Divorces A-B
ABRAHAM, Grant - Stella
Source: Crawfordsville Review 22 June 1911 p 1
At the annual summer vacation drawn nearer the wheels of the Montgomery County divorce mill are grinding out decrees daily. Thursday two mismatched pairs were given legal separation, Judge West hearing testimony in chambers, the court room being occupied by the Gray ditch case. Letha McClelland was granted a divorce from Everett McClelland and give the care and custody of her infant daughter. Cruelty and failure to provide were the grounds on which a decree was asked. WM Reeves was plaintiff’s attorney.
Grant Abraham was granted a divorce from his wife, Stella Abraham, the complaint alleging cruelty and refusal of the defendant to live with him.
ACKER - Mort -
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Tuesday, 21 August 1894
For eight or ten years Mort Acker has been jumping up against the big iron doors of the penitentiary trying to get in and there are those who seem to think that his perseverance will yet be rewarded. Mort has figured in more disreputable escapades than any young man in Crawfordsville or the region round about and now the police are after him.
Some years ago the versatile young gentleman married a daughter of Betty Plush, the fat lady who operates out beyond the Monon Station in what is commonly known as the “Black Hills.” It appears that for several moons Mort and his wife have not been getting on exactly as husband and wife should get on. Last night matters came to a climax when Mort descended on the home of his portly mother-in-law intent on killing his wife. He fiercely attacked her with a stout cudgel, and inflamed by liquor and passion as he was, would undoubtedly have killed her, but for the armed interference of the inmates of the place. This morning Mrs. Acker instituted proceedings for divorce against her husband and also filed a complaint before Prosecutor Moffett charging Mort with assault and battery with intent to kill.
ADAMS, Hub - Maude
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 28 October 1914
Hub Adams, well known colored young man, filed suit for divorce from his wife, Maud Adams, in circuit court here Tuesday afternoon. Hub states in his complaint that his wife treated him cruelly calling him vile names, accusing him of being in love with his former sweetheart, refusing to prepare his meals and finally deserting him. The plaintiff alleges that when Maud left she remarked that she "was going to Tennessee as the sunny south was good enough for her," the plaintiff is represented by WM Reeves. -- kbz
ADAMS, John - Minnie
Source: Crawfordsville Review 16 Nov 1895 p 7
Mrs. Minnie Douglass Adams has applied for a divorce from her husband, John. She was married in Lebanon in 1092 (sic – maybe 1892?). Minnie says her Johnnie cruelly treated her and at one time threw her from a buggy and run over her and from the effects of which she has never fully recovered. Mrs. Adams also asks for $3,000 alimony. Mr. Adams is in the buggy business at Lebanon.- kbz
ALEXANDER, Hiram - Dora
Source: Crawfordsville Review
Thursday Jan 20, 1916
Hiram ALEXANDER said to be living in Danville, Ill was made the defendant in a divorce suit yesterday by his wife Zora L. Alexander of this city. The woman alleges he abandoned her for the palpable reason of causing a separation. An additional charge made by the wife is failure to provide. In the complaint it is state they were married in Crawfordsville May 22, 1909 and separated Feb 1912. The plaintiff is represented by Harry N. Fine. - kbz
ALLEN, Hattie - Stephen
Source: Crawfordsville Star Sept 3, 1896 p 7
Mrs. Stephen Allen has applied for divorce on the grounds of abuse and cruelty. She states that Stephen cursed and abused her, knocked her down and choked her and accused her of being a bad woman. She asks a division of his property which she says is $1,000, a permanet divorce and the restoration of her maiden name Hattie Corey - typed by kbz
ALLEN, Mahala - G.W.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 18 January 1890
Mahala C. Allen has been granted a divorce from G. W. Allen and received the custody of the child.– thanks to Kim H
AMBROSE, Flora vs. --
Source: Crawfordsville Review 20 Aug 1892 p 5
Divorce day in the September term of the circuit court promises the usual rich, rare and racy digest.
Mrs. Flora Ambrose through her attorneys, White, Humphries & Reeves also presented her peck of troubles. In her complaint Mrs. Ambrose alleges that she served him until April 4 of this year; that during this period he crused and beat her, had accused her of undue intimacy with other men and at one time attempted to kill her by smothering her with a pillow. She also asks for the custody of their child.
AMMERMAN, Bertha - Charles
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Wed 28 Nov 1934 p 3
Crawfordsville – Bertha Ammerman was granted a divorce in circuit court here from Charles Lee Ammerman but hearing as to custody of their four children was continued.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 25 Aug 1899 p 5
Two Cases were filed in the Clerk's Office and the Allegations of the Plaintiff Are the Same.
Edna J. Mullikin asks a divorce from Jas. B. Mullikin, to whom she was married in 1880. She states that they lived together until August of this year and that one child, now fourteen years old, was born to them, who is now living with the mother. Mrs. Mullikin alleges that the recreant husband has violated the seventh commandment in Indianapolis and in this city, and he not only confessed to the crime, but gloried in it. The plaintiff asks the custody of the child and all proper relief. The parties are from New Market.
