Divorces W-Z
-- W -- X -- Y -- Z -- Divorces in Montgomery County, Indiana -- newspaper clippings
Mary L. Warren filed suit in circuit court late Wednesday for a divorce from her husband, Harry M. Warren, charging failure to provide and cruel treatment. The plaintiff asks custody of their infant daughter and alimony of $200 a year for the support of the child. She states int he complaint that they were married in October 1911, and lived together until Sept 18 of this year. For two years past her husband has failed to make reasonable provision for herself or their child. Mrs.Warren charges. She says the defendant is a barber and capable of making good wages but that he is lazy and indifferent and neglected his work so that he was repeatedly dismissed by his employers. She charges that he was extravagant and that he wasted time and money in pool rooms. During the last year she and her child have been supported largely by her father, she alleges. She says her husband would often abuse her without cause, would swear at her often and one occassion recently threatened to kill her. Mrs. Warren is represented by Ristine & Ristine. Thanks Suzanne -- ya' get an " A " for this one :) kz
Lula A. Wilkinson was granted a divorce Thursday morning from her husband, William B. Wilkinson. Her maiden name of Lulu Hinton was restored. Harry N. Fine represented the plaintiff.
Source: Crawfordsville Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, Mon May 22, 1916 p 2
Mary J. Miller complains that David, her husband, walks arm in arm with the green-eyed monster, jealousy and is constantly looking for trouble. She further alleges that he has treated her in an inhuman manner and on various occasions has accused her of being immoral and unchaste. She asks for an absolute divorce.
The short comings of Archie Young are next held up to public view by his wife, Ida. She says Archie is a beastly sort of a fellow, that he is drunk about five-fifths of the time and has never provided the necessaries of life. The complaint further sets forth that on one occasion Archie threw a flat iron and a trunk tray at her wooly head and when she fled from his presence he amused himself by tearing up her clothes and breaking the furniture and dishes. Ida supplements her complain with an appeal for $100 alimony
-- W --
WAITE, Hiram - Anna
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 19 September 1891
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 19 September 1891
The case of Hiram Waite against Anna Waite was called neither plaintiff or defendant was on the ground. The plaintiff was represented, however, by counsel and witness. poor old "Doc' Waite is a helpless cripple and it was proved that his wife, Anna was no earthly account and had basely deserted him some time ago. In view of this the divorce was granted. Charles Toney was the defendant in a little divorce case which came up that morning, but as the plaintiff did not show up the case was continued on indefinitely as were two or three others. Last Thursday Judge Snyder granted a divorce to Narcissa Evans who brought suit sometime since against Jonas W. Evans. Both parties live in Ladoga and are well connected. - thanks to Kim H for this
WALKER, Myrtle - Charles
Source: Crawfordsville Review 25 March 1919 p 1
Four suits for divorce were filed yesterday in circuit court, setting something of a record in that line, according to Deputy Clerk Schwindler. All of the complaints were made out by the wives of the estranged couples. Myrtle A. Walker charges Charles Walker believed to be in Texas with failure to support her and three minor children. The complaint avers the two were married Feb 7, 1909 and have been separated about two years. Dumont Kennedy filed the suit.
Nancy B. Warren alleges in a suit filed by Harry N. Fine that her husband, Everett B. Warren “has been cruel and inhuman an habitual drunkard, profane to her and has also associated improperly with other women. They wer emarried Jan 1, 1909. In addition to a divorce the plaintiff asks for $1,000 alimony.
Lucy Stephens believes the alleged desertion of her husband, James J. Stephens is sufficient ground for divorce according to her complaint which was also filed by Mr. Fine. The two were married Nov. 11, 1913.
For the past three years Guy A. Britton has failed to provide proper support for his wife, Anna L. Britton and their two children, according to a suit filed by Robert w. marks in behalf of Mrs. Britton. The complaint states the two were married Sept 11, 112 and separated Feb 8, 1919.
