F Announcements - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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F Announcements

F- Individual Marriages
Patrick FANNING - Ellen O'CONNER

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 4 September 1894 p 4
Patrick E. Fanning of Indianapolis and Miss Ellen O'Conner, the daughter of Enos O'Conner, were married this morning at 9 o'clock at St. Bernard's Church by Father Crosson. After dinner at the Nutt House, they left this afternoon for a wedding trip to Chicago after which they will repair to their future home in Indianapolis where the groom has a position in the city fire department - kbz

Harry FARNER -- Blanche ZACHARY Marriage

Source: Waveland Independent March 30, 1916
Harry Forner (sic - should be Farner) of Montezuma and Miss Blanche Zachary, were married at the ME parsonage by Rev. Olin Stewart on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Farner is a daughter of Harmon Zachary. They will live in Montezuma.

Raymond FARRELL - Trilby LOOP

Source: Waveland Independent, Montgomery County, Indiana Feb 5, 1926

Raymond Farrell and Miss Trilby Loop of Judson were married Saturday morning. They will make their home at Judson where Ray is foreman of the Vandalia section. They were vigorously charivaried at the home of Mr. Ferrell's mother, Mrs. Martha Ferrell in Browns Valley on Saturday night. Firing dynamite was a part of the festivities, giving rise to a report that the Browns Valley bank had been raided by bandits. - typed by kbz

Laura FARROW to Samuel B. ODELL

Source: Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue 1906
by Cloe Collings Myers (of Parke County) - thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
On Tuesday Dec 19th at high noon at Greencastle, was solemnized the marriage of Miss Laura Farrow and Samuel B. Odell. Mrs. Odell is the charming and accomplished duaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Farrow of Morton who are wealthy and influential people of that locality and Mr. Odell is one of the most prosperous farmers of Judson. After an extended wedding journey, Mr. and Mrs. Odell will be at home to their many friends at the beautiful country home of the bride, about one and one-half miles from Morton. The best wishes of all their friends are extended to the newly married pair for happiness and prosperity in their wedded life. - transcribed by kbz


Source: Waynetown Hornet 26 Dec 1887 (overview of year)
Oct 16 - Edward Switzer and Haley Faunce were married - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 12 April 1904
Miss Ada Wilhite, daughter of the late Warner Wilhite, will be married at Washington DC next Thursday to Dr. Charles Ferguson, a prominent young physician of the capital city. The wedding will be a very quiet affair and will be attended by only the immediate friends. Mr. and Mrs. JB Sidener of Indianapolis will attend the wedding.  


Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Dec 31, 1915
Mechanicsville Iowa Pioneer Press -- On Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. George Ferguson of Mechanicsville, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Grace Ferguson to Earl Hodgkin of Waveland Indiana.  At 6:30 while Miss Bertha Baughman a cousin of the bride in the presence of 50 guests played Lohengrin's wedding march, the young couple, unattended, took their places under the wedding bell where they were united in marr. by thier pastor, the Rev. WN Baker of the Methodist Church.  The ring service was used.   Mr. Hodgkin is not a stranger to Mechanicsville people, having spent 3 or 4 years in the vicinity, leaving here only last Mar. to take charge of his father's farm at Waveland, Indiana. Not only is Mr. Hodgkin well known here but the words of highest commendation come from those who know him best. He is an exemplary young man and one which Mechanicsville can ill afford to lose. That Mr. Hodgkin has good judgment as well as a good character is evidenced by the choice of his life partner.  Miss Grace grew to womanhood in our midst and no one in our community is more beloved or highly respected than she.  She will be missed, sadly missed, in the home to which she was always faithful and devoted; in the Church of which she and Mr. Hodgkin were members and where they could always be depended upon to do their duty; in the community which she graced by her presence.  Mr. & Mrs. Hodgkin are expected here tomorrow. For the present they will make their home with Mr. & Mrs. BH Hodgkin. - kbz

Annie FERRIS - see James F. MICK


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News, March 4, 1893 p 6
Last evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of the bride, two miles southeast of the city, occurred the marriage of Mr. James Wilkinson and Miss Anna Fields. On account of illness in the family, the wedding was very quiet and was witnessed by a very few friends. The groom is a prosperous young farmer and the bride a very excellent young lady, and a daughter of the late Stephen Fields. Rev. Snyder performed the ceremony. - kbz