Wm. H. Arnold also asks a divorce from Julia Arnold, to whom he was married in 1887. He states that they lived together until June of the present year, when his wife's relations with Joseph Mitchell became the talk of the town. Arnold is a cook by trade and is the fellow who had a scrap with the co-respondent Mitchell several months ago in which he nearly finished the fellow. Arnold is a hardworking man and asks that the court give him the care and custody of the three children born of his marriage. Mrs. Arnold, he alleges, has stated her intention of living with Mitchell, so he wants to give her the opportunity to gratify her desire. The parties are colored people.
Source: Same page 1 – Mrs. Julia Arnold has filed a cross complaint in answer to her husband’s petition for divorce. She alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide. She states that Arnold made her get up out of a warm bed and chase out on the snowy and sleety sidewalks to find shelter at a friends, threatening to kill her if she came back. She says that Arnold charged her with associating with other men and that this statement is false. She asks the care and custody of their children and 4300 per annum for their maintenance. – kbz
BARNHART, Charles - Martha
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review Sept 24, 1902 p 1
Charles Barnhart has sued his wife, Martha S. Barnhart for divorce. He alleges that Martha abandoned him without reasonable cause. -kbz
BARNHART, Pete - Mattie (same as above?)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday 25 March 1898
When Pete Barnhart read the other evening that his wife had gone and got married to a fellow named Stephenson he wasn’t a bit jealous. On the contrary he just doubled up and laughed. He knew that Mattie had married under the impression that he had secured a divorce and he further knew that he hadn’t. The court granted the decree on the condition that Pete first pay the costs and this the young gentleman never did at all. In consequence the judgment was never entered up and Mattie is just as much the wife of Pete as she ever was.
Mayor Stilwell pardoned Mattie from the jail in order that the ceremony might occur and now he is sorry that he spoke for the poor bride is in a peck of trouble and likely to go over the road. Mr. Stephenson, the bridegroom is sad beyond all expression. He realized that he is a bridegroom without a bride, for his wife, his fond and loving wife, is not his wife but that of the odious and hated Pete Barnhart. It is likely that he will do something desperate in the extremity of his grief so his friends are keeping close watch on him.
The interrupting of love’s young dream is always sad and when the interruption comes to so estimable and so highly respected a pair of cooing doves, the public sheds the sympathetic tear. Mrs. Barnhart-Stephenson’s former five husbands seem to consider the thing as a huge joke but they are the only ones who are not moved by the touching spectacle.
BAYLES, Elizabeth - Alexander
Source: Crawfordsville Record, April 13, 1832
Elizabeth Bayles vs. Alexander Bayles
Elizabeth Bayles vs. Alexander Bayles
BAYLESS, George - Effie
Source: Crawfordsville Review 10 Feb 1920 p6
Complaint for divorce was filed by George B. Bayless in circuit court yesterday afternoon. Effie Bayless is named defendant. The complain recites that the two were married Dec 18, 1910 and separated Feb 6, 1920. It states that there were no children. The plaintiff alleges complaint tha the defendant is guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment and that the defendant is cold, neglectful and possessed of a high temper. It further recites the defendant frequently abandoned the plaintiff and that on one occasion she stayed away a year.
BAYLESS, George - Rachel
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal July 31, 1908
-- Through his attorneys, Johnston & Johnston George B. Bayless has brought suit for divorce from his wife, Rachel Bayless. The plaintiff says they were married June 3, 1896, and lived together until about July 8 1906, when she abandoned him with out cause or reason. He believes that she is now living with her father at Shoals, Ind. At the time of their marriage the plaintiff had one child three years old. - kbz
BEESON, Hubert - Thelma
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 11 March 1935 p 1
Hubert S. Beeson was granted a divorce from Thelma Beeson Saturday by Judge Edgar a. Rice in the Montgomery circuit court. The couple were married April 2, 1927 and spearated Jan 6, 1935. - kbz
BELL, Lydia - Jonathan
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review 25 Feb 1901 p 5
Mrs. Lydia C. Bell has instituted proceedings for divorce against Jonathan Bell. They were married in 1883 and lived together until 1900. The defendant is charged with cruel treatment and finally abandonment. Mrs. Bell asks for the care and custody of their four children.
Source: New Richmond Record 7 March 1901 p3
Mrs. Lydia C. Bell has instituted proceedings for divorcee against Jonathan Bell. They were married in 1883 and lived together until 1900. The defendant is charged with cruel treatment and finally abandonment. Mrs. Bell asks for the care and custody of their four children.
BENJAMIN, Fannie - Charles
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 22 Feb 1890 –p 8
Fannie E. Benjamin vs. Chas. Benjamin, divorce. Judgment for plaintiff including custody of two children.
