D Announcements

D- Individual Marriages
Jean Marie DAHN - Herschel D. WELSH
Source: Crawfordsville Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, Wed May 23 1916 p 8
Herschel D. Welsh and Miss Jean Marie Dahn were united in married Monday afternoon at 4:30, the ceremony being performed by Rev. B Kirkpatrick pastor of the First ME Church at his residence east Wabash Ave. Mr. and Ms. Welsh will resided 212 Whitlock Ave. The groom with his father and brother conducts the Eatmore restaurant on east Main Street. The bride is a daughter of George R Dahn of Columbus, Ind but has resided here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saunders for a number of years,. Both M/M Welsh are popular and estimable young people and both have many friends in the city. The ceremony Monday was witnessed by only a few relative and close friends. - kbz
Elizabeth DALE - see C. A. BROWN
Source: Weekly Argus News May 4, 1895 p 4
At Waynetown last night Rev. Speinor united in matrimony William THOMAS and Lula DARNELL, prominent people of that place. The cremony was performed at the bride's home and Miss Minnie Landman, of this city, played the wedding march. After a sumptuous wedding feast the newly wedded adjourned to their own home just fitted up for them. - transcribed by kbz
Mary Elizabeth DARNELL - see Bernard Chancellor CLAUSEN
Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Nov 28, 1885
A.P. Luse of this city and Miss Flora, the accomplished daughter of JJ Darter were marr. at the residence of the bride's parents, 2 1/2 Mi. W. of the city on Wed. evening of this week at 7 o'clock, Pres. Tuttle officiating in his happy and impressive manner. The groom was attired in his accustomed elegant style. The bride wore a traveling dress of seal brown Irish Blarney, elegantly trimmed in beaver. The wedding presents form the groom to the bride were a set of diamond earrings, very fine and costly, and two elegant diamond finger rings. THe attending parties were Mrs. Bosserman of LaFayette only sister of the groom. Mrs. Ticknor, of Rockville, sister of the bride, Miss Houston of this city, cousin of the groom; and JW Allen uncle of the bride. After the ceremony was performed the party repaired to the residence of the groom, where a superb supper was served. Mrs. Allen, mother of the groom, Mrs. Dr. Tuttle and Mr. & Mrs. Fleming T. Luse, joined the party at the supper table. The newly wedded couple left on the two o'clock L, NA & C morning train for Chicago where they will remain a few days and then visit Wash. and NY. From NY they have engaged steamer passage to Liverpool. They will visit London, Paris, Rome, Naples, Nice, Florence and all places of interest. They go prepared to spend a year in Europe, The Journal wishes them a happy tour, and a long and happy life. - kbz
Esther DAUM - Eph JOEL
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review, Jan. 5, 1885
Eph Joel and Miss Esther Daum were married at Peoria, Wednesday last. One by one the roses fall, one by one the faded flowers drop from their parent stem to mingle their ashes with mother earth: one by one the children pass through the "muling and puking" stage and join hands and hearts, forming new ties and new families; one by one the old pass off the stage and following swiftly in their footsteps comes youth, radiant and handsome; one by one the slow years come and go and their joys their sorrows; their woes mingle with the cycles gone before; one by one we come to the verge of the cold and silent tomb and on its crumbling edge say our last farewells to weeping friends and go with Charon across the Styx; one by one the old bald headed smile defies with the mosses of centuries hanging like a curtain about their trembling limbs come to the fact of fair woman and in turn beg her smiles. Eph we congratulate you on your step; may you never regret it and you will not. - kbz
Source: Weekly Argus News June 24, 1893 p8
A very quiet but unusually pretty home wedding and one of the most elegant social events attendant upon the commencement season occurred last evening at the residence of Mrs. TF Davidson, corner Green & Franklin Streets. The interested parties were Miss Anna Davidson the daughter of the home, and Mr. Mason B. Thomas, and the wedding invitations had been limited to the relatives and a small circle of very intimate friends. The house was tastefully decorated, roses predominating and the scene was both beautiful and pleasing. Mrs. Thomas Binn of Covington presided at the piano and at the appointed hour, 7:30 o'clock were heard the beautiful strains of Wagner's Lohengrin. Unattended the bridal couple entered the parlor and took their positions before Dr. RJ Cunningham, the officiating clergyman. The beautiful and impressive Westminster ceremony including the ring service was the one used and after the exchange of vows Mr. and Mrs. Thomas lead the way to the dining rooms where was spread the wedding feast. In conclusion the guests tendered united in wishing them a long life of marital happiness. Mrs. Thomas was indeed a bride most fair in an elaborate bridal gown of white corded satin with veil, gloves and slippers to match, while the groom in a faultless suit of black looked very proud and happy. The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. TF Davidson, relict of the late Judge Davidson and is a lady of many fine qualities of heart and mind. She has long been prominent in Crawfordsville society and a general favorite in the circle in which she moved. Mr. Thomas is a young man of high intellectual attainments and for two years has filled the chair of biology in Wabash College in a manner most acceptable. He is held in high esteem by all who extend hearty congratulation on his good fortune in wooing and winning such a bride. Prof. and Mrs. Thomas left today for New York, Ocean Grove and Ithica on their bridal trip. They will return in September and will take ujp their residence with Mrs. Davidson when they will be at home to their many friends. Among the out of town guests last evening were Hon. EH Nebeker, wife and daughter of Marion; Charles Thompson wife and John A. Finch, Indianapolis; Dr. Davidson and wife, Yountsville; Miss Gordon and Fred Tice, Frankfort; Thomas Rinn and wife, Covington; Misses Hannah Rinn, Covington; Bessie Keys, Wabash and Edna Polk, Lincoln Neb. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Indianapolis Journal 18 June 1893 p 11
The marriage is announced for June 21 of Miss Annie Davidson, daughter of the late Judge TF Davidson of Crawfordsville and Prof. Mason B. Thomas of Wabash College.
Franklin DAVIDSON - see Elsie MARSHALL
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Oct 28, 1886 p 1
Dr. Davidson of Yountsville and Nina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Gerard, were united in marriage by the venerable Dr. Wood at the residence of the bride's parents last evening in the presence of a brilliant company. The attendants were Harry Coons and Miss Chestnut of Whitlock. Many elegrant presents were given the fair bride - kbz
Leslie DAVIDSON - see Oveta COPUS
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, April 1, 1904
Wednesday evening at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. DH Davidson about six miles south of the city occurred the marriage of their daughter, Nora to Mr. John Milton Kessler, one of the most popular young farmers of Union Township. The ceremony which was a beautifully simple one was performed by Rev. William Harshbarger of Ladoga at 7:30 o’clock when the contracting parties unattended, entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march fron Lohengrin Following the ceremony the 60 friends and relatives who had witnessed it were the guests in a reception tendered the newly married couple by the parents of the bride. The assistants in the parlor were Misses Mary and Clara Armentrout and Mabel Galey and those in the dining room were Misses Ethel and Josie Harshbarger, June Armentrout and Ethel Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Kessler will live at Mount Vernon Place, about seven miles south of this city. They were the guests of honor at a dinner that was given today by the parents of the groom.