WALTON, Malissa - William
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 19 March 18 97 p 4
Malissa J. Walton vs. Wm. H. Walton. Divorce. Defendant enjoined from disposing of any of his property until after the settlement of this cause. This restraining order will be heard by the court on April 6.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 19 March 18 97 p 4
Malissa J. Walton vs. Wm. H. Walton. Divorce. Defendant enjoined from disposing of any of his property until after the settlement of this cause. This restraining order will be heard by the court on April 6.
WALTON, Nettie - Thomas
Source: Weekly Argus News Oct 9, 1897 p 3
Source: Weekly Argus News Oct 9, 1897 p 3
Nettie Walton has been granted a divorce from Thomas J. Walton. The defendent failed to provide properly and as a loving hubby was an all-around fizzle.
WARREN, Mary - Harry
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 22 Sept 1916
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 22 Sept 1916
Mary L. Warren filed suit in circuit court late Wednesday for a divorce from her husband, Harry M. Warren, charging failure to provide and cruel treatment. The plaintiff asks custody of their infant daughter and alimony of $200 a year for the support of the child. She states int he complaint that they were married in October 1911, and lived together until Sept 18 of this year. For two years past her husband has failed to make reasonable provision for herself or their child. Mrs.Warren charges. She says the defendant is a barber and capable of making good wages but that he is lazy and indifferent and neglected his work so that he was repeatedly dismissed by his employers. She charges that he was extravagant and that he wasted time and money in pool rooms. During the last year she and her child have been supported largely by her father, she alleges. She says her husband would often abuse her without cause, would swear at her often and one occassion recently threatened to kill her. Mrs. Warren is represented by Ristine & Ristine. Thanks Suzanne -- ya' get an " A " for this one :) kz
WARREN, Nancy - Everett -- see WALKER, Myrtle - Charles
WASHBURN, Bertha - John
Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 Nov 1911 p6
Mrs. Bertha Washburn was granted a decree of divorce Saturday morning from John Washburn, Judge West entering the order after hearing Mrs. Washburn’s story. She was also given the right to her maiden name Bertha Rakestraw. Mrs. Washburn charged cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide, alleging that she supported the family while her husband took his ease.
WASSON, Clara - William
Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana July 21, 1894 p 4
Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana July 21, 1894 p 4
Clara Dyson has filed the documents declaring that she and Peter can no longer abide together, in fact they haven't been on abiding terms for about 3 years which is just half the time since when in an evil hour the fates united them in the galling bonds of matrimony. Clara says Peter was no good, neither providing the rainment nor the food which she considered necessary to her existence and about three years ago she dropped Peter and has since trotted in single harness. Now with the assistance of Wright & Sellar she proposes to regain her bird-like freedom, the court being willing.
Another little woman has arrived at the conclusion that in her case also marriage is a failure and Hanna & Hanna will try to help her out of her troubles. Clara and William Wasson were hitched up 9 years ago but the longer they lived together the more unendurable became life. Williams made life a burden to her by his inattention and by cornering the household finances. He made up however in a gift of rich profanity and abuse and even threatned to indulge in the pleasant pastime of beheading her. It is little wonder then that Clara shed no tears when he departed from her presence a month ago. All she now asks is forthe care of their little girl, Fannie, who is about 8 years of age.
WATKINS, Mary - Isaac
Source: Crawfordsville Review 13 Aug 1892 p 1
Mary Watkins has made application for a divorce from her husband, Isaac Watkins. Mary alleges in her complaint that while she has fed the ugly face of Ike by the result of her labors over the washtub for many years, the base ingrate has repaid her gratitude with kicks and curses. Mary’s prayer should be heard.
WATTS, Minnie - Foster
Source: Crawfordsville Review June 3, 1919 p 6
Source: Crawfordsville Review June 3, 1919 p 6
Two more divorce suits were filed in the county clerk's office yesterday and in both cases the wives are the complaining parties."
The first suit is by Minnie G. Watts seeking divorce from Foster Watts. She alleges they were married Nov 4, 1908 and had one child and were separated in November of 1917. Temporary allowance, custody of the child, a divorce and all other proper relief is sought. Cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide are the grounds set forth. Thomas, Foley & Lindley represent her.