BENNETT - Jacob - Jennie
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 22 Dec 1899
Jacob C. Bennett of CC Twp, has applied for a divorce from his wife, Jennie. His complaint is a rather lengthy one and recites a harrowing tale of woe. It is alleged that Jennie is a self-willed stubborn and quarrelsome woman who, while living with the lamb-like plaintiff, frequently slapped, struck and wounded him in a manner contrary to the peace and dignity of the state of Indiana and likewise the state of matrimony. She refused to cook, she refused to wash and refused to recognize in the person of the plaintiff lord and master. She, on the contrary, treated him like a worm of the earth and the worm has finally turned. - kbz
BENNETT, Lucille - Jesse
Source: Lafayette Journal-Courier Mon 11 Nov 1935
Crawfordsville – Lucille Bennett has filed suit in circuit court asking a divorce form Jesse A. Bennett and restoration of her maiden name, Cummings. Cruelty is charged. They were married in 1931 and separated Sept 3 last.
BENSON - Leora - Firman
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Aug 8, 1903
In the circuit court this afternoon Mrs. Leora Benson Davis filed a suit for divorce from Firman A. Davis. The complaint alleges cruel treatment. The petitioner asks for $500 alimony and the restoration of her maiden name. -- kbz
BIDDLE, Frances vs Clarence
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 5 March 1929 Tue p 14
Crawfordsville – Frances E. Biddle has filed suit for divorce against Clarence E. Biddle. They were married Oct 24, 1922 and separated last week.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Mon Oct 7, 1929 p 9
Crawfordsville – Francis W. Biddle was granted a divorce from Clarence G. Biddle and each was given the custody of a child. Edward Lee Rogers was given a divorce in Montgomery Circuit Court from Pauline B. Rogers. A third divorce decree was granted Lenna L. Shurr from Clarence E. Shurr and her former name, Atkinson was restored.
BIDDLE, Philip - Mary Elizabeth
Source: Crawfordsville Review Jan 12, 1915 p 1
Philip A. Biddle, wealthy Wayne Township farmer who was recently named defendant in a sensational divorce suit filed by his wife, Mary Elizabeth Biddle, has entered a cross complaint which makes charges of cruelty against Mrs. Biddle. According to his answer his marriage was not one of love but followed the instance of Mrs. Biddle when a child was born to her out of wedlock. Mr. and Mrs. Biddle married 17 dys after the child was born. Biddle says that his wife knew that he was the father of 3 children by a former marriage, but after their wedding she abused these children. The act which finally caused their separation, Biddle alleges, was the hurling of a box of talcum powder by Mrs. Biddle at his young son, Clarence. The box cut a bad gash on the lad's face and made a permanent scar Biddle declares. He says she had no provocation except that the boy accidentally rocked against her while sitting in a chair. Mrs. Biddle in her complaint had a different version of this incident. She said the boy had threatened her life with a gun and had mistreated her and that she was given no protection by her husband. In his cross complaint Biddle also charges that his wife quarreled almost continually with him and his children and frequently insulted his aged mother. Mrs. Biddle alleges cruel treatment. She asked $7,500 alimony and an allowance of $300 a year for the support of herself and her little daughter, Ruth Anna. Mrs. Biddle is represented by the firm of Crane & McCabe while Clyde H. Jones will appear for Mr. Biddle - typed by kbz
BINCKY, Margaret - Jacob
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 11 Sept 1856 p2
State of Indiana Montgomery County court of Common Pleas of said county, Oct. term AD 1856. Margaret Bincky vs. Jacob Bincky – complaint of divorce. Whereas, on the 10th day of September, AD 1856 said plaintiff Margaret Bincky by Wallace & White, her attorneys, filed in the Clerk’s office of said Court her complaint for Divorce in the above entitled cause, said plaintiff by her said attorneys also filed the affidavit of a disinterested person, setting forth that the said defendant, Jacob Bincky is not a resident of the State of Indiana. Therefore notice of the filing and pendency of said complain in said court is hereby given to be said defendant Jacob Bincky, that he may appear on the first day of the next term of Court, to be holden in the Court House at Crawfordsville in said County of Montgomery, commencing on the first Monday of October next (1856) and answer said complaint. Attest: Wm. C. Vance, Clerk
BISHOP, Maria - Benjamin
Source: : Crawfordsville Record 20 Feb 1836
State of Indiana, Montgomery County ss Maria Bishop vs. Benjamin Bishop, Petition for Divorce
Be it remember that on this 30th day of December 1835, the complainant, by Currey her attorney, filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit court of said county, her petition for divorce for the following causes towit: abandonment and want of affection, and it appearing satisfactorily by the affidavit of E. Britton filed in the office of the clerk aforesaid, that the said defendant is not a resident of this state, notice is hereby given in the Crawfordsville Record, a public newspaper three weeks successively of the filing of said petition and affidavit, and that unless the said defendant plead, answer, or demur to the same, on or before the calling of the cause of the next March term of said court, the plea as to said defendant will be taken as confessed. Attest: John Wilson, clerk - kbz
BOOHER, Nancy - Ephraim
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana
Jan 30, 1903