Wesley FIGG - see Melvina Pottinger - 1835

Helen FINAN - Joseph HARTLEY

Source: Indianapolis News Fri 21 May 1943 p 22

Crawfordsville, May 21 – Miss Helen Finan, of this city and 2nd Lt. Joseph W. Hartley, son of George E. Hartley of Crawfordsville were married Saturday noon May 15 in Lakeland, Fla according to announcement received by relatives here Friday. The bride is a graduate of Crawfordsville High School, Lt. Hartley is also a CHS graduate and attended the University of Illinois where he was on the football team.  He enlisted in the Air Corps in March 1942 and recently received his wings at a MacDill field near Tampa, Fla as bomber pilot. - kbz

Mary FINCH - Edgar HUNT

Source: The Crawfordsville Sunday Star, Dec 30, 1901 p 3
Edgar L. Hunt and Miss Mary Allen Finch of Mace were married by Rev. G.W. Stafford on the afternoon of the 22nd inst. at his residence on East Market Street in this city. They have the congratulations of their many friends and well wishes for their happiness in their wedded life - typed by kbz

Walter FINK - Daisy HAM

Source: Crawfordsville Review 14 Oct 1899 p 8
Walter Fink of this place (Yountsville) and Daisy Ham, of Alamo, were married on last Saturday evening at the latter place.  It was in the nature of a surprise to many of our people, as well as his own folks, who were not apprised of the fact until after the wedding was all over, his many friends here wish him success in his new married life, but think he should call around with a  good box of cigars.

William FINLOW - Anna SNYDER

Source: Crawfordsville (Montgomery County) Indiana 16 Nov 1865 p2

Married at the residence of Capt. DW Scott, AQM, at Fort Riley, Kansas on Wednesday evening, Nov 1, 1865, by the Rev. Charles Reynolds, Miss Anna Snyder of Crawfordsville, Ind to Maj. Wm. C. Finlow Surg. 5th US Vols. - kbz

Alfred FISHER - Camella THOMPSON (?)

Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 March 1920
Waveland – Mr. and Mrs. JD Fisher, entertained Friday evening, at their home a number of young people, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher, who were recently married. The evening was spent with cards and dancing. Refreshment were served. Those present were: Misses Nancy Emma Fullenwider; Mary Lucas; Helen Eubank; Ruth Eubank; Mabel Seybold; Louise Dietrich; Corine Fisher and Mrs. Alfred Fisher; Messrs Carl Busenbark; Arnold Greve; Emil Greve; Dan Fordyce; Raymond Spencer; Frank Durham; John Fisher; Hubert Ghormley; Dr LG Merrill; Max Dillman; Linn Dwyer; Raymond Wilkins and Alfred Fisher

Gladys Clare FISHER & Harvey Foster FUDGE

Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Oct 22, 1915
The marriage of Miss Gladys Clare FISHER, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. JD Fisher to Harvey Foster FUDGE took place at the home of the bride's parents, two miles north of Waveland on Wednesday evening at 7:30.  Just before the ceremony Miss Alberta Hanna, accompanied by Miss Maude Straughan, sang "Because" and "I love you truly."  To the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin the bridal couple entered the south parlor from the E. hall and took their places before an improvised altar of yellow and white chrysanthemums, ferns and autumn leaves, where the ring ceremony was read by Rev. FB Solin. The bride's gown was white pussy willow taffeta with overdress of chiffon, with real lace and pearl trimmings.   A full veil enveloped her and was held in place by a wreath of lillies of the valley and white rose buds.  The bride's boquet was white rose buds. After congratulations, the bridal couple led the way to the dining room where refrshments in two courses were served.  The assisting hostesses in theparlor were: Mrs. Alfred Turner of Anderson, Mrs. Laura Rue of Russellville and Mrs. Claude Dunnington of Crawfordsville. THose serving in the dining room were: Mrs. Harry Machledt, Misses Vivian Oldshue, Mary Milligan, Helen Fullenwider, Nelle McCord, Mayme Strong, Besses McClain and Elizabeth Rice. The decorations were in yellow and white. This color scheme was employed in the decorations throughout the house. Quite a number of out of town guests were presetn. The bride is a grad. of WHS and attended school at Western and the State Normal. She tuaght for a while in the Waveland schools.  Mr. Fudge is the son of Mrs. Florence Fudge and a grad. of Wabash. He is business manager of the Review. Mr. & Mrs. Fudge left on a short bridal tour and will  make their home in Crawfordsville. - kbz


