J Announcements

J- Individual Marriages
Ronald JACKSON - see Nellie FOXWORTHY
Pearl JAMES - see Samuel VanCleave
Stella JAMES - see Will DAVIS
Edith JARVIS - see Joseph TODD
Juanita JARVIS - see Floyd GRAHAM
Zella JENKINS - see Minnie WATTS
Source: Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue 1906 by Cloe Collings Meyer thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Payton, southwest of Waveland, Sunday at half past two o'clock occurred a pretty October wedding by which their daughter, Miss Grace Lee Payton, became the bride of Mr. Fred E. Jessup of near Jessup. 150 guests witnessed the beautiful and impressive ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Isaac C. Whitlock of Terre Haute. Before the ceremony Miss Rose Connor, of Waveland, presiding at the piano played Fire Light Dreams and as the bride and groom entered unattended she played the Lohengrin wedding march. While the bride and groom led the way to the dining room where dainty refreshments were served, the tune was Mendelssohn's march. The home was decorated throughout, the color scheme being pink and white. Autumn leaves and flowers being used. in the dining room purple and white pansies, the colors of the Royal Neighbors at Judson were used in the decorations. The favors were white bells tied with white and pink ribbons. When the ceremony was being performed the bride and groom stood in a large bay window, which had been canopied with floral designs the most attractive of which was a large pink and white star encircled by a crescent moon of the same colors. The bride wore a becoming gown of white silk embroidered batiste trimmed with bands of stitched silk. Those assisting in the dining room were Miss Jessup, a sister of the groom and Mrs. Harmless, a sister of the bride. They will be at home on a farm near Rockville after Nov. 1
Source: The Indianapolis Star - 25 October 1908 p 11
Fred E. Jessup and Miss Grace Lee Payton of Waveland were married at the home of the bride's parents near Waveland last Sunday. The bridegroom lives near Jessup and the couple will reside there. ---- thanks to Ginny A for this one :)
Fanny JOEL - see Abe KEMPNER
Edith JOHNSON - Lawrence J. PIERCE
Source: New Richmond Record 3 Sept 1914 p 2
Lawrence J. Pierce, son of Mr., and Mrs. W. D. Pierce of Round Hill, and Miss Edith Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Anna Johnson of Crawfordsville were married at the home of the bride’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson in Crawfordsville at 8 o’clock Tuesday evening, Rev. R. O. South, pastor of the M. E. church at Russellville, performing the ceremony. It was a most charming home wedding. Both are most estimable young people. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are enjoying a short honeymoon trip, and on their return will take up their home in Ladoga where Mr. Pierce is a teacher in the schools.
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 4-23-1915
Edgar G. Glover, the cook at the Cuppy Hotel, and Miss Edna Earl Johnson were married on Sunday in Crawfordsville, by Rev. AE Taylor, pastor of the ME Church, colored. They will go to Bay City, Mich in a few days to spend the summer. – kbz
Edgar G. Glover, the cook at the Cuppy Hotel, and Miss Edna Earl Johnson were married on Sunday in Crawfordsville, by Rev. AE Taylor, pastor of the ME Church, colored. They will go to Bay City, Mich in a few days to spend the summer. – kbz
Frederick JOHNSON - Catherine CLARK
Source: Weekly Argus News 13 Jan 1900 p 7
Squire Stilwell officiated last evening at the wedding of Fredrick Johnson and Catherine Clark, both colored.
