawfordsville JournalReview, May 19, 1944 pg. 5 col. 5
Miss June Morgan and Pfc. William Wasson were married May 13 at the home of the bride's brother, Raymond Morgan at Crawfordsville. The single ring ceremony was read by the Rev. George Anderson, past of the U.B. church. Mrs. Jean Moore, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and petty Officer Woody morgan, who is on leave from the U.S. Navy, was best man. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Morgan and is a member of the 1944 Crawfordsville high school graduating class. The groom, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Wasson of Marshall, attended Indiana State Teacher's College. The couple will live at Columbia, S.C. - typed by kbz
Rhetta MORGAN - William WEAVER
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Dec 15, 1881 p 5
Married at the residence of the bride's parents on the 23rd of Nov, by Elder Snyder, Samuel H. Gilkey, to Miss Emma, fourth daughter of Joseph and Mary Smith. Also the 8th inst at the residence of the Rev. Joseph Swaringen, William Weaver and Rhetta Morgan. Also, same date at the Parsonage at Yountsville by Elder Hargrave James H. Fugate and Flora Bell, daughter of Joseph and Susan Copner. May their happiness by unalloyed by any bickering or contention through all their lives and that they may obey the commandments of scripture is the wish of yours. - transcribed by kbz
Robert MORGAN - see Eva DAVIS
Ruth MORGAN - see Basil JOYNER
William (Woody) Brooks MORGAN -- see Gwendolyn Joann CALDWELL
Flora MORRIS - see Wilbert BREAKS
Katie MORRIS - see Harry CLOSSON
Owen David MORRIS - Delilah and Nancy CORY
"Owen David Morris and Nancy Cory were married on November 28, 1839 in Ohio. Her father's farm joined that of his father. They were young people in the same neighborhood. After they were married, they set out with a team and wagon and a few articles to begin house keeping and a few implements for farm work. Their destination was Indiana. Several weeks were required for the trip of some 125 miles through wilderness. When night came and a site was chosen near a stream to make camp. Often sapling had to be cut from the side of the trail to make a suitable camp space. They located in Delaware County, Indiana. On May 8, 1949 Nancy Cory died, and the young father took his four young children back to Ohio and they were cared for in the homes of both sets of grandparents. On December 16, 1849 in Ohio, Owen married Delilah C. Cory, the younger sister of Nancy C. Cory and began life again. Nancy and Delilah were the daughters of John E. and Mary Knight Cory.
In 1854/5 he sold this farm and migrated across country with an oxen team and his family by way of Buck Creek in southwesterly direction to Montgomery County, Indiana, eight miles east of Crawfordsville, Indiana, where he purchased 220 acres of fine sugar tree land. Set up house keeping -- in an old time log and frame house. A few years later he erected a commodious brick house. He molded cut dried and burned the brick necessary for the building. In 1936 the house was still standing"
>From the writings of Mrs. Flora A. Morris Breaks, granddaughter of Owen David Morris
Sylvester MORRIS - see Lydia CLORE
Sylvester MORRIS - see Katherine COCHRAN
Harriet MORRISON - Benjamin F. ZIMMERMAN
Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Weekly Argus News, April 17, 1897 p 3
Elder Vancleave counts a day lost that he don't help out master cupid with his little bow and arrow. Wednesday he united in matrimony Benjamin F. Zimmerman of Ladoga and Harriet E. Morrison of New Ross. Of the same day he also married Albert McQuinn and Lillie Hall of this city, total number 869.
Lizzie MOTE - see Cy BOWERS
Nettie MOTE - see Joe McCLASKEY
Zula MOTE - see Isaac LINN
Hallie MOUNT - see Charles E. Butler
Cora MOUNTS - see Sammy RANDOLPH
W.S. MUCK - Mollie OWENS
Source: Crawfordsville Star 8 January 1892 p 8
At 2 o’clock on Thursday afternoon there was a quiet wedding at the ME parsonage at Russellville at which time Rev. Hayes pronounced the pretty service of that church that will here bind as one in love’s silken chains the lives and destinies of WS Muck of Brownsvalley and Mollie F. Owens of the same vicinity. The marriage was attended only by a few friends. Mr. Muck is a most worthy young farmer and has won for his wife an estimable lady. He was finally plucked from the ranks of Bachelordom. The young couple will settle down to housekeeping in a comfortable house on a farm within a half mile of Brownsvalley. The best wishes and congratulations of THE STAR are with them - kbz
Ernest MUELLER - see Mary E. OLIVER
Adelia MULLIKIN - see Fred T. PITMAN
John H. MUNNS - see Cora LUCAS
Source: Crawfordsville Saturday Evening Star 5 Nov 1881 p 6'
On last Tuesday morning the Rev. JM Kendall of Browns Valley, united in marriage Jno. S. MUNNS a young farmer of Yountsville to Miss Mamie WHITTINGTON at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Whittington who live about six miles north of Waveland. Both of the contracting parties are of society's best and the good wishes of their many friends will ever follow them. The following presents were received: complete set of parlor furniture, father of bride; blanket and table cloth, mother of bride; silver spoons, TG Whittington and wife; silver butter knife, Mollie Seaman; silver sugar shell, Mellie Seaman; cake stand and table cloth, F. Canine and wife; picture frame, CT Hills; bedspread, Grandma Davis; berry bowl and fruit dish, Mrs. Mary Davis.
Minnie MURDOCK - see Michael CARROLL
Byron MYERS - see Christine FOXWORTHY - see also Ina WILKINSON
Frantz MYERS - see Ella MAXWELL
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 9-29-1916 p 7
On Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock at the Presbyterian parsonage, occurred the marriage of Mr. Fred A. Myers son of Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Myers of near Waveland, and Miss Clemmie Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Mitchell of Byron. Both of these splendid young folks are well and favorably known by the people of this community and that they will make good in life as they go walking and toiling on together is the expectation and the reasonable hope of all those who are acquainted with them – Marshall newsMary MYERS - see Charles S. KRITZ
Mary Katherine MYERS - see Blishe McCAW
Source: Waynetown Hornet 26 Dec 1887 -
Listed in overview of year -- March 15 - Noah MYERS and Nona Smith of Alamo were married.
Robert MYERS - Josephine RUSK
Source: Lafayette Journal-Courier Thu 9 Aug 1945 p 16
Before a floral arrangement, Miss Josephine E. Rusk and Robert Myers exchanged wedding vows at 3 p.m. Sunday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rusk. Rev. Gary Allbritten read the double ring service. Mrs. M.B. Snyder was pianist. The bride was attended by Miss Anna Mae Fickle, of Mulberry and Norman Lentz of Howe served as best man. A reception followed the wedding. Out of town guests were the bridegroom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. Thad Hall of Howe; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Compton and daughter, Doris of Marion and Junior McDonald of Hammond. The bride was graduated from Waynetown high school and Purdue University. She teaches home economics at Howe. The bride-groom is a farmer and they have started housekeeping in part of the home of the bridegroom’s parents. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 May 1868 p 3
MARRIED – Myrick – Yeagley – At the residence of the bride’s father near Ladoga, Ind on Thursday May 14, 1868, Capt. RH Myrick to Mrs. Sarah J. Yeagley by Rev. TS Webb. Accompanying the above notice, we acknowledge the receipt of a most delicious wedding cake of no means proportions – an article which brought joy to the printers and a hearty wish of joy to the Capt. and his bride. May that measure of happiness attend them through very many future years that has had such an auspicious beginning. - kbz