Mrs. Nancy Booher, the plaintiff in the Darlington divorce case, escaped breaking into jail today by the skin of her teeth. For gross contempt of Court, Judge West ordered her commital but her friends succeeded in bringing the woman to her senses and the order was rescinded. In her complaint Mrs. Booher alleges that she was warned by "someone" to watch her husband if she had any doubts as to his infidelity. Upon cross examination Attorney Whittington demanded the identity of this unknown informant. The witness declined to reveal this source of information and Mr. Whittington appealed to the Court. Judge West then tried to get an answer but to no purpose. Mrs. Booher stated that it would compromise a friend and that the revelation would be a breach of lodge trust. She had promised not to divulge the name and declared her intention to keep that promise. The court finally lost patience and gave the stubborn witness a choice between answering and going to jail. She chose the latter alternative but the Court consented that the order be not executed until the examination was finished. As the clock struck 12 Attorney Whittington brought his severe cross examination to a close and the Court gave her another chance to answer. She refused, however, and the Judge remanded her to the custody of the sheriff until she should choose to answer. "I'll die in jail then" was her parting retort but her friends and attorneys gathered about her and after much advice and counseling she agreed to give up the information. Her decision was carried to the Court and he consented to a stay of execution. Being put back on the stand after dinner Mrs. Booher said Mrs. Laura Booher had given her some "tips" regarding her husband's actions. Acting on these she followed Eph one night to the home of his alleged amoreta, Mary Vaughan, and saw him enter the house. She waited for him to reppear but was driven away by cold. Some time later she accused Eph of his infidelity and he was brazen in his expressions of Mary Vaughan. He confessed that he always had a partiality for fat women and likened her to a stack of bones. Among other wrongs she said her step sons had cursed and abused her and that in their division of property some years ago she got the worst of it in everything except pillow cases. The inventory showed 11 and they took 5 apiece and cut the other in two. After their last separation Eph is said to have asserted that the infernal regions might freeze over before she would get any of his property. Mrs. Booher lost her temper under the fire of cross examination and made some damaging statements. When asked how much money she had when they were married Mrs. Booher confessed to the possession of $9. This caused some amusement whereupon she volunteered that it was more than Eph had. Being questioned on this score she asserted that her husband's assets at that time amounted to only $3. There was considerable spice mixed with the testimony of Mrs. Booher and the audience took it all in with evident relish. The defendant is taking his inning this afternoon. -- transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News Review Jan 28, 1903
The Booher divorce case is proving a right good drawing card and the court room has been filled today with spectators, expectantly awaiting for the evidence to develop some rich morsels. Up to noon there had been some disappointment on that score. The bulk of the evidence has been pretty dry. Severalw itnesses testified that the domestic horizon of the Boohers had been more or less clouded for years. Others were introduced to throw some light upon Eph's financial standing. The star witness of the morning was Art Franklin, a step son of the defendant who made his home iwth them for several years after his mother's marriage. He admitted that the relations between Mrs. Booher and himself had been somewhat strained and told of the pleasantries that had occurred. On one occasion Booher struck witness with a broom and on another his head was made the target for a rock. Again the defendant chased him to the barn and aimed a blow at him with his fist but missed fire and struck the barn door instead. It is not recorded what Booher said when he made this mistake. He testified that he had seen Booher strike his mother and that on one occasion his step papa got out the family razor and declared that he would end the motter then and there. He didn't however, for the good reason that young Franklin and his ma took to the timber. At a trial in Darlington witness declared he heard Booher call his wife a l ar. On cross examination Franklin mixed up his dates somewhat. He admitted to drinking some but denied that he had ever gone home with the "snakes. -- transcribed by kbz
Source: Daily News Review Feb 2, 1903 p 1
The costs in the Booher divorce case, which was tried last week amount to $269 not including attorney fees and the salary of the court. Of this $139 is for witness fees, $75 for court costs and $55 for actual court expenses. In giving Mr. Booher the decree the costs were thrown upon his wife, but as she has no property, the witnesses are out their fees and expenses and the county is left to hold the bag for the balance. Mrs. Booher received a judgment for $125 alimony but her attonreys will doubtless attach this for their services. Divorces come high oftimes but some people must have 'em. -- transcribed by kbz
Source: same -- There was a general rejoicing at Darlington Saturday evening when the news reached there that "Doc" Booher had won in the divorce suit. He had the sympathies of the townspeople almost to a unit and from all reports Darlington has experience no such joy since James A. Mount was nominated for Governor.
BOOKER, John - Helena
Helena Booker has sued for a divorce from her husband, John Booker and asks for the custody of her three children and wants $2000 alimony. The parties hail from the classic surrounding of Tater River. (Potato Creek)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News May 28, 1892 p 4
Matrimony was so sweet and yet so bitter he tried it again and didn't fail to "git" her. His name was John Booker and hers, after the first marriage, Helena Booker. After their second marriage it remained the same in both caes. They lived up in Sugar Creek Township and couldn't get along trotting in double harness so a divorce was procured. She then became his housekeeper, instead of his wife. Having tired of this way of living they again concluded to splice and Justice Chumasero this afternoon did the splice act to the satisfaction of both. - typed by kbz
Source: Darlington Herald 3-30-1917
John Booker of Ladoga has filed a cross complaint in the divore suit brought by his wife. He claims that she has a violet temper and has been a systematic nagger. She threatened to send him to the penal farm and forced him to stay out in the barn and sleep. The Bookers were divorced more than 40 years ago but remarried and lived together until recently. Both are over 70 years old. The Bookers are widely known in this vicinity and their home in Darlington for a few years prior to their going to Ladoga.