Zella May Jenkins avers her husband was cruel and inhuman, that he abused her by striking her, calling her profane names and falsely accusing her of improper relations with other men. That he also failed to provide a suitable living for her is also alleged in the complain drawn up by Caldwell & SImms. Temporary allowance, a divorce an dother proper relief is asked.
Deputy Clerk Homer Schwindler stated yesterday the divorce business in this term of court is unusually heavy with more than 40 cases now on the docket pending action in addition to the number which have been acted on during the current term. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review 16 Dec 1919 p 6
Mrs. Minnie Watts was granted a divorce last Saturday by the court of Montgomery County from her husband, Foster Watts upon the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. They were married about 11 years. – kbz
WEBB, Lillian – John C.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 12 April 1932 Tuesday p 12
Crawfordsville – Lillian C. Webb, has brought suit for divorce from John C. Webb, charging cruelty and failure to provide. They were married in 1920 and separated last August. She aks custory of their five children.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Nov 7, 1914
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Nov 7, 1914
Three applicants for divorce decrees were awarded the legal separation they sought when the cases were heard for Judge West in circuit court. Two of the plaintiffs were wives and the other was a colored man. The successful ones were Mrs. Margaret J. Engle, Mrs. Helen Webster and Lewis Glover. The hearing of evidence in the Engle case was finished late Friday afternoon and decree was granted Mrs. Engle at that time. Custody of the two minor children was given her and her husband, John B. Engle, was ordered to pay into the court the sum of one dollar each week for the support of the children. The charge in the complaint of Mrs. Engle was failure to provide. She was represented by Chase Harding while Williams & Murphy presented the evidence of the defendant. This morning Helen Webster was given a divorce from Roy F. Webster on grounds of abandonment. The plaintiff charged that her husband left her soon after their marriage in Denver Colo in 1908 and never returned to her,. She stated that in her examination that Mr. Webster went to the Philippines as a soldier after their marriage but on his return to this country failed to come back to her. She said she gave him no cause for deserting her. The plaintiff's former name, Helen Rivers, was restored to her. She was represented by Chase Harding, while prosecutor Ira Clouser appeared for the defaulting defendant. Lewis Glover, colored, charged his wife, Carrie Glover with cruelty unfaithfulness and abandonment. He said she associated with immoral characters, cursed and abused him, and finally in 1906 deserted him. The plaintiff said his wife is now out of the state. The divorce decree was granted him, but the court informed Glover that he could not remarry for two years. "Don't you worry yo'self none, Jedge," Lewis happily exclaimed, "Ah know ah can't marry fo' two year and Ah suah don't want to. One time is a plent fo' me." Glover was represented by WM Reeves. Prosecutor Clouser entered appearance for the absent Mrs. Glover. -- kbz
WESTFALL, George - Eliza
Source: Weekly Argus News 10 Oct 1896 p 4
George Warbritton, a resident of Scott Township, has brought suit for a divorce from his wife, Eliza C. Warbritton. They have lived together for 22 years but of late Eliza has grown cold toward him and some of her actions have not been altogether in accordance with George’s ideas of propriety.
WESTFALL, Mary - William
Source: Crawfordsville Review 3 Oct 1916 p 2
Although anxious to live with his wife, Mary Westfall, her husband, William Westfall says she refused to do so. In the suit for divorce filed by the husband, he stated that his wife left him without cause in September, 1913. Since then he has made repeated attempts to bring her back to her home, but she has refused to come. There are no children. In the complaint, the plaintiff says that the defendants wishes to have her maiden name of Mary Wasson given to her. The couple lived in Wayne township, and were married in November, 1911.
WHEELER, Harry - Pearl
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 21 June 1901 p 3
Harry Wheeler was Monday granted a divorce from Pearl Wheeler, who was proved to the satisfaction of the court to be a side-wheeler, in other words to have too many affairs on the side. She did not appear and let her good name get all sorts of damage. That good name of hers is now so battered it wouldn’t be received now even by the managers of a rummage sale.
