K Announcements - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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K Announcements

K- Individual Marriages

Julia KARLE - Herman ROHS

Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star Oct 31, 1898
The beautiful interior of St. Bernard's Roman Catholic Church never was so pleasing to look upon as it was on Wednesday morning at the hour of 9 o'clock when a wedding party swept in and Father Dempsey pronounced the impressive service of the church to forever bind the lives and destinies of Mr. Herman Rohs, of Cynthiana, Ky and Miss Julia Karle of this city. After the service, Rev. Father Crossin of Wabash celebrated mass. The church was filled by friends of the bride and groom. It was decorated as it was never decorated before, with flowers and plant life in profusion, this work being under the direction of Mrs. August Mayer, sister of the bride. The bride, one of the most beautiful and charming women of the city, was queenly in a gown of white satin duchesses, liberty silk flounces on the waist and skirt, long sleeves and pearl collar, entrain, wearing a tulle veil caught by an exquisite pearl cluster, a present from the groom, and carried a lovely shower boquet of bride's roses. Petite Miss Julia Mayer was the maid of honor and she was gowned in white organdie, satin ribbons and lace, low neck and carried pink roses as did the bridesmaids, who were Miss Florence Shultz and Miss Margaret Price. Miss Schultz, graceful and beautiful, was gowned in blue china silk, muslin de soie over dress. Miss Price, was petite and beautiful in pink silk, pink muslim over-dress trimmed with ribbons. The church ushers were Mr. Bernard Price, Mr. Frank Kelley, Mr. Lee Myers and Mr. Danial McCarty. The wedding march was played by Miss Jennie Price and the accompaniment on the violin was by Mr Frank Hack. The altar was banked deep with palms and potted plants and before the altar were two columns of flowers entwined and above them were suspended two white doves in white satin ribbon meshes. The bride was preceded by her dainty maid of honor and bridesmaides and was met at the altar rail by the groom, handsome and manly, who entered from the south transept of the church, accompanied by his best men who were Mr. John W. Schroerer of Indianapolis and Mr. RH Conway of Cynthia. After the ceremony there was a wedding breakfast at the home of Mrs. Julia Karle, mother of the bride, North Washington Street. The table had in its center a basket of carnations, and Reimann served. The guests were served ices and cake in the reception room. The presents were numerous and were in china, silver and bric-a-brac. The groom takes his wife to a lovely home at Cynthia, KY where he is engaged in the jewelry business. The house was furnished throughout in every detail by his friends. To it he will take one of the most beautiful and lovely women in Crawfordsville. She will grace the home and be a decided acquisition to the society of the city of Cynthiana. Among the guests from out of the city were: Mr. and Mrs. CG Aringhaus and Mr. Henry Rohs of Cincinnati; Mr. Henry Rohs Sr. and Mr. RH Conway of Cynthiana; Mr. and Mrs. Shroerer and Miss Mary; Mr. and Mrs. EW Fenger and Mr. John B Schroerer of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Barney Emsinger and Mr. and Mrs. William Seeger of Lafayette. The young couple went to Cincinnati on the 1:15 afternoon train on the Big Four and will after a trip to the east be at home at Cynthiana on November 15th. They were accompanied to the train by a large party of young folks who gave them a merry send-off, some of them accompanying them as far as Indianapolis. -- kbz

Martha Rosette KEENE - Nathaniel DAVIS

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 14 Dec 1892

The AME Church was handsomely decorated last evening and over 100 invited guests were assembled there at 8 o’clock to witness the marriage of Miss Martha Rosette Keene, the accomplished daughter of Mr. Upon Keene to Mr. Nathaniel Davis of Logansport. Promptly at the hour appointed Miss Lucy Peters struck up the wedding march and the bridal party proceeded to the altar where the solemn rites including the ring service were confirmed by the pastor, Rev. M. Pettiford. The best man was Mr. Ratcliff of Logansport and Miss Parthina Woodford acted as bride’s maid. Beside the bride’s maid the bride was attended by Misses Mayme Bell, Mary Taylor, Kittie Woodfork, Bessie Williams, Anna Altridge and Sarah Woodfork.  The bride looked charmingly in an exquisite gown of pearl colored silken train, trimmed with bride’s roses. Immediately after the ceremony the wedding part entered cabs and were driven to the residence of Mrs. Belle Pattersons, where a reception was tendered them at which were about 60 guests. The residence was tastefully decorated and the affair was decidedly swell in all its details and appointments. Elegant refreshments were served the guests and the evening was most pleasantly passed. The presents of the happy couple were most numerous and beautiful and made a gorgeous display. This morning they left for Logansport where they will in figure reside. The congratulations of a large host of admiring friends follow them. The bride is a most estimable, amiable and intellectual individual and will make a fitting helpmate to the groom who is a progressive and industrious young man, eminently worthy of the prize he has captured.  