BOOTS, Susan - Sam
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 28 July 1892 p3
An interesting divorce suit was filed in the circuit court today wherein Susan J. Boots, of Sugar Creek, poses as plaintiff and Mr. Sam Booths, of parts unknown, figures as defendant. The complain reads like a fiary tale and reeks with blood and horror. The two were made one along in 1890 and very soon after Sam skipped one cold, dark night and didn't show up for 16 weary months. Last May he took his clean shiirts and $85 belonging to Susan and again left. He has not since been seen. am was evidently a very rude, rough gentleman. He like dnothing better than to Call Susan a strumpet and also derived considerable amusement by designating her as such to the neighbors. He is depicted in the complain as being fond of the flowing bowl and as possessed of remarkable capacity. He is a drunken, profane, abusive traitor if the complain tells the turth and Sue says she can porove all she sets forth - kbz
BREAKS, Melvina vs. James
Source: Crawfordsville Review 2 Sept 1924 p 1
Suit for divorce has been filed in circuit court by Melvina Breaks, versus James Melvin Breaks. The couple married Oct 28, 1903. The plaintiff asks that pending action the defendant be restrained from disposing of property in which she is interested and that she be granted a complete divorce with $2,500 alimony and custody of the three minor children.
BRIDGES, Julia - John
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 17 January 1896 p 1
Julia Bridges has filed suit for divorce against John Bridges whom she married away back in the 60s. The complaint goes after John with a sharp stick and makes him out a most disreputable old skate. Mrs. Bridges alleges that he has been a common drunkard for 15 years and that he has frequently beaten her. A few evenings ago he threw her out of the house and tossed her clothing after her, obliging her to seek shelter elsewhere - kbz
BRITTON, Agnes - Ben
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 29 May 1896 p 6
Agnes Britton has filed suit for divorce against Ben F. Britton alleging all sorts of rude things. She declares that they were married in 1893 and that as soon as the ceremony was performed he installed himself in her mother’s home and proceeded to live off her. He developed into a regular social vampire. He gobbed up all their property, abused them shamefully and acted as an all around shyster. Mrs. Britton wants a divorce and custody of their one child.- kbz
BRITTON, Frank -
Source: Crawfordsville Review Monday (sic - should be Saturday) Feb 26, 1917 (sic -- should be 1916) --
Frank BRITTON, defendant in the divorce case now being tried in the local court was on the witness stand in his own defense Saturday near noon. Earlier in the day, both Mrs. Britton and her brother, Frank Allen were on the stand. The case adjourned at noon to be taken up Monday morning. Mr. Britton will take the stand this morning again. It is probably the testimony will be finished by evening and Judge West will take the testimony in hand for the decision of the matter. During the day, Mr. Jones, attorney for the defendant gave both the wife and brother a grilling. His remarks tingled with sarcasm and the moving picture actor squirmed more than once in his chair at the direct remarks.- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review 3 Oct 1916 p 2
A cross-complaint was filed in the case of Mary Catherine Britton against Frank Britton yesterday in circuit court in which the defendant in the original suit states that the wife left him, instead of his leaving her. He says that they were married in 1888, and lived together until August 3, 1913, when his wife left him unexpectedly without any just reason. In her suit for divorce, Mrs Britton says that the couple separated in August 1914 and that her husband left her.
BRITTON, Guy - Anna -- see WALKER, Myrtle - Charles
BRITTON, Lillie - Jesse
Source: Crawfordsville Review 23 Sept 1893 p 4
Wednesday was divorce day in the circuit court. The room had been beautifully decorated for the occasion, the attorneys wore full evening dress suits while Judge Harney’s immaculate shirt front served as a mirror in which the fair aspirants for grass widow weeds arranged their pretty bangs. It was a happy occasion and one long to be remembered ty those interested. JENNIE SCOTT led off in the grand march. She said that her husband, Lawson Scott was a most brutal brute, that on occasions too numerous to mention he has struck and cursed her and called her vile names. Jennie drew a capital prize and in her delight chuckled a very happy chuckle. ELIZA NOSSETT was next in order, Eliza has had a pretty hard time of it living with Jim. For several years Jim has had a habit of skipping out periodically and leaving Eliza to hustle for herself. The last time he was at home he amused himself by mopping up the floor with his wife and then used her for a foot ball. Jim wasn’t there to defend himself and Eliza’s victory was complete. MAY GRIMES then came smilingly to the front and told a story of John’s drunkenness and cruelty and was given a beautiful diploma and the custody of their child. LILLIE BRITTON lives down near Ladoga and if what she said of her husband, Jesse was true he is certainly the meanest man in the county. Lillie testified that Jessie had often threatened to kill her, at one time pointing an ugly looking revolver in her face. He also threatened to kill their baby with a hammer and only her timely interference prevented him carrying out his threat. He kicked, struck and cursed her and finally drove her from his house. Lillie is single again. The boys then had an inning. Frank E. STOUT recited a terrible tale of woe. He said his wife was entirely too intimate with other men, that she kicked, slapped, scratched and cursed him continually, that she was in the habit of leaving his home and remaining away two or three weeks ag a time; that she refused to attend to her domestic duties and last but not least was in the habit of getting drunk during which time she would amuse herself by breaking up the furniture and dishes. The Judge dropped a tear as he handed Frank the coveted document. FRANK SPERRY complained that his wife was of the free and easy stripe and was at present engaged in running a “joint” in the north end. Frank had tried to make a good woman of Minnie but he made a flat failure of it. The Judge smiled on his good intentions. JOHN HARRIS familiarly known as “Bull” was a victim of matrimonial infelicity. Bull is a puny little fellow weight about 180# with a muscle on him that would put John L. Sullivan to shame. Bull said that his wife, Ola was a very bad woman. She frequently cursed him roundly and beat him over the head with clubs. One time she made a punching bag of his face and when she got through he resembled a man who had monkeyed with the business end of a mule. The judge felt sorry for the injured husband and presented him with an extra large decree neatly tied with a blue ribbon. .. by FT Luse – what a hoot !