WILHELM, Eva - Albert
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Tuesday, July 14, 1903
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Tuesday, July 14, 1903
Mrs. Eva Pearl Wilhelm is the lates applicant for a diploma in the divorce court. She complains of her husband, Albert to whom she was married in 1894 and accuses him of cruel and inhumane treatment and false accusations. It is alleged that he frequently threatened to spill her life's blood and fearing that he would carry out this boast she was finally constrained to leave him, the separation taking place a week ago. The plaintiff asks for custody of their two children (Guy & Helen). - kbz
WILKINSON, Lula - William B.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review 25 June 1909 p 1
Lula A. Wilkinson was granted a divorce Thursday morning from her husband, William B. Wilkinson. Her maiden name of Lulu Hinton was restored. Harry N. Fine represented the plaintiff.
WILLIAMS, Esther - Ed
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 4 October 1895
Esther C. Williams has concluded that as a husband Ed Williams is a seal, brown fizzle. According to the artistic type written tale of woe now on file in the circuit court Edward has treated her in a most outrageous and shameful way. He has acted in a manner contrary to the forms of the statutes herein made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the long suffering Esther. She wants becoming sheepskin decree of divorce with lace trimming, low neck and short sleeves. - thanks to Kim H
Source: CWJ 1 April 1898 – Esther C. Williams vs. Edward Williams. Divorce. Dismissed.
Esther C. Williams vs. Edward Williams for divorce. Case stricken from the docket at the cost of the plaintiff. 7 April 1899 – 28 May – Esther C. Williams vs. Edward Williams. Divorce. Defendant makes default. Source: 8 April 1899 C’ville Review The case of Esther C. Williams against Edward Williams wherein she prayed for a severance of bonds matrimonial was stricken from the dockets, because costs were not paid up.
WILSON, John - Mary
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News May 26, 1894 p 5
In the divorce court Saturday aftenroon Judge Harney removed the matrimonial shackles that bound John W. Wilson to Mary, his wife. The plaintiff is the aged Coal Creek sinner who wooed and won the rosy cheeked Mary at Brazil not many months since and whose troubles began before the ceremony was scarcely over - kbz
WOLF, Nellie - Thomas
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 26 Jan 1894 p 5
Lincoln Neb Call: Nellie P. Wolf filed a petition for a divorce from her husband, Thomas J. Wolf today in the district court. She complains that they were married Feb 6, 1887 at Crawfordsville, Ind and that she has always been an obedient wife. But her husband has not done as well by her and deserted her in 1891, failing utterly to provide for her. The plaintiff, to cinch the case, also complains that the defendant is a man of violent temper, and made life very unpleasant for her. She asks for the custody of John Harvey Wolf, aged four, and suitable alimony. - kbz
WOODARD, Grace - Omer
Source: Crawfordsville Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, Mon May 22, 1916 p 2
Grace E. Woodard received a divorce from her husband Omer Woodard in the circuit court Saturday and her maiden name Grace Farlow was restored. Mrs. Woodard alleges that her husband had deceived her as to his circumstances before the marriage and that after they had gone to housekeeping that he had been cruel in his treatment. She also declared he had been guilty of drunkenness. Mrs. Woodard stated that before their marriage the defendant had led her to believe that he had a house in Jamestown and bought $500 of furniture. She delared that after the marriage she found that this was untrue. At one time while she was away on a visit the plaintiff alleges Woodard harbored in their home for a week a notoriously immoral woman. - kbz
WOODS, Margaret - James
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News 18 April 1891 p2
Margaret Woods vs. James K. Woods. Divorce. Granted and ordered that plaintiff recover her costs. Further adjudged that the minor child, Boswell Woods remain in the custody of BE Bonnell till further order of the court.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News 18 April 1891 p8
The divorce case of Margaret M. vs. James K. Woods has been on trial. Each charged the other with a multitude of crimes and it is by far the nastiest case ever tried in Montgomery County. The witnesses themselves were obliged to go out at intervals to get a breath of fresh air. Judge Snyder granted the divorce to Mrs. Wood.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 14 April 1891 p 4
The Woods divorce case from Coal Creek came up in the circuit court today. Woods, the defendant was represented by Coppage and White and Mrs. Woods by Ben Crane and Ben Swank. The case was revolting in every particular and the evidence would have put a low-born savage to the blush. It was clearly proved that the defendant was a lecherous animal of the worst tune and nearly all the witness made use of language and expression which were filthy and disgusting beyond believe. The attorneys say it is the most filthy case in the annals of Montgomery County. Judge Snyder very properly granted the divorce after hearing the sentimental evidence.