John KEERAN - see Abigail BARD

George KEISER - Priscilla POWERS

Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 16, 1888 p 1
Married on Tuesday Feb 7th at Muncie, Ind George Kesier and Mrs. Priscilla Powers. Mr. Keiser is a dealer in gas pipe and finishing brass goods at Muncie and is a gentleman of high business standing.  Mrs. Kesier has many friends in Crawfordsville who will wish her much happiness.- kbz

Jennie KELLENBARGER  - see Jacob A. IRONS

George KELLER -- see Faye HALLETT

Maury KELLEY - see Mamie VANCE

Al KELSEY - see Alice HARDEE

Helen KELSO - William ISAACS

Source: Tri-County News, 17 July 1958

Friends in Waveland have received word of the marriage of Miss Helen Kelso and William Isaacs in the chapel of the Presbyteiran Church, Denedin, Fla at noon on Sunday July 13. They are planning to return here and make their home west of Waveland for the remainder of the summer.

Reese KELSO - Victoria KRITZ

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 29 April 1893
Dr. Reese D. Kelso and Miss Victoria Kritz were united in marriage at the home of the bride in Waveland at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Rev. H.L. Kindig of Lebanon, officating, assisted by Rev. H.M. Hooks. The groom is a former student of Wabash College and a graduate of Rush Medical College. The bride is the handsome daughter of Prof. H.S. Kritz of Wabash College. Only a few intimate friends were present. Dr. and Mrs. Kelso took the 6 o'clock train for Chicago where they will spend a few days, remaining until after the fair opening. Dr. Kelso is one of the promising young physicians of the country. After about ten days they will be at home to all their friends at their new home on Green street in Waveland. - thanks so much to Sue P. for this and all the items sent for the GenWeb page !! Greatly appreciated girly :)

Mima KEMBLE - see Emery MONROE


Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 July 1892 p 3
Cards are out announcing the engagement of Miss Fanny Joel of this city and Mr. Abe Kempner, a prominent business man of South Bend.

Alminda KENNEDY - see John HALSTED

Charley KENNEDY - Ethel N. QUICK

Source: New Richmond Record  15 Oct 1914 p 1
Miss Ethel Neila Quick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Quick, and Charley A. Kennedy were united in marriage Thursday night, October 8 at 8 o’clock, at the bride’s home by Rev. A. W. Cash of Lebanon, in the presence of several relatives and friends. They will go to housekeeping soon in Eimdale.


Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review Monday 1 June 1931 p 5

Miss Emily Kennedy and John M. Pearce United in Marriage The marriage of Miss Emily Kennedy, daughter of Mr. Dumont Kennedy, and John M. Pearce of Kokomo, took place on Monday morning at eleven o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Kennedy Place. The young couple plighted their troth with the ring ceremony read by Rev. James H. Wilson, pastor of the First Christian church in the presence of only the immediate families of the bride and groom. The bride wore an ensemble suit of brown and white with accessories to match, which also was her going-away dress. Immediately following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served and Mr. Pearce and his bride departed for a honeymoon trip. Upon their return they will be at home to friends in Kokomo at 420 Western avenue after July 1st. The bride was graduated from the local high school and Purdue university where she is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She taught in the Darlington, and for the past two years has been domestic science instructor in the school at Flora. She is one of the popular and charming young women of this community. Mr. Pearce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pearce of Lowell, Ind. He also was graduated from Purdue university and is a member of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. At present he is associated with the Northern Indiana Power and Light company at Kokomo. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pearce were here from Lowell to attend the wedding. - transcribed by kbz

Vina KENNEDY - see Ira HENRY

Wiley KENYON -- see Mollie CHRISTMAN

Wallace KERN - see Evelyn COPPAGE

Mary Elizabeth KERR - Leander HAYES

Source: New Richmond Record 17 Jan 1901 p 5
The marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Kerr, daughter of A. J. Kerr, and Mr. Leander Hayes, of Newtown, occurred at the home of the bride’s father at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon, Rev. H. C. Weston performing the ceremony. Only the immediate members of the families witnessed the event. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes go at once to housekeeping in Newtown where a home has been previously prepared for their reception. Mr. Hayes is a farmer; his bride is a well known lady and with a very wide circle of friends.

