H Announcements - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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H Announcements

H- Individual Marriages

Source: Indianapolis News Wed 29 Dec 1943 p 10
Crawfordsville, Dec 29 – Staff Sgt Ross B. Hahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hahn and Miss Mazine Neubardt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Neubardt of Brooklyn, NY were married on Christmas Day in Indianapolis at the home of Rabbi Morris Fuerlicht. The wedding was followed with a dinner at the Columbia Club.  The bride, a student in Brookly College will continue her studies there. Staff Sgt. Hahn is a graduate of Crawfordsville HS and Wharton School of Finance, Philadelphia.  He is stationed at Camp Campbell, Kentucky and will return to his station there following a brief honeymoon trip. – kbz

Cyrus HAINES - see Arie DAZEY

Ethel HALE - see Ernest EDDINGFIELD

Deck HALEY - Maymie NEELEY

Source: New Richmond Record 14 Feb 1901 p 5
The marriage of Miss Maymie Neeley and Mr. Deck Haley occurred at the home of the bride’s parents in Princeton, Ind at 8 o’clock on the evening of Tuesday Feb 12. Miss Neeley will be remembered by New Richmond people as the pretty and affable young lady who occupied the position as trimmer in Miss Turvey’s millinery last spring. Several invitations to the wedding were received by friends here. – kbz

Fannie HALL -- see Joseph L. DAVIS

Lillie HALL - Albert McQUINN

Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Weekly Argus News, April 17, 1897 p 3
Elder Vancleave counts a day lost that he don't help out master cupid with his little bow and arrow. Wednesday he united in matrimony Benjamin F. Zimmerman of Ladoga and Harriet E. Morrison of New Ross. Of the same day he also married Albert McQuinn and Lillie Hall of this city, total number 86

Lucille HALL - Ronald REDDISH

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, May 11, 1934
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald REDDISH announce their marriage which took place in the home of Rev. JH Cochrane, minister of the Presbyterian Church of Oak Park, Illinois on Sunday April 22, 1934. Mrs. Reddish who before her marriage was Miss Lucille Hall, a grad from CHS and was graduated from idniana Univ. 1929. She is s member of the Alpha Delta Pi and Pi Chi Theta sororoties. For the past 5 years she has taught commercial work in New Market HS. Mr. Reddish attended Franklin College and the University of Southern California where he was a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. They are at home to their many friends at 516 S. Austin Blvd, Oak Park, Illinois. kbz

Martha HALL - see Henry CLARK

Oakel HALL and Edna BARKER

Source: Indianapolis News Fri 1 July 1910 p 7
Crawfordsville, Ind July 1 – The Rev. Oakel F. Hall of this city who was graduated Wednesday from the Harvard University Divinity School and Miss Edna Arlinda Barker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Barker of Malden, Mass were married yesterday at the Winthrop Congregational Church in Charlestown a suburb of Boston.  Rev. Mr. Hall is assistant pastor of the church. The bride and bridegroom will spend the month of July at the summer home of the bride in Maine. The Rev. Mr. Hall was graduated from Wabash College with the class of 1907, and has been a student in Harvard for the last three years.  In being graduated from the divinity school the Rev. Mr. Hall had the honor of being one of the three commencement speakers chosen by the faculty to represent the divinity school.  Mr. Roosevelt an alumnus of Harvard with the class of 1880 presided at the commencement exercises and introduced the speakers. The Rev. Mr. Hall is a twin brother of Otis E. Hall, county superintendent of schools in Montgomery County. They were graduated from Wabash College in the same class and Mr. Hall was best man at the wedding which was attended by several hundred guests. - kbz

Orville HALL - Zenia ARTERBURN

Source: Waveland Independent Sept 19, 1919
Orville Hall and Miss Zenia Arterburn, both of this place, were married by Rev. Frank Hole at his residence on Pike St, Crawfordsvilleon Monday morning. Mr. & Mrs. Lon Jenkins, Mrs. Jack Bacon and Mrs. Jesse Bacon were present. Mr. Hall's former home was in Washington Co, but he has lived in the Freedom neighborhood for the past 67 years. The young people returned to Waveland where their home in Northside was all furnished and ready for them. -- typed by kbz

Otis HALL and Mary Alice DEMORET

Source: Burlington KS Daily Republican Fri 3 July 1908 p3
The Crawfordsville Ind Journal of recent date contains a lengthy account of the marriage of Miss Mary Alice Demoret formerly a resident of this county living in Pottawatomie Twp to Superintendent Otis Earl Hall at Crawfordsville.  Mr. Hall and his bride were both prominent in social and educational circles.  Her friends in this county extend best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Hall will spend their vacation in Michigan and will be at home to their friends after August 1. – kbz

Thomas Y. HALL - see Floria Belle DOYLE


Source: Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue 1906 by Cloe Collings Myers (of Parke County) thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
Mrs. Frank Keller of Waveland, Ind., entertained at a miscellaneous shower Dec 4, for Miss Faye Hallett who is to be a bride, Dec 27. The decorations in the living room were hemlock and red hearts, while the dininig room was artistically decorated in festoons of evergreen, ferns and red hearts. Red and white crepe paper made a beautiful cross over the table in the dining room. The afternoon was spent in progressive conversation and fortune telling. Favors were a sprig of hemlock tied with a bow of red and white ribbon. Light refreshments were served in the dining room. The bride-to-be received many beautiful and useful gifts. --
File Created: 11-27-2007 - recreated 12-26-2010 - and recreated a 3rd and hopefully final time 6-28-2019 -- kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 Dec 1868 p8
MARRIED – Halsted-Kennedy – On the 7th inst by Rev. GW Stafford, Mr. John Halsted of Tippecanoe County and Miss Almilda Kennedy of this county.

