E Announcements

E- Individual Marriages
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 26 May 1899
Darlington Items -- Mrs. Jennie Marshall, aged thirty-nine and Dave Eads, aged twenty-three, were happily married last week. This is Jennie's third venture in the matrimonial cause. All the husbands and ex-husbands are living and in good health.-- Kim H
Jennie EAKIN - see Samuel CULLY
Richard EAKIN - Betty Jo SHULAR
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 11-29-1951 p 1
Mr. and Mrs. Will Shular announce the marriage of their daughter, Betty Jo to Pfc. Richard Eakin son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eakin of Newcastle, PA.
Mary R. EARL - see Allen DEETER
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 18 Feb 1914
A charming home wedding was performed Sunday afternoon at two at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Easley at New Market when their daughter, Caretta Blanche Easley, was united in marriage to Paul Thomas Everson. The ceremony, which was in charge of Rev. W. D. Headrick of Indianapolis, was witnessed by the relatives and immediate friends of the young people. The house was tastefully decorated in pink and white, house plants being used. Immediately after the ceremony, Mrs. Laura Everson, mother of the groom, tendered a reception and turkey dinner in honor of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Everson will be at home on a farm near Ladoga after March 1. Both are popular young people and have the best wishes of many friends. Thanks so much to Sue P :) She rocks
Walter Franklin EASLEY - Velva HOOD
Source: Elwood Daily Record 14 Aug 1905 Mon p 5
Mr. Walter Franklin Easley and Miss Velva Hood were joined in marriage by Rev. Robert Sellers on Saturday evening at 7:30 at the home of the bride 1538 South D. The bride is the beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hood. The parents of the groom liv in Crawfordsville to which place the young couple went immediately after the marriage ceremony was pronounced. Mr. Easley is an electrician in the employ of the Arc Lamp Company. After a brief visit in Crawfordsville the young couple will return to this city. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Saturday, June 18, 1892 - typed by KBZ
On June 9 at the residence of A.E. Eastlack, West Main Street almost 100 guests assembled to witness the marriage of Miss Roberta Eastlack to Mr. Harry Hewitt of Chicago. The rooms were handsomely decorated for the occasion with cut flowers and for the ceremony the Mendellsoln wedding march was played by Miss Mayme Wise and the bride and groom descended the stairway proceded by little Miss Katie Johnson of Piqua, Ohio who carried the wedding ring and bride's bouquet of white roses. Arrived at the parlor door the Masters Johnson of Piqua, uncoiling a rope of smilax marched down between the aisle made by the separation of the guests and thus made two floral ropes, between which the bride and groom followed by Revs. Switzer and Brown, marched to the bay window. In this window, there was a heavy bunk of palms and very pretty garlands of vines and flowers. Arrived there the contracting parties face about fronting the guests and ministers. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Switzer in a most solemn and impressive manner. The ritual used included the ring ceremony. The bride who is a handsome young lady was attired in a gown of white India brcaded silk, passamentric trimmings entrain. The groom was dressed in the usual evening suit. Immediately after the marriage the guests headed by the newly married couple proceeded to the dining room, where elegant refreshment were served. One of the rooms was decorated in red roses and the other in white, the contrast formed thus being both beautiful and effective. After the refreshments, congraulations were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt, who left on the midnight train for their future home in Chicago where the groom has provided an elegantl furnished flat for their reception. Mr. Hewitt is an experienced mill wright and a young man of exemplary character. The young lady to whom he has been wedded has been one of Crawfordsville 's best known and most accomplished young ladies. She is a splendid musician and her departure from Crawfordsville is greatly to be regretted. A large circle of friends join up the extention of congraulations. Among those present from out of town were Charles and Fount Johnson and families of Waveland; Miss Nora Wise of Van Wert, Ohio; Miss Ruby Reece of Indianapolis; Miss Kennedy of Liberty; Miss Hewitt of Chicago; Mrs. Eugene Johnson of Piqua, Ohio; Miss Katharine Wiley of Terre Haute and George Graham of Chicago. The presents to the bride were numerous and elegant.
