C Announcements

C - Individual Marriages
Edward CAIN - see Ida BALLARD
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Crawfordsville 22 Feb 1895 p4
“Darlington News Item” – Albert Endicott and Ada Caldwell were married at 6 o’clock p.m. on Wednesday at the home of the bride just over in Boone, Rev. FP Foster officiating. - kbz
Gwendolyn Joann CALDWELL - William Brooks (Woody) MORGAN
Source: Waveland Independent Feb 22, 1951
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bazzani and Mrs. Carl Smith attended the wedding of William (Woody) Morgan and Joan Caldwell at the home of M/M Robert Morgan in Crawfordsville Friday evening. Mr. Morgan is the son of Stanley Morgan of Crawfordsville formerly of Waveland. He is employed at the Aluminum plant at Lafayette and they are at ho me to friends at 420 E. Main St, Crawfordsville. - transcribed by kbz - loved these cousins
Versia CALDWELL - Augustus MONROE
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Jan 25, 1901
Mr. Augustus Monroe and Miss Versia Caldwell were married at the residence of the bride, north of Waveland, Wednesday evening Jan 23, Rev. WF Gibson officiating. Only the relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony, which took place promptly at 7 o'clock after which an excellent supper was served. The whole wedding was marked by exquisite simplicity and reserve. Mrs. Monroe has always been considered one of the most beautiful and highly respected young ladies of Freedom neighborhood. Mr. Monroe is held in the highest esteem by all his acquaintances and is a thorough business man. They will be at home near Crawfordsville after February 1. - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, June 16, 1899
Budd Kidwell and Miss Maude Call of this place, were married at Crawfordsville yesterday. - kbz
Pandelis CAMESAS - see Tisula NUSSIS
Ethel CAMPBELL - Jesse S. WARD
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 16 February 1906:
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell in the presence of one hundred immediate friends and relatives, occurred the marriage of their only daughter, Ethel to Mr. J. [Jesse] S. Ward. Promptly at the appointed hour Mrs. Dr. Swan began the wedding march to which the bride and groom entered the parlor unattended, taking their places under a large floral arch suspended between the double doors. The ceremony was an abbreviated form of Episcopal service and was performed by the Dr. Paul C. Curnick, of the First M. E. church. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk trimmed in all over lace and ribbons and made high neck and long sleeves. She carried a shower bouquet of brides' roses. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the dining room where a two course luncheon was served. The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion, the parlors being adorned with pink and white carnations. The dining rooms looked beautiful one in red and green and the other in pink and white. Trailing vines were used effectively and the tables were lighted with white carnations and red roses. Those assisting in the dining rooms were Misses May Swearingen, Grace Green, Grace Shafer, Madge Catterlin, May Barley, Floy Smith, Zula Ward, Neva Ward, Ethan Linn, Mabel Robins, Ruth Fletcher and Atelka Clement. The bride is one of Crawfordsville's best girls and is very well and favorably known having graduated from the city high school in 1902, also having been a student at the Crawfordsville Business College. While the groom is of an estimable character and one of Montgomery county's best young men. He also graduated from Crawfordsville Business College in 1904. Mr. and Mrs. Ward will be home to their many friends after March 1st at their home which they have prepared two miles east of Crawfordsville.
Source: Crawfordsville Record, 28 May 1836
Married – on Thursday, the 26th instant by the Rev. John Bryce, Mr. John Campbell to Miss Sarah Woodruff, both of this place. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Record, Montgomery County, 22 March 1834
Married -- On Friday evening the 14th inst. by the Rev. James Thomson. Mr. Thomas Campbell to Miss Nancy Nicholson, both of this place. - thanks muches to Kim H
Cecil Claire CANINE - Minnie MISH
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal June 12, 1907 p 5
The many friends of Cecil Claire Canine, son of Rev. MM Canine will be surprised to learn of his marriage with Miss Minnie MISH daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mish of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Plunket at the residence of the minister this morning at 11 o'clock in the presence of the immediate relatives. Mr. Canine was formerly clerk at Ramey Kostanzer's North Green Street Drug Store but is now running a picture show at Joliet, Illinois. They will go to Joliet to reside. Both are popular young people. - kbz
David A. CANINE - Effie POSTON
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus News 14 August 1897
Wednesday at 8 o'clock Sheriff-Elect DA Canine of this county wedded Miss Effie Poston of LaGrange. The newly wedded will arrive here on Saturday and on Monday week the groom will take charge of the jail where they will reside for the next four years. Mr. Canine is too well known to need any introduction. He is a young man of genuine worth and ability and popular with all. The bride is a charming young lady, highly esteemed and is in every way worthy of the young man into whose care and keeping she has entrusted her future life. They have the best wishes of a host of friends for their futur ehappiness and prosperity.; - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 4, 1924
Miss Marie Clore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clore of Marshall and Fred Smiley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smiley were married at Rockville by Rev. SK Fuson Saturday afternoon. They were accompanied by Miss Mary Smiley and Rudolph Fordice. A supper was given in their honor by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smiley that evening. They will go to housekeeping on their farm known as the Aunt Mag Dunn farm. - kbz
Mattie CANINE - William P. CASON
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 December 1901 p4
Those who attended the Cason-Canine wedding last Sunday evening were: Walter Lewallen, Cloyce Michaels, the Misses Kramer and Newkirk, Mary Bell, Stella Stonebraker and Charley Bell, George Smith, Milfred Ammerman, Maude Young, George Walters and Maude Cason. - kbz (Note: Married 1 December 1901)
Mayme CANINE - George LOMAN
Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, 12-8-1916
George D. Loman Jr. and Miss Mayme Canine were married on Thursday evening of last week at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Canine, Rev. Dell Cauldwell officiating. the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Loman and they will live on a part of the home farm. Guests from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Loman and Miss Mary Loman of Lafayette and Prof. and Mrs. H.M. Dixon of Mporesville. Both the young people are very popular. - kbz
Russell CANINE - Victoria DAWSON
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Nov 2, 1875 p 1
“Campbell’s Chapel News” –Canine has got the cook to take to that new house now, in the person of Miss Victoria Dawson. The above pair were united in the holy bonds of wedlock Thursday evening, 28th last, at 2 o’clock at the residence of the bride’s sister near here - kbz
Sally CANINE - see Moses JONES
Thelma CANINE- Ernest LeRoy Smith
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, June 17, 1927
Ernest LeRoy Smith and Thelma Canine were married on Tues. eve. at 8 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Canine. Rev. F.J. Beisel officiated, reading the single ring ceremony. The bride wore salmon pink georgette. The attendants were Everett Brown of Attica and Mary Canine, sister of the bride. Miss Mary wore pink georgette. The ceremony was performed in front of a beautiful floral blanket. Only near relatives were present. Refreshments were served immediately after the ceremony. The bride was graduated from WHS and taught at Liberty School this year. Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith. They will live on a farm near Liberty. Later some 50 of the neighbors gave them a charivari.
Wilma CANINE - (Rev) Robert DAVIDSON
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 2-6-1914
Miss Wilma Canine who is well known here, was marr. to Rev. Robert Davidson at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Will Canine, in Clinton, Saturday
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal July 8, 1893 p3
Zach Williams, the father of Miss Bessie Williams who was married to A.J. Cannon at Kokomo Tuesday July 29 was greatly surprised to hear of his daughter's marriage. She went to the SS convention at Frankfort and he had heard nothing from her until yesterday when he received a letter with a postscript to the effect that she had been married. Mr. Williams is very fatherly and kind in his consideration of the affair, however, and states that if Miss Bessie wished to dodge the parental roof in marrying she was entirely welcome to do so. In point of absolute fact it was a very happy little arrangement as it saved him the expense attendant upon the wedding reception. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday, 9 October 1914
Robert Earl Lytle of this city and Miss Rose Caplinger of New Market were united in marriage Thursday eveinng the ceremony being performed by Rev. WH Kerr at his residence south Green Street at night. A few friends accompanied the young couple. Both the bride and groom are well known and have a large number of friends here. Mr. Lytle is employed at the Herron & Galey Groceries this city and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Caplinger. They will reside in this city. - typed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Saturday Nov 5, 1910
Indianapolis, Nov. 5 - This afternoon at two in Roberts Park church occurred the marriage of William R. Carlson and Miss Eva Coburn, both of this city. The nuptial event was a quiet one. Mr. Coburn, father of the bride, is connected with a commission firm. The groom, who formerly lived in Crawfordsville, is now connected with the Motor Age, a magazine published in the interest of the automobile business. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Carlson of Crawfordsville were out of town guests. - transcribed by kbz
Clara CARMEN - Attanay (Attorney?) M. MASON
Source: Crawfordsville Review Sept 10, 1881
Marriages seemed to be the rage Thursday. Justice Cumberland married John R. THOMPSON and Rosa Peffley in the County clerk's office in his usual elobuent (sic) manner, in the presence of over two hundred people. Byron Russell about ten o'clock a.m. was called to tie the silken known between Attanay M. Mason and Clara A. Carmen at the parlors of the St. James in the presence of quite a number of the hotel guests. The interested parties were from Linden neighborhood.
