A Announcements

A- Individual Marriages
Source: New Richmond Record 8 October 1914
Charles K. ABERNATHY of Seymour, Ind and Miss Emma L. Beckley, older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Beckley of New Richmond were quietly married at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning by Justice Sutton at his office in Crawfordsville. Mrs. Beckley and daughter, Esther, mother and sister of the bride, were witnesses of the happy event. Mr. Abernathy is a moving picture operator, for several months having been connected with the Bayliss Overland Electric Show out of New Richmond, where loves romance began which culminated in the wedding of Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy will remain in New Richmond for the present. -kbz
Ethyle ADAMS - Guy RICE
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery Count, Indiana 8-31-1917
Word has been received here of the marriage of Guy RICE, son of J.H. Rice and formerly of this place, but now of Decatur, Ill and Miss Ethyle ADAMS of that city. The marriage occurred at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at the home of the bride. The groom is an estimable young man and is well known in Waveland having spent a greater part of his life here. kbz
Gabriel ADAMS - Mary DURHAM
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 21 May 1868 p 3
MARRIED – Adams- Durham – On Wed May 6, 1868 at the residence of the bride’s father by Rev. SM Hays, Gabriel H. Adams of North Salem, Ind to Miss Mary F. Durham, near Waveland, Ind.
Helen ADAMS - Lyle COSBY
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Thursday, October 16, 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Clay ADAMS announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen to Lyle COSBY son of Mr. and Mrs. Lando Cosby, which took place Wed. evening at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Luke Bolin read the single ring ceremony in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Cosby. Mrs. Cosby grad. From WHS with the class of 1940. Mr. Cosby attended Waveland. The young couple will reside at the home of the groom's parents.- kbz
William R. ADAMS - Sarah A. SCOTT
Source: Weekly Argus News Jan 30, 1897 p 8
William R. Adams of Carrol County and Miss Sarah A. Scott, of Waveland were united in marriage Sunday by Squire Stilwell. The groom is engaged in the jewelry business at Camden - kbzPearl ADKINS - Howard WITT
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Weekly Argus News Jan 30, 1892
At the home of Mrs Jennie Davis this afternoon at 2 o’clock Rev. GW Switzer united in matrimony Howard Witt and Pearl Adkins. At present Mr. Witt is living in Anderson while Miss Adkins has been living in New Ross. Mr. Witt used to live her.
Cornelius AIRHART - Evaline VanCLEAVE
Source: Clipping pasted into a Siegel Cooper Company Fall & Winter Catalogue 1906 + by Cloe Collings Myers thanks to Harriet Weatherford for sharing this:
Rev. C.L. Airhart was married at Crawfordsville on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. His bride was Miss Evaline Vancleave from near New Market. The ages of the parties are given in the certificates were 51 for the groom and 23 the bride. The latter is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ransom VanCleave of near New Market and Mr. and Mrs. Airhart will make their home with them for the present.
Notes: Cornelius Laird Airhart & Ada May Canine had these children:
Mayme marr Frank Tate lived in Roachdale, Ind
Blanche marr ? Jackson lived North Salem
Jesse E (male) b 30 May 1886 married Bertha Hovermale 30 Jan 1912 - Jesse died 8 March 1950 - not sure if they had children
Claude L. born Feb. 13, 1893; died Veterans Hospital, Los Angeles, Ca. on 10 Jan 1953 [California Death Index has AIRHART, CLAUDE LARRY: born 02/13/1893 in Indiana; mother's maiden name CANNINE, died 01/10/1953 in Los Angeles County.]
Maude Paul Thomas (b 12 April 1896) married Mary Belle Long I think Cornelius Airhart was 41 at the time of his marriage, his birth on 10 Sep 1860.
Source: Saturday Evening Journal Saturday April 10, 1886
On last Wednesday evening was the occasion of a brilliant wedding at the home of H. Alfrey. The event was the marriage of his daughter, Ettie to JA Colburn of Noblesville. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. A. Kummer of the Methodist Church. An eleborate supper was served and the many friends of the young couple wish them a bon voyage. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Review 9 Jan 1897 p 7
The residence of Mr. Aaron Layton, two and a half miles north of Linden was the scene of an interesting event New Year’s evening. It was the marriage of Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. Layton to Mr. Asa Allen, a worthy young man of Linden. Rev. John Stafford was the officiating clergyman. - kbz
Dafford ALLEN - Ethel RHOADS
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 7 Dec 1933 p 5
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rhoads announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ethel Rhoads to Dafford Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ethal Allen who reside on the Overcoat Road. The marriage took place in Paris, Ill, on Sunday Dec 3 at half after six o' clock. The single ring ceremony was read by the justice of the peace, TJ Davis. After a short honeymoon trip Mr. Allen and his bride will return here where they will be at home for a time with the groom's parents. The bride is a graduate of the Crawfordsville HS with class of 1932. Mr. Allen is employed on the Jesse Ward farm. - kbz
Frances ALLEN - see Kenneth ZACHARY
Source: Crawfordsville Star 4 Nov 1897
On Tuesday evening, Oct 26th, Mr. James T. Allen of Bainbridge and Mrs. Alice Ramsey were married by Elder J.W. Greene, and at once started for a ten weeks’ tour of the east. The bride was the former Mrs. John W. Ramsey. Mr. Allen is a wealthy stockraiser of Putnam County and a man of high character. He has been fortunate indeed in this marriage.