Vera EBRITE and Forest WAYNE
Source: New Richmond Record 10 September 1914 p 3
A charivari in the east part of town last Friday evening was intended to formally notify Mr. and Mrs. Forest Waye that they were now duly married, but the event lacked the usual tin pan and horn noise, and instead sounded as though the scene might have been laid in the European war zone, from the number of gun shots heard. The charivari was indulged in by the young people of the town and the newly weds “set ’em up.” As one of the fair week nuptial events, Miss Vera Ebrite, only daughter of Mrs. Fannie Ebrite, and Forest Waye, third sou of Mr. mid Mrs. Jefferson Waye, both of New Richmond, were united in marriage at 10 o’clock last Thursday morning by Rev. Kirkpatrick, pastor of the First Methodist church of Crawfordsville, at his home. Both are of New Richmond’s most estimable young people who have a host of friends who are wishing them unbounded happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Waye, after a pleasant day at the fair, returned to New Richmond and have gone to housekeeping in a part of Mrs. Ebrite’s home in the east part of town. – kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review July 3, 1913 p 4
Walnut - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rice went to Indianapolis at the marriage of the latter's brother, Ernest Eddingfield and Miss Ethel Hale of Whitesville, which occurred Sunday at the home of the groom's sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Layne. - kbz
W.T. GLENN - Hattie EDGE
Note: Married 10-14-1885 (Bk 7 p 13 Montgomery County, Indiana
Source: Unknown newspapers
W.T. Glenn, trustee of Brown township and Miss Hattie Edge were made one on Wednesday morning. Rev. D.H. Tyndall formerly of Russellville officiating. The ceremony took place at the residence of the brides parents living in the vicinity of Browns Valley. The bride is a popular young lady and for several years past has been a successful teacher in this township. Mr. Glenn, the man of her choice is too well known to require any comments at our hand. Suffice it to say however, he is a good trustee, a good citizen and a good farmer. The New's extends to them the congratulatory hand and wishes them all the happiness possible to attain.
-On last Wednesday morning the pleasant country cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Edge, near Brown's Valley, was filled with friends and relatives who had come to witness the marriage of their daughter, Hattie, to Wm. T. Glenn. At 9:30 Rev. D.K. Tindall, of Dayton, in a most fitting and appropriate ceremony made them husband and wife. The attendants were Miss Laurena [should be spelled Lorena] Glenn and Henry Fullenwider. All present to enjoy themselves and to transmit the same to the already happy pair. They received many handsome and useful gifts from their friends, as tokens of their well wishes. It was a quiet, pleasant, social wedding, in which all had an interest and a general good time. They took the 1:30 train on the L.N.A. & C. for Louisville where they will remain over night, and hence to East Tennessee, via Knoxville to Maryville where they will visit Mrs. Watkins, sister to Mr. Glenn. The well wishes of all go with them, that they may spend two weeks, not only of pleasure, but of profit also, in that historic, mountainous region where they will visit several battle fields and among them that of Lookout Mountain near Chattanooga. Mr. Glenn is one of Brown township's most highly respected citizens and has taken unto himself one of its most accomplished and fairest daughters. THE JOURNAL extends its congratulations.
Mabel EDWARDS - see Roy CONRAD
Minnie ELLER - see Lewis BANNON
Daisy ELLIS - Charles M. LONG
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 25 June 1897
Thursday June 17 at 8 p.m. in the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church occurred the marriage of Mr. Charles M. Long and Miss Daisy M. Ellis. The church was well filled with invited guests when at the hour appointed for the ceremony the Ben-Hur orchestra began playing the Mendelssohn wedding march to which the bridal party came to the altar. The groom preceded by ushers Ingram Hills and Austin Long came down the east aisle, the bride coming down the west aisle preceded by ushers Roy Trout and Walter Coppage. The bride was attired in a pretty costume of white India mull, trimmed in ribbons and laces. She carried bride's roses. The officiating clergyman was the bride's uncle, Rev. Dr. Ogden of South Bend and he entering the auditorium by the west vestry met the bride and groom at the altar where the impressive marriage ceremony of the Methodist Episcopal Church was conducted. During the service the orchestra softly played Love's Old Sweet song and upon the benediction being pronounced struck up the bridal march from "Lohengrin" to which the bridal party passed from the church, taking carriages at the door for the hom eof the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. CK Ellis of W. Market Street. Here the bridal party and the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were handsomely entertained. A sumptuous wedding supper was served and the evening most enjoyably passed. The bride received large number of very elegant and costly presents, including an exquisite China set and silver from the fellow employees of the groom at the Citizens' National Bank. At midnight Mr. and Mrs. Long left for Detroit from which place they take a boat for the lake trip. Upon their return they will reside with the groom's parents for a few months before beginning housekeeping. Both Mr. and Mrs. Long are popular and excellent young people and they begin their wedded life, attended by the best wishes of a host of friends. - kbz
Bertha Fay ELLISS -- see Earl SHULAR
Merle ELLIS - see Thelma BOOHER
Lucinda ELMORE - see Albert HUNTER
Source: Lafayette Journal-Courier 2 Oct 1940 Wed p 3
Darlington news – Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Neva E. Elmore of Anderson and Ted Love of Darlington which took place Saturday Sept 4. The ceremony was read by the Rev. E. L. McClain, pastor of the Mounds Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Elmore, of Waynetown and is a graduate of Crawfordsville High School. She has been employed at the Delco-Remy plant in Anderson. Mr. Love is the son of Edgar A. Love and is associated with his father in the coal business here.