See also a similar article under Frank SPERRY - Minnie on their divorce as well
BRITTON, Mary - George
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 7 Dec 1894 p 7
The case of Mrs. Mary C. Britton vs. George W. Britton, referred to on another page, was rushed through the circuit court Wednesday afternoon in a hurry. Mrs. Britton proved by Mrs. Epperson and others the scandalous conduct of Mr. Britton and Mrs. Nancy Sidener. The plaintiff was awarded the divorce and her maiden name, but the $1,000 alimony asked was refused. The defendant made no appearance. - kbz
Brooks, Gloriana – William A.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 2 Nov 1900 p10
Mrs. Gloriana Brooks has entered suit for a divorce from William A. Brooks. She alleges he basely deserted her.
BROWN - not sure who
Source: Crawfordsville Star May 19, 1881 p 3
When The Star went to press last week Judge Palmer was still busily engaged in trying the Brown Divorce suit and no witnesses in favor of the defence (sic) or in support of Mr. Brown’s cross-bill had been examined. The chief corroborating evidence in support of Mrs. Brown’s lengthy deposition, given in The Star of last week was by Mrs. Julia Hoefgan, her daughter. As the Star stated they made out a bad case of abandonment, cruelty and abuse against Mr. Brown. The witnesses afterwards examined for the defence were equally frank and far more numerous; among them, Solon Brown, John Brown, Mrs. Evans, Levi Thomas, Jonathan Breaks and other near neighbors known as staunch and truthful people. In answer to the allegation of the deposition that his father’s cruely drove him in to enlisting in the army, Solon Brown swore that there had never been other than the most tender feelings between himself and both his parents, and that before enlisting in the army he left considerable personal property in his father’s care which he received back with interest after the close of the Rebellion. Mrs. Evans had lived on one of Mr. Brown’s farms 11 years and Levi Thomas years ago had been a tenant and neither had the least recollection of Mr. Brown ever conducting himself other than in a kind, fatherly, indulgent manner in the care of his family. A host of such evidence amounted to a flat contradiction to the evidence of Mrs. Hoefgan, both her brothers and all the neighbors and tenants being a unit in support of the honor and kindness of Mr. Brown as a husband and father. It was found that Mr. Brown had given Mrs. Hoefgan a classical education, a fact which Mrs. Hoefgan on cross-examination did not deny. The attorneys on both sides made masterly arguments on closing the case. While no one can doubt the wisdom of granting a divorce, it is to be regretted that so determined an effort should have been made by an own child to blacken the character of a father. The decision of Judge Palmer was delivered at 2 o’clock on Friday afternoon and read as follows: “This cause presents some features that have never appeared in a like cause that I have heard. Both parties are old and have been married a long time. Both parties had some property at the time of marriage; not much it is true but still something in that day. By the energies of both, considerable property has been accumulated. It also appears that the wife is an invalid and has been for the last 14 years, and requires great attention. It has been alleged as a cause for divorce that the husband has been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment. I do not think the evidence shows this. The evidence shows that for sometime past many differences have arisen. It shows further that the husband at times was irritable and inattentive to his wife in time of her sickness. It shows further that the differences caused an abandonment of the wife on the part of the husband, some years ago; that the care of the invalid wife has fallen on the daughter. Wherefore I think a divorce should be granted on the ground of abandonment of his wife. The greatest difficulty arises under the distribution of the property. It appears that the defendant has distributed considerable money and property to his children; that the sons had received about $3,300 each and that the daughter has received about $3,500. Of course this distribution is as much to the wife’s interest as to the husband, she having as much interest in the welfare of the children as the father. It further appears from the evidence that the wife has property to the value of $5,000 which will eventually go to the daughter. That the husband has property of the value of $6,000 which will eventually go to the sons, which together with the land he has given to his son Solon will make it about $8000 in which the defendant has a life interest. Under the circumstances, I grant a divorce to the wife, and in regard to the alimony I have attempted to be just and under the circumstances, I allow the plaintiff $1,000 as alimony; one-half in six months and one-half in one year, if secured, if not the whole to become due immediately. I also allow her as attorney fees the sum of $500 to be paid in 60 days and that the cost of the suit be taxed against the defendant.” A year ago, Mr. Brown offered to compromise and not fight the suit for divorce by an offer of $1,700. This compromise was refused and the trail came off with the result above recorded.
