L Announcements

L- Individual Marriages
Jess LaFOE - Rachel WOLFE
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 16 Oct 1914
Miss Rachel Wolfe of Indianapolis and Jess LaFoe were married at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon Oct 14, by Rev. A.A. Pratt, at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Charles McGregg. Mr. LaFoe is employed at the match company. -- typed by kbz
Carole LaFOLLETTE -- see Clairmont Siekerman
Edith LaFOLLETTE -- see Clifford QUIGG
Source: Muncie Evening Press Mon Sept 25, 1967 p 5 – Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sprunger of Berne announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their eldest daughter, Julia to Jack C. LaFollette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. LaFollette, Indianapolis. They will wed Nov 25 in First Mennonite Church, Berne. Miss Sprunger a graduate of Ball State University is with Liberty-Perry School Corporation. Mr. Lafollette is a senior at Ball State.
Sarah LAMB - Silas GUARD - deaf mutes wed
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Crawfordsville 22 Feb 1895 p 1
Wednesday afternoon at the home of Wm. Hightower in the east end, Silas H. Guard and Miss Sarah E. lamb were quietly united in marriage by Rev. GP Fuson. The marriage was unusually quiet form the fact that the contracting parties are deaf mutes. The service was performed by pledges. Mr. Fuson opened the book containing the service to the passage required and then bride and groom each pledged one to the other by the sign language. The minister pronounced them husband and wife by holding up for them to read a car upon which was printed the customary declaration. Mr. and Mrs. Guard will reside at Linden.
Ray LAMBERT - see Elizabeth ISAACS
Source: Crawfordsville Star 10 April 1884 p 1
Married in this city on Wednesday April 9th by Eld MM Vancleave, Mr. John E. Lamson and Miss Sarah E. Butcher, both of Brown Township.
Henry Walkup LANE - Dorothy Jane GLENN
Source: Crawfordsville Review 5 June 1923 p 12
The Terre haute Post of May 30 contains the following story of the marriage of Henry Walkup Lane of New Ross and Miss Dorothy Jane Glenn of Terre Haute. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Jane Glenn, daughter of Mrs. McElroy R. Glenn, 1001 S. 7th Street and Henry Walkup Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lane of New Ross, Ind is to be solemnized Thursday evening at the hour of 8 in a simple yet beautiful service at the home of the bride’s mother. The services are to be read by the Rev. James H. Garvin of Columbus, Ohio who is a great uncle of the bride. He will be assisted by Rev. John W. Herring of First Congregational Church. Only the relatives and a afew very intimate friends will be present. Palms, ferns, white iris and roses are to be used effectively to decorate the large living room which will be used as the ceremony room. The various other rooms of the home are to be decorated in greenery and flowers. Miss Glenn will be married in a Russian Arrow silk crepe dress. Her flowers are to be orange blossoms, which were worn by her mother on her wedding day. Mrs. Leonard Gifford and Miss Helen Smith are to play At Dawning and The Barcarolle. Following the ceremony light refreshments will be served. The wedding colors, pink and white are to be used. The bride’s table will be adorned in smilax and roses. The dainty place cards are to be miniature brides carrying the names of 12 guests who are to be seated at the table. The other guests are to be seated at small tables. Ice cream is to be in the form of pink roses on natural leaves with cake and mints. The hostesses for the evening are to be Misses Mabel Churchman, Rosa Scwartz, Irma Harden and Gladys Henderix. The young women are all sorority sisters to Miss Glenn all being members of Mu Zeta Chapter. Miss Glenn is an accomplished young woman. She is a grad of Wiley & State Normal in the four-year college course. She is a member of Mu Zeta Sorority and also Alethenal Literary Society of the Normal. Since graduating from the normal two years ago, Miss Glenn has been teaching in Clinton Ind at the high school. Mr. Lane is graduate of Wabash College at Crawfordsville and is a member of the Little Giant Association of that school and for the past two years has been teaching the New Ross schools. He has accepted a position as principal of the schools at Mace Ind for the coming year. Following the reception, they will leave for New Ross where they have a new home furnished. Among the out of town guests for the wedding will be Mr. Dane Lane, father of the groom, New Ross; Miss Elizabeth Lane of Depauw sister of the groom; Miss Mary Walkup of Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Williams of Muncie; Rev. James Garvin of Columbus, Ohio, Miss Gladys Henderix of Cloverdale, Ind and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hopkins of Clinton, Ind.