Michael CARROLL - Minnie MURDOCK
Source: The Weekly Argus News, May 25, 1895 p 5
As the hour of six was tolling this morning, Mr. Michael Carroll and Miss Minnie Murdock, of near Cheery Grove, wer eunited in marriage by Rev. Father Crosson at the St. Bernard's Church. The bride was attired in white silk while her maid, Miss Marguerite Layne wore brown silk. The groom and his best man wore the usual black. The happy young couple will go to house keeping in a newly furnished cottage near Cherry Grove, which the groom prepared for his bride. - kbz
Duff CASAD - Kittie O'NEAL
Source: Crawfordsville Review 11 May 1889 p 6
Duff Casad and Miss Kittie O’Neal were married at high noon Sunday by Father Deneen. The young couple has many friends who extend congratulations.
Mary CASSIDY - see Harold BRATTON
William P. CASON - see Mattie CANINE
Mellie CASTER - Glenn SAIDLA
Source: Darlington Herald, Darlington, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday 10-6-1916
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the First Methodist Parsonage in Crawfordsville occured the marriage of Miss Mellie Caster and Mr. Glenn E. Saidla. The ceremony was read by Rev. Kirkpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Saidla left immediately for a trip through the East. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10-27-1887
On last Saturday there was an interesting marriage at the residence of Elihu Chadwick, uniting in marriage Elmer E. Powell and Edna I. Chadwick. An elegant dinner was served and a jolly time enjoyed by all the guests.-- kbz
Pearl CHADWICK - Oliver FRY
Source: Crawfordsville Daily News-Review Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Jan 19 1903
Oliver Fry and Miss Pearl Chadwick were married at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwick on West Market Street. Relatives and friends to the number of 30 witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. HL Nave. At six o'clock a wedding supper was served. The contracting parties are popular young people and the News-Review takes pleasure in uniting with their many friends and extending congratulations. Mr. Fry has a traveling position with the Poole Cresting Company and for the present they will make their home with the bride's parents. --kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 26 April 1895 p 4
“Mace news” – Wm. H. Chadwick of Mace was on Wednesday evening married to Miss Maggie E. Endicott at the home of the bride, four miles northeast of here, Rev. EP Trotter officiating, assisted by Rev. Jim Shannon.
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, July 18, 1940
R. Paul Fulwider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulwider of Anderson and grandson of Mrs. Elmer Dietrich and Miss Mary Ellen Chaffee were married on Sunday afternoon in the First Methodist Church in Shelbyville. The single ring ceremony was read by the bride's brother, Rev. Robert Chaffee of Florence, Mass. After the wedding trip they will be at home Sept 1 in Baytown, Texas where Mr. Chaffee is art supervisor and choral director in the Goose Creek school. Mr. Fulwider is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnett R. Chase. - transcribed by kbz
Frances David CHAMBERLAIN - Charles N. McCLAMROCH
Source: Indianapolis News 20 June 1905 p 7
Crawfordsville, June 20 – A notable event in Crawfordsville society was the wedding of Charles N. McClamroch and Frances Davidge Chamberlain which took place last evening at the Center Presbyterian Church. 600 friends witnessed the ceremony pronounced by Rev. Dr. Wilson and about 90 f the relatives and near friends attended the reception which followed at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Eudora Chamberlain. The ushers were Messrs Harry McClamroch, BM Hutchings, Edward W. Brown and John Binford. Miss Elizabeth Sloan was maid of honor; Miss Blanch Sloan, bridesmaid and Mr. Byron Hughes best man. Mr. McClamroch and bride left on the night train for a three weeks’ trip on the northern lakes. They will be at home after July 15 at 220 South Washington Street, Crawfordsville. - transcribed by kbz
Mary Susan CHAPPELL - Henry ROSS
Source: Lafayette Morning Journal, Monday, August 4, 1890
A Young Lady of Fourteen Elopes to Become a Matron Mary Susan Chappell, the 14-year-old daughter of John Chappell, who resides near Farmer's Institute, and Henry Ross were united in marriage early yesterday morning at Romney by Rev. Mr. Smith. The ceremony was very quiet and no invitations had been issued for the event. The truth of the matter is Henry stole his bride from her home between the hours of midnight and dawn, and without her parents consent. When Mr. Chappell discovered his daughter's absence he started in pursuit but he did not overtake them in time to prevent the ceremony. He objects to the marriage on account of the extreme youthfulness of his daughter. There is recourse for such marriages, however, and Mr. Chappell proposes to have satisfaction. The affair has created much excitement in Mr. C.'s locality. - kim h
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, February 18, 1864
Married at Yountsville, this county, on Thursday Feb. 11th, by Rev. Jas. H. Johnston, Mr. Wiley Kenyon, of Oregon, and Mrs. Mollie Christman, of the former place. - We are sorry to learn that our happy friend Kenyon, for some days prior to the hour of the nuptial rites and ceremonies, had been sorely afflicted with a peculiar and specific unsupporative inflammation of the parotid glands, but was rapidly recovering; when, from exposure, (it is supposed,) relapsed, and was forced to immediately repair to his couch, to which he is still confined; though (we are pleased to learn0 gradually convalescing. We trust he may speedily be sufficiently resuscitated to resume his journey towards the setting sun - his home on the pacific slope. - thanks to Kim H
Bezillia CLARK - Martha Roberts
Catherine CLARK - see Frederick JOHNSON
Henry CLARK - Martha HALL
Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Daily News Review July 26, 1900
Last evening at 8:30 o’clock at the home of the bride on South Grant Avenue, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Henry M. Clark and Miss Martha Hall. The witnesses to the happy event included about 50 of the intimate friends and the affair was a pretty one. Roses predominated in the house decorations and it was, strictly speaking, a rose wedding. The library, wherein the ceremony was performed, was in green and white, the effect produced by smilax, palms and white roses being a most pleasing one. The southeast corner of this room was heavily banked with palms and plants while from the ceiling fell a dainty curtain of smilax. In front of this the vows were taken. The dining room was in white and green and the parlor in pink. The room in which the punch bowls was stationed was trimmed with a variety of summer flowers. Rev. AJ Alexander was the officiating clergyman, the bridal couple entering to the Mendelssohn wedding march as played by Mrs. AB Anderson, The bride’s gown was a heavy white silk with a real lace bertha and lace trimmings. She carried bride’s roses. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served. Later Mr. and Mrs. Clark received the congratulations of their friends They were the recipients also of many wedding presents. In the dining room the guests were served by Misses Elsie Russell; Ruth O’Neal and Grace McAfee. Miss Mae Kenyon presided at the punch bowl and was assisted by serving by Miss Ruth McAfee and Master Harold Severson. Mr. and Mrs. Clark left on the late train for a northern wedding trip. They will be gone about two weeks and will visit Petoskey. After September first they will be at home at 409 E. Jefferson. The wedding guests from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. CJ Head and Mr. C.N. Williams of Indianapolis, and Miss Ida Miskelley of Chicago. - transcribed by kbz
Lawrence CLARK - Maxine CRUMLEY
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, July 17, 1941
Lawrence CLARK of Crawfordsville and Miss Maxine CRUMLEY, formerly of Waveland, were married in Crawfordsville Jul 7 by JP Anthony Watts. They will live with Mr. Watts' mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Clark. - kbz
