Divorces E-F
E - F Divorces in Montgomery County, Indiana
----E Divorces ----
ELKINS, William
Source: C'ville Review Jan 13, 1925 p 1
Three suits for divorce were filed in the Montgomery Circuit Court on Monday. In two of the cases the plaintiffs were men and cruel and inhuman treatment was the chief charge in all complaints.
The first suit was that of Glenna F. Moody vs. Oscar N. Moody. The couple were married Dec 15, 1923 and separated Oct 7, 1924.
The second suit was filed by Russell L. Fowler against Maude E. Fowler. According to the complaint the couple were married July 25, 1919 and lived together until Dec 30, 1924.
William Elkins was the third plaintiff to file for divorce on Monday. The plaintiff states the couple were married Sept 30, 1902 and separated in December, 1924.
ELLIS, Boaz = Elle
Source: Cville Review 18 oct 1890 p 1
Boaz Ellis has been granted a divorce from his wife Elle Ellis.
Source: CDJ 1 Aug 1894 p 4
Marriage License – Boaz Ellis and Jane Rariden
ELROD, Effie - George Washington
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 28 Dec 1894
The divorce suit of Effie Elrod against George Washington Elrod of Ladoga came up in the circuit court Saturday. The plaintiff had a sensational complaint and the defendant a hair raising cross complaint. The plaintiff hammered away all the morning and proved that the vicious and depraved G. Washington had occasionally guyed her. I the afternoon at the convention of court it became known that the defendant couple prove nothing more heinous against the plaintiff than a too liberal use of soda in the manufacture of biscuit, so the senseless suit was knocked out of court by Judge Harney at the defendant’s cost. The parties interested would do well to kiss and make up for a Christmas gift. – kbz
ELZA, Laura vs Harry
Source: Crawfordsville weekly Journal 16 May 1902 p 1
Laura A. Elza vs. Harry Elza. Divorce. Plaintiff granted divorce defendant defaulting.
Laura A. Elza vs. Harry Elza. Divorce. Plaintiff granted divorce defendant defaulting.
EMMERT, Rholla - Mayme
Source: Crawfordsville Review Dec 8, 1914 p 1
Two wives and one husband obtained divorces in circuit court yesterday morning. Both wives objected to the treatment given them by their husbands, while the husband who was given his freedom complained of his wife's temper.
Two wives and one husband obtained divorces in circuit court yesterday morning. Both wives objected to the treatment given them by their husbands, while the husband who was given his freedom complained of his wife's temper.
A divorce was granted Odessa Brown from Garland Brown. She was also restored with her maiden name, Odessa Wray. Her home is at New Market. She alleged that her husband had frequently struck and abused her.
Mrs. Anna Logan was given a decree divorcing her from Charles E. Logan. She was also granted $2.50 a week alimony for 3 years to assist in the support of three minor children. Mrs. Logan said her husband had called her vile names and was an habitual drunkard.
Rholla H. Emmert testified that his wife had an uncontrollable temper. He was given a divorce from Mrs. Mayme R. Emmert. Emmert said his wife had threatened to kill him and had also had many quarrels with his mother. The suit was venued to the court here from BOone County.
Emmert lives one mile SE of New Ross. He formerly lived in Advance. His wife resides in Lebanon - kbz
ENDICOTT, James - Cora
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 13 May 1892 p 3
This was divorce day in the circuit court but for some reason or other it didn’t pan out as well as expected from a numerical standpoint. A good many didn’t show up having concluded to try connublial bliss another whirl before sundering the ties forever. The first case before the court was that of Mrs. Willis Canary against Willis. Jere West was master of ceremonies and Judge Sellar and Editor Coffman looked most beneficient as they swore that they knew the lady to be a resident of the town. Mrs. Canary said she wished to retain her bird like name but wanted a divorce from Willis just the same. Willis was awfully rough and rude while he lived with her and took especial delight in gadding about town with such frivolous and giddy creatures as Nancy Lightcap. He also was almost tickeled to death with circumstances were such that he could kick the wife of his bosom about the floor in imitation of the college boys whom he had seen playing foot ball on the campus. He also liked to swear at her and choker her for the purpose of changing his luck when the pop corn trade was dull.