WOODWORTH, Elizabeth vs. Edward
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 28 Aug 1896 p 12
Elizabeth Woodworth has entered suit for divorce from the polished and polite Edward Woodworth. She charges him with every meanness known to matrimony and he must, indeed be a pesky pup if half the allegations made against him have foundation in fact. She states he has cursed, abused and beaten her; that he is drunk most of the time and dirty all the time; that he has failed to provide for his family, and that he spends his time discussing the silver question in the bar rooms of the town. He believes that 16 to 1 means that he will get 16 glasses of beer where he now gets one. Mrs. Woodworth wants besides her divorce, custody of the children and an interest in a small piece of real estate belonging to Edward.
WRIGHT, Florence vs Andrew
Source: Crawfordsville weekly Journal 16 May 1902 p 1
Florence A. Wright vs. Andrew Wright. Divorce. Defendant defaults and plaintiff is granted divorce.
WRIGHT, James - Mary
Source: Crawfordsville weekly Journal 11 Oct 1901 p 12
James C. Wright has entered suit against his wife, Mary Wright for divorce in the circuit court. The Complaint recites that the couple were married in 1883 and lived together until Oct 27, 1890 (hard to read). The defendant accuses the plaintiff of cruel & inhuman treatment and states that she has an ungovernable temper, that she has called him a liar and other opprobrious epithets affecting his ancestry; that she charged him with being lazy and made fun of his attending church and stacked his furniture, refused to cook for him and would not let him eat in the house. Both have children by a previous marriage but none by this one. The parties to the suit live in Waveland.
WRIGHTSMAN, Ashley - Sarah (Weaver)
Soure: Waveland Independent Jan 8, 1915
Ashley Wrightsman, a former citizen of this place but now of Crawfordsville went on a holiday tear and beat up his wife. She now says she will ask for a divorce. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review July 29, 1924 p 2
Information furnished on Monday at the office of County Clerk Homer K. Schwindler indicates that there is an unusual “run” in the divorce market during the present summer vacation of the circuit court. Since the end of the April term on June 23, 13 cases for divorce have been filed with the clerk. The common complains of failure to provide and cruel and inhuman treatment have figured in the large part of the cases, brought by the 13 persons disappointed at the prospects of matrimony. The 13th suit for divorce was filed in circuit court Monday by Ella Wrightsman against Ashley Wrightsman. The couple are residents of Waveland. They were married on June 13, 1901 and separated July 21, 1924. Cruel and inhuman treatment was charged in the complaint. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant often struck her, cursed er and accused her of being unfaithful. He was also cruel to the children, it is alleged and during the past five or six years has failed to provide properly for the family. The plaintiff asks the care and custody of the 7 minor children, whose ages range from 3-15 years and asks proper provision for their support. The suit was filed by Williams & Murphy, attorneys. - kbz
-- X --
Hello there are no X divorces to this date (8-7-2018)
-- Y --
YELTON, Lucinda - John
Source: Crawfordsville Star 6 July 1882 p 1
Lucinda A. Yelton, of Brown Township, wants a divorce from her husband, John Yelton. Cause: General disagreement
YORK, Maude
Source: Weekly Argus News May 17, 1890 p 1
A report of a divorce case has reached the city that involves a young couple well known here. They were married recently in this city and then left for a neighboring city where the groom teaches school. The girls mother, it seems wanted her to marry an operator, who jerks lightning over in Illinois. Contrary to her wishes the couple eloped and married. On going home to visit her folks the mother persuaded her to give up her newly married husband and marry the operator. She accompanied the girl to the Illinois town but the operator had changed his mind. Before going she had induced the girl to write her husband a farewell letter. On returning home she found a letter from the forsaken husband saying that she could stay but he would give her no divorce. At this point the girl repented, wrote her husband to that effect, and once more they are together. The marriage of this couple took place in the Sherman house here about one month ago, the ceremony being performed by Rev. G.W. Switzer, at midnight the couple coming over from Waynetown. Charley McClure was the groom and Miss Maud York, the bride. The young man whom the mother favored is named Kyle and he is now located at Oakland, Illinois. At present Mr. McClure is teaching school at Frankfort. - kbz
YORK, Fred - Fannie
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 11 Oct 1901 p 12
Last Friday in the circuit court Judge West set aside the decree of divorce recently granted Fred York from his wife, Fannie York, and the case was dismissed from the docket, leaving Mr. an Mrs. York in a state of matrimony.