Orville CLARK - see Bessie BREAKS
Ruth CLARK - Glyndon GRIMES
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Sept 12, 1919
Glyndon M. Grimes son of Mr . and Mrs. J. Walter Grimes of Russellville and Miss Ruth Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris Clark, of this place, were married at the Christian parsonage in Crawfordsville Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock with the Rev. C.W. Ross officiating. The ring ceremony was used. They were accompanied by Miss Arnetta Wilson of Hume, Ill; Joseph B. Connor of this place and Maro (?) Grimes of Russellville. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes are both graduates of Waveland HS with the classes of '16 and '17 respectively. The groom had several months military training with the Engineers at Camp Humphreys, VA. The bride was attired in a suit of inf. blue tricotine, with hat to match and wore a corsage bouquet of pink roses. After the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Grimes left for a short wedding trip, after which they will be at home at 1527 So. 20th St, Newcastle, where Mr. Grimes is employed in the Maxwell Motor Plant as inspector. kbz
Bernard Chancellor CLAUSEN - Mary Elizabeth DARNELL
Source: Crawfordsville Review Aug 6, 1918 p 8
Waynetown Aug 5- One of the most beautiful weddings that was ever held in Waynetown was the one Monday evening which united in marriage Miss Mary Elizabeth Darnell, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Darnell and Chaplain Bernard Chancellor Clausen of Binghampton, NY. The ceremony was read at 8 o’clock at the Baptist Church by Rev. PO Duncan in the presence of the immediate family and friends. The church was beautiful in its simple decorations of palms, ferns and golden glow. Before the ceremony Mrs. Dane L. Conner of Indianapolis played a recital of bridal music as the guests were ushered to their seats by Miss Susan Edwards and Miss Virginia Breaks of Crawfordsville. Promptly at 8 the bride and groom unattended except for the flower bearers, the Misses Ruth Elizabeth Burris and Mary Alice Darnell, cousins of the bride, took their place before the altar where the impressive ring service was read. Immediately after the ceremony an informal reception was held at the church. The bride wore a beautiful gown of flesh color georgette crepe and carried a shower bouquet of bride’s roses. The bride is one of the popular young women of this city where she has spent almost all her life except the years she has been away at school. She was graduated from the Emerson School of Oratory at Boston, Mass. Chaplain Clausen was graduated from Colgate University from the Union Theological Seminary. Chaplain and Mrs. Clausen have gone on a short wedding journey, Chaplain Clausen will report for duty on the SS North Carolina on Sunday Aug 11. Mrs. Clausen will make her home for the present with her parents here.- kbz
Esther Hutton CLEMENT - Bertrand Emil May (Dr)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 June 1902 p 1
The marriage of Dr. Bertrand Emil May and Miss Esther Hutton Clement was solemnized on Wednesday at half past 8 at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Laura Clement, on Whitlock Avenue. The wedding ceremony was witnessed by about 50 of the relatives and more intimate friends of the contracting couple and in their presence the ceremony was performed by Rev. WF Cook of the St. John’s Episcopal Church of this city. The full Episcopal service including the ring ceremony was used. The ceremony took place in the doorway between the front and back parlors. The groom accompanied by the minister, Rev. Cook entered from the stairway and awaited the bride. The bridesmaid, Miss Helen May of Danville, Ill the sister of the groom, entered from the dining room through an aisle of ribbons held by Arthur and Wanda Clement, brother and sister of the bride. She was followed by the maid of honor, Miss Etelka Clement, the bride’s sister. Next came the bride. Before the entrance of the bridal party, Miss May Kline sang You and at the conclusion of the song, Miss Olive Hanna, from Waveland, softly played the wedding march from Lohengrin to which the party entered. The doorway under which the ceremony occurred was heavily festoone with smilax and baskets of flowers and here Rev. Cook very impressively performed the ceremony which united the two young people. The bride was charmingly dressed in French lawn with lace and insertion. The dress was decollette and en traine and the full veil was worn. She also carried a large bouquet of white sweet peas and swainsonia. The bride is the charming daughter of Mrs. Laura Clements and has been one of the foremost of Crawfordsville’s young society women. The man who was so fortunate as to win her for his bride is Dr. BE May who has been here for a number of years and is most successful in the practice of osteopathy. He has won a host of friends while here who will wish long and continued happiness for he and his wife. Following the wedding occurred the reception given by Mrs. Clement. About 250 friends responded to the invitations and a most pleasurable evening was spent. The large house was profusely decorated for the occasion. The parlor was adorned with a huge bank of daisies with asparagus and smilax effectively displayed. In the back parlor the decorations were of sweet peas, pansies and cut flowers with potted plants. The library was used to display the presents which were very numerous and without exception very beautiful. In the dining room poppies and honeysuckle were the decorations. This room was used in the reception of guests. Mrs. Clement’s assistants in receiving were Mesdames WE Henkle, WF Robb, HA Hutton and Misses May and Anna O’Haver. In a tent on the lawn the refreshments were served by the following ladies: Misses Mabel Barnhill, Evelyn Evans, May Kenyon, Autumn Lee and Elizabeth Sloan. The newly married couple will not take a trip just now but expect later to make an extended trip north. For the present they will take rooms with Mr. and Mrs. DL Lee on South Washington street and they will be at home to their friends after July 5th. Among the out of town guets present at the wedding and reception were: Mrs. EB May and daughter, Miss Helen of Danville, Ill; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. George Buckingham of Danville, Ill; Mrs. TW Buckingham of Potomac, Ill; Miss Olive Hanna, of Waveland; Mr. Harry Kritz of Waveland; Mr. and Mrs. JC Knox, Miss Edna Anderson and Ernest Anderson of Ladoga and Mr. and Mrs. CM Gregg of Terre Haute. – kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 19 July 1890
N. J. Clodfelter and Miss Hannah M. Hough Married Last Night. July 16 at 8:15 o'clock, Noah J.Clodfelter and Hannah M. Hough were married at the residence of the bride's father, Geo Hough, by the Rev. John Safford. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present, and immediately after the ceremony the newly married couple proceeded to the groom's elegant home, Knoll Cottage, on south Green street, where they go to housekeeping at once. Both the bride and groom are too well known in our city to need any introduction here, having lived in this county all their lives The bride has been one of the leaders in Athenian society and is known and loved by all for her truly womanly ways and lofty traits of character. The groom is a gentleman of national reputation and one of the brightest luminaries of our famous little city, both from a literary and business standpoint, and well worthy the prize which his integrity and worth have won him. THE JOURNAL congratulates them both heartily and extends its wishes for what may prove, indeed long, happy, useful live - thanks to Kim H
Artemisa Graves CLORE - W. D. SWITZER
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana August 8, 1930 p 1
Word has been received here of the marriage of Mrs. Joel Clore. Mr. and Mrs. Clore lived in Waveland in the property now owned by L.R. Tharp 30 years ago. They moved to Canada but after a few years moved to southern Missouri, where Mr. Clored died a few years ago. Mrs. Clore married W.D. Switzer owner of an adjoining farm. The young people are both up in their 80s with Mr. Switzer five months the oldest.