John P. LANE - see Melissa GRAVES
LANEUM, Widow - see Barney O'FARRELL
Abigail LANGDON - John MARSH
Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 Feb 1911 p 1
Darlington, Feb 2 – Romance that began 50 years ago in the school days of the participants, culminated this week in Cincinnati when Mrs. Amanda Langdon of that city became the bride of John Marsh of Darlington. Mr. Marsh and his present wife were lovers way back in those “dear old golden rule days,” but they became separated, Marsh enlisted in the army when the civil war broke out and at its close came to Darlington so that the school day sweethearts knew not whither the winds of fortunate and fate had wafted the other. Marsh came to Darlington in the late 60s and worked for John Peterson of Potato Creek, finally marrying Miss Julia Peterson who died a few years ago, leaving her husband with several children. Soon after the death of his wife, Mr. Marsh visited his old home in Cincinnati and there he found Amanda, the queen of his boyhood’s heart. She, like Marsh, had lost by death her mate and a bond of mutual sympathy drew them together. The old flame of love flickered once again and finally burst forth and burned with the same impetuosity that it did half a century ago when John carried Amanda’s school books and wrote surreptitious love notes to her. Wednesday these childhood lover, reunited after many years, were married at Cincinnati and left soon after the ceremony for a wedding journal to California and other points on the Pacific coast. They will return in a few weeks and after a visit with Mrs. Marsh’a daughter, Mrs. Clint Arnold of this place will probably make their home in Cincinnati. - kbz
Isaac LARRICK -see Elizabeth BROWN
Lida LANSBURY - see A. F. WISE
Horace LAW - see Grace DEVINE
Charles Victor LAWHORN - Elizabeth HENRY
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Monday Jan 12, 1920
Saturday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock at the marriage parlors of Justice T. W. Sutton on South Washington Street occurred the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Henry daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry of Darlington and Charles Victor Lawhorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawhorn of Lafayette. Quite a number of friends of the two young perople were present for the ceremony and Mr. and Mrs. Lawhorn left immediately for Lafyaette where they will make their home. The groom is a machinist in that city.Forrest LAYMON - Helen PALMER
Source: Indianapolis Star 13 Aug 1925 Thu p 4
Washington – Miss Helen Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Palmer and Forrest Laymon son of Mr. and Mrs. JT Laymon were united in marriage Wednesday at the First Methodist Church, the Rev. SL Martin, pastor officiating. The bride, after graduating from Washington HS attended Miss Blaker’s School of Indianapolis. The bridegroom is a graduate of Purdue University where he was a member of the Phi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Immediately following the wedding the couple left on a motor trip through the East. They will be at home in Hammond, Ind after Aug 24.
Forest LAYNE -- see Lavaughn RUSH
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Dec 18, 1879 p 4
At 8 o'clock this morning the Episcopal Church was well filled with invited guests who witnessed the marriage of John M. Mitchell and Miss Lizzie Layne, the handsome daughter of Dr. PM Layne. Dan'l Rountree and Miss Laura Durham were first attendants and Samuel Smythe and Sherman WInn ushers. Rev. Harrington married the couple in accordance with the beautiful Episcopal form, the father giving the bride away. The newly married took the train immediately afterwards for Ladoga, their new home, where Mr. Mitchell is engaged in the hat and cap business for himself. The Star wishes Mr. Mitchell and his bonny bride a happy Christmas and many renewals of the same. A large number of elegant and useful presents were received, viz:
Dr. PM Layne, set parlor sofa furniture; Mrs. Dr. PM Layne, set of mink furs and one dozen napkins; WIllie Layne, set dishes; stone china; Frank Layne, pair towels; Wm. Epperson, set polishing irons; Mrs. WM. Epperson, red wood blanket; Mrs. Epperson and Miss Flora Mitchell china tea set; Mr. and Mrs. RB Whitney, picture of themselve sin frame and pink toilet set; Miss Blanch Stockton, damask table linen; Harry Stockton, fruit dish; Guy Stockton, one dozen fruit dishes; Paul Hughes, wash tub, clothes line, board and pins; Mrs. Paul Hughes, bed spread; Mattie Hughes, table linen; Harry Hughes, bread bowl, cake cutter, potato masher and rolling pin; Mrs. Sarah Stephens, bed spread; Mrs. Marshall vases; Scott Steele and lady, silver butter dish; Mrs. John L. Whitney, toilet set; silver pickle castor "from a friend," Wm. Nicholson and lady, motto; George Graham and lady, silver castor; James Walter, silver butter dish; Daniel Rountree and Jas. Johnston, table linen and napkins; Misses Jennie Cade, Lizzie Beal and Jennie Bard, handsome chromo; Mrs. Annie Newton, chromo; Miss Ida Allen, toilet set; Miss Lucy Willson, perfume bottles; Sherman Winn, handkerchief vox; Kate ALlen, lace handkerchief; Mrs. RB Willson, lace tie; Miss Laura Durham, pin cushion; Jennie Vanarsdall, card basket; Josie Stilwell, napkin rings; Mrs. Kate Shevlin, towels; Mrs. GA Fitchey, towels; WO Myers, hat rack; DeLou Burke, silver cup.
