Divorces G-H - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Divorces G-H


GALEY - Minnie - Sant
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 Dec 1892 p 3
Mrs. Minnie Galey, the wife of Sant Galey, obtained a divorce from him this week at Michigan City. Failure to provide was the chief allegation made in her complaint
Note: Same notice in Crawfordsville Daily Journal 3 Dec 1892 p 4

GERBRICK - Rachel - Mike
Crawfordsville Review, 28 August 1897
Rachael Gerbrick asks through the court for a divorce from the noted Mike Gerbrick. alleging failure to support her and abuse. As Mike has been a pensioner on the county for three years past, being ail inmate of the poor asylum, it is entirely probable she can prove her first allegation and will succeed in getting the desired divorce. - thanks so much to Kim H

GILLIS, EFfie - Lonnie
Crawfordsville Weekly Review, Dec 15, 1910 p 6
In the circuit court Saturday morning Judge West heard evidence in the divorce case of Effie Gillis against Lonnie Gillis, both of this city. After hearing testimony of the complaining witness Judge West granted her a decree and the custody of her child, a girl. Mrs. Gillis charged her husband with cruelty and non-support. - typed by kbz
GLOVER, Elmer - Lucinda

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 30 August 1892 p 2
Yesterday Elmer C. Glover brought suit for divorce in the circuit court against Lucinda Glover. He says that they were married in September 1878 and lived together until March 1892 when she abandoned him; that on diverse occasions her treatment and conduct toward him was cruel and that by reason thereof their temper became incompatible and their life together uncongenial and miserable to him. He asks for a decree of divorce and that the court give him the custody of their son who is now __ years of age. Plaintiff states that by occupation he is a physician. He is now located at the corner of 7th and Popular Streets. Mrs. Glover is with her parents at Crawfordsville – Terre Haute Express.

Mrs. Glover is now residing with her father, George Bond on East Jefferson Street.  Mrs. Glover is a most estimable lady and only left Dr. Glover when endurance ceased to be a virtue. His immorality and infidelity were potent to all Terre Haute and when all efforts to reform the man failed, Mrs. Glover very quietly and wisely left him and came to this city where she has resided now for several months.

GLOVER, Lewis - Carrie
Crawfordsville Daily Journal Nov 7, 1914
Three applicants for divorce decrees were awarded the legal separation they sought when the cases were heard for Judge West in circuit court. Two of the plaintiffs were wives and the other was a colored man. The successful ones were Mrs. Margaret J. Engle, Mrs. Helen Webster and Lewis Glover. The hearing of evidence in the Engle case was finished late Friday afternoon and decree was granted Mrs. Engle at that time. Custody of the two minor children was given her and her husband, John B. Engle, was ordered to pay into the court the sum of one dollar each week for the support of the children. The charge in the complaint of Mrs. Engle was failure to provide. She was represented by Chase Harding while Williams & Murphy presented the evidence of the defendant. This morning Helen Webster was given a divorce from Roy F. Webster on grounds of abandonment. The plaintiff charged that her husband left her soon after their marriage in Denver Colo in 1908 and never returned to her,. She stated that in her examination that Mr. Webster went to the Philippines as a soldier after their marriage but on his return to this country failed to come back to her. She said she gave him no cause for deserting her. The plaintiff's former name, Helen Rivers, was restored to her. She was represented by Chase Harding, while prosecutor Ira Clouser appeared for the defaulting defendant. Lewis Glover, colored, charged his wife, Carrie Glover with cruelty unfaithfulness and abandonment. He said she associated with immoral characters, cursed and abused him, and finally in 1906 deserted him. The plaintiff said his wife is now out of the state. The divorce decree was granted him, but the court informed Glover that he could not remarry for two years. "Don't you worry yo'self none, Jedge," Lewis happily exclaimed, "Ah know ah can't marry fo' two year and Ah suah don't want to. One time is a plent fo' me." Glover was represented by WM Reeves. Prosecutor Clouser entered appearance for the absent Mrs. Glover. -- kbz