This was divorce day in the circuit court but for some reason or other it didn’t pan out as well as expected from a numerical standpoint. A good many didn’t show up having concluded to try connublial bliss another whirl before sundering the ties forever. The first case before the court was that of Mrs. Willis Canary against Willis. Jere West was master of ceremonies and Judge Sellar and Editor Coffman looked most beneficient as they swore that they knew the lady to be a resident of the town. Mrs. Canary said she wished to retain her bird like name but wanted a divorce from Willis just the same. Willis was awfully rough and rude while he lived with her and took especial delight in gadding about town with such frivolous and giddy creatures as Nancy Lightcap. He also was almost tickeled to death with circumstances were such that he could kick the wife of his bosom about the floor in imitation of the college boys whom he had seen playing foot ball on the campus. He also liked to swear at her and choker her for the purpose of changing his luck when the pop corn trade was dull.
“You have a child, have you not, Mrs. Canary? Asked Mr. West – yes, sir. “What is its name?” Jimmie Blaine Canary was the fond mamma’s response. “Is it a boy or a girl?” asked West. But the laugh drowned the response and the divorce was decreed.
Mrs. Rosalie Kenney is quite pretty and she wanted a divorce from harry Kenny who skipped and left her after one month of bliss. She has not heard from him since and the court granted the decree to the joy of Mrs. Kenny (sic) who took her maiden name of Coombs.
The case of AJ Henderson against Phronia Henderson was continued until next term.
The case of Rose Thomas against Frank Thomas was about to be dismissed as the plaintiff had failed of service, but on learning that eight days still remained to get it she went her way rejoicing and unting for the wicked defended.
The case of Alice Shotts against Wesley Shotts was dropped from the docket as the parties had patched up their difficulties.
The case of James Endicott vs. Cora Endicott was called and it was proved conclusively that the worthy Jim was a much abused young man. Cora is beyond question wholly unworthy of his loving kindness and husbandly affection, She before she so cruelly deserted him a year ago used to pass her time swearing at him until he shed great bring tears as big as spring peas. She is now living in Lafayette and as she is in rather shady business the court granted the divorce.
The star case of the day was the suit of Lulu Keesee again Frank Keesee, who until July 9 last, drove the wagon for Hadley & King for $9 a week and very generously lavished $2 of that sum on the sup0port of his wife and four children. He skipped last July and it is supposed left these parts with Mrs. Julia Ashley of Homer, Ill. This Mrs. Ashley was very much infatuated with the altogether adonis like Keesee and several of her amorous letters were read by JR Hanna to the delight and edification of all present. The court actually blushed and finally called a halt in the reading which was rather lively to say the least. The following is one of the choice passages upon which the court found a verdict for the plaintiff: “Oh you sweet-faced Frank! How glad I am when you come so that I can meet you at the door and you can take me in your arms and hug me and kiss me and I can say bless your sweet mouth.” This is one of the tame passages and the letters all pictured Frank as being ravishingly beautiful and captivating. Perhaps he was but as such he was never appreciated in these parts for some strange reason.