Source: Weekley Argus News, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana June 4, 1892 p 6

By 8 o'clock las tnight there wasn't standing room at the Methodist Church. Nothing attracts like a wedding or a free show so that it was not surprising that a great crowd assembled to witness the tying of the nuptial knot that is to henceforth bind together the hearts and hands of Miss Flora Mitchell and Mr. Joe E. Fisher. The bride looked lovely in a cream brocade silk, en train, and carried a bunch of roses. THe groom was attired in a neat suit of black. Miss Harmon presided at the organ and when the familiar notes of the celebrated wedding march sounded the wedding party entered, the bride on the arm of Mr. Tom Ross and preceded by Mr. (Mrs.?) George Durham. The groom entered from the east door accompanied by his brother, Mr. Mont Fisher following Mr. Charley McIntire to the altar where Rev. J.W. Greene pronounced them husband and wife. The wedding party and their friends repaired to the home of Mrs. Epperson, near the church where refreshments were served and an evening of much enjoyment was spent. FOr the present the newly married couple will remain there but in a few weeks will take up their abode in the elegant house of the grooms on East Jefferson Street. They were the recipents of many handsome present and hav ethe choicest blessings of hosts of warm friends. Miss Mitchell that was has long been a great favorite in Crawfordsville Society and is a young lady of many graces and personal charms. Of a sweet and sunny disposition she will make a model little wife and the groom who is one of our leading young business men is to be heartily congratulated.


Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, April 7, 1922
John D. Fisher and Miss Roberta Tucker, of Decatur, Ill were marr. on Sat. aft. at the home of Mr. Fisher's sister, Mrs. Foster Fudge. Rev. John Watson McMahan officiated. Mr. Fisher is the son of Mr. & Mrs. John D. Fisher of this place and is employed by the Shimmer-Light Auto Co. in Crawfordsville. - kbz


Count DeGeorgia FITCHEY - Alice WALLACE
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Dec 11, 1879 p 1

Special Dispatch to the (Cincinnati) Enquirer – Crawfordsville, Ind, Dec 3 – Count DeGeorgia Fitchey, late of Yeacos (?), Cuba, was tonight married to Miss Alice, the charming and accomplished daughter of the late Hon. W.K. Wallace, ex-county clerk. The wedding was one of the grandest affairs that ever took place in this part of the state. The presents were numerous, elegant and costly. The groom presented the bride with a camel’s hair shawl valued at $1,000. - kbz


Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana April 28, 1899
Howard I. Demaree, of this place, and Miss Maggie Fitzgerald of Rockville, were married at Indianapolis on Wednesday.  The bride formerly taught the school at Byron and is an estimable young lady, while "Howe" is one of our most prosperous farmers and popular citizens. - kbz


Source: Darlington Herald 3-9-1917
Clark Flaningam who was in the dry goods business here for three years was married Wednesday to Miss Rachel Sutherland at her home in WInchester, KY. Mr. and Mrs. Flanigam will reside on a farm north of Lebanon.



Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 16 Feb 1894 p 5
Just after 12 o’clock Sunday Feb 11, John H. Liter and Miss Blanch A. Flannigan were united in marriage by Rev. TJ Shuey at the residence of Harrison Flannigan. Miss Blanch is one of Darlington’s most popular young ladies and Mr. Liter is a prosperous young farmer living a few miles north of this city. These young people have many friends who wish them a prosperous and happy life - transcribed by kbz


Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Montgomery COunty, Indiana Oct 22, 1898 p 6
Oscar F. Flannigan and Miss Bertha C. Wilson of Garfield, were married the 16th inst at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. G.W. Stafford. The groom is a prosperous young farmer and the bride a general favorite. That they may have a long and happy life is the wish of their many friends. - kbz

William T. FLETCHER - Martha BASTION

Source: New Richmond Record 24 June 1915 p 1
William T. Fletcher of Kentucky and Mrs. Martha J. Bastion of south of Linden were quietly married last Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock by Rev. B. E. Antrobus, pastor of the First Baptist church in Crawfordsville, at the home of the minister. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher have gone to Kentucky on a honeymoon visit and on their return will be at home on a farm south of Linden.