GRAY, George - Lily
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 29 July 1893
Gray's Grief. Failure again! George D. Gray has filed suit for divorce against his wife Lilv. Lil has been a gay chicken if George tells the truth in his complaint. He says she gadded the country with other men and on one happy little occasion downed about four bottles of St. Julien to say nothing of a tomato can full of beer, in an Indianapolis wine room. George wants a divorce. This hot weather is causing lots of divorce cases to blossom out. The applicants are coming, father Abraham, one hundred thousand strong. - thanks Kim H

GRAY, Mary - Gilbert
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Weekly Argus News June 22, 1895 p 6
The suit of Mrs. Mary Gray vs. Gilbert Gray for divorce was called in the circuit court this morning. A long delay was caused by the conference of the attorneys who were trying to adjust matters so as to avoid a trial. Anderson & Crane appear for the defendant while Wright & Sella are Mrs. Gray's attorneys. It looked like a public speaking was to be held so large a crowd being present but they were all neighbors, relatives and friends of the parties to the suit who live in Walnut Township. Gilbert Gray is one of th emost prominent and wealthy farmers of the county and the filing of the suit was a source of much surprise to all not intimately acquainted with the family. It seems that there was an incompatibility of temperment which could not be reconciled and nothing but a divorce would do.  The charge was cruel and inhuman treatment. Gray refused to fight the case and Judge Harney gave Mrs. Gray a divorce and $500 alimony and what promised to be a big fight ended.

MARY GREENE vs. George W.

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 16 Sept 1869 p 5
State of Indiana, Montgomery County, Common Pleas Court, Oct Term 1869. Mary E. Green vs. George W. Green. Complaint of Divorce.  Be it remember that on the 7th da y of Sept 1869 it being in the vacation of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Indiana the plaintiff, Mary E. Green by RBF Pierce her attorney produced and filed in the Clerk’s office of said court her complaint and the affidavit of a disinterested person, setting forth that George W. Green the defendant is a non-resident of the State of Indiana.  Now therefore notice of the filing and pendency of this action is hereby given to the said defendant George W Green that he may be and appear before the Judge of said court on the first day of the next term thereof to be held at the Court House in Crawfordsville on the 4th day of Oct AD 1869 then and there to answer said complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of said court the 7th day of Spet 1869.  Wm K Wallace, Clerk.  


GREGG, Lucy - George M.
Source: Crawfordsville weekly Journal 6 June 1902 p 1
The divorce suit of Lucy June Gregg against George M. Gregg has been set in the Clinton County circuit court for June 20 but it is hardly luike that it will be tried at that time as the attorneys all have previous engagements for that date.

GRIDER, Birdie - Charles
: Weekly Review Oct 2, 1908 p 2

The divorce grind in the Montgomery County Circuit Court was continued today. After hearing evidence in four cases of matrimonial unhappiness Saturday, Judge West was kept busy this morning along the same line. One divorce was tried this morning while another one, that was called was postponed until after the election.

The divorce case held over until after the election for trial was that of Mrs. Mary L. Duncan vs. Rev. DB Duncan, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. This was continued until after the election at the request of the attorneys, some of whom are busily engaged in politics. Mrs. Duncan is represented by Crane & McCabe and Thomas & Foley, while Whittington & Williams are looking after Mr. Duncan's interests.

Birdie Grider was granted a divorce this morning from her husband Charles M. Grider. The parties formerly lived at New Market. Mr. Grider, however, was given the custody of the children.

Saturday afternoon Judge West granted Mary Alice Mitchell a divorce from her husband, Charles G. Mitchell.

The divorce for which Mrs. George Warren was asking was granted. The Judge announced this morning after considering the case fully, he had decided to set aside the marriage of Drucilla and Joseph Humbert. The grounds for setting it aside were that Joseph had married her fraudently in order to get her money and that he didn't intend to live with her. Drucilla had sued him for divorce.