Source: New Richmond Record 17 Jan 1901 p 2
Wednesday afternoon, January 16, at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride’s father, A. J. Kerr, in New Richmond occurred the marriage of Lizzie M. to Leander Hayes of Newtown. Both young people are well known and will make their future home near Newtown.


Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Thursday, June 12, 1941
Miss Frances MILLIGAN, daughter of Mrs. Dean S. Milligan of Waveland and Clyde D. KESSLER who resides east of New Market, were married Wed monring June 4 at 10:30 at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. HR Sigler, pastor of the Park Memorial Presbyterian Church in Evansville, Ind. The bride wore pink silk jersey fashioned floor length. Her traveling costume was navy sheer with white accesories. She is a graduate of Indiana State Teachers College and has taught in the Waveland School and for the past 5 years in New Market. The groom is a graduate of New Market HS and has attended Purdue. He is a farmer and they will reside ont heir farm east of New Market. After the ceremony they left on a wedding trip through Ky and Tenn visiting Lookout Mountain and other places enroute. Mr. and Mrs. Kessler are now at home on Mr. Kessler's farm. Mrs. Kessler has been an active worker in the Presbyterian Church and in club and social affairs. She has a host of friends in her home community and the knack of making friends and keep them. The best wishes of Waveland friends go with her to her new home. -- typed by kbz

John Milton KESSLER - see Nora DAVIDSON


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Saturday Feb 22, 1890
W.C. Prescott, erstwhile pitcher of our baseball club will be married at Royal Center, Indiana, next Wednesday, February 26, to Miss Lorett Kestler, formerly a resident of this city. Both young people have a large circle of friends in this city who, with The Journal extend good wishes in advance.

Carrie KEYS - see John UTTERBACK

Katherine KEYS - see John P. ROWE

Budd KIDWELL - see Maude CALL

Ronald KIEM - see Estelle Bacwell

Charles KILPATRICK - see Margaret JOHNSON


So sorry I missed the citation but pretty sure it was in the New Richmond Record in 1915 ??

A quiet little wedding, which comes as quite a little surprise to the host of friends of the couple, occurred yesterday afternoon when Mr. Lorlie J. Hardman and Miss Edna May Kincaid stole away to Crawfordsville and were married by Rev. Blaine Kirkpatrick, pastor of the First M. E. church of Crawfordsville, at his home. The ceremony took place at about 2 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Hardman have gone for a short honeymoon visit, but have kept their destination a secret unto themselves. On their return they go at once to housekeeping at 122 South Grant avenue, West Lafayette, where their new home, previously made ready, awaits their coming. There they will be at home to their friends after March 15.  
Both of the contracting parties are of New Richmond’s best and most highly respected young people with a host of friends who wish them all of the best on life’s matrimonial sea. Miss Kincaid is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Kincaid of New Richmond. She was formerly employed for more than three years on the Record and this paper learned of her sterling worth. Mr. Harriman was formerly a New Richmond boy, is a barber by trade and holds a good position in Lafayette'. The Record joins their well wishers in heartiest congratulations. – kbz

Samuel KINCAID - Marguerite ROARK

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 June 1902 p 8
Samuel Kincaid and Miss Marguerite Roark were married at Crawfordsville Wednesday. They begin housekeeping in Jack Beckley’s property on South Franklin Street.  S. A. Hugelheim owns the horseshoeing shop opposite the public school building. Their new building was completed on June 1st and is convenient and well adapted to the business. H. C. Finch has charge of the wagon making department and is very proficient at that work. Hugelheim inherits his trade his father having followed the business for 27 years. M. L. Edwards and Charles Armstrong conduct a general store in the post office building. They sell staple and fancy groceries, and carry a stock of stationary, notions, etc. - kbz