Robert (Rev) DAVIDSON - see Wilma CANINE
Wayne Alan DAVIDSON - see Frances Ann DURHAM
Cecil DAVIS - Marge HEINEN
Source: Waveland Independent, Oct 14, 1937
Miss Marjorie HEINEN and Cecil DAVIS were married by Rev. TJ Freed, former pastor of the Waveland Christian Church at his home at Rockville at noon on Saturday. Mr. Davis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis of Mecca. He is employed in the Cleveland Bakery at Crawfordsville. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heinen. She was graduated with the HS class of 1937. They will live in Crawfordsville.
Source: Crawfordsville Review 25 Feb 1893 p 1
A very happy surprise wedding occurred at the home of Miss Edith Davis on East Market Street last Sunday afternoon. Miss Davis had invited about 20 of her friends out to her home to participate in a prayer meeting. When all had arrived Miss Davis leaning upon the arm of Mr. Mort Williamson appeared from an adjoining room and taking a position before Rev. GW Howe of the Christian Church the words were pronounced which made them man and wife. The surprise to the guests was complete and it proved a very happy occasion. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Indiana (Montgomery County) Star, Dec 7, 1875
Married … in this city on Thursday evening, Dec 2, 1875 by Dr. Tuttle of Wabash College, Mr. Silas W. Guthrie of this place and Miss Eliza J. Davis of Kentucky.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-and-Review Monday, June 17, 1938 -- pg 6
Kingman, June 25 -- Miss Eva Davis and Robert Morgan have announced their weddi ng which took place May 22. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Ellsworth at the M.E. parsonage in Rockville. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis and graduated from the Kingman high school with the class of 1938. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Morgan of Waveland and is a graduate of that school. He has also attended Wabash College (two years). They are both employees at Turkey Run State Park. They are taking a short wedding trip visiting Cumberland Gap and other points of interest in Tennessee.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Morgan of 702 S. Blvd, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house 2-4 pm. Sunday at the Pike Street Recreation Center, 501 W. Pike St. Morgan and the former Eva Davis were married May 20, 1938, at Rockville by Rev. Ellsworth. Their two children, Anita Lewis of New Market and Stanley of Los Cruses, N.M. will serve as hosts at the open house. They also have six grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. The couple requests the omission of gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Morgan of 702 S. Blvd will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house 2-4 p.m. Sunday in Pike St. Recreation Center 501 W. Pike. Morgan and the former Eva Davis were married May 20, 19 38 at Rockville by Rev. Ellsworth. Their two children, Anita Lewis of New Market and Stanley of Los Cruces, NM will serve as hosts at the open house. They also have six grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. The couple request the omission of gifts.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 April 1893 p 1
Jacob Davis of Boone County and Miss Mary Wasson of Brown’s Valley, daughter of Joseph A. Wasson, were married by Rev GP Fuson Tuesday afternoon at his residence. - kbz
Joseph L. DAVIS - Fannie HALL
Source: Crawfordsville Star, April 8, 1886
Joseph L. Davis, a prominent teacher in this county and Miss Fannie Hall a distinguished teacher of the city schools of Crawfordsville were married Thursday April 1 st at 3 o'clock p.m. at the residence of the bride's parents near Browns Valley. The ceremony was performed by Rev. WT Cuppy, immediately after which an elegant dinner was served. Relatives and some of the most intimate friends were present. The bride was attired in beautiful pink satin. The bride and groom, accompanied by Mrs. James Davis and Mrs. Dorcs Stubbins left on the evening train for Terre Haute, where a reception will be given them by his uncle. After a short visit with relatives Mr. Davis and wife will remain sometime in Terre Haute before making their intended western travel of a few weeks. The following is a list of presents received: Silver castor, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis; dozen linen towels, Mrs. Ballard of Indianapolis; water set, Mr. and Mrs. George Wasson; an elegant chromo, Mayor Stilwell; family BIble, Mrs. Hall, mother of the bride; fancy work and bread plate, Mrs. Dorcas Stubbins; glassware, Miss CInnie Davis; gold cuff buttons, Mr. and Mrs. Stonecipher; Keat's poems, Mrs. Martha Canine; table linen, Miss Mollie Hall; silver pickle castor, AE Davis; $10 Miss Jennie Hall. - transcribed by kbz
Louise DAVIS and Orvill DEMORET
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Oct 21, 1924
(1920?) A beautiful double wedding took place at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Davis, near New Market at 8 on Wed. evening, when their daughter, Louise Davis and Orvill Demoret, and Miss Mollie Stewart and Paul Sayler were marr. by Rev. Dwight Ives in the presence of friends and relatives. The ceremony took place under a beautiful floral arch. The brides were gowned in white organdie and carried bouquets of roses. Refreshments of angle food cake and pink and white brick cream were served. Mr. Sayler is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Sayler. Mrs. Sayler who has made her home with Mr. & Mrs. Walter Penn for several years was a graduate from our high school last year and has many friends in Waveland. - kbz
Source: Marriage Bk 4 p 25 Montgomery Co IN
James McNeeley lives C'ville age 32 Butcher born Ind
Father: Wm McNeeley Mother: Phoebe Thompson 1st marr
Wife: May Davis resides C'ville age 22 born Indiana Father Hiram Davis Mother: Sarah Conrad married in C'ville by Rev. Everet Smith 7-14-1903
Note: Her name is Zula Mae Davis
Nathaniel DAVIS - see Martha R KEENE
Robert DAVIS - Nellie RUTLEDGE
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Star newspaper, Jan 19, 1882 p 1
Robert Davis surprised all of his friends by getting married on last Thursday evening. Miss Nellie Rutledge was the fair bride and and Rev. Hayes, pastor of the first Presbyterian church the master of ceremonies. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's parents. The Star wishes the young couple a long and happy life. - kbz
Will DAVIS and Stella JAMES
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana March 15, 1900 - typed by kbz
Miss Stella James of Brazil and Dr. Will Davis of Marshall were married at Rockville on Sunday. Miss James was visiting at the home of Mr. Witt Fisher on Howard Street. The doctor drove over after her. Immediately after the ceremony they went to their new home which was ready furnished for their occupation. Both are well known here. Rev. J.C. Christie officiated.
Victoria DAWSON - see Russell CANINE
Source: New Richmond Record 11 July 1912 p 1
Cards were received by a number of people here, Friday, announcing the marriage of Miss Arie Gertrude Dazey to Mr. Cyrus Marion Haines, which occurred in Indianapolis Thursday, July 4. Miss Dazey spent the greater part of her life in this community and has many warm friends here who will wish her much joy and happiness. The couple will be at home after September the first at Bradenton, Florida.