YOUNG, Archie - Ida
Source: Crawfordsville Review 9-24-1898
There has been another healthy batch of applications for divorce filed in the circuit court this week. Walter Fallen is tired of Della and wants a legal separation. He alleges that she is a most faithful devotee at the shrine of Bachus and during these “joyful” hours she makes his home a hell on earth.Mary J. Miller complains that David, her husband, walks arm in arm with the green-eyed monster, jealousy and is constantly looking for trouble. She further alleges that he has treated her in an inhuman manner and on various occasions has accused her of being immoral and unchaste. She asks for an absolute divorce.
The short comings of Archie Young are next held up to public view by his wife, Ida. She says Archie is a beastly sort of a fellow, that he is drunk about five-fifths of the time and has never provided the necessaries of life. The complaint further sets forth that on one occasion Archie threw a flat iron and a trunk tray at her wooly head and when she fled from his presence he amused himself by tearing up her clothes and breaking the furniture and dishes. Ida supplements her complain with an appeal for $100 alimony
-- Z --
ZACHARY, Ida - Ben -- see the lengthy article under Frank - Minnie SPERRY
ZACHARY, John M - Melissa
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, Feb 10, 1903
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, Feb 10, 1903
John M. Zackary (sic) has sued for a divorce from his wife, Melissa Ann Zachary. It is alleged that some years ago the defendant became enamored with one James Murray. The guildy couple made a trip to Greencastle where they were arrested and fined. The Zackarys effected a reconcilation later, Melissa Ann promising to do better but after a short time she strayed once more from the narrow path and again took up with Murray. She is still living with him and for all her husband cares now Murray is welcome to her for all time to come. They have three children and the plaintiff with rare generosity is willing to giver her the best of the divide, taking one and giving her two. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday 28 Feb 1902
John M. Zachary has brought suit in the circuit court for a divorce from Melissa Zachary, to whom he was married in 1886. He alleges in his complaint that the defendant some time since left his home and went to Greencastle with one James Murray, and that they were arrested and fined for being together there; that upon a promise to do better he took her back for their three children’s sake, but that about a year ago she again left him for Murray, with whom she has since been living. Three children have been born to them and the plaintiff asks the custody of one of them, being willing to let his wife have the two she already has in her possession.
ZACHARY, Rosa – Martin
Source: Crawfordsville Review 12 Oct 1911 p 1
Rosa E. Zackery (sic) started suit Thursday for divorce from Martin H. Zachery (sic) on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. The Zacherys were married April 25, 1907 and lived together until Sept 9, 1911 when, Mrs. Zachery alleges her husband deserted her and went to Brazil. The plaintiff also charges relations with other women and cites a date on which such relations were held with a correspondent whose name is not given.
ZELLAR, Lizzie - Mike
Source: CWJ 2 June 1899 p 12
Lizzie Zellar has entered suit against Mike Zellar for divorce. She alleges that he is in the habit of getting drunk and that while intoxicated he has frequently mistreated her in a shameful manner. - kbz
Source: CWJ 2 June 1899 p 12
Lizzie Zellar has entered suit against Mike Zellar for divorce. She alleges that he is in the habit of getting drunk and that while intoxicated he has frequently mistreated her in a shameful manner. - kbz