Etta KING - Frank SMITH

Source: Crawfordsville Star, Nov 26, 1896
Mr. Frank M. Smith of Tippecanoe County and Miss Etta J. King, of the vicinity of Garfield were married on the 21st instant by Rev. GW Stafford at his residence east of the fair grounds in this city. Only a few select friends were present to witness the performance of the ceremony which made them husband and wife - transcribede by kbz

George KING - see Clara CONRAD

Maude KING - see S.L. BAYLESS

Hubert KINTZ - see Louise DRYER


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Saturday Feb 22, 1890
At the home of the bride's parents near Wingate were married Mr. Harman Litka and Miss Anna Kirkpatrick at 8 p.m. February 15, 1890, the Rev. D.A. Rodgers officiating. -klbz

Pearl KITE - see Clarence BANTA

Charles KLEISER - Victoria KRITZ

Source: Crawfordsville Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 12 Oct 1901
Mr. C.A. Kleiser and Mrs. Victoria Kelso were married at the home of the bride's father, Prof. H.S. Kritz, at 8 o'clock yesteray evening, Revs. Hunter and Gibson officiating. None were present except immediate relatives of the parties. The bride was charmingly costumed in grey crepe de chine trimmed in panne velvet, and an appliqued skirt made with plaited flounces en train. The groom wore the customary black. Both are well known here and have a host of friends. They go to housekeeping immediately on east Main street. -- Waveland Independent (thanks to Sue P :)

Cornelia KLEISER - see Tyre HANNA  


Source: Indianapolis News 8 Jan 1924 (Tue) p 7
Waveland, Ind Jan 8 – Miss Wanetah Kleiser and Guy H. Spruhan were married at the home of Dr. and Mrs. AJ Kleiser, parents of the bride Sunday morning by the Rev. JB Johnson of the Methodist Church. They left immediately for Salem Va.  Mr. Spruhan was graduated in engineering at Ohio Northern University and then attended Mississippi Industrial Institute.  He is a member of the Sigma Pi Fraternity.  Mrs. Spruhan attended the Metropolitan School of Music at Indianapolis and graduated from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. She is a member of the honorary musical sorority Mu Phi Epsilon. For the last four years she has had charge of the musical department of Grenada College, Grenada, Miss.  

Source: Bristol (Tennessee) Herald Courier Mon 21 Jan 1924 p 8
Coach Guy H. Spruhan sprang a sudden, though pleasant surprise on the college community when he returned last week with the former Miss Waneta Kleiser as his bride.  Mrs. Spruah is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Kleiser of Waveland, Ind.  Mr. and Mrs. Spruhan will make their home at 188 High St.

Annie KLOPP - see William DOSS

Cyrus KNOUFF - see June DORSEY

Grace KOHL - see Harley GILL

Herman KOSTANZER - see Anna GALEY

William KRAMER - see Lizzie COX

Olethia KRIEGER - see William h. NEWKIRK


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 29 Oct 1881
A pleasant social event took place Wednesday evening at the residence of Prof. H.S. Kritz, the occasion being the marriage of his daughter Alice to J.W. Robertson, a young gentleman of high standing in the community. There were present about sixty guests, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Brush, of Crawfordsville, Mr. Charles Smith, of Indianapolis, Miss Carrie Irwin of St. Louis, and Misses Hattie and Pet Peterson, of Potato Creek. Immediately after the ceremony the guests were invited to the dining rooms where they were served to a sumptuous repast. The presents were numerous and were very elegant and valuable. -- thanks thanks thanks to Sue P :)