Source: New Richmond Record 18 July 1912 p 1
On July 4, 1912 at high noon, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dazey in Newton Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind,, occurred the marriage of Miss Arie G. Dazey and Mr. Cyrus M. Haines, both of Indianapolis, Ind. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Albert Hurlstone, pastor of Roberts Park M. E. church, of which they were both members. The bride was daintily attired in cream embroidered net over cream messaline, and carried a bridal bouquet. The bridegroom wore the conventional black. The bride was attended by Miss Lottie B. Haines, of Indianapolis, sister of the groom, as maid of honor, and by Miss Josephine Guffey oi Columbus, Ind., as bride’s maid The groom’s attendant was Grant R. Dazey, brother of the bride The maid of honor’s dress was cream mohair trimmed in pink, and she carried pink carnations. The bride’s maid wore a decolette dress of white voile trimmed with deep lace, and carried red carnations, in keeping with the decorations of red and white. The bride wore no jewelry except an old heirloom pin which a friend desired her to wear, and her mother’s brooch which was a present from her father to her mother as a wedding gift. The house was tastefully decorated in red, white and blue, the bride and groom standing beneath a red, white and blue bell, with red, white and blue streamers draped to various parts of the room therefrom. The house was darkened and the electric lights turned on during the ceremony. The flowers in the parlor were field daisies, in the sitting room sweet peas, and the dining room was decorated with red and white festoons reaching from the chandelier to each corner of the table, and vases of red and white carnations. large red bell hung beneath the chandelier. Miss Allie Headley of Billings, Montana, sang “Love’s Old Sweet Song” before the ceremony, and the wedding march from Lohengrin was played by Miss Mayme Dazey, sister of the bride. During the ceremony she played “Hearts and Flowers.” Immediately after the ceremony congratulations were in order, then the party repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous dinner was served, there being twelve covers. The favors were pink carnations and tiny flags, in honor of the day. The bride and groom received several valuable presents, mostly silverware. They started from the house about two o’clock, amidst a shower of rice and to the strains of a melodious cow bell which Mrs. Dollie Lawrence, (mother-in law of G. L. Dazey) had concealed, reaching the interurban station with quite a quantity of rice in their possession as a result of the shower which continued all the way on the street car to the station, leaving at 3 p. m. for a short trip through Tipton and Elwood, where they visited some old friends. They remained there until Saturday, returning by way of Alexandria, where they stopped off to visit his sister, Mrs. Elwood B. Davis and family, until Sunday evening, reaching Indianapolis about 9 o’clock. Monday night the neighborhood made the bridal couple a rather unwelcome visit, as they brought pans, buckets, wash tubs, bells, horns, etc., to arouse them from their slumbers, but luckily they had not retired. They insisted on being invited invited in to hear the bride sing, so to get rid of them she sang several selections, winding up with “Home, Sweet Home,” as a result of which the crowd dispersed, wishing the bridal couple many long happy years.
Source: Crawfordsville Review Sept 7, 1911 p 8
The first wedding to be solemnized in Boone County's new courthouse took place Wednesday morning when Don Irwin and Miss Faye Dazey, both of Montgomery County, took the vows. The couple obtained the marriage license in Crawfordsville and came to this city to be married by Rev. Arthur W. Cash, who was formerly pastor of the church near Wingate of which they are members. After a consultation it was decided to have the ceremony performed in the new court house. The consent of the men in charge of the construction work was easily obtained and escorted by AH Knosmann, the wedding party ascended to the dome of the building where the ceremony was performed by Rev. Cash in an impressive manner. Both of the contracting parties reside near Wingate. The bridegroom is a son of Mrs. Fannie Irwin and the bride is a daughter of William Dazey. They will reside on a farm east of Wingate - Lebanon Reporter.
Pearl Hayworth DAZEY - see Sherman DICKEY
Ralph J. DAZEY - see Ivory BAXTER
Winnie DAZEY - see Rob MONNELL
Mae DEARMOND - Walter Marcrum - click to see hand invitation
Helene Louise DEERE - William Hewett SHELLY
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, March 7, 1940
Miss Helene Louise Deere, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine C. Deere, 200 South Windomere Avenue, and William Hewett Shelly, son of Mrs. Mabel Shelly of new York will be married March 3 at the Little Church around the Corner in New York with Rev. Randolph Ray officiating. A reception will be held in the home of Mrs. Virginia Shelly DePuy. the bride will wear white crepe satin designed witha train and tulle veil and she will carry a bouquet of white roses. Mrs. DePuy only attendant of the bride will wear blue crepe and carry pink roses. Edward B. Holcomb of Waterbury, Conn will be best man and ushers will be Helmer Chrisofferson and Edward J Holcomb. After a trip to Lake Placid, NY the couple will reside at 618 W. 187th St, New York. (Dallas Texas Times)
Mrs. Deer and Miss Nell Hodgkin and Mr. Deer is a brother of AC Deere. - kbz
Julia DEERE and Charles YELTON
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County. Indiana, June 29, 1928
Miss Julia Deere and Charles Yelton were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Deere in Crawfordsville on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. They left immediately for the home of Mr. Yelton's parents in W Va. Mr. Yelton has been assistant pastor of the Baptist Church at Crawfordsville for some time. - kbz
Allen DEETER - Mary R. EARL
Source: New Richmond Record 9 Jan 1913 p 1
Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Allen M. Deeter of New Richmond, and Mary R. Earl of Los Angeles, California, which took place in Phoenix, Arizona, on Tuesday, January 7, 1913. The wedding comes as quite a surprise to Mr. Deeter’s host of friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Deeter will make their home in Phoenix until April when they may come to New Richmond to spend the summer. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 22 Sept 1899 p 4
Wm. Deets, of near this place, and Mary A. Henry of Garfield were married at Crawfordsville, Sept 13, by Rev. Harry White of YOuntsville. His children tendered him a reception at his home Sunday Sept 17. Those present were Rev. TD Fyffe and son, Earl; Dr. IL Brown and wife; Chas. Rountree and wife, Swan Lawton and family; Hiram Goble and wife; Mrs. Stubbins; Mrs. Stanford; Mrs. Davis; Mr. Ed Bell and family; Charles Westfall and family; Love Minor and Janie McJunkins. Mr. Deets will stay at his wife’s home near Garfield at present. - transcribed by kbz
Sarah DEIGHTON - Benjamin CRABBS
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Sept 24, 1881
On Thursday last, at 12:30 o'clock, Benjamin Crabbs of the Toledo Elevator of Mrs. Sarah E. Deighton of this city, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. JW Harris, officiating. The cremony took place at the residence of the birde S. Water St in the presence of a few friends. At 2:45 the couple started on their wedding tour to the East, where they will spend a few weeks visiting friends and relatives. - kbz
Source: Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue 1906
by Cloe Collings Myers (of Parke County) thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
Waveland, Dec 26 -- At the elegant country home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Demaree, near here, took place on Christmas Eve at 8 o'clock the pretty wedding of Mr. Roy E. Lough of Marshall and Miss Anna Irene Demaree, in the presence of about 50 invited guests. Miss Mildred Demaree, a cousin of the bride, presided at the piano and rendered a short musical program. She beautifully rendered Hearts and Flowers as a prelude to the Mendelssohn's wedding march, during which the bridal party took their places at the altar, where they were met by the officiating clergyman, Rev. HC Riley of the Waveland Methodist Church, who solemnized the marriage, using the shorter Episcopal ceremony, while Miss Mildred played softly, Garden of Roses. Mr. Fay Lough, brother of the groom, was best man, and Miss Betty, sister of the bride, braidesmaid. Light refreshments were served. Many useful and beautiful presents were received. Mr. Lough is a very succesful and prosperous young farmer of near Marshall, Parke County, and the bride is a very popular young lady of talent and efficency. They will make their future home near Marshall. - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Oct 24, 1913
Noble Reeves and Miss Bettie Demaree were married on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the Presbyterian Parsonage in Rockville by Rev. WB Chancellor. They were accompanied by Will Burgess and Miss Mary Hodgkin. After a short visit with relatives in Veedersburg, they returned to New Market, where they will live on the farm of the groom's father, Clay Reeves. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.I. Demaree.