ENGLE, Margaret - John B.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Nov 7, 1914
Three applicants for divorce decrees were awarded the legal separation they sought when the cases were heard for Judge West in circuit court. Two of the plaintiffs were wives and the other was a colored man. The successful ones were Mrs. Margaret J. Engle, Mrs. Helen Webster and Lewis Glover. The hearing of evidence in the Engle case was finished late Friday afternoon and decree was granted Mrs. Engle at that time. Custody of the two minor children was given her and her husband, John B. Engle, was ordered to pay into the court the sum of one dollar each week for the support of the children. The charge in the complaint of Mrs. Engle was failure to provide. She was represented by Chase Harding while Williams & Murphy presented the evidence of the defendant. This morning Helen Webster was given a divorce from Roy F. Webster on grounds of abandonment. The plaintiff charged that her husband left her soon after their marriage in Denver Colo in 1908 and never returned to her,. She stated that in her examination that Mr. Webster went to the Philippines as a soldier after their marriage but on his return to this country failed to come back to her. She said she gave him no cause for deserting her. The plaintiff's former name, Helen Rivers, was restored to her. She was represented by Chase Harding, while prosecutor Ira Clouser appeared for the defaulting defendant. Lewis Glover, colored, charged his wife, Carrie Glover with cruelty unfaithfulness and abandonment. He said she associated with immoral characters, cursed and abused him, and finally in 1906 deserted him. The plaintiff said his wife is now out of the state. The divorce decree was granted him, but the court informed Glover that he could not remarry for two years. "Don't you worry yo'self none, Jedge," Lewis happily exclaimed, "Ah know ah can't marry fo' two year and Ah suah don't want to. One time is a plent fo' me." Glover was represented by WM Reeves. Prosecutor Clouser entered appearance for the absent Mrs. Glover. -- kbz
ERMANTROUT, Joseph - Viola
Source: Daily News-Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana June 4, 1901 p 4
Joseph B. Ermantrout, of Sugar Creek Township has petitioned the court for a divorce from Viola E. Ermentrout, his wife. They were married in March 1900 and lived together until August of that year when Viola gave him the cold shake. He avers that she was anything but a loving and dutiful wife and insists that they can never become reconciled - kbz
EVANS, Narcissa - Jonas
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 19 September 1891
The case of Hiram Waite against Anna Waite was called neither plaintiff or defendant was on the ground. The plaintiff was represented, however, by counsel and witness. poor old "Doc' Waite is a helpless cripple and it was proved that his wife, Anna was no earthly account and had basely deserted him some time ago. In view of this the divorce was granted. Charles Toney was the defendant in a little divorce case which came up that morning, but as the plaintiff did not show up the case was continued on indefinitely as were two or three others. Last Thursday Judge Snyder granted a divorce to Narcissa Evans who brought suit sometime since against Jonas W. Evans. Both parties live in Ladoga and are well connected. - thanks to Kim H for this
---- F Divorces ----
FAIRCHILD, Susie - Charles
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Thu 25 Sept 1929 p 11
Crawfordsville – Susie Fairchild was granted a divorce in Montgomery Circuit Court from Charles Fairchild, given custody of minor children and allowed $4 per week for support.
FALLEN, Walter - Della
Source: Crawfordsville Review 9-24-1898
There has been another healthy batch of applications for divorce filed in the circuit court this week. Walter Fallen is tired of Della and wants a legal separation. He alleges that she is a most faithful devotee at the shrine of Bachus and during these “joyful” hours she makes his home a hell on earth.
Mary J. Miller complains that David, her husband, walks arm in arm with the green-eyed monster, jealousy and is constantly looking for trouble. She further alleges that he has treated her in an inhuman manner and on various occasions has accused her of being immoral and unchaste. She asks for an absolute divorce.
The short comings of Archie Young are next held up to public view by his wife, Ida. She says Archie is a beastly sort of a fellow, that he is drunk about five-fifths of the time and has never provided the necessaries of life. The complaint further sets forth that on one occasion Archie threw a flat iron and a trunk tray at her wooly head and when she fled from his presence he amused himself by tearing up her clothes and breaking the furniture and dishes. Ida supplements her complain with an appeal for $100 alimony.
Mary J. Miller complains that David, her husband, walks arm in arm with the green-eyed monster, jealousy and is constantly looking for trouble. She further alleges that he has treated her in an inhuman manner and on various occasions has accused her of being immoral and unchaste. She asks for an absolute divorce.
The short comings of Archie Young are next held up to public view by his wife, Ida. She says Archie is a beastly sort of a fellow, that he is drunk about five-fifths of the time and has never provided the necessaries of life. The complaint further sets forth that on one occasion Archie threw a flat iron and a trunk tray at her wooly head and when she fled from his presence he amused himself by tearing up her clothes and breaking the furniture and dishes. Ida supplements her complain with an appeal for $100 alimony.