Kitty ALLEN - see Pearl SAGER
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 Dec 1868
MARRIED – Smith-Allen- On the 3rd of November near this city by Elder OP Badger, Mr. ER Smith to Miss MM Allen, both of this county.
Otis ALLEN - Gladys EVANS
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 4 April 1930 p 1
Miss Gladys Evans and Otis Allen were married at the M.E. Church in Tipton on Saturday morning. From there they went to Elwood to make a brief visit with his parents. They are at home in Indianapolis where he is employed as an electrician.
Otis ALLEN - Margaret ROBINSON
Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Indiana Nov 25, 1927
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Robinson announce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret to Otis Allen. The wedding took place on July 30 in Indianapolis. Mr. Allen is an electrical engineer, whose home is in Elwood. Mrs. Allen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Robinson and since graduating from the WHS has been in training in the ME Hospital in Indianapolis. They are at home at 1069 W. 31st Street, Indianapolis. A family dinner was held yesterday at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Luna Bayless at Freedom in their honor.v- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville (Indiana) Star newspaper, Dec 26, 1903 p11
Married at Rockville - December 22 at 5 p.m. in the Presbyterian Parsonage, William Allen of Alamo, Montgomery County, and Miss Ella F. Swearingen of Crawfordsville. They will make Alamo their home – Rockville Republican. – transcribed by kbz
Sarah ALNUT - William . WELCH
Source: Crawfordsville Review 24 Oct 1896 p 4
Mr. William M. Welch and Miss Sarah B. Alnut of Parkersburg were married on the evening of the 21st, inst. By Rev. GW Stafford at his residence east of the fair grounds. This interesting young cvouple belong to the best class of society in the county and enter on married life with the brightest prospects before them
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Sept. 17, 1915 Livingstone (Mont.) Enterprise
Two of Livingston's most popular young persons were united in marriage Tuesday evening, Aug 31, when Miss Jessica Alspaugh, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. CI Alspaugh became the bride of Prof. DC Evans, of the Parke County High School. The wedding took place at the home of the bride, 203 South H Street. Miss Katherine Swindlehurst was maid of honor and Mr. Carson E. Bechtel was best man. Little Miss Ellen Alspaugh, niece of the bride, was ring bearer. The Rev. CP Burnett, of the Episcopal Church, read the wedding service. The wedding march was played by Miss Olga Johnson. The bride was attired in a gown of white and net lace, with a veil of tulle held in place by a string of pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of white sweat peas and fern. the maid of honor wore a gown of yellow silk and carried a bouquet of Shasta daisies. The wedding took place in the parlor where a white altar and canopy of vines was placed. The room was decorated in yellow, golden glow being lavishly employed. In the second parlor sweet peas of lavendar and pink had been profusely and effectively employed. In the hall where the paino stood white and pink had been used as the color scheme. In the dining room golden glow was again used. A bride's cake and a groom's cake were used on the large dining table, each with a monogram. There were 35 guests present at the wedding ceremony, after which a wedding dinner was served. Mr. & Mrs. Evans will be at home to their friends after Sept. 15, at 524 E. Lewis St, where they have furnished their home. Prof. Evans has taught in the Park County HS for a number of years, and is one of the most efficient science teachers in the northwest. He is also assistnat principal and has capably managed the school during many months to which various principals were compelled to be absent. The bride has taught in the Livingston schools for a number of years, and was acknowledged to be one of the city's best instructors. Both of the contracting parties have hosts of friends who wish them every happiness. - kbz
Goldie ALWARD - Nelson MILES
Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 12-20-1907 Waveland Independent