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Friday, June 27, 1902
The wedding of Clara Mae Demaree daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Demaree to Walter G. Himmelbauer, of Terre Haute, near Waveland on Wednesday June 25 was of the nature of a surprise to their friends. Rev. L.F. Galey, grandfather of the bride performed the ring ceremony in the presence of the members of the immediate family at 3:00 p.m. The bride is a graduate of the Waveland HS of the class of '99. The groom holds a position of responsibility with the Terre Haute Brewing company of Terre Haute, where he has lived all his life and is well and favorably known. Mr. Simon Himelbauer and Mr. and Mrs. Hal H. Dronberger of Terre Haute were in attendance. The north bound evening train carried Mr. and Mrs. Himmelbauer to points in Michigan for a short stay. They will be at home to their friends after July 20 at 903 South Center Street. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 June 1902 p 1
“The following announcement cards have been received in this city: “Walter G. Himmelbaurer, Clara Mae Demaree, married Wednesday June 25, 1902 Waveland, Indiana. At home after July 20th, 903 S. Center, Street, Terre Haute, Ind. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Galey of Waveland, grandfather of the bride, after which they left for a two weeks’ stay at St. Joseph and the lakes.”
Miss Louise Craig and William Morse Hedrick were married this afternoon at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Frederick Brown in east 18th street. The bride wore white silk aeoline, trimmed with duchesse lace and carried bride’s roses. The ceremony by the Rev. GL Mackintosh was performed before a curtain of roses and lace before the broad window. Roses, carnations and sweet peas adorned the several rooms. Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Brown were Mrs. Margaret v. Marshall, Mrs. Andrew Graydon, Miss Alice Graydon, Mrs. Frank M. Talbott and Miss Lavinia McKenna. Guests from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hedrick of Muncie, parents of the bridegroom; Miss Mary Ellen Brown of Crawfordsville; Dr. Harvey M. Vance of Chicago; Miss Myrtle Hedrick of Muncie; Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Smith of Noblesville. Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick left this afternoon for a wedding trip to the north – Indianapolis News.
Howard DEMAREE - see Maggie Fitzgerald
DEMORET, Mary Alice - see Otis HALL
DeMOSS, Lee Donna - see Donald F. DICE
Albert DENK - see Roberta BURFORD
William DENMAN - Ella SPARKS
- - Source: Waynetown Hornet 26 Dec 1887 - overview of year
June 29th Wm. Denman and Ella Sparks were married.
DENNEY, Otto - Nellie MARTIN
Source: Crawfordsville Review 29 July 1899 p 8
Otto Denney, the devil at the Echo office was married at Lebanon last Sunday. He came to Darlington Monday morning and went to house keeping on north Franklin Street. Here is luck to you Mr. and Mrs. Denney.
Pearl DENNIS - see Andrew TOWNSLEY
Ethel DEUSLER - see Byron TITUS
Marion DeVAULT - see Della GODDARD
Grace DEVINE - Horace LAW
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Jan 1, 1880 p 4
Horace Law, the well known and good looking horse and mule buyer, was married last evening at the bride's residence 15 7 1/2 o'clock, to Miss Grace Devine, the charming third daughter of David Devine. Only the relatives of the bride and a few of the more intimate friends and business acquaintances of both interested parties were present. Rev. JP Stratton, pastor of Center Church read the solemn marriage services in his most impressive manner. The affair was quiet and informal; the bride was tastefully attired in a light shade of silk that abundantly set forth her charms, and the groom was immaculate in black cloth and satin tie. A number of elegant and useful presents were presented the bride, viz: Fine silver water set, John H Simpson; handsome clock and card receiver, WR Insley & wife; elegant easy coir, TP Cotton; card receiver and boquet holder, Jake Voris; silver set knives and forks, Prof WT Fry; one dozen silver tea spoons, Joan Sloan & wife; silver castor, Walter F Montgomery & wife; butter knife, Annie Hamme; thimble, Hepsie Ramsey; toilet cushion and mat, Fannie Sloan; picture case and watch holder, Bessie Graham; toilet comb, Mary Devine; variety box, "The boy" photograph, John H. Simpson. This being the Law's home most of the time, the young couple will remain here for two or three weeks and then depart on an Eastern tour and a visit to Law's parents at Cincinnati. The youthful husband is to be congratulated on his good fortune in capturing one of the fairest belles in the city and the blushing bride on a happy and sucpicious marriage to Law in law. And thoug law is a grevious thing at times, we can only wish that other Laws may follow. -- transcribed by kbz
Donald F. DICE - Lee Donna DeMOSS
Source: Indiana Star 4 Sept 1960 p 52
The marriage of Miss Lee Donna DeMoss and Donald F. Dice was held last night in the Fairview Presbyterian Church. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. George W. DeMoss of Bicknell and Mrs. and Mrs. Kenneth Dice of Ladoga. The Rev. Virgil D. Ragan officiated at the double-ring ceremony. The bride wore a gown of bouquet taffeta styled with Venise lace, seed pearls and sequins on the sweetheart neckline and a back bow. Her veil was held by a crown of taffeta tulips accented with pearls and sequins. She carried Fuji chrysanthemums with pink pompoms. Miss Alice Demoss of Bicknell was her sister’s honor attended. Bridesmaids were Misses Ellen Betts and Joyce Dugger. EP Ervin was best man. Ushers were Robert May of Minneapolis, Donald Hess, Daniel Young and Richard Snyder. A garden reception was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Resley Tracy, 6102 North Guilford Avenue. The couple is honeymooning at Battle Creek, Mich, and upon return will reside at 46 North Whittier Place. The bride was graduated from the Methodist Hospital School of nursing. Mr. Dice is an alumnus of Butler University and is a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star, April 1, 1901
The evening of the 27th inst, Otis A. Stafford and Miss Lulu E. Dice were married by Rev. G.W. Stafford at his residence, this plan having been chosen in order that the aged father of the groom might perform the ceremony. The bride was tastily attired in a steel grey Lundedown trimmed in chiffon and the groom wore a neat blue serge. Immediately after the wedding ceremony the happy couple repaired to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dice where a welcome reception was tendered them from 6 to 9 o'clock. Mr. Wheat Bratton and Miss Clara Sperry were attendants at this reception feast, partken of by a large number of relatives. The occasion was a very enjoyable one in the home and was enlivened by the presence of a merry crowd of neighbor boys without who continued to make night hideous by discordant sounds till as the close of the feast they were served with refreshment. The day following the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Stafford gave the newly wedded couple a reception and it is understood that they will for the present make their home here. - typed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star Oct 28, 1886 p 1