Daisy HAM - Walter Fink

Source: Crawfordsville Review 14 Oct 1899 p 8

Walter Fink of this place (Yountsville) and Daisy Ham, of Alamo, were married on last Saturday evening at the latter place.  It was in the nature of a surprise to many of our people, as well as his own folks, who were not apprised of the fact until after the wedding was all over, his many friends here wish him success in his new married life, but think he should call around with a  good box of cigars. -s


Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 13 December 1900 p 5
On December 13, 1900, Mr. John MILLER and Miss Lea (Ica?) HAMILTON of the vicinity of Darlington in this County were married by Rev GW Stafford at his residence NE of the city in the presence of selected friends. This newly married couple will be home to their friends in Darlington in a short time. - typed by kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review (hand dated from Connie W. Aug 17, 1958) - note: they were married August 17th so date of paper would probably be a week or two earlier.

Mrs. Thelma Hamilton was hostess in her home, 313 Lafayette Ave., at a miscellaneous shower Saturday evening in honor of Miss Ruby Harmon. The home was beautifully decorated in the bride's elect chosen colors of blue and white, accented with a large bridal doll and white wedding bells. One contest was won by Mrs. Alberta Ward. The contest prizes were given to the guest of honor. The bride-elect received her many beautiful gifts at a lace covered table. She was assited in unwrapping them by her mother, Mrs. Edith Harmon and her fiance's mother, Mrs. Thelma Hamilton and his grandmother, Mrs. Clovia Hamilton. Small umbrellas with wedding bells were given as favors. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Barabara Thompson; Mrs. Betty Roche and Mrs. Naomi McIntire in serving ice cream, cake, nuts and mints to about 25 guests and several children. Miss Harmon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Harmon, will be married to Stanley Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hamilton on Sunday, Aug. 17, in New Richmond Christian Church. Both are employed by Kroger Co.

MARRIAGE LICENSE - Stanley Dennis Hamilton, 19, 313 Lafayette Ave and Ruby Mae Harmon, 17, 109 N. Grant Ave, both employed at Kroger's.

Jasper HAMMONS - see Nora BAKER


Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review June 19, 1902 p 1
“New Market item” – Last Sunday evening at the home of the brides mother occurred the marriage of her daughter, Miss Hattie Miller to Ollie Hampton. They left Monday for their home in Montezuma

Lorena HANCOCK - see Warner GRIFFITH

Caroline HANKINS - see Franklin BROWN


Sarah V. HANNA - Ulysseues Grant VAIL

Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Nov 27, 1914
U. Grant Vail to wed Announcement has been made here (Shelbyville) of the engagement of Miss Sara V. Hanna, of this city and U. Grant Vail of Montgomery Co. The marr. will take place Christmas eve at the home of the bride. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Horace N. Spear, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Miss Hanna is instructor of English in the Shelbyville HS. She has tendered her resignation to the school board to take effect at the beginning of the holidays. They will live in Montgomery County. - kbz

Tyre HANNA - Cornelia KLEISER

Source: Saturday Evening Journal (Crawfordsville, IN) 01 Jan 1881
At Waveland last Wednesday afternoon at 1 ½ o’clock, Tyre L. Hanna and Miss Cornelia Kleiser were joined in bonds of holy matrimony by the Rev. C.B. Allen Jr. of Chicago. The newly married couple after partaking, in company with their many invited guests, of a sumptuously prepared dinner, were conveyed to Russellville where they boarded the first train for Indianapolis, and from there they will in all probability visit Washington City and other points of interest in the East. The following is a list of those present by invitation to the wedding: John W. Milligan and family, Wm. H. Fullenwider and wife, Mrs. Dr. Jo Donaldson, of Ladoga, Miss Annie Hanna, of Crawfordsville, Clay Hanna and wife of Rockville, Penn Hanna, Allie Hanna, Wm. T. Hanna, Sallie Hanna, Estella Kritz, Laura Durham, F.N. Johnson, County Treasurer, Dr. John L. Durham, of Merom, Mrs. Maggie McMurray, Peter K. Smith, Harry Mercer, Robert Watson, Lillie A. Stilwell and Mrs. Elsie Batcheldor, of Crawfordsville, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hanna, Mrs. Lucinda Watson, Vannie and Mattie Watson, Maggie McNutt, C.H. Johnson, S.M. McNutt, W.T. Glenn, Mollie Giltner, George and Harry Kleiser, of Terre Haute. Of the presents given to the bride, we have only a partial list: Silver plated spoon-holder, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Hanna; pickle castor, Miss Vannie Watson; pair of napkin rings, Miss Estella Kritz; tablecloth, Josie Milligan; pickle castor, by the Stilwell sisters. The bride is a handsome and popular young lady and highly cultured, especially in music. The groom is a leading businessman of Waveland and a County Commissioner. Here’s to the happy pair. - and here's to Sue P for all the wonderful items she sends for this site :)