Phyllis ELMORE - - see John DYKES
Julia ALLIE ELROD (Summers) - Calvin TONEY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Feb 21, 1902, p 2
Last Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the office of Squire Stilwell, Calvin Toney, of Advance, and Miss Allie Elrod (Julia Allie Summers), of Ladoga, were married. The groom is a shoe maker and the bride is an estimable young lady of her home city.
Thanks muches to Barb B for this one :) Greatly appreciated!!
Mary ELSTON - Edwin Ernest TULLIS
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Jan 28, 1903
The marriage of Miss Mary Elston, daughter of Col. and Mrs. I.C. Elston to Mr. Edwin Ernest Tullis of New York was solemnized at half past 12 yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas McCarthy Harrison on North Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis. It had been their intention that the marriage should be celebrated at the familyr esidence int his city but on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Elston the invitations were recalled. For this reason it was a very quiet affair the wedding guests including only the members of the immediate family. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. Hugh T. Gray of Lafayette. The bride wore a beautiful gown of white broadcloth with ermine and lace, and a picture hat of white lace and carried a cluster of violets. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served and Mr. and Mrs. Tullis left later for a wedding journey to Hot Springs and Washington. They will be at home later in New York. - kbz
Nancy ELSTON - Nicholas HARRISON
Source: Crawfordsville Star 4 Nov 1897
Col. and Mrs. Isaac C. Elston have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Nancy Elston and Mr. Nicholas Harrison of Indianapolis for Wednesday Nov 10th. The wedding will be witnessed only by relatives and will be at the Elston home at 10 a.m. A wedding breakfast will be served at 11 o’clock. Mr. Harrison is a wholesale grocer of Indianapoois and is a bright young business man. - kbz
June ENDEAN - William F. BURGESS
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Thursday 11 June 1936 p 22
Crawfordsville – Marriage licenses were issued here to Otis D. Loyd and Erma LaMonta Taylor, city and to Dr. William F. Burgess, Sandusky, Ohio and June M. Endean, city.
Catherine ENDICOTT - Ashley COX
Source: Crawfordsville Review Friday Jan 21, 1916
Ashley COX and Miss Catherine Endicott of Shannondale were united in marriage Wed evening at 5 at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Orain Swiggett on west Busby street (Lebanon). The ceremony was performed by the Re. AW Cash. They will reside on a farm near Shannondale. The bride formerly resided in this city. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Daily News Review, April 3, 1902 p 5
James Endicott and Miss Blanche Robbins plighted their troth yesterday afternoon at the office of Squire Stilwell. Several admiring friends witnessed the ceremony.
Maggie ENDICOTT -- see William CHADWICK
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 12 Nov 1897 p 2
On Wednesday night, Nov 3, Rev. Black united in wedlock O. Endicott and Augusta Flannigan. They went to housekeeping next day near Bowers in a home already prepared for them. The Clouser band gave them a little open air concert and were invited in and given a nice lunch and cigars.
Jennie ESKIN - Samuel CULLY
Source: Bloomington Telephone 19 May 1893 p 1
The marriage of Samuel Cully and Miss Jennie Eskin was solemnized Tuesday evening at the home of the bride on west 6th street. The company present numbered about 30, and the ceremony was performed by Dr. WR Halstead of the College Avenue ME Church. Mr. and Mrs. Cully expect to leave this week for Waveland, ind where Mr. Cully has a position. Both are quite well known in Bloomington, the bride being a resident of the city, and they have the congratulations of many friends. - transcribed by kbz
Emily ESRA - William WILLIAMS
Source: Crawfordsville Journal & Review May 31, 1938 p 5
The marriage of Miss Emily Claudine Esra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Esra and William V. Williams, took place Saturday night May 28 at the Trinity Methodist parsonage at half after eight o’clock with the pastor, Rev. H Earl Moore reading the single ring ceremony in the presence of Mr. and mrs. Wayne Talley. The groom is employed by Montgomery Ward and the bride at Morris Store in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Williams will be at home to their friends on south Walnut street.