BROWN, Hattie - George
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 19 October 1894
Hattie Brown, colored, has entered suit for a divorce form George H. Brown. George left a couple years ago and his present whereabouts are unknown. - Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Review 20 Oct 1894 p 10
Mrs. Hattie Brown, colored, has applied for a divorce from her husband, George who has been in Chicago for several years and who has failed to respond to her support or accord her the proper treatment of a husband. While we regret to record family discord, yet we are pleased with the step she has taken as Brown is a trifling ___ and very disagreeable.
BROWN, Jane - Seth
Source: Weekly Argus News 11 Feb 1899 p 3
Seth Brown, a resident of Walnut Township has been granted a divorce from Jane Brown, his wife. Seth’s main allegation was that defendant called him “a good for nothing pup.” Of late Jane has refused to live or even to see or speak to him.
BROWN, Jerusha - James - see BUTCHER, Morton
BROWN, Nina - Charles H.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 12-1-1899
Last Saturday in the circuit court, Mrs. Nina Brown was granted a divorce from her husband, Charles H. Brown. The testimony, which all passed unchalleneged, went to show that Brown is a brute of more than ordinary viciousness. Mrs. Brown testified that he maltreated her shamefully in many ways and the court promptly granted the decree. - kbz
BROWN, Odessa - Garland
Source: Crawfordsville Review Dec 8, 1914 p 1
Two wives and one husband obtained divorces in circuit court yesterday morning. Both wives objected to the treatment given them by their husbands, while the husband who was given his freedom complained of his wife's temper.
A divorce was granted Odessa Brown from Garland Brown. She was also restored with her maiden name, Odessa Wray. Her home is at New Market. She alleged that her husband had frequently struck and abused her. - kbz
BROWNING, Rachel (Kennedy) vs. John
Source: Daily News Review, May 2, 1901 p 1
Rachel M. Browning has filed suit for divorce from her husband, John R. Browning. She alleges that John has failed to provide and accordingly asks that she be set free and that her maiden name, Rachel Kennedy be restored to her - kbz
BRUMFIELD, Charles - Sallie
Source: Crawfordsville Review 21 Oct 1899 p 7
Charles Brumfield of Ladoga has been granted a divorce from Sallie. The ground of complain was cruel treatment.
Source: Crawfordsville Review 24 Dec 1898 p 1
The last man to purchase a “call” in the divorce market is one, Charles M. Brumfield, who prays the court for a divorce from his wife, Sallie Brumfield with all the Christmas coloring on it. If all that Charley alleges be true, Sallie has certainly led him a pretty merry chase. His complaint says that Sallie has treated him in a most scandalous manner that she cursed him, refused to cook for him, charged him with being too fresh with other girls while she herself spent most of her time gallivanting over the country with persons whose characters were not above reproach. She abandoned him and now he wants his liberty and wants it bad.
BRYANT, Margaret - Abijah
Source: Crawfordsville Record, 27 Feb 1836
State of Indiana, Montgomery County court to wit: Margaret Bryant vs. Abijah S. Bryant, petition for divorce.
Be it remembered that on this 8th day of February 1836 the complainant, by Currey, her attorney, filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of said county her petition for a divorce, for the cause of abandonment, and it appearing satisfactorily by the affidavit of Hezekiah Wright, filed in the office aforesaid, that the said defendant is not a resident of this state; notice is hereby given, in the Crawfordsville Record, a public newspaper, three weeks successively of the filing of said petition and affidavit; and that unless the said defendant plead, answer or demur to the same, on or before the calling of the cause, at the next March term of said court the bill, as to said defendant, will be taken as confessed. Attest, John Wilson clerk Feb 8, 1836
BURLINGAME, Yulah (Dietrick) - Roger
Source: Crawfordsville Star Jan 6, 1898 p 4
Yulah Dietrick was, a year ago, a visitor in Crawfordsville and attracted attention by her statuesque beauty and rich tasteful dressing. While here she met Roger Burlingame, who claimed Greencastle for his home. It was a love match, ending in a sudden wedding. Burlingame quitted DePauw, where he was a student. They went to California to live with papa, James Dietrick, a wealthy mining expert. Last week the fair woman sued for divorce and got it. She says that shortly after the marriage she discovered that her husband was a confirmed gambler, and in order to gratify his passion for playing he was not careful to use his own money. She says he began to treat her with great cruelty, from the effects of which she became an invalid. On proving her allegations she was allowed a decree. - kbz
BURK, Julia - Clarence
Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Daily News-Review, May 1, 1901 p 1
Mrs. Julia Burk has sued for a divorce from Clarence Burk. The defendant went to war a couple of years ago leaving his wife to shift for herself and two children. Although he has been drawing $15 per month from the government for his services, he has never yet condescended to send his wife any ammunition against the wolf. She asks for a decree and the custody of the two children. - transcribed by kbz
BURROUGHS, Frank - Dora
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review 1 Dec 1900 p 5
Judge West this morning granted a divorce to Frank Burroughs from his wife, Dora L. Dora was charged with frequently getting on glorious jags, which were not at all conducive to Frank’s happiness.