Married at the residence of the bride's parents in Mace, Wednesday October the 20th at one o'clock Miss Irene N. Hughelhein and Mr. Robert E. Dice. Rev. GJ Vaught pronounced the impressive ceremony. The bride is an estimable and popular young lady, while the groom is an earnest and practical young farmer, formerly a student of Wabash College. The happy couple left on the 2.20 train for Indianapolis to spend the honey moon after which they returned to the residence of Mr. William Dice, father of the groom where a most beautiful supper was served. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 June 1902 p 1
A few months ago, James Dickerson and Maude Curry appeared at the clerk’s office and applied for a marriage license. They hail from the neighborhood of Ladoga and were at that time about as timid a couple as ever came from that placid locality. At the time of their first appearance and when it was all fixed up the bride suddenly became attacked with stage fright and reconsidered her decision to leave the single state. James was a very persistent young man and he did not give up hope that some day he could prevail upon the lady of his choice to agree upon a union. That his efforts have not been in vain is attested by the fact that on Wednesday they again sought Clerk Kennedy and secured one of his documents which allows the performance of the ceremony which makes two hearts beat as one. The girl was very nervous at the time and had James as much as blinked, the stuff would have been off. The precious permit being secured, Squire Brewer was hunted up and at 4 o’clock they stood before him to have the ceremony performed. The bride was all but in, and she had no more color in her beautiful face than a snow man. She was little worse off in this respect than the groom who hardly had wits enough by this time to answer the questions. The knot was finally tied, however, and they are as securely bound together now as if they were the Siamese twins. After the ceremony they left for their future home in Clark Township. Both of the contracting parties came from fine families and their extreme timidity bespeaks a limited knowledge of the ways of the world, but there is no doubt that that it will not be long ere they learn enough of wedded bliss to look back upon their wedding day as one of peculiar interest not only to themselves but to those who saw the proceedings incident to the occurrence. Note: This couple moved to Tarrant Co Texas (Fort Worth) – Maude Blanche Curry Dickerson was born 21 May 1882 and died 12 July 1940 – dau of Adam and Mary (Thompson) Curry. They lived in Franklin Twp in Putnam County for a few years where they had several children, including Eva, James, Delphian and Johnnie, Loraine, Evelyn, Gene and Olin. James Darius Dickerson was born 30 April 1873 son of Floyd and Elizabeth Pennington and died in Watauga, Texas 12 March 1961 and are buried in Smithfield Cemetery in North Richland Hills, Texas. He was a laborer, usually doing roadwork. Thus, they were married about 38 years before she passed away! Bless ‘em and whoever wrote the cute story way back when 😊 kbz
May DICKERSON -- William Earl LUCAS
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 2 Feb 1909
[Mr. Lucas married] Miss May Dickerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dickerson of this city. Only the immediate members of the families of the bride and groom were present. Directly after the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where a wedding supper was served. The groom is collector for Mr. Judy, the well known horseman and after the first of March Mr. and Mrs. Lucas will be at home to their friends at Judyville.
Source: New Richmond Record 31 Dec 1914 p 1
Sherman Dickey of Linden and Mrs. Pearl Dazey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Addison Hayworth of New Richmond were quietly married Wednesday evening, Dec 23. Mr. and Mrs. Dickey will reside in Linden. – kbz
Martha DILLMAN to Joseph McCARTNEY
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, June 13, 1940 (Thursday)
At a quiet home wedding at one on Sunday afternoon Martha Dillman, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dillman was married to Joseph McCartney of Painesville, Ohio, Rev. Frederick Cromer reading the single ring ceremony. Mrs. Frank Gardner, aunt of the bride, played before the ceremony, "I Love You Truly," and "At Dawning." The attendants were Jack McCartney brother of the groom, and Miss Harriet Jane Dillman. The bride's costume was white linen with blue cornflower corsage, and Miss Harriet wore pink linen with corsage of sweetheart roses and blue fortget me nots. The guests were Rev. and Mrs. Cromer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McIntire and George Vaughn of Indianapolis; Miss Lydia Dillman and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dillman of Crawfordsvile; Mrs. Loran McCartney and Jack McCartney of Painesville, Ohio and Mr and Mrs. Norman Dillman. Slices of wedding cake and punch were served to the guests after which the newly wedded couple left for Tippecanoe lake. They will remain there until September as Mr. McCartney plays in the orchestra. They will then go to Painesville, Ohio where Mr. McCartney is a teacher in the city schools. Mrs. McCartney was graduated from WHS and has attended the Central Business College in Indianapolis. She is a member of the Waveland Chapter OES. Mr. McCartney was graduated from DePauw University and is a member of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity.- kbz
Maxwell DILLMAN - Josephine McNUTT
Source: The Logansport Pharos-Tribune - Monday 3 December 1928 p 6
Announcement has been made of the double wedding of Miss Opal Melrose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Clarke of this city, to Joseph Gilliland of Waveland, Ind., and Miss Margaret Josephine McNutt of Waveland, and Maxwell Dillman of that city. The ceremony was solemnized Saturday evening at 5: 30 in the parsonage of the Ninth Street Christian church, Rev. Caroll officiating. Immediately following the ceremony a delicious three-course dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, 616 Twelfth streets, covers being placed for members of the bridal party. On Sunday morning the t wo couples left by motor for Los Angeles, Calif., to spend the winter, after which they plan to return and reside in Waveland. Mr. Gilliland is employed in the train service at Waveland, and Mr. Dillman is associated in the hardware business with his father.