Mr. Nelson Miles, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Miles and Miss Goldie Alward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Alward were married Thursday morning December 12 at the residence of the bride’s uncle, George Alward at Crawfordsville by Squire Buck, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives. They will reside with the bride’s parents for the present. They have the best wishes of a host of friends - MA
Mr. Nelson Miles, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Miles and Miss Goldie Alward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Alward were married Thursday morning December 12 at the residence of the bride’s uncle, George Alward at Crawfordsville by Squire Buck, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives. They will reside with the bride’s parents for the present. They have the best wishes of a host of friends - MA
Clarence ALWARD - Eleanor TOY
Source: Waveland Independent, Feb 13, 1931
Clarence ALWARD, son of George Alward of Crawfordsville and well known here where he attended school was married to Miss Mary Eleanor TOY, daughter of Owen Toy of Henderson, Ky on Saturday in Cincinnati, Ohio at 10 in the morning. They will live in Dayton, Ky a 10 minutes ride down the river from Cincinnati, where Clarence is in business. He is too busy just now to take a honeymoon but contemplates a trip to New York next summer with the family of his step brother, Robert Evans. Clarence has had a tough time with hospitals since leaving here, but he kept cheerful throughout and feels sure that with his artificial limb he will be able to get around as well as anybody. We certainly wish him success and happiness.- typed by kbz
Nettie Idell ALWARD - Tommie Oscar STEWART
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly News-Review 9 Feb 1901
Tommie Oscar Stewart and Miss Nettie Idell Alward, both claiming Crawfordsville, Ind as their home were united in marriage Saturday at 3 p.m. by Justice HJ Hall in his office in the courthouse. They returned to the Athens of Indiana on the evening train – Danville, IIl. Press - kbzEdward ANDERSON = Phyllis Ann SMITH
Source: Springville Journal Thu 23 Jan 1947 p 1
Miss Phyllis Ann Smith, daughter of Dr. Laban H. Smith and the late Ruby Bowman Smith and Capt. Elward Anderson were married Saturday night, Jan 4, at 7:30 o’clock at the First Baptist Church, Crawfordsville, Indiana with Rev. Geo. T. King, pastor, reading the nuptial vows. The father of the bride and the parents of the groom have been missionaries to the Belgian Congo in Africa for many years. Capt. and Mrs. Anderson (sic) will attend the mid year semester at Bob Jones College, Cleveland, Tennessee.
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana June 30, 1899
Ernest R. Anderson of Westfield and Miss Nellie Boyland were married yesterday morning at the home of the bride's parents at Browns Valley. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 26 April 1860 p 2
Married – In Crawfordsville on Thursday April 19th by Rev. Charles White, DD, Mr. Joseph Bonsall of Keokuk County, Iowa to Miss Lydia W. Anderson of this county.
Clifford APPLE - Edith (Barker) HOBBS
Source: Crawfordsville Review Jan 7, 1919 p 1
Clifford Apple and Mrs. Edith Hobbs were married before the court proceedingsin Justice of the Peace E.M. Brewer's parlors Friday afternoon. A minor trial which was takeng place when the couple appeared for the wedding was halted while the justice performed the ceremonies. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Apple, of this city while the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barker of Darlington. After a honeymoon they will make their home in Darlington - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 2 October 1856 p 2
Married Sept 16th by Rev. Mr. Bowles, Mr. DR Ray to Miss Millard E. Applegate, all of this city. Thus it is, one by one our young friends are leaving us and passing from a state of single wretchedness to that of mutual bliss. David may your “Psalms” ever be sweet and may the golden Rays of prosperity and happiness attend you through all your efforts to accumulate those delicious Apples which cluster around the fair gates of that Paradise to which we are all rapidly hastening.
