I Announcements

I- Individual Marriages
Source:: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 17 Jan 1896 p 4 (Clore's Grove item)
At high noon Thursday Jan 9, the invited guests assembled at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson McCormick, 7 miles west of the city, to witness the marriage of Miss Nellie Ingersoll to Chas. Pickett of this place. At noon the bride and groom appeared in the parlor unattended and took the solemn vows which made them one, the ceremony being performed by Rev. NC McCay, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Alamo, and was short and impressive, closing with prayer, after which the bridal party led the way to the dining room, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion and partook of the wedding feast. On Friday a grand reception was tendered them at the home of the groom, which was a very pleasant affair. Both parties are well known and highly respected. They will be at home to their many friends in the future on Mr. Pickett's farm 4 1/2 miles northwest of Alamo. May their future life prove to be as cloudless and bright as was their wedding day. - transcribed by kbz
Barbara IRBY - see Lawrence HAZLETT
W. W. IRELAND - Grace Berryman
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 Sept 1897 p9
WW Ireland, Jr. and Miss Grace Berryman of Louisville are soon to be married. Mr. Ireland is connected with the Evansville Courier. Under the receivership he was managing editor. The paper was sold to Chicago parties recently and Mr. Ireland will continue under this new management. Mr. Ireland has many friends here, having been in Wabash College for three years. He is a member of the Delta Tau fraternity. Miss Berryman formerly lived in Darlington and later resided here in Crawfordsville. After the death of Dr. Berryman with whom she made her home she moved with Mrs. Berryman to Louisville, Ky.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 May 1898 p 5
Cards have been received here for the approaching wedding of Miss Grace Berryman of Los Angeles, Cal and Mr. W. Wallace Ireland of Evansville. The wedding will take place in Los Angeles at the home of RPA Berryman at noon on May 31 and the happy couple will at once return to Evansville, where they will go to housekeeping. Mr. Ireland is now editor of the Evansville Tribune and will be remembered by many people here as he attended Wabash College for several years. The prospective bride is a daughter of the late Dr. JA Berryman of Darlington. She resided here for several years and was quite popular in society.
Source: Los Angeles Times Wed 1 June 1898 p 9
The wedding of Miss Grace Berryman of Crawfordsville, Ind and W. Wallace Ireland, managing editor of the Evansville, Ind Tribune took place yesterday noon at the residence of the bride’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. RP Berryman on Valencia Street. The ceremony which was performed by Rev. Joseph Wilde was witnessed by about 25 of the relatives and most intimate friends. The wedding music was furnished by Miss Forest, harpist, who played delightfully the march from Lohenegrin, the Nun’s prayer and other numbers. The bride wore a charming gown of white organdie over white taffeta finished with a long sash and shoulder knots of white satin ribbon edged with tiny frills of orange blossoms. A cluster of orange blossoms was fastened in her hair and she carried bride roses and maidenhair. The rooms were prettily decorated, the parlor in pink and white and the dining-room with red and white roses, geraniums and American flags. In the bay window, where the bride and groom stood was erected a screen of LaFrance roses, orange blossoms and smilax and on either side were tall potted plants. After a luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Ireland left for San Diego en route to their future home in Evansville. The bride’s going away gown was a smart tailor-made affair of gray cloth, with a waist of blue and white plaid silk and a white sailor hat finished with blue ribbon and white quills.
Ann IRONS - see Marcus BINFORD
Elmer IRONS - Jennie STEWART
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 2 Nov 1894 p 8
Married at the residence of Milton Hollowell, Sunday at noon, Elmer Irons and Miss Jennie Stewart, Rev. Worrell officiating. Mr. Irons is one of the prosperous young farmers of this vicinity and his wife was formerly one of Sugar Creek Township’s best teachers. They have the best wishes of all. (Cottage Groves
Jacob IRONS - Jennie KILLENBARGER (1 Sept 1875 in Tippecanoe County)
Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper, Sept 7, 1875 - p 8
"Potato Creek" - Among the events of the week was the marriage of JA Irons and Miss Killenbarger of Dayton, Indiana. The bride looked lovely. Jacob had evidently never been there before.
Don IRWIN - see Faye DAZEY
Fannie M. IRWIN - James R. MILLIKEN
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 3 Dec 1868
MARRIED : On the 1st of December by Rev. T.S. Webb at the ME Parsonage, Hiram HEDRICK to Mary F. WASSON
On the 1st of December, by Rev. TS Webb at the Clifton House, Albert Piggott to Martha Wright
On the 29th of November, by Rev. TS Webb, Mr. Manson Rominger and Miss Lavinia Stepp, all of this county.
On the 26th of November by Rev TS Webb, Mr. Thomas C. Evans, of Logansport and Miss Mary F.Mitchell of this city.
On the 24th of November in the Presbyterian Church of Waveland at 7 p.m. by the bride’s father, assisted by Revs. Aldudice and McNutt, Mr. James R. Milliken and Miss Fannie M. Irwin both of the above named places.
Maggie IRWIN - see Felix SHAWNER
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 29 October 1887
Sam Irwin, well known here as the son of VQ Irwin was married in New York last month to Miss Ellen White late of Baltimore. Sam holds a position on the Standard, the labor organ of the metropolis. The Review extends congratulations!
Elizabeth ISAACS - Ray LAMBERT
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Indiana 30 May 1930 p 5
Mrs. Fred Rice and Mrs. O.K. Galloway attended a shower at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J.T. Warren in Marshall on Friday night of last week for Miss Elizabeth Isaacs who is to be married Sunday to Ray Lambert of Brazil. The wedding will take place at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Huston Isaacs in Terre Haute. Miss Isaacs is a sister of Dr. H.H. Isaacs, and visited here when her brother was living. She has been a teacher of Domestic Science at Greenwood for a number of years.
William ISAACS - see Helen KELSO