Alice DODD - see Ben ZIMMERMAN
Daniel DONOVAN -- see Mary Sheahan
Mary DONOVAN - Squire George MOORE
Source: Weekly Argus News, May 4, 1895 p 4
Squire George Moore, of Wayne Township, and Miss May Donovan of Wingate, were married last night. Today an infair dinner was tendered them at the home of the groom's father, Joseph Moore, which was a very enjoyable affair.
Shelly, thanks again for ALL your DOOLEY contributions!!
DOOLEY Wm to Carrie Murray Bk 11 p. 510 28 May 1889
MAYES James to Lutherna WATSON Bk 11 p. 34 8 December 1885
DOOLEY Dollie to A.W. Warbritton Bk 12 p. 490 15 May 1893
DOOLEY Ezekiel to Axie Dulin Bk 12 p. 490 June 30 1887
DOOLEY Jacob to Susan Adair Bk 13 p. 558 Oct 17 1897
DOOLEY Josie to Wm Farmer Bk 13 p. 1354 Dec 1893
DOOLEY Luther to I. I. Jackson Bk 13 p. 1352 Feb 1915
DOOLEY Maud to Geo Summers Bk 13 p. 434 17 Nov 1896
DOOLEY Dollie to Cornelius Canine Bk 13 p. 270 Sept 28 1895
DOOLEY Jennie to Wm F. Harshbarger Bk 15 p. 141 3 Feb 1903
DOOLEY Omer to M.M.Merrill Bk. 16 p. 157 20 Nov 1905
DOOLEY Thomas to Alelia Lane Bk 20 p. 177 18 Sept 1914
MAYES James to Lutherna WATSON Bk 11 p. 34 8 December 1885
DOOLEY Dollie to A.W. Warbritton Bk 12 p. 490 15 May 1893
DOOLEY Ezekiel to Axie Dulin Bk 12 p. 490 June 30 1887
DOOLEY Jacob to Susan Adair Bk 13 p. 558 Oct 17 1897
DOOLEY Josie to Wm Farmer Bk 13 p. 1354 Dec 1893
DOOLEY Luther to I. I. Jackson Bk 13 p. 1352 Feb 1915
DOOLEY Maud to Geo Summers Bk 13 p. 434 17 Nov 1896
DOOLEY Dollie to Cornelius Canine Bk 13 p. 270 Sept 28 1895
DOOLEY Jennie to Wm F. Harshbarger Bk 15 p. 141 3 Feb 1903
DOOLEY Omer to M.M.Merrill Bk. 16 p. 157 20 Nov 1905
DOOLEY Thomas to Alelia Lane Bk 20 p. 177 18 Sept 1914
Supplemental marriage records:
DOOLEY, Dolly dau of J.B. and Maud "Shue' 9/29/1895 Bk w-43 p. 34
DOOLEY Dolly " " " 5/15/1893 Bk W-43 p. 9
DOOLEY Jacob son of Jerome and Mattie Oldshue 10/17/1897 Bk W-44 p. 4
DOOLEY Jennie dau Marcus & Lydia Rusk Bk W-45 p. 20
DOOLEY Josie dau J.B. and Martha Oldshue 12/4/1894 Bk w-43 p. 23
DOOLEY Maude " " 11/17/1896 Bk W-43 p. 47
DOOLEY Omer son Henry L. & Maria Clinger 11/20/1905 Bk W-45 p. 55
DOOLEY Wm M son M.A. & S.E. Rusk 5/28/1899 Bk W- 42- p. 5
DOOLEY, Dolly dau of J.B. and Maud "Shue' 9/29/1895 Bk w-43 p. 34
DOOLEY Dolly " " " 5/15/1893 Bk W-43 p. 9
DOOLEY Jacob son of Jerome and Mattie Oldshue 10/17/1897 Bk W-44 p. 4
DOOLEY Jennie dau Marcus & Lydia Rusk Bk W-45 p. 20
DOOLEY Josie dau J.B. and Martha Oldshue 12/4/1894 Bk w-43 p. 23
DOOLEY Maude " " 11/17/1896 Bk W-43 p. 47
DOOLEY Omer son Henry L. & Maria Clinger 11/20/1905 Bk W-45 p. 55
DOOLEY Wm M son M.A. & S.E. Rusk 5/28/1899 Bk W- 42- p. 5
MAYES, John to Elizabeth Baldwin Bk 1 page 188
DOOLEY, Hugh Edward to Frances Lucile GLOVERBk 29 page 539
DOOLEY Owen R to Mary Emma Fullenwider Bk 23 p. 461 10/5/1936
DOOLEY Jasper to Emma Wood Bk 7 304 Feb 10 1870
DOOLEY Rufus to Susan N. Rice Bk. 8 p. 553 17 May 1877
MAYES, John to Elizabeth Baldwin Bk 1 page 188
DOOLEY, Hugh Edward to Frances Lucile GLOVERBk 29 page 539
DOOLEY Owen R to Mary Emma Fullenwider Bk 23 p. 461 10/5/1936
DOOLEY Jasper to Emma Wood Bk 7 304 Feb 10 1870
DOOLEY Rufus to Susan N. Rice Bk. 8 p. 553 17 May 1877
Source: Scrapbook of Chester Peffley of Ladoga, (Montgomery County) Indiana 1890-1916 p16
New Ross, Dec 21 - Yesterday evening T. D. Hankins and Miss Ida Dorsey, two of our well known citizens went to Crawfordsville and were united in marriage. Mr. Hankins is the local undertaker while Miss Dorsey has been for years the manager of the New Ross Telephone Exchange. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 29 December 1899
Monday at noon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dorsey, on south Green street, occurred the marriage of Prof. Cyrus W. Knouff of Clarinda, Iowa, and Miss June Dorsey. The home had been prettily decorated with vines, plants, and evergreen for the ceremony, which was witnessed by only the immediate family and a few intimate friends. The marriage service was read by Rev. Henry L. Nave, of the First Presbyterian church, and was very impressive in its simplicity. The bride, who is a very pretty young lady, was becomingly gowned in a blue tailor made costume and carried bride's roses. At the conclusion of the ceremony a sumptuous wedding feast was served in the dining room, after which congratulations were extended, the bride being the recipient of many handsome gifts from her numerous friends. Mr. Knouff, who attended Wabash college for several years, is now principal of the Clarinda schools and is a young man of much promise. He has taken as his bride one of Crawfordsville's fairest and most gracious young ladies, who is in every way fitted to make him a helpmate in ail that the word implies. The best wishes of their friends go with them. Mr. and Mrs Knouff left on the afternoon train for Clarinda, where they will be at home after January 2 - Kim H
John DOSS - Maggie NAUGLE
-- Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 1 Dec 1890 p3
Miss Maggie Naugle and Mr. John Doss were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. John Carney, at the home of the bride’s parents, near Wingate, on Thanksgiving evening. They are two of Wingate’s most promising young people and their numerous friends now extend their best wishes and congratulations to them.