Effie CLORE - Henry McGILL
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, July 7, 1899
Henry F. McGill, the well-known Midland fireman and Miss Effie J. Clore of this place were married on Wednesday at Crawfordsville. - kbz
Elijah CLORE - see Anna BARRICLOW
Lydia CLORE - Sylvester MORRIS
Source: Crawfordsville Journal April 26, 1906
At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Wilbert A. Breaks, of north of this city on Wednesday evening at half past seven o'clock occurred the marriage of Sylvester Morris and Miss Lydia Clore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clore, of near Wallace. The ceremony was witnessed by the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties. Rev. Mr. Fisher, of this city, officiated. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the dining room where an elaborate wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Morris were tendered a reception today at the noon hour at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holeman, relatives of the bride, on south Grant avenue. They will take up their residence at once on the groom's fine farm nine miles north of this city. The bride is well and favorably known here where she has resided for some time past.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Friday, April 27, 1906
Wednesday evening, April 25, at Pond View farm, the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilbert Breaks occurred the marriage of Sylvester C. Morris and Lillian Jessie Clore in the presence of a few relatives and friends. The house was artistically decorated with carnations and smilax. The prevailing colors of the dining room were pink and white. The wedding party entered the parlor to the strains of the four-hand wedding march played by little Miss Delila Wilberta Breaks and Master Harvey Morris Breaks, and paused in front of a bank of ferns and smilax. A beautiful and impressive ceremony was pronounced by Rev. J.J. Fischer, of Crawfordsville, after which the bride and groom led the way to the dining room where a three-course luncheon was served. The favors were white Swansonian blossoms tied with tiny pink ribbons. Mr. and Mrs. Breaks were assisted in the dining room by Mrs. Pearl Maines and little Misses Cleon Maines and Vivian Dolores Breaks. The bride wore a beautiful traveling costume of blue and the groom was dressed in a rich black suit of the most recent style. Mrs. Morris is the daughter of a wealthy and respected farmer of Parke county. The groom is a well known citizen and retired farmer of Madison township. Many beautiful and useful presents were received. Mr. and Mrs. Morris will be at home to their friends after May 1 at Prairie View farm. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holman served an elegant dinner of Thursday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Morris. A delicious four-course dinner was enjoyed by about twenty guests. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 4, 1924
Miss Marie Clore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clore of Marshall and Fred Smiley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smiley were married at Rockville by Rev. S.K. Fuson Saturday afternoon. They were accompanied by Miss Mary Smiley and Rudolph FOrdice. A supper was given in their honor by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smiley that evening. They will go to housekeeping on their farm known as the Aunt Mag Dunn farm. - typed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 10 Jan 1910
At the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Payne on Black Creek, the marriage of Miss Katie Elizabeth Morris, daughte rof Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Morris and Mr. Harry Closson of Linnsburg occured Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The wedding was a pink and white one. These colord predominating in all the decorations and in the refreshments. The favors were tiny sleighbells tied with pink and white ribbons. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Elmer Mater of the United Brethren Church in the presence of a large gathering of friends and relatives. The bride was attired in a simple gown of white and the young couple presented a singularly attractive picture of youth and beauty as the solemn words were pronounced that made them one. Miss Georgia Payne, cousin of the bride was the hostess of the occasion assisted by Mrs. Emmert Shields, sister of the bride and Mrs. Robert Troutman her aunt. The bride received many handsom and useful presents. The groom is a fine young man, the son of a widowed mother, Mrs. Matilda Closson of Linnsburg. He had secured for a helpmeet one of the most capable and popular young ladies in the county. They will go farming near Linnsburg. Some of the older persons present got very mischievous late in the evening, warning that the young couple were to remain over night at the house. It was discovered that one bed upstairs was filled with large pumpkins, another had about a busen of cold icy rocks in it and a third was filled with such articles as a child usuallys tays with dolls and such things as are found on a woodpile. About midnight, however, all departed hoping that before the sleet goes off they may go to another wedding on Black Creek. - kbz
COCHRAN, Katherine - Sylvester MORRIS
Source: Crawfordsville Star Dec 17, 1872
Morris-Cochran married – at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. GW Stafford, Mr. Sylvester C. Morris and Miss Katherine D. Cochran, all of this county. - kbz
Eva COBURN - see William R. CARLSON
Flora COCHRAN - see William COX
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 5 September 1913
We noticed in our last issue the wedding of Miss Lola Ghormley to John C. Cochran. Mr. Cochran is from Washington, Indiana and is employed in the Princeton schools, in which town they will make their home. We have received the follwing from the Arkansas Gazette, of Little Rock. "Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Ghormley of 1854 Wolfe Street, have announced the marriage of their youngest daughter, May, to James D. Reynard of Dayton, Ohio, Wednesday, Aug 20 in Dayton. Mr. Reynard is the son of Dr. Granville Reynard of Union City, Ind. For several years he was a student at Wabash and Indiana University, and is now manager of the Westerfield Surgical Instrument Company in Dayton, where they will reside. "-- kbz
Lavina COCKEREL - see William BURBRIDGE
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 26 Jan 1894 p 4
James A. McClamrock and Miss Abbie Coffee were married Thursday Jan 18 at 5 pm. By Rev. John M. Stafford, at his residence on west Main street in this city - kbz
COFFEL, Madge and Belmont Howell
Source: Crawfordsville Journal April __ 1926
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coffel have announced the marriage of their daughter, Madge to Belmont D. Howell. The wedding being celebrated on March 6 at Ogden, Ill by Rev. Litherland, pastor of the Methodist Church. The bride graduated from the local hs and for some time has been connected with the JQ Clark Tank Co as stenographer. Mr. Belmont Howell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. SB Howell of this city and is employed by the State Highway Commission as a mechanic, located at Frankfort, Ind.
Maggie COFFMAN - see Charles BREED
J.A. COLBURN - Ettie Alfrey
Source: Saturday Evening Journal Saturday April 10, 1886
On last Wednesday evening was the occasion of a brilliant wedding at the home of H. Alfrey. The event was the marriage of his daughter, Ettie to JA Colburn of Noblesville. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. A. Kummer of the Methodist Church. An eleborate supper was served and the many friends of the young couple wish them a bon voyage. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Dec 18, 1879 p 4
Riley Runyan, he of the Waynetown Banner, was married to Miss Kate Colclazier, on Sunday Dec 14, 1879. Esquire Cord performed the ceremony. No cards. No cake, no nuthin' but lots of joy for Riley! - transcribed by kbz
Keisel COLE - see Kate SMITH
Clara COLEMAN - see Ferdinand WILBERT
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 15 November 1893
Will Coleman and Miss Mabel Smith were quietly married last evening at 8 o’clock in the presence of a few intimate relatives and friends at the home of Mrs. Lucy Fry on West Pike Street, Rev. GP Fuson officiating. Both young people have many friends who united in wishing them all happiness. The groom is the popular drug clerk at Smith & Myers and the bride a most estimable and pretty young lady. The Journal extends congratulations. - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, Nov 16, 1934
Glenn MORGAN and Miss Hazel COLLINS of Crawfordsville were married in Danville, Ill on Tuesday of last week. - kbz
Evaline CONFER & James B. HUFFMAN
Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana Jan 7, 1873
HUFFMAN - CONFER married - On the 29th of December, 1872, by Rev. G.W> Stafford at the residence of Conrad Smith, Esq, Mr. James B. Huffman and Miss Evaline Confer all of this county - typed by kbz
Source: Weekly Argus News, Jan 6, 1900 p 5 - "Hard Hearted Employers"
Miss Anna Conner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Conner was to be married yesterday to Mr. Edgar Smith, telegraph operator at Crawfordsville. The ceremony was unavoidably postponed however until after the holidays on account of Mr. Smith being unable to induce the big guns of the Vandalia RR to give him a few days vacation. The fellow who was to relieve Mr. Smith at Crawfordsville failed to put in his appearance ... Covington Friend -- typed by kbz
Mary CONNER - Charles REED
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Dec 10, 1915
Mr. Charles Reed of Frankfort and Miss Mary Louise Conner were marr. at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Conner on W. Howard St. at 6 on Wed. evening. The short but impressive ring ceremony was pronounced by Rev FB Solin of Crawfordsville. Miss Laverna Christine Williams of Crawfordsville, played from Il Trovatore before the ceremony. The bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of the Wedding March from Lohengrin. During the ceremony the Flower song was played softly and the party retired during the rendering of the Mendelssohn wedding march. The bride was attired in white crepe de chine trimmed with white fox fur white slippers and carried a bouquet of Bride roses and sweet peas. The house was decorated throughout in pink and green. After the ceremony a two-course luncheon was served in the dining room. The assistant hostesses in the parlow were Mrs. GV Grimes and Miss Mary Lucas and Helen Horn; in the dining room, Mrs. JA Horn, Mrs. GW lucas and Miss Rosanna Conner. The young people will be at home in Frankfort after Dec 15 where Mr. Reed is employed as a mail carrier. The guests from a distance were: Mrs. JW Snyder and Miss LaVerna Williams of Crawfordsville; Mr. J. Heslar, Mrs. JA Horn and Miss Helen Horn of Rockville; Miss Ada Reed of Frankfort. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 14 December 1894
Thursday, Dec. 13, at 3 o'clock occurred the wedding of John R. Sharpe and Minnie L. Conner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whittington, at 508 east Main street, Rev. T J. Shuey officiating. After congratulations the company repaired to the dining room where refreshments were served and every one -present was happy and especially delighted with the hospitable manner in which they were entertained by the host and hostess. Miss Conner is a cousin of Mrs. Whittington. - thanks to Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 20 October 1893
At high noon on Sunday, Oct. 15. Miss Clara M. Conrad and George H. King were united in marriage by Rev. T. J. Shuey at the residence of James Conrad, five miles north of this city. Mrs. King is one of the most gifted and popular young ladies of her neighborhood and Mr. King is to be congratulated in his choice. - thanks to Kim H
Source: Darlington Herald Friday, June 9, 1916
The marriage of Roy M. Conrad of this city and Mable A. Edwards of Beardstown, Ill took place at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. C. Edwards in that city. Following the ceremony the young people went to Chicago for a few days. They will arrive here Saturday to be with the groom' parents, Frank Conrad and wife until after Chautauqua. About the last of June they will go to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for several weeks. The groom is a graduate of the local high school and Earlham College where he was prominent in athletics. For several years he has been physical director in Augusta College at Rock Island, Ill. His many friends here are wishing for him and his bride much happiness in their life together. They will be at home to their friends at Rock Island after Sept 1st. -- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 Jan 1888 p 3
The parlors of the Robbins House Tuesday at 12:30 witnessed another marriage ceremony. The high contracting parties in this case were Joseph W. Scanlan, a prosperous young farmer of near Clark’s Hill and Miss Sena Conrad, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Joseph Conrad, of Sugar Creek Township. The ceremony was performed in the presence of half a dozen guests, viz: James M. Waugh; Dr. JD Hillis; Dr. MA Hopper; Dr. JR Rankin; Mr. and Mrs. Mills and The Daily Journal. The groom was dressed in the regulation black suit, while the bride looked as sweet as a peach in dark grey. Judge EC Snyder performed the ceremony in his usual happy and felicitous manner. Hold on, we are too fast and for the moment thought we were writing of Elder Vancleave or Rev. GW Stafford, veterans in the business. This was the maiden effort of the judge and he waded through with a fortitude remarkable in one so young. He congratulated the couple earnestly and said to the bride: “Mrs. Scanlan, you are fortunate in being married by the court, and if Mr. Scanlan should ever mistreat you in any way, remember the court and know for a certainty that that institution has the same power to dissolve the bond that it had to make it.” The Journal wishes Mr. and Mrs. Scanlan a long and prosperous journey and knowing them both as we do, we feel sure that neither will ever have to seek a dissolution of the marriage tie so earnestly entered into on the part of each. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 8 November 1901
Jacob D. Bazzle and Mrs. Susan Conrad were to have been united in marriage at the home of the bride Sunday night after church services, and Rev. Palmer was to have spoken the words. The groom is sixty six years of age and the bride is sixty four, and they thought they knew their own minds and hearts but it seems that some meddling relatives thought differently, and no end of trouble has resulted.