Benjamin HARBESON - Layla KRITZ

Source: The Logansport Journal - Friday 7 November 1902 p 3
Crawfordsville, Nov. 7 - A notable double wedding occurred at Waveland, the brides being Miss Layia and Miss Nelle Kretz, twin daughters of Prof. Henry L. Kretz, for years a member of Wabash College faculty. Miss Layia Kretz was married to Dr. Benjamin Harbeson, a Waveland dentist, and her sister became the bride of Dr. Walter L. Straughan. The ceremony was by the Rev. R. V. Hunter, brother-in-law of the brides, formerly of Indianapolis. Over two hundred guests attended the wedding. The sisters so resemble each other that their friends frequently confuse one with the other.
Thanks so much to Ginny A for this - do NOTE that the name is KRITZ vs. KRETZ :)

I also had this one in my database - kz
Source: Waveland Independent, November 7, 1902 -
Miss Layla Kritz and Dr. Benjamin Harbeson and Miss Nelle Kritz and Dr. Walter Lee Straughan were married at the home of Prof. HS Kritz, on Jackson Street, Dr. RV Hunter, officiating. The Wedding March was rendered by Miss Maude Straughan on the violin accompanied by Miss Mayme Straughan on the piano. The brides wore Persian lawn trimmed in tucks and lace, high neck long sleeves and en train and carried bride roses. Misses Edith Johnson, Maude Moore and Mabel Robertson were ribbon bearers and carried white chrysanthemums. Immediately after the ceremony refreshments were served in the dining room by Mrs. Jessie Cowan, Mrs. Charles Kritz and Misses Edith Johnson, Maude Moore and Mabel Robertson. The guests were received by Mrs. RV Hunter, Mrs Jessie Cowan and Mr. Will Kritz. The guests from out of town were: Dr. RV Hunter and wife, Buffalo; Mrs. Bessie Steele, Rockville; Robert Williams and wife, Mrs. WG Straughan and Miss Georgia Straughan of Parkersburg; Miss Helen Myers, Mrs Allie Scott, Miss Maude McIntosh and Mr. Evans of Crawfordsville; Mrs. Sophia Gamble, Albia, Iowa; Miss Nelle Williams, Terre Haute; Miss Stevenson and Dr. Meeks of Indianapolis; Miss Jessie Boyland, Brownsvalley.

Alice HARDEE - Al

Source: Crawfordsville Star Jan 1, 1880
Al Kelsey and Miss Alice Hardee varied the usual monotony by going over to Indianapolis last night in company with Eld. Vancleave by him being married there. They have returned and gone to housekeeping - kbz

Charles HARDEE and Evelyn HIGHTOWER

Source: Waveland Independent, July 29, 1948
Charles L. HARDEE son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hardee of Crawfordsville, former residents of Waveland was married Friday evening to Miss Evelyn L. Hightower also of Crawfordsville. The ceremony took place near New Market at the home of the groom's great uncle, Rev. Cornelius Airhart, who officiated. The bride is a graduate of CHS with the class of '48 and is employed at RR Donnelley Co. The groom graduated with the class of '43 from Waveland HS and is now a student at the Terre Haute State Teacher's College. He served in WWII. - kbz

Lucy A. HARDEE - Frank H. MAYHEW

Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper, Sept 14, 1875 p 1
Mayhew-Hardee Married at the residence of the bride's father in this city on Friday evening, Sept 10, 1875 by Eld. Martin, Frank H. Mayhew and Lucy A, daughter of Joseph Hardee. Frank has been a citizen of our city but a few months, yet hosts of friends wish him and his handsome bride a long and happy life with its May-hues of joy. In the language of old Rip: "May they live long and prosper!" - kbz

Lorlie HARDMAN - see Edna KINCAID

Harrison HARDY - see Ruby AYRES

Benjamin HARGRAVE - Edythe SWOPE

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 13, 1907
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Swope occurred the marriage of their only daughter Miss Edythe to Mr. Benjamin Hargrave, Wednesday evening June 5. The Rev. Mr. Weston of Rockville officiated. They will be at home at Ladoga after June 20.  - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review - Oct 15, 1881
James A. Harlan and Alice C. Nicholson wed Sunday evening October 9 with Elder M. VanCleave officiating. - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville star, 27 Jan 1898 p 1
Married – on Wednesday evening at the Commercial Hotel, Mr. Frank Harland of Chadron and Miss Mary Phelps of Clarks was united in the holy bods of matrimony Rev. RC McReynolds officiating. The bride is the daughter of our popular hotel keeper, Mr. A. Phelps, and is an accomplished and popular young lady and is richly deserving of the excellent husband she has secured as a companion on the rough road of life. The groom is a rising young conductor on the FE & MV railroad and is a son of Mrs. EC McReynolds of this place. Mr. Harlan is a young man of exemplary habits and will make a model husband. The Enterprise joins him with the many friends of both parties in wishing them a happy and prosperous voyage through life. The happy couple took the morning train for Omaha from which point they will go to their future home in Chadron, Neb – The Clarkes (Ia) Enterprise. – Mrs. Frank Harland is well known at New Market and vicinity and has many friends and relatives there. He has been a citizen of Chadron, Neb for nine years and is widely known as a very popular conductor on the FE & MV RR. Mr. Harland is a brother of Ed H Harland, now a trainman on the Michigan Division of the Vandalia. - kbz

Frederick HARLOW - Bessie ALBRECHT

Source: Cville Weekly News Review 25 March 1904
It always gives young people pleasure when they can steal a march on their friends by announcing themselves husband and wife. Such was the case yesterday when Miss Bessie Albrecht concluded that matrimonial bliss was far sweeter than single blessedness and was united in marriage to Fredrick Harlow of Crawfordsville, Ind the ceremony being solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents by Rev. Geo. E. Hicks.  After congratulations were over the relatives and friends partook of a bountiful dinner which had been prepared in honor of the occasion and to which all did ample justice. A brighter, happier day could not have been chosen for such an event and all the friends of the contracting parties wish their journey through life could be just as full of sunshine.  It is with regret that Mrs. Harlow leaves LaPorte but good wishes follow her to her new home. After a two weeks trip, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow will be at home at Crawfordsville, this state – LaPorte Daily Herald.  The groom resides on West Pike Street and travels for an eastern linoleum factory.