Elizabeth FOLEY - see Zella TRACEY

Florence FORDICE - see John P. BYRD

Myrtle FORDYCE - see T. Z. BALL


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News Oct 30, 1897 p 4
Miss Bayonis McCulloch, of Crawfordsville and John W. Forester, of this city were married at 7 o'clock last Tuesday in St. John's Episcopal Church by Rev. JHW Blake. Edgar V. Jackson acted as best man and mrs. Charles E. Gore gave the bride away. Mrs. Frank Howard was a witness to the marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Forester will reside with Mrs. DC Dewitt on North Fourth Street. The bride is an accomplished young lady and is well known in Crawfordsville. The groom is a moulder by occupation and will be employed the Lafayette safe and novely works. He is a splendid musician and member of the Lafayette Military band - Lafayette Courier -transcribed by kbz

Florence FOSTER - Hulett STRODE

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday, July 29, 1904, page 1, col. 7

Just as the town clock struck the hour of 12 Friday Justice E. M. Brewer pronounced the words that made Hulett Strode and Miss Florence Foster husband and wife. The contracting parties both live in the vicinity of this city. The groom is a farmer. - kbz

Morgan FOSTER - see Delia OSBORN

Robert FOSTER - Gertrude PATTON

Source: Crawfordsville Review 14 September 1895
At the home of J.M. Patton last week Robert Foster and Miss Gertrude Patton were united in marriage By Rev. AW Jackman. After the ceremony, a sumptuous wedding supper was served to the invited guests. They went to housekeeping on Perry Street. Both are quite well known in this city and The Review with their many friends, join in extending them congratulations. The groom will be employed as a teacher in the Soap Factory school. - kbz

Ruby FOSTER - see Edward T. OPPY

Ora FOUTS - see Vernie PIERCE

George FOX- Georgie McBEE

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Friday May 12, 1916
At high noon Saturday in the ME parsonage occurred the marriage of George Fox and Mrs. Georgie McBee of Linden. The bride was attired in a traveling suit of tan with hat and gloves to match and wore a corsage of pink sweet peas. Mrs. Will McCoy, William Fox, Nan and Elsie McBee were the only witnesses. After the ceremony the bridal party had luncheon at the Crawford. The bride and groom left for a short trip through the west. They will be at home in Linden after June 1. - kbz

Christine FOXWORTHY - Byron F. MYERS

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana August 4, 1930; page 5, col 1.
Transcribed by Suzy Wert

Miss Christine Foxworthy, daughter of Mrs. Mina Foxworthy of this city, and Byron F. Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. David S. Myers of near Waynestown, were united in marriage Saturday afternoon, Aug 2, at 4:40 by Rev. George Leonard at his home in Indianapolis. Rev. Leonard read a single read ceremony. The bride was beautifully dressed in a rose beige georgette ensemble, with large picture hat and accessories to match. She carried a bouquet of delpheniam (sic), baby breath, and roses. The attendants were the brides mother, Mrs. Mina Foxworthy, Miss Margaret Foxworthy, a niece of the bride, and Behmer Wilkinson. The bride, a graduate of Crawfordsville high school, is a talented musician. She has been a piano teacher at the Crawfordsville School of Music for the past four years. The groom served in the World war and is a graduate of Indiana Central Business college in Indianapolis. For the past three years, Mr Myers has been in the employ of Clevelands bakery. The bridal party enjoyed refreshments and a social time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Myers left immediately for a short motor trip to Colorado, Yellowstone National park and other points of interest in the west. They will be at home to their friends at 403 east Jefferson street after September 1st. - kbz


Source: Veedersburg News, Friday, May 11, 1945
Mellott news item -- Mrs. Dorothy Foxworthy announces the marriage of her daughter, Nellie Lea to Ronald Jackson. The single ring ceremony was performed in Crawfordsville May 2nd by the Rev. RG Risman at the Presbyterian parsonage. Those present were: Mrs. Dorothy Foxworthy; Nancy Jackson and Mrs. Risman. The bride wore a two piece suit with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. The bride's mother wore Navy print crepe, the grooms daughter dressed in rose crepe, both wearing corsagse of Lillies of Valley and sweet peas. The party returned to the Foxworthy home where dinner was served. The centerpiece for table a large cake decorated with Lillies of Valley. They will reside south of Crawfordsville in their newly furnished home. - kbz