Mrs. Conrad’s relatives were the strongest objectors. They begged and argued and stormed against the marriage, but that lady simply smiled and stuck to her determination to wed Mr. Bazzle at the appointed hour. Then a different plan was adopted and strategy and deception won where plain objections failed.
Saturday evening one of Mrs. Conrad’s married daughters who lives down in Montgomery County drove into Colfax and called on her mother. The daughter made some excuse for asking Mrs. Conrad to accompany her home, but that lady remembering that she had plighted her troth and was to become a bride on the following evening, demurred, stating her reason. Then the daughter assured her mother that she would bring her back home in plenty of time to prepare for the wedding, and upon these representations Mrs. Conrad consented. Accordingly they drove down into Montgomery County and spent Sunday, but when it came time for the homeward trip the relatives flatly refused to take the lady home. Her pleadings were of no avail and she was compelled to remain where she was. Monday they took her home, but all the persuasion possible was brought to bear to get her to decline to go ahead with the marriage. Mr. Bazzle also called at Mrs. Conrad’s home and besought her to keep her promise and become his wife, and so the day was spent, the relatives of Mrs. Conrad doing their best to break off the arrangements, and the gentleman who sought her hand urging that she choose for herself and go to the altar with him. The question had not been definitely settled last night.—Frankfort Time
Elizabeth May COOK - Otis MARSHALL
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Nov 17, 1899
Otis Marshall, of this place and Miss Elizabeth May Cook, of Crawfordsville were marr. in the court house at the clerk's office, Thursday of last week. - kbz
Source: Weekly Argus News, May 4, 1895
Last evening as the clock was striking the hour of six Walter Coolman and Miss Elinor Needham were united in the holy bands of matrimony by Rev. Frank Trotter at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Needham, four miles east of Darlington. The bride was becomingly attired in white silk and carried bride's roses, while the groom wore the usual black. A reception was tendered them last evening by the bride's parents after which the happy couple left for Cincinnati for a two weeks tour. Upon their return they will reside with the groom's parents in th is city. The groom is well known here having always lived in th is city. Their host of friends all with them a long and happy life - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 June 1902 p 1
Miss Donna O. Hulet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hulet and HF Coons were married at the home of the bride’s parents at 1112 W. 9th St at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon by Rev. JM Linden of Chicago. The young couple will enjoy a brief wedding trip and will be at home in Crawfordsville after Friday – Michigan City News
Source: Crawfordsville Evening Journal March 22, 1884
GM Henderson of Waynetown and Miss Julia Coons of this city were marr. on Wed. evening at 5 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents, on the corner of Jefferson & Walnut streets. The ceremony performed by Elder OP Badger of Greencastle an old and valued friend who has served in like capacity in the family upon four similar occasions. The wedding was witnessed only by the relatives and a few intimate friends. Supper was served after the newly married pair had received the congratulations of the guests. Mr. Henderson is one of the most prominent and successful business men in Waynetown and is highly spoken of by all who know him. Miss Coons is a handsome and intelligent young lady. She was educated in the Crawfordsville public schools, graduating in the class of 1880. Since then she has been teaching with much success. She taught last year in Waynetown in the grammar department. Mr. & Mrs. Henderson left on the 7 o'clock train for Waynetown where they will immediately begin housekeeping. The Journal extends congratulations. - kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, Thursday, June 10, 1937
Archie Lamar COOPER, of Champaign, Ill and Miss Dorothy MILES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Miles were married in Rockville on Monday. Mrs. Miles accompanied them. Cooper is a former enrollee in the CC Camp and is now a cab driver in Champaign. - transcribed by kbz
Bernard COOPER - Zerelda MARTIN
Source: Crawfordsville Star Jan 6, 1898 p 4
On Tuesday morning Rev. HP Cooper of Ohio pronounced the beautiful Episcopalian full ring services that will forever bind the lives and fortunes of Mr. Bernard Cooper of Pittsburg and Miss Zerelda Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Martin. The ceremony was at the home of the bride on west Marin street. The house was prettily decked with carnations, holly and mistletoe. A hundred guests were present when Miss Juliet Warner performed upon the piano the wedding march. The only attendant was pretty and petite Helen Martin who carried the wedding ring in a dainty basket full of lilies of the valley. The bride wore a dress of crème duchess satin, duchess lac and pessamentrie, high neck, long sleeves. She carried a shower bouquet of bride’s roses. A wedding supper was served and the beautiful bride and the happy groom took the midnight train for Pittsburg where he is engaged in his profession of teaching in the high schools at a handsome salary. He is a graduate of Wabash College and while attending school here he met his fate. The bride was given many very handsome presents. - kbz
Frank COOPER - Laura D. SCOTT
Source: Crawfordsville Review 12 Aug 1893
Frank Cooper and Miss Laura D. Scott of Waveland were married in Justice Cumberland’s office yesterday morning and took in the circus on their wedding tour. Yesterday – followed by a very able dissertation on the topic “How Shall we Discharge the Disciplinary Duty of Instructing the Children,” by Rev. DP McClain of Sugar Grove.
Minnie COPAS - Alexander MOORE
Source: Russellville Searchlight Friday Nov 6, 1908
On Wednesday evening, Nov 4, 1908 at the bride's home, 2 1/2 miles southwest of town, occurred the marriage of Miss Minnie Copas to Mr. Alexander Moore of Waveland. At 8 o'clock Miss Miriam Spencer began Mendelsshon's wedding march and to the sweet strains of the music the bridal couple, preceded by their attendants, Miss Mattie Copas and Mr. Mentor Williams, marched down stairs to the parlors, where they were united in marriage by Rev. Wm. Hargrave.
Immediately after the ceremony they marched to the dining room where ice cream, cake and punch were served. The bride was dressed in white and the bridesmaid in pink, the colors being used in the decorations. The parlors were decorated in evergreen and white chrysnthemums, the dining room in pink and white, the favors being a pink chrysanthemum bud with pressed pine. The presents were numerous and beautiful. Relatives and friends to the number of 150 were present to witness the ceremony and all wish the couple long and useful lives. Mr. and Mrs. Moore went Thursday to their country place one mile north of Waveland where they are at home to their many friends. – thanks so much to Rob Surface for sharing so much Moore history Flora Belle COPNER - see James H. FUGATE
Evelyn J. COPPAGE - Wallace KERN
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 25, 1936 ?
Miss Evelyn J. Coppage and Wallace Kern were married at 1:45 Sunday at United Brethern Church in Indianapolis. Rev. CI Rousch performed the ceremony. Miss Evelyn was beautiful in her wedding gown of white satin and long white veil. She carried a large bouquet of brides roses. She was attended by her sister, Lucille and Mrs. Gretchen Hicks, sister of the groom. Mr. Hicks was best man. Double ring ceremony was used. Mr. and Mrs. Kern left about 3 p.m. for Washington DC and exect (?) to visit other points east. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, Sept 12, 1919
Wednesday afternoon Sept 3, at 2 o'clock in the office of the County clerk occured the marriage of Leslie Davidson, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. Otto Davidson of near Mellot and Miss Oveta Copus of Hillsboro. Justice Asa Osborn performed the ceremony in front of the bride's mother. The young people were attending the fair and even the nearest relatives did not know when they left home that their intentions were to get married. The groom is a young farmer and they will reside with his parents for a time. Mr. & Mrs. Davidson have the best wishes of a large number of friends.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 5 August 1893
Last Sunday at the home of the bride's parents on east market street, Edward Toney and Cordie F. Corbin were united in marriage by Rev. G.P. Fuson. Quite a party of relatives and intimate friends were present and a sumptuous wedding collation was served. - thanks to Kim H
Edward CORD - Lucy WADE
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 4 Feb 1892
Mr. Edward E. Cord and Mrs. Lucy Wade were married at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. CK Ellis on west Market Street at 8 o’clock last Thursday evening Feb 3, Rev. John M. Stafford officiating. A select company of the relatives of the contracting parties was present.