Charles S. KRITZ - Mary MYERS

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 08 Apr 1893
About sixty invited guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Myers, on south Washington street, Wednesday to witness the marriage of Miss Mary May Myers and Mr. Charles S. Kritz, of Waveland. The rooms of the residence were elaborately and becomingly decorated with potted plants of various varieties and cut flowers, the affect produced being beautiful and artistic. It was 8:30 o'clock when Prof. Eddie Brandkamp, who presided at the piano, began playing the Lohengrin wedding march to which the bride and groom, unattended, entered by the east door into the back parlor where the marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Everett B. Thomson. The bride, a very pretty and engaging young lady, was most becomingly arrayed in an Empire gown of blue crepe de chene en traine. The gown was trimmed with ribbons of a corresponding color. The ceremony was beautifully impressive and was the simple form of the Westminter ritual. Immediately upon the conclusion of the ceremony the guests proceeded to the dining room where an elaborate and delicious collation was served. The decorations in the dining room were profuse and beautiful. The tables were adorned with candelabra and bowls of exquisite flowers, violets, roses and carnations predominating. From the chandeliers broad bands of heavy white ribbon extended to the several corners where they were caught in loops and fastened with bunches of violets. The favors to the guests were violets tied with dainty ribbons. After the refreshments were served congratulations were extended and the remainder of the evening passed in a very delightful manner. The presents were very rare and costly ones and included some very exquisite and useful articles. Mr. and Mrs. Kritz leave for their future home in Waveland this evening, where Mr. Kritz is engaged in a large and lucrative business. They take with them the best wishes of a host of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Kritz is an exemplary young man and is more than well acquainted here, having served some time as principal of the city high schools where he endeared himself. The young lady whom he won as his wife has been one of Crawfordsville's most fascinating young ladies and will prove a most desirable acquaintance to Waveland society. Those from out of the city attending the wedding were, W. O. Myers and wife, Indianapolis; Rev. R.V. Hunter and wife, Terre Haute; A.J. Kleiser and wife, C.H. Johnson and wife, J.W. Robertson and wife, Prof. and Mrs. H.S. Kritz, Miss Victoria Kritz, Mrs. S.M. Steele, Frank Kritz, Dr. Reese Kelso and Mrs. G.M. Cowan, of Waveland. - thanks, thanks and more to Sue P for sending this :)

Harry KRITZ - see Grace McCAMPBELL

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 26 Jun 1903
At 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents in Waveland occurred the marriage of Harry Kritz and Miss Grace Palmer McCampbell. The groom is the son of Prof. H.S. Kritz, of Waveland, and used to live here, having clerked years ago in the book store of Dickey & Brewer. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCampbell, Mr. McCampbell being a retired farmer of Waveland. The bride and groom entered the parlor unattended and took their places before a bank of roses, where the simple ceremony was performed by Rev. W.F. Gibson, of the Waveland Presbyterian church. The house was handsomely decorated with roses and cut flowers. The bride wore an elegant white Persian lawn with applique heavily overlaid. The ceremony was witnessed only by the members of the immediate families of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs Kritz have gone east for a short wedding trip, after which they will be at home to their friends at their country residence a mile and a half south of Waveland. -- thanks muches to Sue P :)

Jessie KRITZ - see George COWAN

Layla KRITZ - see Benjamin HARBESON

Nellie KRITZ -- see Walter STRAUGHAN

Stella KRITZ - see Rice Vernon HUNTER

Victoria KRITZ - see Reese KELSO

Victoria KRITZ - see Charles ALbert KLEISER

Ora E. KROUT - Pearl M. TITUS

Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Weekly Review Jan 3, 1907 p 3

Wednesday December 26 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Iven Titus, one half mile south of Alamo occurred the marriage of their daughter Miss Pearl M. Titus to Mr. Ora E. Krout, son of Robert K. Krout of Wallace. Promptly at 8 o'clock Miss Myrtle Rice began playing Lohengrin's wedding march to which the bride and groom with their attendants Miss Edith and Homer Krout entered the parlor where, under an arch of ever green, they met the officiating minister, Rev. WF Hole of Ambia, Ind, who pronounced the ceremony. Miss Rice then began playing Lohengrin's march and the bride and groom lead the way to the dining room where refreshment were served. Mr. Krout is a prosperous young farmer and has won for his bride one of Alamo's most highly esteemed young ladies. They start in life with the best wishes of many friends. Guest present from a distance were: WF Cole, wife and son, Leslie of Ambia; Miss Ella Hallet, Miss Edith Allen, Mrs. Arch Smith, son and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Krout of Wallace; Raymond and son, Stone Bluff, Miss Hollis, of Otterbein; Mrs. Candy Lewellyn and son Noba, of Crawfordsville; Elbert TItus and two sons, of Waynetown; Everett Titus of Lafayette; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Porter of Moline, Ills and Miss Myrtle Rice of New Market - transcribed by kbz - Note: there was no last name with Raymond above

Lizzie KRUG - see Arch BAILEY

Leslie KRUSCHKE - see Isabelle COUTANT  

Ella KUNZ - see William B. McCLAMROCK

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