FARMER, Ella - George
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 13 June 1891
The divorce suit of Ella Farmer vs. George Washington Farmer, came up in the circuit court to-day. Ella swore that George had deserted her and failed to provide likewise. Whereupon the court cleared its throat and pronounced the piercing words which cut the matrimonial bonds asunder. George Washington Farmer & Ella Farmer (Ella Lamb) - thanks to Kim H
FERGUSON, Leona - Claude
Source: Crawfordsville Review, Thursday Jan 20, 1916
A petition for allowance was filed in the circuit court yesterday by Mrs. Leona A. Coltrain of Darlington. Several days ago, Claude R. Coltrain of Darlington brought suit for divorce alleging she found fault with him and would not live on a farm he had rented. In the petition she denies his allegations saying he deserted her and that she was forced to go and live with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Ferguson of Boone Co. The wife claims that the plaintiff's father, John D. Coltrain is worth $30,000 and that her husband has an expectancy of $10,000. SHe prays the court for $5 weekly during pendency of action and for $150 to prepare to fight the case. Mrs. Coltrain is represented by A. J. Sheeby. His lawyers are McAdams & Jones of Lafayette - kbz
FIELDS, Charlie - Edith
Source: Crawfordsville Review 27 May 1919 p 6
Two divorces were granted Saturday in circuit court by Judge West with the husband in each case receiving the decree. The suits were Charlie Fields vs. Edith Fields and Henry Lane vs. Dewey Lane. Yesterday another suit for divorce was filed. Gena Hankins asks a divorce from Claude C. Hankins on a charge of cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide a home. The suit was filed by TE O’Conner and Caldwell & Simms.
FISHER, Ira - Edna
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, May 17, 1920
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, May 17, 1920
The case of Edna Fisher versus Ira Fisher for the recovery of $10,000 expended by the plaintiff in support of seven children which she had taken several years ago when she left her husband at Darlington, was compromised Saturday outside of court, the plaintiff accepting $2,500 as settlement. The case was an unusual one as the defendant was a Dunkard preacher and the evidence was at times highly sensational. As there were indications that there might be a compromise effected Judge Jere West adjourned court Saturday afternoon. - kbz
Source: The Crawfordsville Journal, January 26, 1924
Ira Fisher, a farmer living in Sugar Creek township, was granted a divorce from his wife, Edna E. Fisher, in the Montgomery county circuit court this morning. The complaint alleges that Mrs. Fisher left the Fisher home some time in October of 1913, and that since that time she has never lived with Mr. Fisher. She is at present living in South Bend. Mrs. Fisher has had the custody of the Fisher children since the time of the separation. - kbz
FLANNIGAN, Annie - August
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, October 11, 1895
Annie Flannigan has been granted a divorce from August Flannigan. August made no appearance and all the rude things said about him are uncontradicted. They must be true. - Kim H
FOREMAN, Alice - John
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 1 August 1891
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 1 August 1891
Mrs. Alice Foreman went searching around for Judge Sellar this morning and when she found him she had him to write out a complaint asking for a divorce from her husband, John Foreman. John, after great abuse basely deserted her two years ago and is now living in Marion. - thanks to Kim H
FOWLER, Russell -- Maude -- see ELKINS above
FRAKES, Deborah- Daniel
Source: Crawfordsville Review 6 July 1911 p 1
Through her attorneys, Johnston & Johnston, Mrs. Deborah Frakes of this city filed suit for divorce from Daniel Frakes in the circuit court Wednesday afternoon. In her complaint Mrs. Frakes alleged that her husband had a system of cruel and inhuman treatment shortly after their marriage Aug 17, 1892, and that she was able to endure it until April 12, 1911. At that time, she alleges Frakes left her and went to another state and has failed and refused to provide for her and their two daughters, both of whom are minors. Mrs. Frakes avers that her husband’s method of ill treating her consisted of applying vile names and epithets to her some of which were so bad that she could not include them in her complaint. She asks for legal separation and the care and custody of her two daughters, Lola Mabel and Marjory Anna. Frakes was formally in the vacuum cleaning business and resided at 410 South Water Street. His present whereabouts are said to be unknown.