George JOHNSON - see Joseph FREEMAN
Hunter Warren JOHNSON - Callie May HICKS
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 04 Nov 1903
A very pretty home wedding was celebrated Sunday afternoon, November 1, at 3:30 at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks, near New Market, the vows being taken by Mr. Hunter W. Johnson and Miss Calla Mae Hicks, in the presence of an invited company of friends and relatives numbering one hundred. Rev. A.W. Connor, of Indianapolis, pronounced the ceremony, the maid of honor being Miss Leona Wray and best man Mr. Fred A. Hicks, an only brother of the bride. It was a white and green wedding and these colors were carried out in a simple but effective manner with evergreens and white chrysanthemums. Promptly at 3:30 Mrs. Ed Johnson played from the strains of Mendelssohn to which the bridal party entered and beneath a beautiful arch of white and green the vows were taken. After congratulations the bridal party led the way to the dining room, where a two-course luncheon was served. In a room was shown the wedding presents, an unusually pretty display. Those from a distance were Miss Nora Hicks, of Indianapolis; Mrs. Mattie Cook, Medaryville; Mr. and Mr. Andrey Sidener and Mr. Fred A Hicks, of Ladoga. - thanks Sue P - you rock :)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 1 July 1898 p 1
Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sanders at 313 Beech Street occurred the marriage of Julius Johnson and Miss Mary Dorsey. 100 guests were assembled when Miss Blanche Patterson played the Lohengrin wedding march to which the happy couple entered the artistically adorned parlor. The bride was attended by her maid of honor, Miss Lizzie Keene. Miss Keene wore a gown of white organdie trimmed in mousseline de soie. The bride wore white moire silk and the costume was elaborately trimmed in lace. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Turner of the colored Baptist Church. After the service elegant refreshments were served and the evening pleasantly passed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson go to housekeeping at once in a new home on Beach Street.
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Nov 28, 1895 p 6
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John G. Johnson issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Margaret Johnson and Mr. Charles Kilpatrick of Chicago for noon Wednesday, Oct 4 at their pleasant residence on West Main Street. Mr. Kilpatrick is a commission merchant of Chicago. After a wedding trip through Mexico the couple will be at home at their residence on Washington Boulevard, Chicago.
Mabel JOLLEY - Floyd A. LINN
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Mon 18 oct 1926 p
The marriage of Miss Mabel Jolley daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LD Jolley of 120 North Grant Street, West Lafayette to Floyd A. Linn of Chicago, Ill son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Linn of Mace, Ind was quietly solemnized at 8 o'clock Saturday evening at the First Christian Church parsonage by the Rev. J. Newton Jessup. The single ring ceremony was read and the couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Baughman of Linton, Ind the latter a sister of the bride. Mrs. Linn is a charming and accomplished young woman and for the past four years has been employed in the extention department of Purdue University. Mr. Linn is a graduate of Purdue University, class of 1925 in the school of electrical engineering and holds a position in the signal engineering office with the Illinois Central Railroad of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Linn left for a short wedding trip and after November first will be at home to their friends in Chicago. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. John B. Linn of Mace; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rosen and children Harold and Doris of Crawfordsville and Mr. and Mrs. Ray G. Baughman and son Donald.- kbz
Anna JONES - see Henry HUMPHREYS
Bill JONES - see Mary PRICE
Florence JONES -- see William T. BIRCH
Maggie JONES - see Adam WRIGHT
Mattie JONES - William MARTIN
Source: Crawfordsville Star, March 22, 1883 p 2
William MARTIN and Miss Mattie JONES were united in nuptial bonds by the Rev. Jesse Goben of Crawfordsville on Wednesday night of last week. A supper was prepared for the invited guests, and a serenade crowd favored them with very fine music, from what we hear.
Moses JONES - Sally CANINE
Source: Waveland Independent 9-25-1903
Mr. Moses Jones of Dana and Miss Sally Canine of Waveland were quietly married at Crawfordsville on Wednesday evening Sept 9. The wedding was a quiet one and only a few of Mose’s friends here knew it was going to take place, however the word had gained wide circulation before Friday evening and quite a crowd of friends met them at the evening train. The bride is the beautiful daughter of JC Canine a well-to-do farmer and dealer in horses and mules who has become well known in this section and has many friends here. The groom has for the past three years been a member of the implement firm of Jones & Co and is considered one of Dana’s most successful business men, who we feel safe in saying has as many friends and few enemies than any man in town. They will make their home for the present with Mr. Jones’ parents on West B Street – Dana News.
William H. JONES - see Amanda HARSHBARGER
Cyntha JORDON - see Samuel HARTMAN
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana May 11, 1934
Miss Ruth MORGAN and Basil E. JOYNER of Rockville were married in Danville, Ill April 24. Mrs. Joyner is the daughter oF Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Morgan. She is a graduate of WHS and the four year course at the Indiana Teacher's College at Terre Haute. She has taught one year in the Waveland school. Mr. Joyner is a baker by trade. They will live in Rockville. -- typed by kbz