GRIEST, Maggie - William
Source: Weekly Argus News, Oct 15, 1898 (Crawfordsville, Indiana)
Mrs. Maggie Griest has been granted a divorce from Wm. Griest, conditional upon the payment of costs. Her plea was cruel treatment and failure to provide.

GRIMES, Charles - Ella (Blacketer)
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News Review 11 Feb 1901 p 1
Mrs. Ella Grimes has sued for a divorce from her husband, Charles Grimes. THey were married in 1894 and lived together until a few weeks ago. She accuses Charles of cruel treatment, failure to provide, infidelity and some few other sins. She aks that her maiden name, Ella Blacketer be restored - transcribed & submitted by kbz
NOTE: Same thing in this paper
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly News-Review 16 Feb 1901 p8
Mrs. Ella Grimes has sued for a divorce from her husband, Charles Grimes. They were married in 1894 and lived together until a few weeks ago. She accuses Charles of cruel treatment, failure to provide, infidelity and some few other sins. She asks that her maiden name, Ella Blacketar, be restored.

GRIMES, Grace -  Lawrence
: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 26 Jan 1916 p 5
Mrs. Grace Grimes was granted a divorce from her husband, Lawrence Grimes, and was awarded alimony of $50 and a weekly payment of $4 from her husband to continue for 8 years this morning in circuit court. Custody of two infant children was given Mrs. Grimes. In her complaint she alleged that her husband had failed to support her for the past two years, though he was capable of earning $18 a week. He had an ungovernable temper, she charged and made threats against her life. In November, 1914, he sent her to her mother's home and quit his work, she alleged, and she was forced to go to work in a factory to support herself and children. William J. Sprow and Clyde H. Jones were attorneys for the plaintiff.

GRIMES, May - John
Source:  Weekly Argus News Aug 19, 1893 p 4
Mrs. May H. Grimes has filed a petition for a divorce from John T. Grimes.   She alleges habitual drunkeness and that while under the influence of liquor, John was inclined to be cross, and quarrelsome and very given to profanity. They have one child, Hazel B. aged 4 years, whom the defendant has repeatedly threatened to carry away and keep apart from the mother in case she ever brought suit for  a divorce. The plaintiff fears lest John may see fit to make good his threat and asks the court for a temporary order restraining  the defendant from interfearing (sic) with her in the care of  the child until the matter can be brought before the court and settled in the customary manner.

Source: Crawfordsville Review 19 Aug 1893 p 1
May H. Grimes has filed suit for divorce from John T. Grimes, alleging drunkenness and failure to provide. She also asks for the custody of their daughter, Hazel.

See also Lillie - Jesse BRITTON for more on May and John   as well as Sperry, Frank - Minnie



Source: Crawfordsville Review, June 2, 1925 p 1
Two suits for divorce were granted by Judge Jere West in the Montgomery Circuit Court on Monday. Elizabeth M. Hackathorn was granted a divorce from Herbert H. Hackathorn and her maiden name of Elizabeth M. Macey was restored. According to the complaint the couple married in June 1917 and separted on January 7, 1923. THe plaintiff charged cruel and inhuman treatment and abandoment.
Leroy Taylor was granted a divorce from Opal F. Taylor whom, according to his complaint, he married on December 14, 1912. The defendant left him, he alleged, on March 16, 1925. He charged cruel and inhuman treatment. - kbz

HAM, Samuel - Rebecca
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly News Review 13 Jan 1905
Judge West has granted Samuel R. Ham a divorce from his wife, Rebecca A. Ham. The plaintiff showed to the satisfaction of the cout that Rebecca had andoned him w/o good and sufficient cause.