Judge West this morning granted a divorce to Frank Burroughs from his wife, Dora L. Dora was charged with frequently getting on glorious jags, which were not at all conducive to Frank’s happiness.
BURROUGHS, S.S. - Martha
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 11 January 1910
The case of S.S. Burrows against Martha A. Burrows, his wife for divorce was tried before Judge West this morning and the plaintiff was granted a divorce on the ground of curel and inhuman treatment after he had withdrawn from his complain the charges of adultery. Mrs. Burrows was given $1500 and the household goods as alimony, while he takes the real estate and custody of the five children until otherwise ordered by the court. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 11 January 1910
The case of S.S. Burrows against Martha A. Burrows, his wife for divorce was tried before Judge West this morning and the plaintiff was granted a divorce on the ground of curel and inhuman treatment after he had withdrawn from his complain the charges of adultery. Mrs. Burrows was given $1500 and the household goods as alimony, while he takes the real estate and custody of the five children until otherwise ordered by the court. - kbz
BUTCHER - Laura - Chester
BUTCHER - Laura - Chester
Source: Crawfordsville Review Nov 28, 1916 p 6 -- It has been learned by many friends of Mrs. Laura H. Butcher, formerly, Miss Laura Cook of Darlington, has obtained a divorce from her husband, Chester H. Butcher on the grounds of extreme cruelty - typed by kbz
BUTCHER, Morton - Carrie
Source: Weekly Argus News, Jan 7, 1893 p 2
Morton L. Butcher, the Waveland news dealer, has brought suit of divorce against his wife, Carrie Butcher. They were married in 1884 and lived together until 1889, when without apparent reason Carrie packed her trunk and betook herself hence never to return. Morton asks for a decree in the case and custody of their young son, Joseph Butcher.
Source: Weekly Argus News, Feb 18, 1893
Judge Harney has just received another choice assortment of divore diplomas with all the latest fringe and frils and of all colors, sizes and varieties. This morning he had a couple of customers in the persons of Mort Butcher and Mrs. Jerusha Brown, who stolled in just to look, but were so highly pleased that each took one and departed in the very best of humor. The first applicant was Mort, the Waveland butcher," as he had been styled because he handles the papers and magazines and deals out news to thirsty seekers after knowledge in his thriving village. As he leaned over the county admirning the stock, he casually explained that Carrie, his wife, had vacated without sufficient provocation, whereupon the judge selected a pretty blue document, which granted him an absolute divorce, the care and custody of his son, Joseph, together with the restoration his maiden name (sic) and right and presented the same to Mr Mort who was duly thanksful and beamed approvingly on his benefactor.
Judge Harney has just received another choice assortment of divore diplomas with all the latest fringe and frils and of all colors, sizes and varieties. This morning he had a couple of customers in the persons of Mort Butcher and Mrs. Jerusha Brown, who stolled in just to look, but were so highly pleased that each took one and departed in the very best of humor. The first applicant was Mort, the Waveland butcher," as he had been styled because he handles the papers and magazines and deals out news to thirsty seekers after knowledge in his thriving village. As he leaned over the county admirning the stock, he casually explained that Carrie, his wife, had vacated without sufficient provocation, whereupon the judge selected a pretty blue document, which granted him an absolute divorce, the care and custody of his son, Joseph, together with the restoration his maiden name (sic) and right and presented the same to Mr Mort who was duly thanksful and beamed approvingly on his benefactor.
The next visitor was Mrs. Jerusha Brown, a stout lady, who has lived all alone since Jim her husband pulled up stakes and quit his claim in 1883. Just what the trouble was Jerusha could hardly determine but reckons that Jamie "got groucfhy" because she chided him one night for coming home in a condition bordering on glorious. At all evens he betook himself hence leaving her to get out and hustle for a living. The loafers could scarcely conceal their sorrowing sympathy as Jerusha recited her pathetic tale of woe and rejoiced inwardly when the judge who had thawed perceptably during the recital took up one of the lovelist diplomas in the lot, a delicate crimson, bordering on red, which just matched her hair and with courtly grace bade her depart as free as the air she breathed. - kbz
BUTCHER, William - Hannah
Source: Crawfordsville Review September 9, 1893
Mrs. Hannah Butcher has brought suit from her husband, William Butcher, for absolute divorce. Hannah's complaint alleges that they were married in 1885 since which time Willie has solely depended upon her for support. Sometimes when the food prepared by Hannah's hands and purchased by the sweat of her brow over the wash tub was not fully up to Bill's epicurean taste there was a big kick coming. In fact these kicks were usually made with his feet and not infrequently landed on the physical anatomy of Hannah. If she didn't keep plenty of fuel in the house and see that the children were properly fed and clothed, Bill would curse her soundly and then drag her around the house by the hair. According to Hannah's complaint Willie is a decidedly rude boy and the court should see that he is turned adrift to battle with the cold, cold world for himself.
Crawfordsville Weekly, March 22, 1894
Hannah Butcher vs. William Butcher
Suit for Divorce dismissed