Roxie Myrtle APPLEGATE - Leverett BINNS
Source: New Richmond Record 4 March 1915 (not sure about this – sorry)
The Y. M. C. A. parlor at Crawfordsville was the scene of a quiet wedding at 11:45 o’clock Monday morning, when Miss Roxie Myrtle Applegate, second daughter of Mrs. John Livingston, and Mr. Levertt Elmer Binns, older son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses R. Binns, of New Richmond, were united in wedlock, Rev. R. E. Moss, pastor of the Crawfordsville Christian church, performing the ceremony. Witnesses of the happy event were relatives and intimate friends of the couple and included Mr. and Mrs. Moses R. Binns, Arlie Binns, Miss Pauline Peterson of New Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Epperson, Mr. and Mrs. Lyons. Mrs. John Turner and Mrs. F. A. Morrow of Crawfordsville. The bridal couple were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Turner in Crawfordsville until Tuesday afternoon when they returned to New Richmond. They will make their home for the present with the groom’s parents. Both are of New Richmond’s finest young people, with a host of friends who wish for them always that each succeeding day may be their happiest. The Record joins their hosts of friends in congratulations.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, June 21, 1895
Providence -- On June 12, at 8 o'clock pm. at the home of John Bowman and wife, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Louie to Ezba Armstrong, Rev. Ashby officiating. 75 guests were present and ice cream and cake were served. The bride wore a cream colored Henrietta, trimmed in ribbon and lace, and she carried a bunch of brides roses. The groom was dressed in the usual black. The evening was spent in vocal and instrumental music and the guests departed wishing the newly married couple a long and happy life. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review Monday 6-2-1934 Miss Annette GEROLD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gerold, West College Street and Melvin ARMSTRONG, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Armstrong who reside north of Crawfordsville were united in marriage on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. Guy Tremaine at Wesley. The single ring service was used and witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Swank, the bride was lovely in a dress of blue organdy with white accessories. Her flowers were brides roses made into an arm bouquet. After a short honeymoon trip, Mr. Armstrong and his bride will be at home with the groom's parents. The bride was graduated from the CHS class of 1931 - typed by kbz.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 9-18-1902
On last Sunday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Lida Patton, Ora Armstrong and Dollie May Patton were married by Rev. Reeder of the Methodist Episcopal Church, attended by CL Lauthers and Miss Ida Galloway, niece of the groom. The bride was dressed in light colored gray silk, trimmed in white silk and applique. The bridesmaid wore a Venetian gray cloth trimmed in light blue silk and applique; the groom in the usual conventional black. The home was decorated in nature's flowers. Those from a distance were Misses Ethel Linn and Ethel Branch of New Market; Ezba Armstrong and family of Lebanon; Howard Patton and wife of Wesley. After the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the beautiful lawn lighted up by gas jets and Chineses lanters there to partake of a magnifcent supper prepared by the bride's mother. Supper being over, congratulations were extended after which the bride and groom were escorted to the large reception room, there to receive the many presents, consisting of silverware, cut glass dishes of all kinds and colors, table linen, towels and painted pictures with handsome frames. From here we followed the bride and groom to the Christian church and listened to a very able sermon by Rev. Conner. After church we repaired to the beautiful home on Armstrong street, which the groom had prepared and furnished in elegant style. Bidding the bride and groom goodnight we returned to our homes. Conducted by Rev. Strecker. - transcribed by kbz
Daniel ARNOLD - Elizabeth BURKE
Source: Record of Marriages Montgomery Co IN 180 p 13
Daniel Arnold resides Scott Twp, Montgomery Co IN age 82 Farmer b. Va. Father; Daniel Arnold, Mother; Susan Graybill 4th marriage Bride: Elizabeth Burke (?) resides Ladoga age 70 b. Mercer Co KY Father; William Burke Mother; Mary Lewis 2nd marriage married at Ladoga by Rev EW Lawhorn on 2-6-1890
Zenia ARTERBURN - Orville HALL
Source: Waveland Independent Sept 19, 1919
Orville Hall and Miss Zenia Arterburn, both of this place, were married by Rev. Frank Hole at his residence on Pike St, Crawfordsvilleon Monday morning. Mr. & Mrs. Lon Jenkins, Mrs. Jack Bacon and Mrs. Jesse Bacon were present. Mr. Hall's former home was in Washington Co, but he has lived in the Freedom neighborhood for the past 67 years. The young people returned to Waveland where their home in Northside was all furnished and ready for them. -- typed by kbz
William ASH - Sarah UTTERBACK
Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Sunday Star Nov 11, 1901 p6
On Monday afternoon three young people drove up to the office of Justice Stilwell. There were two handsome young folks in the carriage in their best clothes, the young man was handsome and the girl was as pretty as a peach. Her name was Miss Sarah Utterback and his name William H. Ash and their home was at Wingate. Justice Stilwell was asked to get in the carriage and ride down to his pretty home on South Walnut Street where he married them with greatest of grace. The young people took the evening train an hour later for a trip to Indianapolis and Cincinnati. Justice Stilwell said they were the handsomest couple he had married in many a day - transcribed by kbz
Maleah ASH - Fred H. MILLER
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 5 Sept 1890 p 4
“Offield news” – Fred H. Miller of this place and Maleah Ash, of Waveland were married at the home of the bride’s on last Wednesday at 2 o’clock. Elder JW Nye performed the ceremony in his usual happy style.