HAMILTON, Flora - Frank
Source: Sunday Star May 13, 1901
Flora Hamilton asks a divorce from Frank Hamilton, plea of failure to provide. Her home is at Bowers Station

HAMM, Mamie - Lonnie
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 23 May 1929 p 20
Wingate – Mamie Hamm, of Wingate, was given a divorce from Lonnie Hamm in Montgomery Circuit court, Wednesday and her maiden name, Lafferty was restored. They were married in 1926.

HANKINS, Gena - Claude
Source: Crawfordsville Review 27 May 1919 p 6

Two divorces were granted Saturday in circuit court by Judge West with the husband in each case receiving the decree. The suits were Charlie Fields vs. Edith Fields and Henry Lane vs. Dewey Lane.  Yesterday another suit for divorce was filed. Gena Hankins asks a divorce from Claude C. Hankins on a charge of cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide a home. The suit was filed by TE O’Conner and Caldwell & Simms.


HARNEY, Mattie - John
Source: Crawfordsville Star 5 Oct 1882 p 1
Mrs. Mattie E. Harney has been granted a divorce from John Harney, cause: abandonment and general cussedness.

HARP, Thomas - Martha
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 27 Dec 1894 p 3
Thomas HARP has asked for a divorce from Martha Harp. Martha is a harp of a thousand strings and very high strung. She giveth not forth harmony, however, but unseemly discord. - kbz

HARRIMAN, Homer - Bertha
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Sunday Star, Nov 28, 1903 p3
Homer Harriman wants a divorce from Bertha Harriman, charging her with adultery with Joe Lowery. Two months ago she had a divorce suit against him but the case was dismissed. ..... Philip Miller has sued for a divorce from his wife, Lovina Miller. He says they were married in April 1887 and about two years ago they separated and divided their property. That afterwards he took her back and soon she began to show her old disposition and charged him with going with other women and refused to sleep with him, cursing and abusing him.

HARRIS, John - Ola -- see Lillie BRITTON (article on Harris' is in it)  -- also a similar one under Frank SPERRY - Minnie on their divorce

HARRIS, Mattie -- Robert E.

Source: Crawfordsville weekly Journal 16 May 1902 p 1
Mattie A. Harris vs. Robert E. Harris. Divorce.


HARTMAN, Harriet - Robert
Source: Daily News Review, Friday AUg 3, 1900 p 1
Mrs. Harriet Hartman has brought suit in the circuit court for a divorce from her husband, Robert Hartman, now a soldier in the Philippines. She prefers the charges of abandoment and non support. She stated that they were married the 3rd day of Feb 1897 and lived together until March 1899, when Robert left to hunt Filipinos. She further states that he has neglected to send any of his earnings home for the support of herself and child. For these causes she asks for a divorce and the custody of their son, Fred Hartman. She also asks that the court require the defendant to provide suitably for the maintenance and education of the child. - transcribed by kbz

HAWKINS, Clyde - Minnie
Source: Weekly Argus News Feb 11, 1899 p 3
Clyde W. Hawkins wants a divorce from Minnie, his wife, and wants it pretty badly if one is to judge by the tone of his complaint.


HAYS, Amanda - Franklin - note pretty sure these are the same people - let me know if not

Source: Weekly Argus News 4 April 1891 p7 c4
Amanda M. Hays vs. Franklin S. Hays. Divorce. A decree of divorce is granted but it is ordered that she shall not again contractor marriage for two years.

Source: Weekly Argus News 4 April 1891 p7 c2
Pheba Hays, through her attorneys, Wright & Teller asks for a separation from her husband, Benjamin Franklin Hays. The ground are cruel treatment.