Mary LAYTON - see Asa ALLEN
Howard G. LEE - see Myrtle WRAY
Katie LEE - see Chester BRITTON
Julius LePAGE - Annie BLUE
Source: Crawfordsville Star 5 Oct 1882 p 5
Miss Annie Blue and Julius LePage, a French gentleman from Paris were cemented in matrimonial union on Wednesday evening by Rev. M. Couts. They left on the evening train for the Cincinnati Exposition.
Source: Daily News-Review July 6, 1900 p 3
"Black Creek news" - Miss Elva Lewis was married on last Sautrday night at the home of her parents. Her life has been spent in the pure innocent of youth. She begins life anew without. The bride was attired in pure white and she heled in her hand a bunch of daisies. Winnie Pumphre, the groom, is a very pleasant man, hailing from Kentuckey (sic), and winning for his bride one of our good girls. May sunshine and pleasant smiles attend them down the great thoroughfare of life is the wish of ... Old Sandy. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Star newspaper, Jan 19, 1882 p 1
There was something in the rumor after all, for last evening Fred M. Manson, of this city, was married to Miss Lida E. Lewis of Greencastle. Fred has a myriad of friends who will wish him many long and golden years. There is a very large and earnest gang of charivari vigilants anxious to serenade the young man when he returns. The boys must and will have satisfaction for this slight. - kbz
Floyd A. LINN - see Mabel JOLLEY
Herman LINN -- see Catherine BRATTON
Isaac LINN - Zula MOTE
Source: Crawfordsville Saturday Journal 1-29-1887
At the residence of the bride's parents, near Whitesville in this county, Isaac N. LINN an Zula B. MOTE were united in marriage on the 27th instant. Rev. GW Staford performed the ceremony in his usual pleasant and agreeable manner. A large number of the friends of the young couple were present on the occasion and presented the young couple many and valuable presents.
LINTNER - see William CRAIG
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 16 Feb 1894 p 5
Just after 12 o’clock Sunday Feb 11, John H. Liter and Miss Blanch A. Flannigan were united in marriage by Rev. TJ Shuey at the residence of Harrison Flannigan. Miss Blanch is one of Darlington’s most popular young ladies and Mr. Liter is a prosperous young farmer living a few miles north of this city. These young people have many friends who wish them a prosperous and happy life. - transcribed by kbzHarman LITKA - see Anna KIRKPATRICK
Grace LIVINGTON - see Clarence WEYLS
George LOMAN - see Mayme CANINE
Charles LONG - see Daisy ELLIS
Myrtle LONG - Fred ROSEBRO (married 19 June 1890)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 June 1890 p 3
At the home of the bride’s parents 2 miles north of the city, Fred R. Rosebro and Miss Myrtle Long were married on Thursday, Rev. GW Switzer officiating. Only the immediate relatives of the happy couple were present. The young pair will reside in future at Little Rock, Arkansas where the groom is engaged as secretary of the YMCA having declined the position at Hot Springs. - kbz
Nellie LONG - W. Everet MARTIN
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Review newspaper, March 2, 1911 p 6
Miss Nellie Long, daughter of Robert Long of near New Richmond, was married Thursday afternoon at the home of the Christian Church minister in Veedersburg to W. Everet Martin of Linden. They went to Indianapolis on a short honeymoon trip. They will reside on a farm owned by the groom’s father, Levi Martin, east of Linden. The bride was a winner in the popular voting contest inaugurated by The Review two years ago. She won two prizes. A solid gold shirt waist set and a 10 days’ vacation trip around the Great Lakes. Her campaign in behalf of the circulation department of The Review demonstrated she has a host of acquaintances and all who know her are her warm friends. She is admired for her beauty and graciousness of manner. The manager of The Review can farther personally testify as to her skill as a cook. Mr. Martin is a well-known young farmer of Madison Twp. The young people start their married life auspiciously and their friends hope they will experience many joys and few disappointments and sorrows. - kbz
Sada LONG - Hubert WILHITE
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News July 13, 1895 p 1
The marriage of Hubert L. Wilhite and Miss Sada R. Long occurred last night at the Christian Church in the presence of a large audience. Stant Wilhite, DV Blair, Parker Willis and Charley Long acted as ushers, Miss Mayme Wilhite presided at the organ.