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Oct 31, 1919
H.J. Esterbrook and Miss Mary Dott Jarvis were married in Terre Haute, Tuesday. Mr. Esterbrook is a locomotive engineer. The bride is the daughter of S.N. Jarvis. She is a graduate of Waveland High School. For a number of years she has made her home with her sister, Mrs. Roy Deere in Terre Haute. She has charge of the beauty parlors at one of the department stores. Her many friends here will wish her every happiness. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Sept. 17, 1915 Livingstone (Mont.) Enterprise
Two of Livingston's most popular young persons were united in marriage Tuesday evening, Aug 31, when Miss Jessica Alspaugh, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. CI Alspaugh became the bride of Prof. DC Evans, of the Parke County High School. The wedding took place at the home of the bride, 203 South H Street. Miss Katherine Swindlehurst was maid of honor and Mr. Carson E. Bechtel was best man. Little Miss Ellen Alspaugh, niece of the bride, was ring bearer. The Rev. CP Burnett, of the Episcopal Church, read the wedding service. The wedding march was played by Miss Olga Johnson. The bride was attired in a gown of white and net lace, with a veil of tulle held in place by a string of pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of white sweat peas and fern. the maid of honor wore a gown of yellow silk and carried a bouquet of Shasta daisies. The wedding took place in the parlor where a white altar and canopy of vines was placed. The room was decorated in yellow, golden glow being lavishly employed. In the second parlor sweet peas of lavendar and pink had been profusely and effectively employed. In the hall where the paino stood white and pink had been used as the color scheme. In the dining room golden glow was again used. A bride's cake and a groom's cake were used on the large dining table, each with a monogram. There were 35 guests present at the wedding ceremony, after which a wedding dinner was served. Mr. & Mrs. Evans will be at home to their friends after Sept. 15, at 524 E. Lewis St, where they have furnished their home. Prof. Evans has taught in the Park County HS for a number of years, and is one of the most efficient science teachers in the northwest. He is also assistnat principal and has capably managed the school during many months to which various principals were compelled to be absent. The bride has taught in the Livingston schools for a number of years, and was acknowledged to be one of the city's best instructors. Both of the contracting parties have hosts of friends who wish them every happiness. - kbz
Gladys EVANS - Otis ALLEN
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 4 April 1930 p 1
Miss Gladys Evans and Otis Allen were married at the M.E. Church in Tipton on Saturday morning. From there they went to Elwood to make a brief visit with his parents. They are at home in Indianapolis where he is employed as an electrician.
Julia EVANS - see Leslie WARE
Thomas C. EVANS - Mary F. MITCHELL
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 3 Dec 1868
MARRIED : On the 1st of December by Rev. T.S. Webb at the ME Parsonage, Hiram HEDRICK to Mary F. WASSON
On the 1st of December, by Rev. TS Webb at the Clifton House, Albert Piggott to Martha Wright
On the 29th of November, by Rev. TS Webb, Mr. Manson Rominger and Miss Lavinia Stepp, all of this county.
On the 26th of November by Rev TS Webb, Mr. Thomas C. Evans, of Logansport and Miss Mary F.Mitchell of this city.
On the 24th of November in the Presbyterian Church of Waveland at 7 p.m. by the bride’s father, assisted by Revs. Aldudice and McNutt, Mr. James R. Milliken and Miss Fannie M. Irwin both of the above named places.
Charles EVERSON - Bessie MASON
Source: New Richmond Record 8 Oct 1914 p 3-
The marriage of Miss Bessie Frances Mason, daughte rof Mr. and Mrs. Oda Mason and Chalres J. Everson son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Everson was solemnized Wednesday morning at 11:30 o'clock at the Mason home, 907 South 11th Street, Lafayette. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E.W. Dunlavy, past or Trinity ME Church. Mr. Everson is bookeeper at the Union Stock yards. Miss Mason is a niece of Monroe Mason south of New Richmond. - kbz
Etta E. EVERSON - William S. RAMSAY
Source: Weekly Argus News, June 24, 1893 p 6
William S. RAMSAY and Miss Etta E. EVERSON were quietly married at 8 o'clock last evening at the residence of the bride's father, Jacob Everson on East College Street. Rev. Fuson linked their fortunes in the presence of a very few relatives and intimate friends. The groom is the son of WT Ramsay, an industrious and popular young man, and has show most excellent taste in the choice of a wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey (sic) have the best wishes of a host of friends. - kbz
Paul EVERSON -see Caretta EASLEY
Florence E. EWING - William F. PALMER
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review 13 Nov 1900 p5
The Palmer-Ewing Wedding. William F. Palmer and Miss Florence E. Ewing were married at the Christian church on last Tuesday at 5:80 P. M., in the presence of an audience which completely filled the large auditorium. The ceremony was short, simple and impressive, and was performed by Rev. J. P. Ewing, father of the bride, assisted by Bev. M. W. Harkins, of Frankfort, and Bev. Ed. Lane, pastor of the Christian church in this city. The groom is the eldest son of Judge Truman Palmer, of Frankfort, a jurist well known over the state. The bride is well-known in this city, where she has resided for the past four years, coming with her parents from Ripley, Ohio. She was the center of a large and admiring circle of friends and a prominent figure in musical circles a graduate of the city high school and a church worker of prominence. The young couple left on the evening train for their home at Frankfort, which was ready for their occupancy on their arrival. They were tended a reception at the residence of Judge Palmer Wednesday evening. The REVIEW wishes them a long and happy life and prosperity. - kbz