Photo of Memorial on North side of Wabash County Courthouse
Wabash, Indiana

Names Engraved on the Memorial
Extracted by Mike Sweeney


Forever Honoring Our Heroes
Who Gave Their Lives

And Dedicated To The Men And Women Of Wabash County Who Served Their Country in Armed Conflict

Erected by the Grateful Citizens of Wabash County
A. D. 1961

Sponsored by Wabash County Chapter of Gold Star Mothers

World War I

Francis Anthony Burl Denny John Iholtz Hansel Roberts
Lorin Ashpaugh Carl Frantz Benjamin Kirby Thomas Stineman
Benny Baber Ernest Garber Loren Knapp Samuel Taylor
Robert Brady Harold Han Leroy Lumaree Hugh Thompson
Albertus Bray Vekey E. Handcock Earl Mendenhall Wayne Walrod
Ralph Cassaday Floyd Harman John Miller Claude Wilcox
David Chester [Clester] Ben Harvey Russell Pontius Ernest Yocum
Laymond Clark Holmes Hunter Everett Rapp Willis D. Yopst

World War II

Claire Askew Devon Gearhart Robert C. Minear Harold F. Stellar
Max E. Baker M. Keith Gillespie Ivan E. Mote Max W. Stevens
Virgil Barton Cecil C. Harman Howard C. Mowrer Stewart B. Sweazy
Delbert Beery Jay C. Harris John E. Murphy Paul G. Taylor
Paul A. Bishop Robert Heck Frank Music Charles H. Tinsley
Robert H. Bowman Arthur A. Huys Robert C. Myers Howard T. Tucker
Francis P. Brady Roscoe H. Jackson Neil M. Mylin Frederick Ulrey
Grover B. Brothers Eldon Jenkins James Neighbours Herbert P. Urschel
John E. Butcher Arthur Judy Robert C. Noble James H. Valentine
James M. Callopy Samie H. Karn Charles M. O'Brien Robert E. Wakefield
Deo J. Carlin Karl B. Kendall Billy W. Ogden Grant Walter
William E. Clark James R. Kessler Carl W. Oldfather Paul West
Thorold R. Cole Frank Kindlesparker Bernard E. Plum Lew D. Williams
Wilbur E. Cole Elmer Kratz Lowell W. Poole Rollin Windbigler
F. Duane Collinge Walter E. Krisher George W. Porter Robert K. Wolff
Joseph Cook Melvin E. Kuhlow Willard H. Price James T. Wright
Loren P. Davis Paul E. Lamale Dale G. Reed Howard O. Young
E. Lamoine Dixon Dwight McCrocklin George D. Richards Eugene H. Zellers
Phil M. Domer Raymond McPheeters Jack C. Robison
Wendell Dowell Franklin Machmer Max M. Rogers
William E. Driscoll John K. Magner Harold D. Rudicel
John B. Eltzroth Richard A. Meech Frederick J. Rupert
Ralph E. Eltzroth Rex E. Merritt George C. Sabo
John F. Fitzpatrick Max J. Messmore Richard Sausaman
Lionel E. Fordyce James W. Miller James R. Schetzsle
Gene D. Fosnough Samuel T. Miller George H. Simpson
John B. Frasure Vayle Miller Verl R. Singer
Marvin Garber Vincent Millican Eugene Steele
For information on all the above Wabash men would died in WWII see: WWII Memorials

Korean Conflict

Jesse Bone James D. Evans James R. Larrison Richard D. Ellis
Daniel L. Brim Edward K. Jones Joe Olinger Richard A. Rhamy
Edward H. Eltzroth Richard L. Lambert Glenn H. Day Eugene E. Ryan

Vietnam Conflict

Gary Biehl Daniel Fulwider Everett Miller Ranall Pell
Wm Victor Brindle James Hipskind Tommy Miller Victor Poor
Max Brubaker Max Johnson Loren Morford Robert S. Raines
Gregory Fleck Marian Kitts Frederick Nutter Donald Vance

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