Mildred CORDER - Lawrence GRIMES
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Thursday, July 4, 1940
Miss Mildred Corder, daughter of David Corder and Lawrence Grimes were married at the Fountain Square Christian Church in Indianapolis on Saturday by Rev. Robert Lewis, reading the single ring ceremony. The bride graduated from WHS. She wore white street dress and carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. Mr. Grimes was graduated from New Market HS. Both are employed in Indianapolis. Those with them were Mr. and Mrs. HA Umbanhowar, Frank Swarat and John Whitecotton. - kbz
Joseph COREY - Birdie RANSDEL
Source: Crawfordsville Review, 30 July 1892
The happy termination of a long courtship culminated in Judge Chumasero's court Wednesday morning in the marriage of Joseph Corey and Miss Birdie Ransdel. While the nuptials were not exactly up to Joe's idea of social chivalry yet he found it cheaper. than getting up $300 for the maintenance of a little tot that bears Joe's trade mark and beautiful blond curls. In fact Joe knew nothing of the approaching nuptials until an officer waited upon him at his place of business and ushered him with all due pomp into the Judge's office. The room wore no embellishments in honor of the happy event, no trailing vines or growing plants were there to lure two happy souls into the garden of connubial bliss, and even the beautiful strains of that wedding march that were ground out by the blind, man's hand organ on the corner was lost sight of in the excitement of the occasion, but never the less, Judge Chumasero spoke the words which made Joe a husband and papa at one fell swoop, Birdie a wife, and gave a baby a long sought dad. Again we are led to repeat with a happy refrain, "All well that ends well." - thanks to Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Review, 24 December 1892
The suit of Mrs. Birdie Corey against her affectionate husband Joe Corey, for the support of her child, Ruby, was tried before Judge Harney Wednesday, Joe married Birdie last July while under arrest on the charge of being the father of Birdie's babe. Joe refused after the marriage to live with her or to contribute to the support of the child. Judge Harney held that Joe must plank up to the tune of $400, of which $10 is payable on the first calendar day of each month until the whole amount is paid. - kbz
The suit of Mrs. Birdie Corey against her affectionate husband Joe Corey, for the support of her child, Ruby, was tried before Judge Harney Wednesday, Joe married Birdie last July while under arrest on the charge of being the father of Birdie's babe. Joe refused after the marriage to live with her or to contribute to the support of the child. Judge Harney held that Joe must plank up to the tune of $400, of which $10 is payable on the first calendar day of each month until the whole amount is paid. - kbz
Eva CORN - Charles BERRY
Source: Crawfordsville Star 5 Jan 1888 p 5
On last Thursday invited guests to the number of 50, assembled at the pleasant home of Albert Corn to witness the marriage of his last daughter, Miss Eva to Charles Berry. On account of the unavoidable absence of the chosen preacher, Rev. Northcutt performed the ceremony in an impressive style. The bride was attired in Mauve satin. The ceremony took place at exactly 3 o’clock after which an eloquent supper was partaken of. The attendants were Wm. Berry, brother of the groom and Miss Laura, cousin of the bride. May prosperity and happiness be their lot. - kbz
Isaac Cox CORNS - Mildred BRINDLEY
Source: The Darlington Herald, Thursday, June 7, 1934
Invitations to the approaching marriage of Isaac Cox Corns and Miss Mildred Hanes Brindley of Harlingen, Texas have been received by relatives in Darlington. The wedding will take place at the First Methodist church in Harlingen on Monday, June 18, and the couple will live at Houston, Texas, where Mr. Corns is connected with the Federal Loan Bank. Mr. Corns is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Corns, former Darlington people, who have lived in Texas for a number of years and is the nephew of the Misses Clara and Pearl Corns and Mrs. Flora Cox of Darlington. - kbz
Delilah CORY -- see Owen David MORRIS
Nancy CORY - see Owen David MORRIS
Lyle COSBY - Helen ADAMS
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, October 16, 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Clay ADAMS announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen to Lyle COSBY son of Mr. and Mrs. Lando Cosby, which took place Wed. evening at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Luke Bolin read the single ring ceremony in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Cosby. Mrs. Cosby grad. From WHS with the class of 1940. Mr. Cosby attended Waveland. The young couple will reside at the home of the groom's parents.- kbz
ED COTTON marries Mayme WISE
Source: Crawfordsville Review 19 Oct 1895 p 1
On last Wednesday the wedding of Mr. Ed. Cotton to Miss Mayme Hartman Wise at the home of the bride’s parents on west Main street. The house was beautifully and artistically decorated. Rev. GW Switzer of Lafayette performed the ceremony. Miss Wise is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DW Hartman and has many accomplishments, and was a leader in society of this city. Mr. Cotton is a young druggist and quite well known in this city. Their many friends join with us in extending congratulations – kbz
COTTRELL, Clara - see Riley ROBBINS
Source: The Indianapolis Star - 1 January 1911 p 32
The marriage is announced of Miss Edith Gillkinson of Crawfordsville and Louis Courtney of Waveland, Ind. The wedding took place Wednesday afternoon in Crawfordsville. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney are visiting their cousins. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Jordan, 939 West Twenty-seventh street.- transcribed by kbz
Isabelle Madge COUTANT - Leslie KRUSCHKE
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 9 May 1916
The wedding of Miss Isabelle Madge Coutant of Zanesville, Ohio, and Leslie Kruschke of Chicago took place last week. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.R. Coutant, formerly of this city and has been studying music in Chicago for almost a year. She is a talented musician and sant at a number of different affairs in Zanesville. She went to Chicago last June to study music and expects to continue her studies with Madam Bishop. While in this city she was very popular with many friends. Mrs. Kruschke is one of the assistnt circulation managers of the Chicago Tribune... - transcribed by kimh
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 15 November 1895
Covington Friend: -- Miss Ida Ridge, of this city, and Mr. Oliver R. Coutant, of Crawfordsville, were quietly married last Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, at the home of the. bride. Only the near relatives of the contracting parties were present. The bride was dressed in a lemon colored dress, trimmed with cream colored chiffon lace and carried Marechal Neil roses. The groom's dress was the conventional black. Rev. Rosebro, of the Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony. There were no attendants. The happy couple left on Tuesday for Crawfordsville, where they will make their future home - thanks to Kim H
COVINGTON, Jasper - Catharine McQUINNEY
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Argus, Jan 6, 1900 p1
Jasper Covington, of Newton (Newtown?) and Catharine McQuinney of Waynetown were married Wednesday by Squire Stilwell at his office
George COWAN - Jessie KRITZ
Source: Crawfordsville Journal (Crawfordsville, IN), 07 May 1887
George M. Cowan with Hanna & Byerly, and Miss Jessie Kritz, daughter of Prof. H.S. Kritz, were married in Indianapollis last Thursday morning. The reception was at Prof. Kritz' on the evening of the same day and was largely attended. -- thanks to Sue P for this :)
Ashley COX - see Catherine ENDICOTT
Source: Crawfordsville Review Feb 19, 1924 p 8
Word has been received in this city of the marriage of Mrs. Flora Cox to WD French which took place at St. Petersburg, Fla on Thursday Feb 14. Both Mr. and Mrs. French formerly lived in Crawfordsville and are well known here. They will reside at St. Petersburg where Mr. French is a contractor. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 April 1888 p3
Wm. Kramer and Miss Lizzie Cox were married at the residence of Rev. JP Ewing, Thursday and repaired immediately to their home already prepared. Success to them. - kbz
Patricia COX - Clay HEDGES
Source: Indianapolis Star Friday 8 Sept 1944 p6
Crawfordsville, Ind Sept 7 – Miss Patricia Cox, daughter of Mrs. Georgia P. Cox of Darlington and Capt. Clay W. Hedges of the Army Air Forces son of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Hedges of this city were married Tuesday night in the home of the bride’s mother at Darlington. The Rev. Frank O. Fraley of the Greencastle Methodist Church read the double ring ceremony in the presence of the immediate families and a few intimate friends. Mrs. Joyce Boots played a program of nuptial music preceding the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by an uncle, Clifford V. Peterson of Crawfordsville. She wore a brown gabardine suit with corsage of stephanotis. Mrs. Cox, mother of the bride wore a blue crepe dress with corsage of pink roses and Mrs. Hedges, mother of the bridegroom was attired in a gold crepe dress with corsage of yellow roses. An informal reception followed the ceremony after which Capt. Hedges and his bride left on a honeymoon trip during which they plan to visit his twin brothers, Lt. Joseph V. Hedges and Flight Officer John T. Hedges in Texas and Louisiana.