Retta HARMELL - see below Al HENRY

Ruby HARMON - see Stanley HAMILTON

George Selby HARNEY - Clara Emma YOUNG

Source: Huntington Herald Tue 7 Jan 1908 p 1
One of the prettiest home weddings celebrated in Huntington in recent months was that of Miss Clara Emma Young and George Selby Harney, an attorney from Crawfordsville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WW Young, parents of the bride on East Tipton Street this morning at 10.  Rev JA Beatty of the Methodist Church officiated in the presence of possibly 15 relatives and friends some of whom were from Crawfordsville. The Episcopal ring ceremony was used, the words being spoken as the couple stood before a bank of ferns. Introductory to the ceremony was Lohengrin’s weeding march played by Miss Pearl Young, sister of the bride, with Traumauri during the ceremony.  The parlor was decorated in green and white and the scene was a pretty one.  The bride wore a traveling costume of broadcloth in raspberry shade and carried a bouquet of swansonia, the groom, appearing in conventional black.  A wedding breakfast followed the congratulations, the dining room being decorated in pink and white and LaFrance roses.  Misses Georgia Kehler and Maida Doub were in charge of the serving. Mr. and Mrs. Harney showered with the well wishes of numerous friends, left this afternoon on the Wabash Continental limited for Decatur where they stop until Friday going thence to St. Louis to make their home.  

Josephine HARPEL - see Levi TRACY

Charles HARPER - see Bertha DUNBAR

Gertrude HARPER -- see George B. HOWARD


Goldie HARRIS - Harry HINTON

Source: Weekly Review newspaper, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Jan 3, 1907 p 3
Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at the home of W.B. Wilkinson, Rev. J. Milton Williams solemnized the wedding of Harry A. Hinton and Goldie Harris. Both young people are known to a large circle of friends in Crawfordsville and are highly respected. They will make their future home north of the city. - kbz

Grace HARRIS - William MANGRUM

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 19 Aug 1904 p 1
Mr. William V. Mangrum and Miss Grace Harris were married at the home of the bride in Cloverdale, Wednesday Aug 17.  They will be at home after Aug 18 at Carthage, where Mr. Mangrum is superintendent of schools. - kbz

Kathleen HARRIS - see Donald J. BALL

Nellie HARRIS - Edward HITCH

Source: Weekly Argus News Jan 6, 1900 p 3
A most beautiful wedding was solemnized at the home of Robert Harris, 3 1/2 miles north of the city Wednesday evening, Dec 27th. Their granddaughter, Nellie K. Harris was given away in marriage to Edward Hitch of near Darlington. The rooms were beautifully decorated with holly, smilax and carnations. A large number of relations and friends were present to witness the ceremony. At 7:30 o'clock Miss Pearl Lofland began the Mendelssohn wedding march, the bridal party advancing from the west room preceded by the minister, Rev. Plunket. The ceremony was a most impressive one. Immediately after the bride and groom led the way to the dining room where an elaborate supper was served in course. The table was beautifully decorated with smilax and carnations. The bride was dressed in a beautiful silver gray poplin trimmed with lace and pearl and carried a bunch of brides roses. The groom wore the conventional dress suit. The bride is a charming young lady and has a host of friends who wish her a long and happy life. The groom is a promising young farmer. They received many handsome and useful presents. Among those present were Messrs. and Mesdames Warren harris of South Lafayette; JM Snyder of Crawfordsville; Al Austin, Arle Hitch Darlingon; JM Lofland and Rev. Simpson, Misses Daisy Simpson, Alice May and Josey Hitch and Add Fraley. - kbz

Ray E. HARRIS - Marilyn BANDEL

Source: Indianapolis Star Mon 13 Dec 1948 p 6
Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Harris Sr, formerly of Indianapolis and now residing in Clermont announce that their son Ray E. Harris, Jr. will be married Dec 26 to Miss Marilyn Bandel. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Bandel of New York and formerly of Crawfordsville will be the guest of the Harrises and their son next weekend. The wedding will take place in the Crawfordsville Christian Church. Harry Harris will be his brother’s best man and Miss Bandel’s cousin, Miss Carole Cleveland will come from Baltimore, Md to be maid of honor. Mr. Harris attended Butler University and Wabash College.  He is studying at Washington State College.