Charles FRALEY - Jennie M. MEHARRY

Source: New Richmond Record 3 Jan 1901 p 1
The hospitable country home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac N. Meharry, near Meharry’s Grove west of town, was thrown open last Wednesday evening to admit the guests who had been invited to witness the marriage of Miss Jennie M. Meharry, youngest daughter of the host and hostess, and Charles M. Fraley, of Linden. The ceremony was performed at 7 o’clock by Rev. Frank Fraley of Flora, a cousin of the groom, in the presence of a company that was composed almost entirely of relatives of the bride and groom. The bride wore a pretty gown of white organdie trimmed with satin ribbon, and carried a bouquet of roses, lilies of the valley and asparagus ferns. Her going-away dress was of black serge. The wedding march was played by Miss Annie V. Meharry, a cousin of the bride. Just before the vows were spoken, Miss Lura Schemerhorn sang “O, Promise Me.” The bride and groom on entering the parlor took their place before the grate and mantel, and immediately in front of a mass of holly, rod carnations, ground pines and palms. The marriage rite was followed by an elaborate repast that was served in the dining room. This part of the house was decorated with holly and scarlet carnations, while the table was ornamented with silver candelabra and scarlet ribbon. Mr. and Mrs. Fraley received the congratulations of the guests at the close of the repast, and then drove to the home that had been prepared for them near Linden. The groom has been engaged in farming for some time and will continue in that occupation. He has been quite successful in his business pursuits and is regarded as a very worthy gentleman. The bride was employed for some time in the Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank at Wingate, and is a very estimable lady. She was born and reared at the old home as above stated and was one of the most popular young ladies in that community.

Lillie FRALEY - Samuel B. WEST

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News Jan 31, 1891 p 1
Sunday at the residence of the bride's parents two miles north of Crawfordsville Miss Lillie Fraley and Samuel B. West were united in marriage, Elder TJ Shuey officiating. Miss Fraley is one of our most worthy young ladies and Mr. West is to be congratulated on his choice. The groom is a young man of good habits, a brother of Lawyer West of this city and comes of one of the best families. The happy couple left on the early train for WIlliamsport where they will visit relatives for a few days when they will return and be at home to all their friends - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 18 Dec 1873 p 2
Married on the 4th ult, near Newtown, Mr. James Frances to Miss Dora Weekly at the Sugar Grove Church Dec 9 by Rev. SM Hays, Mr. James Stewart and Miss Carrie Price.

Louise FREED - (Rev.) Ray BRITTON

Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, August 15, 1940
Rev. and Mrs. Theo J. Freed announce the engagement of their daughter Louise to Rev. Ray Britton of Roachdale. Miss Freed has been a teacher in the Parke County schools and Indianapolis city schools for the past several years. Rev. Britton is pastor of the North Terre Haute Christian Church, Daily Chapel and Mecca Christian Church. The wedding will take place the last of August. - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star. May 1, 1898
Mr. Ross Williams, of this city, and one of our best young men, was married at Terre Haute on last Wednesday afternoon to Miss Mazie Freed, a charming young woman of that city. Many friends unite in well wishes. - thanks to Kim H


Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 28 Dec 1900
“Darlington News” – Christmas passed off quietly here. The only jar that was felt was at 7:30 when Harry Freeman and Pearl Cunningham were married, the ceremony taking place in the First Presbyterian Church, performed by Rev. AS Buchanan in the presence of a large congregation of their friends. This couple starts out with bright prospects and all wish them a long and happy life. They will reside in Clarks Hill where the groom is in the grain business - kbz

Josephine FREEMAN - George JOHNSON

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 10 Jan 1885
George JOHNSON and Josephine FREEMAN of this county were married by Rev. GM Stafford on the 6th inst. at his residence on East Market Street, this city. - kbz

(Dr) Martha J. FRENCH - Thomas McCREEY

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Feb 2, 1900
On Feb. 19, at the home of Mr. & Mrs. JB Sidener, 1629 Broadway, Indianapolis, will occur the marr. of Dr. Martha J. French of that city to Mr. Thomas McCreey, of Gaston, Ind.  Dr. French has many warm friends in Crawfordsville and is well known for her excellent worth.  Mr. McCreey is a wealthy, retired farmer, of Delaware Co, a man of exemplary character and highly esteemed.  A reception will be given the bride & groom at their home in Gaston, Ind on Thurs. Feb. 22. - kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Review Feb 19, 1924 p 8
Word has been received in this city of the marriage of Mrs. Flora Cox to WD French which took place at St. Petersburg, Fla on Thursday Feb 14. Both Mr. and Mrs. French formerly lived in Crawfordsville and are well known here. They will reside at St. Petersburg where Mr. French is a contractor.