Pearl COX - see Curtis BROWN
Wallace COX - Rosa CREQUE
Source :Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 11 oct 1895 p 3
Married at the bride's sisters, Mrs. Sanford, near Lebanon, Oct 2, Mr. Wallace Cox and Miss Rosa Creque. After ther performance of the ceremony by Rev. SB Grimes the guests enjoyed refreshments and the usual good time of such pleasant occasions. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox tendered the young couple a reception full of good cheer and social pleasure with their invited friends. - kbz
William COX - Flora COCHRAIN
Source: Crawfordsville Star 16 Oct 1875
William Cox, familiarly known as "Tuck" was married to Miss Flora Cochrain, last Monday at the residence of James Green. The ceremonies were conducted by JW Ramsay, Esq.
Benjamin CRABBS - see Sarah DEIGHTON
Source: Crawfordsville Star Nov 21, 1895 p 5
On Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner, West Pike Street, occurred the wedding of their daughter, Effie to Mr. Tully Crabbs. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Claude Travis and the service was the Methodist Episcopal. After the marriage ceremony an elegant wedding supper was served. Mr. Crabbs is identified with his father in the grain business in this city and is one of Crawfordsville's most promising young men and has won for a bride a young lady of beauty and culture. - typed by kbz
Dorothy CRAIG - Frederick SCHOENMAN
Source: Indianapolis News Mon 15 April 1946 p 7
Crawfordsville April 15 - Miss Dorothy Craig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zelta O. Craig of this city and Frederick F. Schoenman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schoenman, Greencastle, were married at the First Methodist Church April 7. The bridge is a graduate of CHS and attended nurses training school at Lafayette. The bridgegroom a graduate of Greencastle HS and Bradley Polytecnical School, Peoria, Illinois is associated with his father in the jewelry business in Greencastle.
Louise CRAIG see William M. HEDRICK
William S. CRAIG - Grace LINTNER
Source: Crawfordsville Star Nov 4, 1897 p 5
The Indianapolis News has the following account of the marriage of a favorite Crawfordsville boy occurring in the state capitol Wednesday evening: At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanCamp in North Pennsylvania St, their sister, Miss Grace E. Lintner was married last night to William S. Craig. The ceremony took place at 8 o’clock and was performed by the Rev. JA Milburn. Th ebride was attended by Miss Minnie Schlotz as maid of honor. The bride came in with the groom, preceded by the maid of honor. They stood between two banks of palms as the simple marriage service was pronounced. An orchestra played the Mendelssohn wedding march for the approach of the bridal party and the Intermezzo during the ceremony. A wedding supper was served and then the bride and bridegroom went to their new home, at 335 North Pennsylvania Street. The bride’s gown was of white corded silk, trimmed with mousseline plaitings. The maid of honor was in pink taffeta combined with white chiffon. She carried the bride’s bouquet of white roses. From out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Craig of Crawfordsville, Dr. and Mrs. Ovid Adams of Shelbyville. Mr. and Mrs. Craig will be at the home after November 20.
Verna May CRANE - Evan BANNON
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Feb 10, 1922
Evan Bannon, son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bannon and Miss Verna May Crane of Wingate, were married on Saturday at Crawfordsville. They will live on Charles Bannon's farm, from which Eldo Bannon recently moved-the old McMurray farm. Charles Bannon will remain another year on the old Durham farm. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Nov 4, 1914
Alex M. Crawford of this city and Miss Dororthy McKittrick of Los Angeles, Cal. were married last Tuesday of Sydney, Neb at noon in the Trinity Lutheran Church by the pastor, Rev AH Triggstad. The romance which led to the nuptial event Tuesday had its inception in Los Angeles 3 years ago when Mr. Crawford met his present bride. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford will be home to their friends at 202 Southwest street this city. -- kbz
Dr. Berry S. CREBS - see Harriet ASHLEY
Rosa CREQUE - see Wallace COX
Emma Pearl CRISP - Alonzo H. WOODS
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 Feb 1903
Woods-Crisp - At his marriage parlors on So. Washington St, Thursday at 11:00 o'clock Justice EM Brewer united in marriage Alonzo H. Woods & Emma Pearl Crisp, both of Waveland. The groom is a farmer and the son of Winfield S. Woods and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith of Waveland. After a short wedding trip, they will be at home to their friends on the groom's farm near Waveland
Source: Crawfordsville Star 3 Aug 1882 p 1
Harry Wright, formerly a bridge carpenter on the IB&W was quietly married to Miss Emma Crist, at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. Harris on Monday evening. They took the midnight train for their new home in Peoria, Ill.
Source: Waveland Independent 16 March 1900 p 1
Mr. Lee Crist, of New Market and Miss Pina D. Wolfe of this place were married at New Market on Wednesday morning. The marriage was in a nature of a surprise to the relatives on both sides. Miss Wolfe left home ostensibly to go to Greencastle to visit her sister Mrs. McCoy. – kbz
Edward CROCKETT - see Emma DOUGLAS
Source: The Indianapolis Star - Tuesday 8 September 1908 p 4
Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 7 - William P. Crockett, principal of the Waveland High School, and Miss Ethel Fullenwider were married last week at the home of Irving Fullenwider by the Rev. Thomas G. Pearce, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. It is a custom at Waveland to make every bridegroom ride a mule with the band leading the way, and this is generally taken in good part. Mr. Crockett was inclined to hostility, and it was planned to seize him as he was going to the carriage which was to take the bridal couple way after the ceremony. At the critical moment four strange men appeared upon the scene and surrounded the carriage and Mr. Crockett, standing up in the carriage, dramatically waving a revolver, exclaimed. "The first man that touches me drops." The couple escaped.
Note: (subtitle: Festive Inclined Friends Balked by Four Men and Revolvers. GGA comment: story wasn't clear to me if the four strangers were with him or against him.)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 April 1893 p 1
Sunday evening at half past 7 o’clock about 75 guests responded to invitations put out by Mr. and Mrs. RM Hawk of Elmdale for the wedding of their daughter, Senora, to Mr. Harry R. Cross of Chicago. Promptly at the time mentioned the bride and groom appeared before the assemblage unattended and were united in the sacred bonds of wedlock by Rev. MH Appleby. The ceremony was a beautiful one and included the ring service. After the ceremony a supper was served. The bride wore a gown of white corded silk, carried roses in her hand and wore them also in her hair. She also wore several valuable diamonds, which were presents from the groom. The evening passed away pleasantly in congratulating the groom and wishing the bride a happy future. Clark Leming of Mulberry was present and furnished music as did also the bride and groom who are both accomplished musicians. Mrs. Cross is a young lady of charming qualities, of rare beauty and for the past few years has been completing her education in Chicago. Mr. Cross is an artist of note, wealthy, and a gentleman of broad culture. Monday they start for a wedding tour which will include Minnesota, Florida, NY and Europe after which they will settle in Chicago – kbz
Grace CRULL - Abner BOWERS
Source: Crawfordsville Journal ,Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 23 Nov 1900 p 5
The marriage of Miss Grace Crull to Mr. Abner Bowers was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Crull Wednesday evening, Rev. Claypool officiating. A large number of the relatives and most intimate friends were present and a host of valuable presents were received. Mr. and Mrs. AJ Bowers held a family reunion on Thursday and made the occasion a reception in honor of their son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Abner bowers will be at home to their friends in the near future at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. AJ Bowers at which place the newly married couple will live the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. AJ Bowers will move to Colfax. - kbz
Sarah CRUM - Benjamin LAWTER
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Weekly Argus News, April 3, 1897
Elder VanCleave united in marriage his 867th couple Tuesday, in the persons of Benjamin F. Lawter and Sarah A. Crum. The contracting parties were from Whitesville - kbz
Maxine CRUMLEY and Lawrence CLARK
Source: Waveland Independent. Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana.Thursday, July 17, 1941
Lawrence CLARK of Crawfordsville and Miss Maxine CRUMLEY, formerly of Waveland, were married in Crawfordsville July 7 by JP Anthony Watts. They will live with Mr. Watts' mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Clark. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper, Crawfordsville, Indiana April 1, 1892 p 7
Last night at 8 o'clock at his home, Elder MM Vancleave united in marriage Jacob Weil and Jennie Culbertson. The wedding was quite a surprise to Jake's friends, who know him as the popular night clerk of the Nutt Hotel, and a genial good fellow all around - kbz
Source: Weekly Argus News June 4, 1898 p 3
Peter Culbertson, the popular restauranter at Waveland, and Miss Minnie Wilson, the charming daughter of Mine Host Wilson of the Waveland Hotel were married in Crawfordsville last Thursday at the residence of WB Banks, on West Pike Street. It was a quiet affair being witnessed by only a few instimate friends. The ceremoy was perfomed by Rev. Vessels of Ladoga. The bride and groom returned last evening to Waveland where they will go to house keeping. Mr. Culbertson will manage the hotel at the Shades this season - typed by kbz
Samuel CULLY - Jennie ESKIN
Source: Bloomington Telephone 19 May 1893 p 1
The marriage of Samuel Cully and Miss Jennie Eskin was solemnized Tuesday evening at the home of the bride on west 6th street. The company present numbered about 30, and the ceremony was performed by Dr. WR Halstead of the College Avenue ME Church. Mr. and Mrs. Cully expect to leave this week for Waveland, ind where Mr. Cully has a position. Both are quite well known in Bloomington, the bride being a resident of the city, and they have the congratulations of many friends. - transcribed by kbz
Bert CUNNINGHAM - Musa Spurrier
Source: Sunday Star, Crawfordsville, Indiana Nov 7, 1903 p1
The marriage of Bert L. Cunningham, the popular shoe clerk at Mahony’s to Miss Musa Spurrier of Crawfordsville, is announced to take place Thursday evening, Nov 12 in this city. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. JO Bills of the first AE Church at the of Mr and Mrs. AF McCormick on North Harrison Street.. Mr. Cunningham came to this city some two or three months ago and in that time he has made many friends. He has proven himself to be a young man thoroughly capable in the shoe business and is a valuable man to his employer – Alexander paper.