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 Dec 1901 p 10
Sunday evening at 6:45 o’clock Mr. Wiley B. Harris and Flossie Pearl Rettinger both of New Ross, were married at the home of the bride on north Main street Elder Hall of Irvington officiating. At the appointed hour the bride and groom preceded by the officiating clergyman came down the stairway and took their places under the bower prepared for the occasion. The services were short but impressive. The bride was attired in white and carried roses, while the groom wore the usual black. About 40 guests were present. The groom is the son of Mr. Peter Harris an enterprising farmer who lives one mile east of here. The bride is the daughter of Madison Rettinger of this place. The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents. At present they will reside with the bride’s parents in New Ross. The Journal joins their many friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Harris a long and happy life. - kbz



Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 22 July 1869 p 8
John C. Harrison, who lived near Alamo, eloped last Monday with one Martha Harwood.  He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his departure. However, his loss will be their gain!

Nicholas HARRISON - see Nancy ELSTON


Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Daily News-Review May 10, 1901 p 8

“Mostly Jones” – During the progress of a trial in Squire Stilwell’s court yesterday afternoon in which Attorneys Clyde Jones and Walter D. Jones were arrayed on opposite sides of the case, the door opened and in came another member of the Jones family, who answers to the name of William H. and who hails from Elmdale. He was accompanied by a good looking young lady and divining the purpose of their visit the court stopped proceedings by announcing a recess. Mr. Jones from Elmdale introduced his companion as Miss Amanda Harshbarger but the necessary credentials being produced her name was quickly changed to Jones. Squire Stilwell thereupon introduced them to the company and the legal members of the Jones family were the first to extend congratulations. Incidentally, they signed the certificate as witnesses to the marriage. – kbz


Joseph HARTLEY - see Helen FINAN


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 25 Oct 1901
The many friends of Ora Hartley here will be surprised to hear of his marriage last Wednesday evening to a young lady of Vincennes, where Mr. Hartley is now in the undertaking business.  The following is from a Vincennes paper:  "In the parlors of the Christian church parsonage Tuesday evening occurred the marriage of Mr. Ora J. Hartley and Mrs. Lida Swain.  The happy ceremony was preformed by Rev. Oeschger at 8:30 o'clock in the presence of a few relatives and friends.  The groom is a popular undertaker located in the opera house block.  The bride is an excellent young woman of this city.  Mr. and Mrs. Hartley will go to housekeeping at once in a cottage on Vigo street, already neatly furnished bu the groom.  The Commercial extends best wishes." – thanks to Kim H for this one 😊


Samuel HARTMAN - Cyntha JORDON

Source: Crawfordsville Review 25 April 1857 p2
Married on the 23d inst, by the Rev. Mr. George, Mr. Samuel Hartman to Miss Cyntha Jordon. The happy couple have our best wishes in the union which they have so happily consummated.  

Augusta HARTUNG - William B. PETERSON

Source: Daily News Review July 3, 1900 p 4
This morning at his residence, Rev. James Williamson united in marriage Mr. William B. Peterson and Miss Augusta Hartung. The groom, who resides east of the city, has been attending the Indianapolis Medical College and will graduate next spring. His bride is a talented young lady who has taught in the county schools for several years. Both are deservedly popular and a large circle of friends unite in wishing them much joy. THe left at noon for Cincinnati on a wedding trip - kbz

HARWOOD, Martha - see John C. HARRISON


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 June 1890 p 5
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Will Haskell, of Crawfordsville and Miss Eva Dudenhofer, Wednesday June 25 at 8 o’clock pm at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dudenhofer, Sr, 417 Franklin Street – Danville Commercial.

Opal HAUK - Raymond RICE
Source: New Richmond Record 13 March 1913 p 1
Miss Opal Hauk, living south of New Richmond, and Mr. Raymond Rice of Linden, were married last Thursday morning by Rev. J. M. Alexander, pastor of the Crawfordsville Christian church, at his home in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Rice left at once for a honeymoon trip to Kokomo and other points east. They will be at home after April 1st, on a farm near Linden Both of the bridal pair are well known young people who have the best wishes of a host of friends.

Ora HAUSER - Myrtle  SHOAF

Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana December 18, 1903
Mr. Ora C. Hauser and Miss Myrtle Shoaf were married Sunday morning Dec. 13 at 9 by Rev Edward F. Day, the Christian Minister at Brazil. Miss Shoaf is a dutiful and accomplished young lady of Glenn, Indiana while the groom is the son of Mrs. Kate Hauswer of Terre Haute. He was an officer in the US Army and served in Porto Rico during the Spanish War. Mr. and Mrs. Hauser will make their future home in Brazil.- typed by kbz

Senora HAWK - see Harry R. CROSS


Source: Waynetown hornet, Dec 26, 1887 -- (in a review of the year) -- Frank Haxton and Nellie Washburn were married Feb 3rd

Marie HAY - see Joe SWITZER

HAYES, Leander - see Mary Elizabeth KERR

Will HAYS - see Jessie HERRON below

Louis HAYWOOD - Helen McCAY

Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Wed 10 March 1937 p 13
New Richmond news item - Miss Helen Evelynn McCay daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCay and Louis Haywood son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haywood wer eunited in marriage Thursday Feb 25 at the home of Rev. James H. Wilson, pastor of the First Christian Church of Crawfordsville. The single ring ceremony was read in the presence of Mrs. Laurance McCay, Mrs. Charles Haywood and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCannon. The couple left for Pasadena, Cal for an indefinite stay. - kbz