William DOSS - Annie KLOPP
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News May 26, 1894 p 5
Wm. E Doss and Miss Annie M. Klopp were united in marriage yesterday at 8 p.m. at 918 West Main Street, by Rev. John M. Stafford. Mr. Doss is a worthy young man and his bride an estimable young lady, who for several years has made her home with James McClelland, residing north of this city. Quite a company of friends were present to wish them a God-speed on the journal of life so auspiciously begun. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 7 Dec 1900 p 14
When the beautiful Annie Douglass and that fine looking gentlemanly young fellow, Lewis Watkins, without telling any one, slipped into the home of the Rev. Tharp and were made husband and wife quite a wave of surprise went over RR No 2 Wednesday evening. The central telephone girl at New Market was kept busy and away from her turkey dinner Thursday answering the calls of the young people on the route telling each other the joyful news of the happiest couple on earth. Joseph Douglass, father of the bride, entertained on Wednesday night at his farm home in honor the marriage many friends and neighbors. Thursday noon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Watkins, parents of the groom gave a Thanksgiving reception dinner which was attended by the numerous acquaintances of the couple. Mr. Watkins and his bride will make their home this winter with Mr. Arch Bailey, uncle of the couple. -s
Source: Crawfordsville News Review, June 10, 1919
Edward K. CROCKETT and Miss Emma A. DOUGLASS were united in marriage, Wed. evening, the 7th inst. by Rev. GW Stafford, at the residence of the bride's parents, on E. Market St. The groom is an expert employee at the Yountsville factory and the bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Douglass. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, June 14, 1895
On Monday Bert Dowden and Miss Nannie Mitchell, two of Waveland's estimable young people were happily married by Elder Vancleave making the 812th couple married by the venerable Elder. The young people's marriage will prove a great surprise to their friends, as they quietly slipped away from home without even telling the folks. -- kbz
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Nov 4, 1910
Mr. Jesse A. Burnside and Miss Fannie Faye Doyel were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Doyel, east of Browns Valley on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. S.K. Fuson of Marshall officiating. They will live on the Wallace Jack farm, near the home of Mr. Burnside’s father, John J. Burnside. Jesse says that he will have more and better chickens, next year than ever. - kbz
Floria Belle DOYLE - Thomas Y. HALL
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Jan 6, 1899
Thomas Y. HALL and Floria Belle DOYLE, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Doyle, were happily marr. at the home of the bride, Jan 1, '99 at 7 o'clock p.m. L.F. Galey, the officiating clergyman, pronounced an unusually pretty and impressive ceremony. They are a popular and worthy young couple and have the best wishes of their many friends. The bride was becomingly gowned in nile green Irish poplin, trimmed in white satin ribbon and brilliant buttons. The groom wore the conventional black. Among the guests in attendance were Mr. & Mrs. YP Hall, Mr. & Mrs. J Davis, Jennie Hall, Hollie Hall, Hawdie Hall, Billie Hall, Nell Hall, Carrie Stilwell, Alice Stilwell, Stella Wasson from Crawfordsville; Tom Wright, Ola Wright, Mace; Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Wright, Willie Harley and John Wright of New Market; Keturah Stonecypher and Tom Conner, Lafayette; also John Doyle and family, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Hunt, Alta Doyle, Mr. Samuel Fisher and children, Mr. & Mrs. RG Crist, and Farmer Doyle and family. They received a large number of handsome presents.
Louise DRYER - Hubert Joseph KINTZ
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Dec 18, 1925
The following account is from the Crawfordsville Journal and will be of interest to the many friends of Lt. Dunbar, who will join the Citizen in extending to the couple hearty congratulations. The marriage of Miss Irma Dykes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dykes of near Darlington to Willard Parker Dunbar of Culver Military Academy will be announced on Tuesday evening at a formal dinner to be given at the club house at Culver. The marriage took place November 29 at high noon in North Manchester, Prof. J. Raymond Schultz officiating. Mrs. Dunbar was graduated from Butler University in 1924 and is a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. She is a professional reader and for the last two years has had a dramatic art studio in this city. While in Indianapolis, Mrs. Dunbar appeared in a number of productions presented by the Little Theater Society of Ind. And is an honorary member of the Butler Chapter of the National Collegiate Players. Mr. Dunbar has been an instructor in mathematics and assistant coach in rifle marksmanship and athletics at Culver Military Academy for the last four years. He is Lt. of Infantry in the 84th Division of the Officers’ Reserve Corps and has represented the state of Indiana in the national matches on her rifle and pistol teams. Before coming to Culver, Mr. Dunbar had three years’ experience as a college athletic director. Mr and Mrs. Dunbar will make their home at Culver while engaged in their present work. The guests will be commanding officer of the academy, Gen LR Gifnilliat and Mrs. Gignilliat (sic); the headmaster, HG Glascock and Mrs. Glascock; Col. and Mrs. Basil Middleton; Col. and Mrs. HL Bays; Maj and Mrs. GH Crandall; Maj and Mrs. George L. Miller; Capt. and Mrs. RH Shanks; Capt. and Mrs. LR Kellam; Capt. and Mrs. JT Stinchcomb; Capt. and Mrs. HR Scheuflier; Capt. HA Obenhauf; Mr. and Mrs. HW Walmer; Misses Louise Noble and Beatrice O’Callaghan and Lt. WE Gregory.
Irma DYKES - see Willard Parker DUNBAR
Announcements are out of the marriage of Hubert Joseph Kintz and Miss Louise Dryer which took place in Terre Huate on Nov 25. Mrs. Kintz is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Dryer and Mr. Kintz is a contractor. They will live in Terre Haute. - kbz
Chauncey DUKES - Mary NOLAN
Source: New Richmond Record 8 Oct 1914 p 1
A quartette of young people were the “contracting parties” in a double wedding event last Thursday. They were Miss Mary Nolan of Linden and Mr. Chauncey Dukes of Crawfordsville; Miss Jessie Henderson of Round Hill becoming the bride of William A. Peters of Crawfordsville. The wedding ceremony took place at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. J. N. Green, pastor of the Broadway M. E. church, Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Dukes and Mr. and Mrs. Peters will reside in Crawfordsville.
Bertha DUNBAR - Charles HARPER
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review 3 Jan 1901 p 1
“Darlington News” – Oh my we get almost tired of telling about weddings. Charles Harper and Bertha Dunbar were married at the home of the bride New Years and a reception given at the home of the groom Wednesday night. These are fine people and we wish them many happy hours and a prosperous journey through life.