Source: Crawfordsville (Montgomery, Indiana) Review newspaper, Jan 11, 1916 p8
Yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Welty, Kennedy Place, occurred the wedding of Mr. James A. Peterson and Miss Jessie Cunningham of Darlington. The ceremony was read by the Rev. Augustus Buchannan of the Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis in the presence of the immediate family. Mr. Peterson is a prominent business man of Darlington and well known in this community. Miss Cunningham is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Cunningham of Darlington. For 8 years she has taught in the public schools there. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson left immediately for Indianapolis where they will go direct to Florida and Cuba. They will be at home to their friends in Darlington after April 1st.- transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 23 January 1963 p 14
KINGMAN - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cunningham announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Jane Cunningham, to Clyde A. Zachary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Zachary, Crawfordsville. The single-ring ceremony was read by Rev. C. H. Loveland in the sanctuary of Trinity Methodist Church in Crawfordsville. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grady of Crawfordsville. The bride wore a street-length dress of white silver brocade featuring an A-line skirt. Her earrings were mother-of-pearl and her corsage, red sweetheart rosebuds. She is a graduate of Wallace High School, attended the Utterback Business College and is employed at Donnelley's. The groom is a graduate of Crawfordsville High School and is employed by the Bell Telephone Co. He is a Captain of the 38th Division of National Guards. Mr. and Mrs. Zachary are residing on Rt. 7, Crawfordsville. A pre-nuptial miscellaneous shower was given in the home of Mrs. Gray.
Thanks to their son, Andy Zachary for this nifty piece :) kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 28 Dec 1900
“Darlington News” – Christmas passed off quietly here. The only jar that was felt was at 7:30 when Harry Freeman and Pearl Cunningham were married, the ceremony taking place in the First Presbyterian Church, performed by Rev. AS Buchanan in the presence of a large congregation of their friends. This couple starts out with bright prospects and all wish them a long and happy life. They will reside in Clarks Hill where the groom is in the grain business - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 22, 1883 p 1
Married on Monday Feb 19 at the residence of the minister, Elder MM Vancleave, Robert E. Gwin and Arvilla A. Burroughs. This is the Elder’s 467th couple.
Elder Vancleave managed to tie four couples last week. He is still ahead of the divorce court.
Married by Elder MM Vancleave on Wednesday Feb 14 at the residence of Mr. Withem in this city, Charles Bassett and Laura Goldsberry.
Married at the home of the officiating minister, Elder MM Vancleave on Feb 15, Tilghman M. Cunningham and Rhoda Ellen Peyton.
Marion F. Skaggs and Emma Wilhelm were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Thursday Feb 13. Elder MM Vancleave officiated.
Edgar CUPPY - Margaret MILLER
Source: Waveland Independent, Jan 30, 1902
Married at their home on East Greet Street on Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock Edgar A. Cuppy and Miss Margaret May Miller, Rev. LF Galey officiating. The groom had previously furnished the home in elegant style and they are now at home to their friends. - transcribed by kbz
Rosanna Cuppy & William E. Smythe
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, June 16, 1899
Last evening at the Baptist Church occurred the wedding of Miss Rosanna Cuppy, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. WT Cuppy and Mr. William E. Smythe. The Church was profusely decorated with wild roses and ferns and a large number of friends of the young people were present. A musical program of 5 numbers was rendered by 6 young ladies - Misses Maude and Mamie Straughn, Alberta Hanna, Nellie White, Pearl Guy and Maye Demaree under the direction of Mrs. TL Hanna. Promptly at 8 o'clock the bridal party entered the cruch, and was met at the door by the 6 young ladies and preceded by them to the altar, singing the wedding chorus from the Swedish Wedding March. After them came the bridesmaids, Misses Bessie Wolfe and Carrie Stout with the ushers Messrs. John McCoy and TB Wright. Then came the little flower girls, Ruth Baker and Margery Cuppy, nieces of the groom and bride respectively, by the Maid of Honor, Miss Etta Smythe and next came the bride upon the arm of her father. The party met the bridegroom and his best man, Prof. TE Groninger at the altar steps. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Cuppy, and the beautiful ring service was used. Mrs. TL Hanna played Mendelssohn's wedding march softly throughout the entire ceremony, and the Swedish march as the party left the altar. The bride's gown was of white Swiss muslin, with trimmings of white satin and valenciennes lace, white Crepe de Chine veil and carried Bride roses. The bridesmaids wore pink organdie with trimmings of pink satin and carried pink roses; and the maid of honor was attired in nile green liberty silk with green satin and chiffon trimmings and carried pink roses. A reception was held at the home of the bride from 8:30 to 11, where delicious refreshments were served. The rooms were tastefully decorated with smilax, wild roses and ferns. The presents were unusually numerous and valuable. At 11:00 the bride and groom left for Crawfordsville to take the train for an extended wedding tour. Both the young people are well known here, where they have been prominent in Church and social circles. They have a host of friends who unite in wishing them a happy life. The guests from out of town, were Roscoe and Roy Smythe of North Salem, James Randall and John McCoy of Greencastle; Mr. & Mrs. Bert Hall of Carpentersville, M. Joiner and wife and Mrs. E. Baker of Harrisburg, Ill; Miss Susie Aenstein of Bainbridge; Prof TE Groninger of Indianapolis, Misses Della Strange of Rockville; Carrie and belle Stout of Hollandsburg and Fannie Swaim of Rockville; Mrs. Elizabeth Cuppy of NY; JW Cuppy and family of Indianapolis; Miss Della Fleming of Springfield Oh; Mr. & Mrs. JA McClure and Mr. & Mrs. R. McMains of Crawfordsville and the Misses Adams of Rockville; M R and Miss Della Strange of Lakeland; Rev. and Mrs. SK Fuson. - kbz
Beulah CURRY - George WYATT
Source: Unknown
Miss Beulah Curry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Curry, and George Wyatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wyatt of Terre Haute, were married at the M.E. parsonage in Greencastle on Wednesday in the presence of a number of friends. They left immediately for Terre Haute for a short visit with Mr. Wyatt's parents, after which they will return to Browns Valley where the groom has a house already furnished. Mr. Wyatt has been making his home in the Browns Valley neighborhood for a number of years. He lately returned from the army service, having been stationed at Ft. Sam Houston and other southern points. - kbz
Maude CURRY - see James DICKERSON
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 2 Feb 1892 Miss Myrtle Steele, formerly of this place, was married on Wednesday Jan 27 to Dr. CP Curtis of Tipton. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis will reside in Tipton as will also Rev. TA Steele, the bride’s father. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Crawfordsville 22 Feb 1895 p4
“Darlington News Item” – Orion Wilson and Miss Rosa Custer were married on Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. at the bride’s mothers, Mrs. Lide Custer, Rev. Trotter officiating.