Martha Jeanette HAZEN - see George Manners GRANTHAM

Lawrence HAZLETT - Barbara Jeanne IRBY

Source: Kokomo Tribune, Sat 25 June 1949 p 16
Honoring their daughter, Barabara Jeanne, and her fiance, Lawrence Hazlett of Waveland, who will be married at the South Side Christian Church at 2 Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Irby entertained with a buffet dinner and rehearsal party at their home, 748 South Market Street, Friday night. Miss Irby presented pastel-colored billfolds to her attendants, who will be Miss Phyllis Kerby, maid of honor, Miss Martha Berry, Mrs. Richard James and Mrs. RIchard Eisinger of Indianapolis, bridesmaids. Mr. hazlett's gifts to his best man, Eddie Burroff of Lafayette and ushers, Jerry Humphreys of Waveland, Glen Heitz of Lafayette and RIchard Eisinger, were tie clasps. Other guests were Miss Grace Mary Gibbs of Waveland, Mrs. Heitz, Don Woodward, The Rev. and Mrs. MA Madsen, Mrs. Jack Lodes, Mrs. Everett Kerby and  Mr. James. A white vase of pink roses center the buffet table, either end of which was marked by a white candle in a crystal holder. The small tables were laid with white, blue and peach cloths, suggestive of the bridal colors and the other appointments were in corresponding colors. After the dinner, the group went to the church for the wedding rehearsal. - kbz

HEDGES, Clay - see Patricia COX

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 3 Dec 1868

MARRIED : On the 1st of December by Rev. T.S. Webb at the ME Parsonage, Hiram HEDRICK to Mary F. WASSON
On the 1st of December, by Rev. TS Webb at the Clifton House, Albert Piggott to Martha Wright
On the 29th of November, by Rev. TS Webb, Mr. Manson Rominger and Miss Lavinia Stepp, all of this county.
On the 26th of November by Rev TS Webb, Mr. Thomas C. Evans, of Logansport and Miss Mary F.Mitchell of this city.
On the 24th of November in the Presbyterian Church of Waveland at 7 p.m. by the bride’s father, assisted by Revs. Aldudice and McNutt, Mr. James R. Milliken and Miss Fannie M. Irwin both of the above named places.

William Morse HEDRICK - Louise CRAIG

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 June 1902 p 1
“The following announcement cards have been received in this city: “Walter G. Himmelbaurer, Clara Mae Demaree, married Wednesday June 25, 1902 Waveland, Indiana.  At home after July 20th, 903 S. Center, Street, Terre Haute, Ind. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Galey of Waveland, grandfather of the bride, after which they left for a two weeks’ stay at St. Joseph and the lakes.”

Miss Louise Craig and William Morse Hedrick were married this afternoon at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Frederick Brown in east 18th street. The bride wore white silk aeoline, trimmed with duchesse lace and carried bride’s roses. The ceremony by the Rev. GL Mackintosh was performed before a curtain of roses and lace before the broad window. Roses, carnations and sweet peas adorned the several rooms. Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Brown were Mrs. Margaret v. Marshall, Mrs. Andrew Graydon, Miss Alice Graydon, Mrs. Frank M. Talbott and Miss Lavinia McKenna. Guests from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hedrick of Muncie, parents of the bridegroom; Miss Mary Ellen Brown of Crawfordsville; Dr. Harvey M. Vance of Chicago; Miss Myrtle Hedrick of Muncie; Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Smith of Noblesville. Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick left this afternoon for a wedding trip to the north – Indianapolis News.


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 Dec 1901 p 14
 George B. Heigher of Colfax and Miss Cora Estella Hopkins of Darlington were married by Rev. GW Stafford on the 1st day of December 1901 at his residence - kbz

Marjorie HEINEN - see Cecil DAVIS

Norma HEITMAN - see Frank BURFORD

G.M. HENDERSON - see Julia COONS    

Jessie HENDERSON - see William A. PETERS


Source: Weekly Argus News, Sat May 31, 1890

HENRY-HARMELL -- Thursday a quiet wedding occured at Waynetown. The contracting parties were Al Henry of Wingate and Miss Retta Harmell, of Waynetown. Both bride and groom were well known and very popular in the circles in which they moved.

Elizabeth HENRY - see Charles Victor LAWHORN


Source: Crawfordsville Star, Nov 26, 1896
Mr. Ira Henry and Miss Vina Kennedy were happily wedded Sunday evening at 5 o'clock at the bride's home by Rev. Johnston of Lebanon. The bride is an excellent young woman of this place and the groom is a prosperous young man of this vicinity. Their many friends of this place (Smartsburg item) wish them a happy and pleasant life. - transcribed by kbz

Mary HENRY  - William DEETS

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 22 Sept 1899 p 4
Wmilliam Deets, of near this place, and Mary A. Henry of Garfield were married at Crawfordsville, Sept 13, by Rev. Harry White of YOuntsville. His children tendered him a reception at his home Sunday Sept 17. Those present were Rev. TD Fyffe and son, Earl; Dr. IL Brown and wife; Chas. Rountree and wife, Swan Lawton and family; Hiram Goble and wife; Mrs. Stubbins; Mrs. Stanford; Mrs. Davis; Mr. Ed Bell and family; Charles Westfall and family; Love Minor and Janie McJunkins. Mr. Deets will stay at his wife’s home near Garfield at present. - transcribed by kbz