Mary Florence FRIEND - Joe Austin MILLER

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 12 June 1914 p 5
Whitesville June 3- Last night at the home of the bride's grandfather, Mr. James Sanders, of near here, occurred the marriage of Miss Mary Florence Friend and Joe Austin Miller of near New Ross. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G.W. Sweeney, pastor of the Ladoga Christian Church. The home was artistically decorated in spring flowers. The bride, who is a beautiful young woman carried an arm bouquet of white roses, her gown was white crepe de chine, trimmed with shadow lace. About 50 guests witnessed the ceremony after which refreshments were served. Those assisting were Mrs. Charles Dosset, Miss Marie Ward, Miss Helen Rhoads, Mrs. Edgar Rhoads and Mrs. Grant Ward. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller of New Ross. The newly married couple will make their home with the groom's parents for the present on a farm near New Ross. Both young people are popular and have the best wishes of many friends.  - kbz

Katie KROUT - Samuel FRUITS 17 February 1900   THANKS To PA Rice

Samuel FRUITS - Katie KROUT  17 February 1900   THANKS To PA Rice

Oliver FRY - see Pearl CHADWICK

James H. FUGATE - see Flora Bell COPNER

Zelma FUGATE - (James) Lowell SPENCER

Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 9-5-1930 p 4
Lowell Spencer rather stole a march on the village by getting married on Thursday evening of last week, as set forth in the following account from the Terre Haute Post. Guests at the wedding from here were Mrs. C.W. Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Parke Spencer; Miss Bertha Spencer and Master Harold Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillespie and son, Robert went from Lebanon. - kbz

Catherine FULLENWIDER - Edmond C. OHAVER

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 15 June 1894
Yesterday afternoon at four o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Alice Fullenwider, on Whitlock avenue, occurred the marriage of Miss Catharine S. Fullenwider and Mr. Edmond C. Ohaver. About fifty guests, the relatives merely of the contracting parties, were assembled to witness the ceremony, the bride and groom assisting in the informal reception. The rooms were beautifully and artistically decorated with graceful vines and the bright flowers of June and presented a very pretty picture. At the hour appointed for the marriage service, Miss Martha Hall began playing the Mendelsshon wedding march and to this the bride and groom walked slowly to the spot aligned. They were attended only by the bride's niece, little Miss Josephine Gilbert, who was daintily attired in white and who acted as flower bearer for the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. \Y. Switzer, of Brazil, and the ritual used was that of the Methodist Episcopal church. The service was unabridged, including the marriage by ring and the responses. Immediately after its conclusion Mr. and Mrs. O'Haver led the way to the dining room where a dainty collation was served. At six o'clock the newly married couple left for a trip to Benton Harbor, Michigan, where they will remain a fortnight. Upon their return they will take up their residence ill anew home just erected by the groom on Whitlock avenue. They were yesterday made the recipients of many useful and handsome presents from their numerous friends. Quite a number of out of town guests were present at the marriage and the affair was a very beautiful one. Mr. Olhaver is connected with the establishment of Barnhill, Hornaday & Pickett and is a young business man of great popularity, while the young lady whom he has won as his wife is deservedly loved and esteemed by all who know her. At the conclusion of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ohaver, the bride's niece, little Miss Josephine Gilbert, who acted as the flower girl,was baptized by Rev. C. V. Switzer.


Henry Chalmers FULLENWIDER - Lorena GLENN

Source: Saturday Evening Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 05 Jun 1886
On last Wednesday morning, H.C. Fullenwider and Miss Lorena Glenn, daughter of Wm. T. Glenn [this is in error, W.T. Glenn was her uncle, not father], of near Waveland, were married by Rev. J.W. Greene, at the home of the bride. Henry Glenn and Miss Anna Snyder, of this city, attended the wedding. The bride and groom went to Chicago the same afternoon for a short stay. They will reside near Brown’s Valley. - thanks so much to Sue P for this great one :)