HAYS, Lena - Willie
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Wednesday, 22 Nov 1899
Lena Hays has asked Judge West to give her freedom from her present thralldom. Her husband is Willie Hays and she declares he is a wild beast who has mistreated her shamefully. Her complain is a lurid document and if it is contest the plaintiff is sure of her part - upon the payment of costs. - typed by kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 13 May 1892 p 3
This was divorce day in the circuit court but for some reason or other it didn’t pan out as well as expected from a numerical standpoint. A good many didn’t show up having concluded to try connublial bliss another whirl before sundering the ties forever. The first case before the court was that of Mrs. Willis Canary against Willis. Jere West was master of ceremonies and Judge Sellar and Editor Coffman looked most beneficient as they swore that they knew the lady to be a resident of the town. Mrs. Canary said she wished to retain her bird like name but wanted a divorce from Willis just the same. Willis was awfully rough and rude while he lived with her and took especial delight in gadding about town with such frivolous and giddy creatures as Nancy Lightcap. He also was almost tickeled to death with circumstances were such that he could kick the wife of his bosom about the floor in imitation of the college boys whom he had seen playing foot ball on the campus. He also liked to swear at her and choker her for the purpose of changing his luck when the pop corn trade was dull.

“You have a child, have you not, Mrs. Canary? Asked Mr. West – yes, sir. “What is its name?” Jimmie Blaine Canary was the fond mamma’s response. “Is it a boy or a girl?” asked West. But the laugh drowned the response and the divorce was decreed.
Mrs. Rosalie Kenney is quite pretty and she wanted a divorce from harry Kenny who skipped and left her after one month of bliss. She has not heard from him since and the court granted the decree to the joy of Mrs. Kenny (sic) who took her maiden name of Coombs.

The case of AJ Henderson against Phronia Henderson was continued until next term.

The case of Rose Thomas against Frank Thomas was about to be dismissed as the plaintiff had failed of service, but on learning that eight days still remained to get it she went her way rejoicing and unting for the wicked defended.

The case of Alice Shotts against Wesley Shotts was dropped from the docket as the parties had patched up their difficulties.

The case of James Endicott vs. Cora Endicott was called and it was proved conclusively that the worthy Jim was a much abused young man. Cora is beyond question wholly unworthy of his loving kindness and husbandly affection, She before she so cruelly deserted him a year ago used to pass her time swearing at him until he shed great bring tears as big as spring peas. She is now living in Lafayette and as she is in rather shady business the court granted the divorce.

The star case of the day was the suit of Lulu Keesee again Frank Keesee, who until July 9 last, drove the wagon for Hadley & King for $9 a week and very generously lavished $2 of that sum on the sup0port of his wife and four children. He skipped last July and it is supposed left these parts with Mrs. Julia Ashley of Homer, Ill. This Mrs. Ashley was very much infatuated with the altogether adonis like Keesee and several of her amorous letters were read by JR Hanna to the delight and edification of all present. The court actually blushed and finally called a halt in the reading which was rather lively to say the least. The following is one of the choice passages upon which the court found a verdict for the plaintiff: “Oh you sweet-faced Frank! How glad I am when you come so that I can meet you at the door and you can take me in your arms and hug me and kiss me and I can say bless your sweet mouth.” This is one of the tame passages and the letters all pictured Frank as being ravishingly beautiful and captivating. Perhaps he was but as such he was never appreciated in these parts for some strange reason.

HENNESSEY, Berda - Charles
Source: Crawfaordsville Review May 29, 1923 p 1
Three divorces were granted Saturday by the Montgomery County Circuit Court. Bruce Henry was given an absolute divorce from Nancy E. Henry on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. Mrs. Henry failed to appear at the trial. Mr. Henry is of Waynetown and Mrs. Henry a non-resident
Berda Hennessey was given a divorce from her husband, Charles O. Hennessey on the same grounds. Her maiden name, Berda Owens was restored by the court. Miss Owens is a resident of Crawfordsville.
Ethel Canine was granted a divorce from William Canine, also on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. The plaintiff was granted the custody of the two small children. The court ordered Canine to pay the plaintiff $6 a week for support of the children - kbz