Jessie HERRON - Will HAYS

Source: Greenwood, SC Index-Journal Fri Nov 28, 1930 p1
Washington, Nov 28 – Will H. Hays, czar of moviedom and former postmaster general was married yesterday to Mrs. Jessie Herron Stutesman, widow of a former American minister to Bolivia. The marriage took place at the Bethesda, Maryland home of the bride’s brother, Colonel Charles D. Herron.  Mrs. Hays I the daughter of Mrs. William Parke Herron of Crawfordsville, Indiana.l  Her first husband was James Stutesman, also an Indianan who died in 1919. She has made her home with her mother in Crawfordsville and with a brother, Major Frederick Herron in New York.  The wedding, a quiet ceremony was attended only by relatives of the two. – kbz


Source: Indianapolis News Fri 1 July 1910 p 7
Crawfordsville, Ind July 1 – James F. Stutesman of Peru until recently US minister to Bolivia and Miss Jessie Herron, daughter of Captain and Mrs. William P. Herron of this city were married at 8:30 o’clock last night at Center Presbyterian Church in the presence of more than 300 guests. Dr. George L. Mackintosh, president of Wabash College and classmate of the bridegroom with the class of 1884 in Wabash performed the ceremony.  It was the most fashionable wedding of the season in Crawfordsville.  Center Church presented a beautiful appearance for the ceremony, palms and French baskets of pink roses being arranged attractively about the altar, which was lighted with white cathedral candles. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march, played by Paul Mathews, organist. Before the ceremony, Mrs. McClamroch of Frankfort sange. The bride entered on the arm of her father who gave her away. She wore a handsome gown of white hand embroidered chiffon over satin made en traine princess style with a tulle yolk, high neck and long sleeves and her full bridal veil was caught with a wreath of orange blossoms.  She carried a shower bouquet of sweet peas and orchids with tulle streamers. Her sister, Miss Florence Herron was maid of honor and her other attendants were Mrs. Austin H. Long of this city; Mrs. Jesse W. Pierce of Clinton; Miss Alice Stutesman of Peru and Miss Glenn McDougall of Chicago.  Lt. Hale Stutesman of Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis a nephew of the bridegroom served as best man., Ushers were Austin and Fred Herron, brothers of the bride; Will H. Hays of Sullivan and Austin H. Long of this city.  Following the ceremony, Capt. and Mrs. Herron tendered a reception to the bride and bridegroom at their beautiful home on College Hill 200 guests attended the reception. The bride is a social leader in Crawfordsville.  Her father is president of the First National Bank and one of the city’s wealthiest citizens. She attended May Wright Sewell’s School in Indianapolis and for the last year or more has been a nurse in the Presbyterian Hospital at Chicago.  Mr. Stutesman is one of Indiana’s well known Republican politicians. He has twice served his county in the state legislature and during his second term was Speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives.  He was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity in Wabash. For the last three years or more he has been the US minister to Bolivia and has been stationed at LaPaz, Bolivia. He resigned a fortnight ago.  Mr. and Mrs. Stutesman will live at Peru it is understood where he has business interests. They left last night for a wedding journey.  Many out-of-town guests attended the wedding, among them being ex-Congressman Charles B. and Mary L. Landis, Delphi; Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Henkel and Mr. and Mrs. ME Foley of Indianapolis, the Rev. and Mrs. HC Riley of Mulberry, Mrs. George M. Wright, Danville, Ill; Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Hays of Sullivan; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Pierce of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Greene of Ft. Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. FM Stutesman and Mr. and Mrs. WV Spinning of Peru; FR Shull, Mrs. Oldham and Miss Ewing of Decatur, Ill and Mr. and Mrs. George T. Dunwiddie, of Frankfort. - kbz

Maggie HERRON - Milton WAUGH

Source: Crawfordsville Review 20 Oct 1894 p 10
Thursday night at the home of the bride on South Washington Street occurred the marriage of Mr. Milton B. Waugh to Miss Maggie Herron.  It was a private affair only the near relatives being present. The couple left for an extensive wedding tour through California and the south. - kz

Harry HEWITT - see Roberta EASTLACK

Belle HIATT -- see (Rev) John PHILLIPS

Ethel HIATT - see Henry MILNER

Callie HICKS - see Hunter Warren JOHNSON

Irl HICKS - to ?
Source: Weekly Argus News April 11, 1891 p 1
The Rev. Irl Hicks, whose weather predictions are read with so much interest was married to a young lady of St. Louis this week. If he had sent us a better day for our horse show we would feel more like extending our congratulations.  

Evelyn HIGHTOWER - see Charles HARDEE


Harry HINTON - see Goldie HARRIS

Edward HITCH - see Nellie HARRIS

Edith (Barker) HOBBS - Clifford APPLE

Source: Crawfordsville Review Jan 7, 1919 p 1
Clifford Apple and Mrs. Edith Hobbs were married before the court proceedingsin Justice of the Peace E.M. Brewer's parlors Friday afternoon. A minor trial which was takeng place when the couple appeared for the wedding was halted while the justice performed the ceremonies. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Apple, of this city while the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barker of Darlington. After a honeymoon they will make their home in Darlington


Nellie HOLBROOK - see Loren BENHAM


Source: Crawfordsville Star March 22, 1888 p 9
Married at the residence of Rev. Switzer on Monday March 20, 1888, Mr. CW Petro and Miss Nettie Holland. It was a private affair there being no one present but OW Petro, brother of the groom and Will H. Holland, brother of the bride. The newly married pair will begin life together on Charlie’s farm on Potato Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Petro will visit relatives in the southern part of the state in a few days. The best wishes of their many friends attend them.