Henry Newton FULLENWIDER - see Rosalie Tarkington DURHAM


Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Indiana 24 June 1899 p 9
Thursday evening June 15 at First Presbyterian Church, Dr. H.L. Nave united in marriage Howard S. Morrison and Miss Lena Leota Fullenwider. It was a very quiet affair, there being no witnesses outside the immediate family circle. The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. John C. Fullenwider is a lady of many graces and accomplishments. The groom is a Wabash College graduate of '96. Since graduationi he has been at Lane Theological Seminary, Cincinnati, preparing for the ministry. He has just accepted a call to the Presbyterian Church at Miller, SD, and will leave for his new charge the first of next week. Mrs. Morrison will follow him some weeks later. The congratulations and best wishes of many friends will accompany them - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 23 June 1899 p 9 Last Thursday at the First Presbyterian Church church, in the presence of a single witness Dr. H. L. Nave united in marriage Kev. Howard S. Morrison and Miss Leona Leota Fullenwider. The marriage was quite a surprise although the engagement had been announced some time since. Mr. Morrison goes this summer to Dakota where he has a church and will be followed in a few weeks by his wife. Both young people have many friends who extend congratulations and best wishes. Mr. Morrison was graduated from Wabash college in 1898 and Mrs. Morrison has spent much of her life in this city. - kbz

Robert E. FULLENWIDER - see Cassie BOOK


Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 13, 1917
The home of Mrs. Margaret E. McCampbell was the scene of a very pretty and impressive wedding last evening at 7 o'clock when her daughter, Miss Edith Marie McCampbell was united in marriage to Mr. William Glenn Fullenwider. The house was made pretty with boughs of green, roses and daisies, tastefully arranged and adding to the fitness and impressiveness of the occasion was a large American flag suspended from the stairway. A program of music was given by the Misses Alberta Hanna and Mary Proctor and as the latter played the march from Mendelssohn, the bride and groom, unattended, took their places in the living room. The ring ceremony was used in a very impressive manner, the Rev. JT Boyer, pastor of the local Presbyterian Church officiaiting. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk crepe dechine, lace trimmed and carried Bride roses. After the ceremony light refreshments were served in the dining room, Misses Mary Proctor, Alberta Hanna, Marguerite Glenn and Mrs. EC Murphy assisting. Only the very immediate relatives witnessed the ceremony. Mrs. Fullenwider is a graduate of the local high school and of Franklin College. She has been a teacher in the county and local schools, her last positions being in East Chicago. Mr. Fullenwider is the son of Mr. and Mrs. HC Fullenwider of Waveland and is also a graduate of our high school in the same class with Mrs. Fullenwider. He later attended Chicago University and graduated from the Biltmore Forestry School in 1913. Since that time he has been in the employ of the Weyheauser Timber Company of Tacoma Washington but just recently, resigned offering his services in the 10th Engineers' Reserves, which is soon subject to call to Ft. Leavenwroth for training, preparatory to leave for France. Mr. and Mrs. Fullenwider left for a short wedding trip. - typed by kbz

Junior FULLER - Wanda SEWELL

Source: Waveland Independent, Thursday, Jan 29, 1942
The marriage of Miss Wanda Sewell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton G. Sewell, Russellville and Junior Fuller son of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Fuller took place Sunday night Jan 25, half after 9 at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. E Gordon Wray, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. The only attendants to the single ring ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Jackson of Crawfordsville. The bride is a graduate of Russellville HS with the class of '41. The groom graduated from Waveland HS with '39. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller are at home to their friends at the Palmer Apartments. Mr. Fuller is employed at Nye & Booe Drug Store. -- kbz

Jim FURMAN - see Frances BRUIN

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Saturday, April 30, 1892
April 27, at the home of the bride's parents, in Fiskville, Miss Lulu May Hunt and John W. Fuson, of Cincinnati, were united in marriage, Rev. S.K. Fuson, of Rockville, officiating. Quite a number of guests were present and the affair was a happy one. The bride presented a charming appearance, and the happy young couple were attended by Miss Florence Fuson, sister of the groom, and Mr. Herbert Bamberger, of Elgin, Ill. After the ceremony and congratulations an elegant wedding supper was served and the evening passed most pleasant by the assembled guest. Mr. and Mrs. Fuson will remain here until next Wednesday when they leave for their future home in Cincinnati, where the groom is engaged in the furniture business. Both young people are well known here and have hosts of friends. The groom is a son of Rev. G. P. Fuson and a young man of many excellent qualities and sound business principles. The bride, a lovely young lady, is possessed of all the traits essential to the model wife. They will leave for their future home attended by the best wishes of all who know them. - thanks to Kim H

John W. FUSON - Lula May HUNT

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