HENRY, Bruce - Nancy -- see HENNESSEE


HILL, Minerva - Jacob

Source: Crawfordsville Star 26 Sept 1889 p 6
Two new divorce suits were filed in court on Tuesday both by wives. Jacob Hill has deserted Minerva Hill and she asks a divorce on that worthy plea.
The divorce suit of Mary J. Kelly vs. Maury Kelly is set for trial on next Saturday. The counter plea filed by Maura Kelly has been withdrawn.  
HOFFA, Kate - Dan
Source: Saturday Star May 13, 1902
Kate Hoffa wants a  divorce from an excellent citizen called Dan Hoffa and charge unchristian conduct of Dan

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, May 24, 1901
Kate Hoffa has been granted a divorce from Dan Hoffa.  Daniel made no appearance and allowed Kate to say all the mean things about him to Judge West that she wanted to. – thanks to Kim Hancock

HOFFA, Viola - Otis
Source: Crawfordsville Review July 28, 1914
Viola Hoffa filed suit for divorce from her husband, Otis Hoffa, Monday. William Reeves appeared for the plaintiff. She alleges that her husband has treated her cruelly, stating that he has struck her many times with his fists. Hoffa was arrested some time ago on a charge of assault and battery against his wife. She asks for separation and the restoration of her maiden name. - kbz


HOMAN, George - Nancy
Source: Waveland Independent
Friday April 21, 1899
George Homan who lives near Pisgah church has brought suit for divorce from his wife on the grounds of cruel treatment. Four years ago she sued for a divorce from him, but they patched up a truce. - kbz

HOOVER, Belle - William

Source: Crawfordsville Review 20 Aug 1892 p 5
Divorce day in the September term of the circuit court promises the usual rich, rare and racy digest. This week three new cases were added to the long list as follows:
John R. Courtney presented the prayer of Mrs. Belle Keller Hoover, who wants the ties which bind her to William Hoover guillotined. While Belle says that her troubles date back for several months yet she never quit his bed and board until last Saturday. She alleges that Willie has beaten her and accused her of actions unbecoming a faithful wife. She also wants her maiden name restored.  


HOOVER, Sadie - Frank
Crawfordsville Review March 27, 1917 p 6
Sadie Hoover was given a divorce on a cross-complaint yesterday in circuit court by Judge Jerre West and $150 alimony. The arguments on the case were heard, at the continuance of the case from Saturday and the verdict was rendered before 10 o'clock - kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 21 February 1891

The time of the circuit court Tuesday was occupied in trying the divorce cases which came up. There were 17 on the docket, but not all of them came up.

The first was the suit of Susan Wilhite against Wm. Wilhite, the popular coal oil vendor. She proved by many witnesses that Will was a great man to destroy liquor and while under the influence of the same to apply pet names to her not in keeping with the character of a Christian gentleman. Will has frequently beaten her too, and upon one occasion drew a knife and threatened to "let his life blood out upon the new carpet" The twain were married on January 3, 1873, and on January 3, 1891 they celebrated the anniversary by parting company. As William did not appear the divorce was granted.

Emma Pine next appeared and said that David, her husband wasn't worth shucks. He appeared pretty good timber when she took him but after two days of married life the provoking old thing packed up his duds and left the ranch. He has not shown up there since and the court got even with him by setting the coy Emma free.

Rosa Platt said that Thomas Platt was a regular dead beat. The wretch had utterly failed to provide for her as he had promised when first their troth was plighted in the shadows outside the electric light. Although Tom was released from the county jail Monday where he had spent a season for his prized fight escapade, the fellow did not appear to deny Rosa's statement and she was released from the odious bonds.

Francis Thebus, of Sugar Creek township, told the court that her husband, George Washington Thebus was a hard drinking, hard swearing and hard hitting old lout and that she was the victim of all three of his acquirement's. George was not on hand and the divorce was promptly granted by the sympathetic judge.

Augusta Larsh, of Ladoga, complained to Judge Snyder that her husband Carl had run off after abiding with her a year and was now feeding in pastures new. She got her divorce.