FRAME, William
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Oct 13, 1891
A divorce suit of a sensational nature which has been hanging fire in Scott Twp for some time was duly filed in the Circuit Court this morning by LJ Coppage, who appears for the plaintiff, William F. FRAME. Frame is one of the most prominent citizens of Scott Twp and comes from one of the most prominent families as does his wife who was a Miss Doyle. Frame is wealthy and is a good sober man. His wife has also been considered straight until lately, when suspicious circumstances caused rumors of a very shady nature to get afloat. Frame at first refused to believe them but finally accepted them as true and approached his wife on the subject. He accused her of being too intimate with one Tom HUSTON a hired man who was living on the place. The alleged intimacy as claimed began two years ago and for the last six months has been notorious. When Mrs. Frame was accused by her husband she denied it stoutly and took it so much to heart that about two months ago attempted to commit suicide by taking a very large dose of poison. She was discovered before she died; however, and by hard work was saved. The matter was hushed up and for the time being everything moved smoothly on. The intimacy it is charged began again, however and the result was the filing of the suit by Mr. Frame this morning. The case will be bitterly contested as Mrs. Frame protests her innocence and proposes to prove it to the satisfaction of all. The pominence and previous good character of all parties makes the case a deplorable one and it is to be sincerely regretted that it ever found it s way into the courts.-- kbz
FRANCIS, Fred - Iva
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, April !, 1914
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, April !, 1914
Sum of $25 to Be paid Now, $15 in Three Weeks and Weekly Installments of $3.50 Fred Francis, defendant in a suit for divorce filed recently by his wife, Iva Francis, was ordered by Judge West to pay temporary alimony to the plaintiff pending the trial of the case. The defendant was instructed to pay the sum of $25 to his wife immediately. this is to be followed by the payment of $15 in three weeks to serve her attorney's fees and the sum of $3.50 is to be paid the plaintiff by her husband each week until the suit is tried. In court this morning the plaintiff was represented by Attorney Robert W. Caldwell, while Kenndy & Kennedy appeared for the defendant. - thanks to Kim H
FRAZIER, Emma - Austin
Source: Waynetown Hornet Dec 26, 1887 - in overview of year - June 20 -
Emma Frazier was granted a divorce from Austin Frazier. - kbz
Source: Waynetown Hornet Dec 26, 1887 - in overview of year - June 20 -
Emma Frazier was granted a divorce from Austin Frazier. - kbz
FRAZIER, Mary - Daniel
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 Nov 1891 p 3
Mary Frazier, through her attorneys Wright & Sellar, has brought suit for a divorce from Daniel Frazier. If what the complaint avers is true Daniel is a sad dog, truly. He has always failed to provide, has been dissolute and drunken, has abused her by rough language, and finally, shame be it to the base-soul wretch, he has often struck her. The charges are grave enough to have the divorce granted without parley or delay.
FRIEND, Elva vs. William
Source: Crawfordsville Review 8 April 1899 p1
Yesterday in the Circuit Court, Elva C. Friend was divorced from William Friend, it being shown to the satisfaction of the court that she needed no such friend. The gentleman is a non-resident and wholly made default, rendering the matter comparatively easy. The mother was given the custody of the child, Mary, three years old - kbz
FRUITS, John A. - Mary L
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 12 April 1901
John A. Fruits was before Judge West last week asking for a divorce from Mary L. Fruits. He states that she had been quite cruel to him and had on one occasion knocked him down with a stick of stove wood. She was always bullying him about and threatened him with violence so that he led a life of terror. He was granted the divorce and one would naturally suppose that he would rest awhile before again venturing on the stormy sea of matrimony. But he evidently likes the excitement for the clerk’s office was hardly open next morning before he appeared with a gladsome smile and two silver dollars to take out a license to marry another woman.