At 8:30 to the strains of Mendellohn's wedding march, Herbert Wilhite & Miss Long proceeded by Messrs. Long and Willis, marched down on the church aisle, and stopped in front of the rostrom, where Rev. Creighton said the cermeony and pronounced them husband and wife. From the church, the bride and groom went to their new home on West Wabash avnue, where a number of invited guests were given a reception and repast.
The bride is the daughter of Henry Long who resides north of the city and is a young lady possessing both beauty and accomplishments. The groom is a well known young man, and is honored and respected by all his acquaintances. The bride was gowned in a white organdie with Valencien trimming and carried a boquet of bride's roses. The groom appeared in the usual dark suit. After the ceremony, Prof. Lee O. Smith's orchestra called and tendred the newly married couple a beautiful serenade. They were invited in and spent the evening discoursing the sweetest of music.
In entering upon wedded life so auspiciously the young couple have the best wishes of a large acquaintance.
Trilby LOOP - see Raymond FERRELL
Hubert LOUDERMILL -- see Ferrell BILBO
Otto LOUGH - see Edna BROWN
Ted LOVE - see Neva ELMORE
Sanford LOWE - Eliza QUICK
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review, Oct 15, 1881
Married At Pleasant Hill, Tuesday Oct 11, Sanford Lowe and Mrs. Eliza Quick, Rev. ER Johnson officiating.
Source: Crawfordsville Review 14 Dec 1895 p 5
Married on Sunday the 8th instant, Peter Barnhart and Hattie Lowery, both of this county. The marriage was solemnized at the residence of Rev. G. W. Stafford on east Market street. Mr. Stafford performed the ceremony in his usual pleasant manner. - kbz
Also: Source: Weekly Argus News 14 Dec 1895 p 3
Married on Sabbath evening the 8th instant, Peter Barnhart and Mattie Lowry both of this county. The marriage was solemnized at the residence of Rev. GW Stafford on east Market street in this city. He pronounced the ceremony in his usual pleasant manner. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 9 November 1918
Walter W. Lowery of New Richmond and Miss Mayme Utterback of Elmdale were united in marriage by Justice E.M. Brewer in his marriage parlors this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. The groom is the son of Hiram Lowery of New Richmond and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Utterback of Elmdale. A number of friends were present at the ceremony. After a short honeymoon trip the young couple will reside on a farm near New Richmond - kbz
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Thursday 11 June 1936 p 22
Crawfordsville – Marriage licenses were issued here to Otis D. Loyd and Erma LaMonta Taylor, city and to Dr. William F. Burgess, Sandusky, Ohio and June M. Endean, city.
Cora LUCAS - John H. MUNNS
Source: Crawfordsville (Montgomery County, Indiana) Daily Journal 8 October 1891 p 4
Waynetown, Oct 8 – John H. Munns and Miss Cora Lucas, only daughter of Wm. Lucas, were quietly married at the home of the bride’s parents last evening at eight o’clock. The near relatives and friends were the only guests and Rev. T.J. Shuey performed the ceremony in his most happy manner. After the tying of the knot and the usual congratulations a sumptuous wedding collation was served which was a marvel of the housewife’s skill and art. The presents of the bride were numerous and especially beautiful, including a gold watch and chain, two sets of silverware and silver tea set. The young couple will go to housekeeping here next week attended by the best wishes of a large circle of friends. - kbz
William Earl LUCAS - see Mary ELSTON
A.P. LUSE - see Flora DARTER
John H. LYNCH - Jennie WELCH
Source: Crawfordsville Review Nov 9, 1911 p 6
Miss Jennie Welch of this city and John H. Lynch, three miles east of this city were quietly married Thursday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. Alexander, pastor of the Christian Church. They were accompanied to the home of Rev. Alexander by Miss Nellie Lynch, sister of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch left immediately for their home in Englewood.
Mary Edna LYNN - Horton PATTERSON
Source: Crawfordsville Star Dec 24, 1872
At the residence of the bride’s mother on the 19th inst by Rev. JN Satford, assisted by Rev. RF Caldwell, Mr. Horton Patterson of Covington, Ind and Miss Mary Edna Lynn of this city, - Married
Helen Lytle - see Paul MOODY
Robert Earl LYTLE - see Rose CAPLINGER