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KING, Harley Edward -- Source: New Richmond Record 31 Oct 1912 p 3
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed King on Sunday Oct 27. With his birthday and Theodore Roosevelt’s the same day the young man has all the more right to be a Bull Moose. His name is Harley Edward. -L-
MEHARRY, Lee Carter - Source: New Richmond Record 7 Jan 1915 p 4
MIKELS, twin boys -- Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Sat Feb 24, 1917 p 8
Born Friday Jan 1, at Lafayette Home Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Meharry of Attica a son. The baby has been named Lee Carter Meharry. Mrs. Meharry was formerly Miss Jessie Carter. - NEW - added 1/1/2025
“New Richmond News” – Feb 24 – Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Migels (sic) of Crawfordsville are the proud parents of twin boys, born Wednesday. Mrs. Mikels (sic) was formerly Miss Lida Waye of this place. NEW - added 1/1/2025
MILES son of Aaron - Source: Crawfordsville Review 14 Dec 1889
A ten pound boy was born to Aaron Miles and wife Friday night. Think he was born on the 15th . NEW - added 1/1/2025
QUISENBERRY twins -- Source: New Richmond Record 24 April 1913 p 1
Twins, a boy and a girl were born to Mr. and Mrs. Quisenberry at Elmdale on Wednesday, April 16. The life of the little boy hung in the balance for a while but is thought to be nil right now. The pair have been the stellar attraction of that neighborhood, no less than 56 persons calling to see them Sunday.
SMITH, twins - children of Geneva Dale Smith #15 & #16 (believe she had 19 total) --
Source: Crawfordsville Review, October 19, 1889
Recently Mrs. Albert Smith, just over the edge of Hendricks county, gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Mrs. Smith is thirty-five years of age and is the mother of sixteen children. She has given birth to two sets of triplets and three sets of twins. She is the daughter of Ambrose Dale, of Lebanon - Lafayette Times – Kim H
TRACY -- Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 15, 1883 p 5
Zella Tracy, editor of the Waveland Call was in the city on Tuesday, considerably exasperated because The Star had not heard of the arrival of a pretty-faced daughter at his house.