Another Ladoga lady came up smiling in the person of Nannie Myers. She was married with due pomp and solemnity to Jim Myers, who after two months of wedded life grew careless like and wandered away never to return. Nannie got a release.

Ben Condon is evidently a mighty mean man. Sarah his wife stood up in open court and accused him of drunkenness, profanity and also of choking her. Ben said this was all true and moreover said Sarah had failed to provide for him during the last two years and he was willing she should have a divorce. It was given with a smile.

The Horn case did not come up although Mr. Anderson labored assiduously to bring it to a focus. -- thanks to Kim H

HOUSER, Louise - George
Source: Crawfordsville Review 6 April 1911 p 2
Mrs. Louisa Houser has filed suits in the circuit court for a divorce from her husband George Houser, a well known farmer living four miles north of here in Richland Township. They were married Oct 12, 1905, and separated March 26, 1911, she being his second wife. She charges in her complain cruelty and asks for $15 alimony, also that her maiden name be restored. - kbz

HOWELL, Charles
Source: Weekly News Review 9 Feb 11
Charles A. Howell called at this office Saturday to find out a few things and to impart some information. Charles declared that his recent trip to North Carolina was purely a pleasure trip and that he brought back the money he took away with him; it seems that he convinced his wife of this because she dismissed the suit for divorce which she had filed against him and all is again serene in the Howell family.

HUGHES, Malinda - D.A.
Source: Sunday Star May 13, 1901
Malinda Hughes has filed suit for divorce from her husband, DA Hughes. Mrs. Hughes alleges in her complaint that David sadly failed to meet expectations as a model husband and furthermore that he deserted her. She accordingly asks the court to grant her a divorce and her former married name, Young

HUNTER, John (divorce and incest charge)

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 Nov 1891 p 3
John Hunter, charged with incest, appeared before the circuit court Monday and filed a most peculiar motion for the dismissal of the case.  It will be remembered that the man’s victim was his step-daughter and further that after the case came up against him it developed that Hunter had been married before he married the girl’s mother to a woman from whom he never obtained a divorce. Hunter accordingly claims that his bigamy renders the second void and hence as the girl is not his stepdaughter he stands not guilty of incest as charged in the indictment. Judge Harney has as yet made ruling in the case.

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Monday, 9 November 1891
John Hunter, charged with incest, appeared before the circuit court today and filed a most peculiar motion for the dismissal of the case. It will be remembered that the man’s victim was his stepdaughter, and further that after the case came up against him it developed that Hunter had been married before he married the girl’s mother to a woman from whom he never obtained a divorce. Hunter according claims that his bigamy renders the second void and hence as the girl is not his stepdaughter, he stands not guilty of incest as charged in the indictment. Judge Harney has as yet made no ruling in the case.

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Tuesday 10 November 1891
The arguments in the plea in bar case of John Hunter, charged with incest, were made in the Circuit Court before Judge Snyder today. The defendant was represented by Judge Sellar who claimed that as the marriage with the girl’s mother was void he was not her stepfather, and hence not guilty. Prosecutor Moffett granted this, but held that a plea in bar was not warranted in criminal cases. Judge Harney took the case under advisement until tomorrow, when he will render a decision. Many think that Hunter will go free because, forsooth, he is guilty of the greater crime of bigamy

HUNTER, Lucinda - Albert
Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday, November 15, 1895
Lucinda Hunter is hunting for a divorce from Albert Hunter. Lucinda alleges that Albert was outrageously rude to her and that he frequently emphasized his well rounded periods by slapping her damask cheeks or twisting her nose. He also failed to provide and clearly demonstrated that he is not the sort of a fellow whom any girl should love, honor, and obey. - kbz

HUTTON, Annie - John
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 21 March 1902
Saturday afternoon by her attorneys, Crane & Anderson Mrs. Annie T. HUTTON applied to the circuit court for divorce from her husband, John C. Hutton on statutory grounds. The defendant is an ex-councilman of this city. - kbz
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