Willard Parker DUNBAR - Irma DYKES
Source: Culver (Indiana) Citizen Wed 13 Jan 1926 p 2
The following account is from the Crawfordsville Journal and will be of interest to the many friends of Lt. Dunbar, who will join the Citizen in extending to the couple hearty congratulations. The marriage of Miss Irma Dykes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dykes of near Darlington to Willard Parker Dunbar of Culver Military Academy will be announced on Tuesday evening at a formal dinner to be given at the club house at Culver. The marriage took place November 29 at high noon in North Manchester, Prof. J. Raymond Schultz officiating. Mrs. Dunbar was graduated from Butler University in 1924 and is a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. She is a professional reader and for the last two years has had a dramatic art studio in this city. While in Indianapolis, Mrs. Dunbar appeared in a number of productions presented by the Little Theater Society of Ind. And is an honorary member of the Butler Chapter of the National Collegiate Players. Mr. Dunbar has been an instructor in mathematics and assistant coach in rifle marksmanship and athletics at Culver Military Academy for the last four years. He is Lt. of Infantry in the 84th Division of the Officers’ Reserve Corps and has represented the state of Indiana in the national matches on her rifle and pistol teams. Before coming to Culver, Mr. Dunbar had three years’ experience as a college athletic director. Mr and Mrs. Dunbar will make their home at Culver while engaged in their present work. The guests will be commanding officer of the academy, Gen LR Gifnilliat and Mrs. Gignilliat (sic); the headmaster, HG Glascock and Mrs. Glascock; Col. and Mrs. Basil Middleton; Col. and Mrs. HL Bays; Maj and Mrs. GH Crandall; Maj and Mrs. George L. Miller; Capt. and Mrs. RH Shanks; Capt. and Mrs. LR Kellam; Capt. and Mrs. JT Stinchcomb; Capt. and Mrs. HR Scheuflier; Capt. HA Obenhauf; Mr. and Mrs. HW Walmer; Misses Louise Noble and Beatrice O’Callaghan and Lt. WE Gregory.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 3 Jan 1919 p 5
George W. Dunwoody and Miss Maude E. Sharpe were quietly married Dec 19 at Terre Haute at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Herschel Barton. A few friends were present. The bride was attired in a blue silk gown and hat to match. Their many friends were surprised to learn of their marriage. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E, Sharpe and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dunwoody. The bride is one of Crawfordsville's most respected young ladies and the groom who has been doing government work at Louisville, Ky. He is a highly respected young man. Mr. and Mrs. Dunwoody are at home in their friends at 809 South John Street. -- kbz
Frances Ann DURHAM - Wayne Alan DAVIDSON
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Oct 3, 1947
The marriage of Miss Frances Ann DURHAM, daughter of Dr. Franklin Alexander Durham and Mr. Wayne Alan Davidson son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Davidson, Lamar, Neb was solemnized at 10;30 Oct 18 in the home of the bride's parents. The Rev. WD Chamberlain preformed the ceremony. He was assited by Rev. Dr. Angus N. Gordon. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a French blue dress with brown accessories and carried a white Bible with an orchid and stephanotis. Miss Clara Mary Taylor, maid of honor wore gray and carried a French boquet of pink sweetheart roses and carnations. Mr. Jack Taylor, Hicthcock, SD was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson left on a wedding tripthrough the South. They will be at home in Lamar after Nov 15. The bride is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. FY Durham of Waveland who attended the ceremony.
Mary DURHAM - see Gabriel ADAMS
Rosalie Tarkington DURHAM - Henry Newton FULLENWIDER
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 17 Oct 1912
Waveland – Miss Rosalie Tarkington Durham and Henry Newton Fullenwider were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Durham, a mile and a half northeast of Waveland, at eight Wednesday evening. About seventy-five guests witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. J. G. Brengle, pastor of the Waveland Baptist church. The ceremony was short and simple. It was performed in front of a large screen of autumn leaves in the corner of the north parlor. Accompanied by Miss Pauline Davis at the piano, Miss Alberta Hanna sang before the ceremony, “My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice”. As the bridal party entered Miss Davis played the Lohengrin wedding march, during the ceremony “Traumerei” and at the conclusion of the ceremony “The Romance” and Mendelssohn’s wedding march. Preceded by the maid of honor, Miss Ruth Beatty, and the bridesmaids, Misses Dora Britton and Marie Kenaston, Miss Durham descended the stairway being met at the foot of the stairs by the groom, the minister and the best man, Henry Durham. The bride wore white marquisette over white satin made high neck and short sleeves, entrain with full length veil. She wore a sapphire brooch, a gift of the groom and carried a shower bouquet of bride’s roses. Miss Beatty wore a yellow messaline with an over drapery of chiffon trimmed in gold passamenterie. She carried a bouquet of yellow dahlias and green trailers. Miss Britton wore blue silk trimmed with lace and carried white roses and Miss Kenaston was clothed in pink silk with lace trimming and carried pink roses. The parlor was decorated with bouquets of red and yellow dahlias and the same color scheme was carried out in the reception hall and the dining room. A three course luncheon was served after the ceremony, Misses Mary Proctor, Edith McCampbell, Lelia Oakes, Dot Jarvis and Cecil Jarvis assisting the bride’s mother. Misses Mary Milligan and Nellie Huston presided at the punch bowl. Among the out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. David Elmore, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Canine, Mr. and Mrs. Fountain Eastlack, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johnson, Howard Fyffe, Paul Ramsay, Misses Dora Britton, Marie Kenaston, Naomi Beatty, Ruth Beatty, Pauline Davis, and Lael Davis, all of Crawfordsville; Mrs. H. H. Elmore and son, Austin, of Crothersville; Miss Ella North of Windsor, Canada. - thanks so much to Sue P - she's so great at sending wonderful things for the site :) kbz
Youce DURHAM - see Thelma DYE
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 10-5-1950 p 1
The wedding of Miss Phyllis Ann Harshbarger, daughter of Mrs. Helen Harshbarger of New Albany but formerly of Waveland and Ladoga and James V. Durlacher of Nashville, Tenn son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Durlacher was solemnized Saturday Sept 23 at the home of the bride's aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Weldon McClaren in New Albany, Indiana. The Rev. A.M. Brown officiated. - kbz
Thelma DYE weds Youce DURHAM
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 31 Oct 1934
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dye announced the marriage of their daughter, Thelma to Youce Durham which took place Saturday at Danville, Ill. Mrs. Durham is a graduate of the local high school in the class of 1924. Mr. Durham is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Durham of Waveland and is employed at Finley's Bakery. The young people will be at home to their friends at 417 E. Market Street after Nov 3. - kbz
Irma DYKES - see Willard Parker DUNBAR
John DYKES - Phyllis ELMORE
Source: Indianapolis Star Sun 8 June 1947 p 61
Miss Phyllis Jane Elmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Elmore of Crawfordsville and John W. Dykes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence N. Dykes of Darlington were married at Calvary Baptist Church in Crawfordsville June 1.