Velva HOOD -- see Walter EASLEY


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 June 1895
Fred M. HOOVER and Miss Kate L. SULLIVAN were happily married Wednesday at 11 o'clock by Rev. Father Crosson. They left for Dayton, Ohio on their wedding trip there to visit relatives. Both are popular young people and a host of friends wish them all joy - Kim H

Cora HOPKINS - see George HEIGHER

Hilda HOPPER - see Samuel SWITZER

May HORNEY - see John BRUSH

Orville HOSS - see Edith STARKS

Hannah HOUGH - see Noah CLODFELTER

George B. HOWARD - Gertrude HARPER

Source: Crawfordsville Review 26 Feb 1898 p 1
George B. Howard and Miss Gertrude Harper, daughter of L. Harper the butcher were married at the residence of Dr. Brumbaugh Wednesday evening at 8:30 o’clock.

Lillie HOWARD - see Elijah TRESSEL  

Belmont HOWELL - see Madge COFFELL

Levi HUFF - see Edna GROOMS

James HUFFMAN - see Evaline CONFER

Myrtle HUFFMAN - see Hayes BIRCH

Irene HUGHELHEIN - see Robert DICE

HUGHES, Clara - Frank RAYNER

Source: Crawfordsville Star 31 Oct 1878 p8
For Better or worse – On last Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. HJ Hughes on Franklin Street, a few intimate friends of the interested parties met together and witnessed the ceremony as performed by Rev. JP Stratton which shell henceforth bind in the silken bonds of wedlock the future destiny of Frank Rayner and Miss Clara Hughes.  The Star acknowledges the receipt of the usual delicacies and wishes the young couple harmony and pleasure without end.

Donna HULET - see HF COONS

Nellie HUMPHREY - see G. W. BYERLY


Source: Indianapolis News Fri 23 April 1897 p 8
During a wedding in the North-Street ME Church at Crawfordsville, while Henry Humphreys and Miss Anna Jones were being united in marriage, Miss Hattie Chavis, seated in the audience, interposed objections to the solemnization of the marriage, asserting that the bride-groom elect had been guilty of breach of promise and other offenses of which she was the victim. She was quieted with difficulty after which the marriage proceeded.

Donald A. HUNT - see Mayme KIRKPATRICK

Edgar HUNT - see Mary FINCH

Lula May HUNT - see John FUSON

Albert HUNTER - Lucinda ELMORE

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday, 24 December 1891

Albert Hunter and Lucinda Elmore of Crawfordsville made application Monday afternoon late for a marriage license to marry. The groom looked rather young, and after several questions had been asked him by Deputy Abernathy, and answered in an unsatisfactory manner, a license was refused. The couple returned to Crawfordsville, we understand with the intention of getting further proofs of the age of the would-be groom and returning, procure a license and get married. But they have not returned yet.—Danville, Ill. Commercial-- Lucinda Elmore is well known here having figured in the incest case with her stepfather, Wm Hunter, who escaped on the plea of being a bigamist. Just who Albert Hunter happens to be is not known, but (whoops missed a couple of words - so sorry)  

Martha HUNTER - David SCOTT

Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Monday, November 21, 1904
It was learned Saturday that Miss Martha Hunter and David B. Scott were husband and wife. They were quietly married in Danville last summer, the exact date being August 14. While it was known to many friends of the young people that Mr. Scott was paying Miss Hunter marked attention it was not dreamed that they were married until Saturday when Mr. Scott accidentally let it out to a friend. When asked about it Mr. Scott said that he did not deny it and then told the date and place the wedding occurred. Although the friends of Miss Hunter and Mr. Scott feel somewhat piqued that they were not let into the secret, yet all join in wishing them long life and happiness in their new relation.
File Created: 24 November 2010 - thanks, Kim H for this one - kz

Rice Vernon HUNTER - Stella KRITZ

Source: Saturday Evening Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 24 Jun 1882
At the residence of the bride’s parents, at Waveland, last Wednesday evening, the Rev. Rice Vernon Hunter, of Philo, Illinois, was married to Miss Stella Kritz, eldest daughter of Prof. H.S. Kritz. The ceremony was performed at 8:30 o’clock, by President Tuttle, assisted by the Rev. C. F. Carson , of Yates City, Illinois. Everything passed off in a most satisfactory manner. A large number of friends and relatives witnessed the affair, and many elegant presents testified of their regards. Among those present from other places were W.T. Brush and T.C. Smith, of Crawfordsville, Rev. Mr. Steele and wife, of Moseton, and a brother and sister of the groom from near Bellefontaine, Ohio. The newly married pair left on Friday morning for a short visit to parents of the groom near Bellefontaine. From there they go to Toledo, Put-In-Bay and other places, reaching Philo July 1. Mr. Hunter graduated from Alleghany Seminary in April last and is possessed of a quick mind and a large share of common sense, and will win his way to prominence. The bride is a most estimable lady and will be a helpmate to her husband in the truest sense of the term. Having been born and raised in the village of Waveland she will be very much missed. - thanks so very much to Sue P.


Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Oct 31, 1924
Donald Hyten and Norma Shoaf were married at Covington, Sat, Oct. 18. Mrs. Hyten is the daughter of Mrs. Madge Shoaf. Mr. Hyten is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hyten of Roachdale. The young people will live on the farm north of town belonging to the bride's mother. - kbz

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