Eugene C. ASHBY - Alice GRAYBILL
Source: Indianapolis Journal 3 Jan 1886 p 7
Mr. EC Ashby of the Bank of Ladoga and Miss Alice Graybill, one of Ladoga’s most beautiful and accomplished young ladies were married at the residence of the bride last Wednesday evening. The young couple were leaders in society here and both the wedding and reception, give next day at the home of Mr. SF Ashby, were attended by a large number of friends. Many costly presents were receiving, among them a check for $1,000 from the groom’s father. Among the guests from a distance were Miss Kate B. Miller of Bainbridge; Miss Emma Hague of Thorntown; Mrs. Nelson and daughter of Greencastle; Miss Laura Mahorney, Mr. Hugh Kelsey and Mr. John Constanzer of Crawfordsville and quite a number of the bride’s relations from Ohio and Kansas. - kz
Lelia ASHBY - Carl Ambrose SMITH
Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 31, 1914
At 3:00 on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. & Mrs. WH Ashby, Ladoga, occurred the marr. of their daughter, Lela Elizabeth to Carl Ambrose Smith of Tampico, Ill. Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. & Mrs. AW Smith of New Ross, IN. The Rev. DN Clark of Ladoga performed the ceremony. The house was beautifully decorated, the color scheme being pink and white. A bower of bines and ferns in the north parlor formed the altar. Preceeding the ceremony Miss Edith McCampbell sang, "Because God Made You Mine," by d' Harcelot. Miss McCampbell played Mendelssohn's Wedding March as the bridal party entered, and during the ceremony sang very softly, "My Heart at THy Sweet Voice," from "Samson and Delilah." The ring and flower bearers, little Misses Erline Elliot and Helen Kirkpatrick preceded the bride who was met at the altar by the groom.. The bride wore a simple gown of embroidered voile and carried an arm bouquet of bride's roses. Immediately following the ceremony the bridal party lead the way to the dining room where refreshments were served by Miss Mary Procter, of Shelbyville and Miss Edna Kirkpatrick of Delphi. Mr. & Mrs. Smith left immediately for a two weeks trip in Ohio. They will be at home to their friends after Sept. 1 at Tmpico, ill. where Mr. Smith is Supt. of the Public School. -- typed by - kbz
Harriet E. ASHLEY - Dr. Berry S. CREBS
Source: Indianapolis Journal Thu 29 Nov 1894 p 5
Crawfordsville, Ind Nov 28 – Dr. Berry Stewart Crebs of Grand Rapids, Mich and Miss Harriet E. Ashley were married this evening at the home of the bride’s parents by Dr. JM Green. The bride wore a gown of white crepe de chene over silk and carried white chrysanthemums. Guests from abroad were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jay, Kokomo; Mr. and Mrs. AH Blair, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. JM Crebs, Jr, Carmi, Ill; Mr. and Mrs. Berry, Carmi, Ill; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Crebs, Fairfield, Ill; The couple left for Carmi, where a reception will be given them by the groom’s mother Friday evening. Mr. Crebs graduated in the class of ’88 at Wabash College.- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Record 11 April 1835
MARRIED on Thursday, last, the 9th, inst, by the Rev. James Thomson, Mr. Charles Shanklin to Miss Martha, daughter of Rev. John B. Austin -a ll of this city. - transcribed by kbz
AUSTIN - Mave - Charles E. YOUNG
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 3 November 1888
Young--Austin. The marriage of Miss Mave Austin, of Thorntown, to Mr. Chas. E. Young, of Jamestown, took place at the residence of the bride parents, at 12 o'clock, noon, Oct. 31, in the presence of the large company of relatives and friends. After the ceremony, the guests were invited to the table and all did justice to the elegant wedding dinner. The "young" couple will go to housekeeping at once in Jamestown, where the groom is engaged in business. Among the guest.ere the following from this city: Samuel W. Austin and wife, Mrs. Catherine Ashenhust, Mrs. H. P. Ensminger, Mrs. Harriet Campbell, Mrs. Clara Shipp, Mrs. A. C. Austin and Mrs. W. A. Hartman. - thanks Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Star, April 19, 1883 p 1
On last Thursday evening Fred Smith, the commercial tourist, a Crawfordsville boy widely known and highly esteemed by all, was married very quietly in this city to Miss Alma Ayres, a charming young lady of the city. The ceremony was pronounced by Elder Green of the ME Church. May joy, success and happiness be the future portion of the gallant groom and handsome bride. - kbz
Ruby AYRES - Harrison HARDY
Source: Crawfordsville Review 19 Jan 1915 p1
Harrison Hardy and Miss Ruby Ayres, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ayres 811 East Franklin Street were quietly married Saturday by Rev. France at the UB Parsonage in the presence of a few intimate friends. The young people will make their home in this city where they have a large circle of friends who are congratulating them on the move taken. - kz