Wabash High School was organized in 1869 with the first class graduating in 1872. It is still a functioning high school. The list of graduates will be in several parts. Part one will cover classes 1872 to 1920.

All class members are deceased. Names in ( ) indicate married names for women. This record was compiled from school records by Ron Woodward and the "Wabash High School 2003 Alumni Directory" by Ron Woodward.

Comments, additions and corrections may be submitted to drwodward@verizon.net.

Class of 1872
Margaret Robertson
Ella Truxell (Baer)

Class of 1873
Addie Carver (Orr)
James D. Conner, Jr
Mary Eagle (Curtner)
Nettie Ferry
Belle Hudson (Murphy)
Mary Keyes (Conner)
Rose Luark (Couger)
Agnes Mccrea (Votaw)
Ida Pauling (Good)
Roe G. Smith
Elizabeth Thorne (Gillen)

Class of 1874
Eva Arnold (Harter)
Mabel Dicken (Kidd)
Lena Lumaree (Hoke)
Alice Smith (Hill)
Jennie Wade

Class of 1875
Howe Carver
Julia Curtis (Batchelor)
Alice Evans (Mell)
Jennie Dollison (Myers)
Ida Keller (Sweetser)
Gordon Robertson
Sarah Kirkpatrick
Mary Lumaree (Tucker)
Lula Mchenry (Robertson)
Hannah Mccrea (Clark)
Clara Ruddell
Hannah New (Barth)
Ollie Spencer

Class of 1876
No Class

Class of 1877
Carrie Bruner (Thompson)
Dora Bruner (Mcclain)
Grace Ellis (Oswalt)
Etta Hibben (Halderman)
Good Ross

Class of 1878
Adelaide Steele Baylor
Charles Beechgood
Marie Daugherty (Webster)
Frank Depuy
Josie Hilty (Maddux)
Rose Kidd (Beere)
Nellie Pettit (Bruner)

Class of 1879
Wilson Gardner
Ella Palmer (Mills)
Ada Stratton (Wilson)
Georgia Thurston (Pettit)

Class of 1880
Laura Beroth (Rector)
George Cissna
Edwin Hibben
Belle Mccrea (Gray)
George Payne
Frank P. Wilson

Class of 1881
Ida Catren
Eva Donaldson
Flora Gossette (Chambers)
Lucy Hanna (Roovaart)
Margaret Wilson (Branyan)

Class of 1882
Amy Brannin
Ella Dickerson
Eva Hubbard
William Hubbard
Sherman King
Frank Mossman
Edith Mccrea (Stephenson)
Mary Palmer (Todd)
Anna Payne (Ader)
Clara Rhodes (Moore)
George Arthur Wilson

Class of 1883
William P. Fowler
N. T. Hale
Elizabeth Mckeever (Pearl)
Margaret Thurston

Class of 1884
Lorin Renham
Lawrence Daugherty
Nellie King (Snavelly)
Aymez Pettit (Stathem)

Class of 1885
Minnie Amos (Kemp)
Etta Bach
Maud Barrett (Jones)
Minnie Bruner
Emma Daugherty
Jesse Hibben
Ella Lumaree (Bradley)
Mary Mccrea (Wilson)
Grace Mchenry (Moore)
Nellie New (Livingston)
Clara Torrence
Edith Wheeler (Baldwin)
James Wilson

Class of 1886
Elizabeth Barrington (Conner)
Laura Barrington (Alber)
Mellie Lowery
Bert Mccowen
Myrtle Waite (Burns)
Edward M. Wilson
Alma Zeigler (King)

Class of 1887
Alice Alber (Burke)
Anna Berroth (Miles)
Flora Burke
Oma Ellis (Prince)
Lottie English (Chaffee)
Nona Hoover (Spassard)
Charles A. Lower
Tillie Mandelbaum (Youngman)
Carrie Mccarty
Fannie Mccarty
Stella Moore
Anna Smith (Sayre)
Eva Spaulding (Corttell)
Felix Stone
Marry Williams (Shoemaker)
Anna Wilson

Class of 1888
Julia Alexander
Emma Carouthers (Baer)
Lucy Daugherty (Mccowen)
May Fowler
Harold Haas
Edna Hutton (Corbeley)
Azena Klum (Fawley)
Ned Martin
Blanche Miles (Montgomery)
Minnie Mitten (Cuddleback)
Frank M. Reed
Lola Small (Smith)
Mattie Southerland (Brown)
May Tinker (Barr)
Frank F. Williams

Class of 1889
Etta Herff (Oppenheim)
Anna Herring (Sullivan)
Alice Kidd
Helen Kidd (Mcilvaine)
May Lower (Unger)
Daisy Summerland (Lasalle)
Daisy Williams (Lasalle)
Agnes Wilson (Curtis)
Tessie Wimmer

Class of 1890
Josephine Ale Xander
Myrtle Bruner
Nellie Elward (Riffel)
Eunice Daisy Henley
Anna Hibben (Rutherford)
Theresa Kelly (Patton)
Winifred Lamport (Conner)
Rilla Luce (Coapstick)
Mamie Lego (Murphy)
Terrel Morse
Lottie Palmer (Duvall)
Fletcher Payne
Anna E. Schlemmer (Pletcher)
Alice S. Stitt
Howard N. Thompson
Minnie Trowl (Mccarty)
Charles Vigus
Jesse B. Williams

Class of 1891
Jennie Beroth (Bowman)
Leah Elward
Otto Ebbinghouse
Arthur Goodlander
Bret Harter
Clara Hass (Bent)
Josie Hale (Little)
Carl Haupt
Clara Hess (Warmuth)
Grace Hoover (Meredith)
Harry B. Hutchens
Clara Miles (Woods)
Herman C. Payne
Hattie Peters (Holderman)
Emma Rigler
Desdemona Ross (Edwards)
Minnie Schlegelmilch (Rugh)
Jeannette Spaulding (Albert)
Mary Sullivan
Myrtle Walter (Morse)

Class of 1892
Birdie Beitman (Herzog)
Harriet Benham
Ada Bruner (Stitt)
Arthur B. Carpenter
Thomas E. Christman
Edward Finney
Hazel Harter (Jones)
Rose Herff (Grossman)
Anna Hipp (Kendall)
Catherine Hoffman (Bradston)
Charles Howe
Ola Lower (Alger)
Olive Lutz (Honeywell)
Belle Mccarty (Coate)
Nellie Mcnamee
Hattie Sullivan
Jessie Thompson

Class of 1893
Nellie Amos (Brush)
Grace Blayney (Olive)
Harry Fougeres
Artivee Fowler (Chandler)
Edward Fowler
Sarah Hipskind (Aldrich)
Harry Hopper
Lena Keller (Ford)
Fred I. King
Bird Lamport (Hill)
Eva Murphy (Hughes)
Jeannette New (Blumenthal)
Rosetta New (Meyer)
Etta Rohbock (Mauchly)
Etta Rolfe (Haupt)
Florence Sanford (Ellis)
Grey Stitt
Mabel Stober (Parmenter)
Edith Sweetser
Grace Taylor (Clothier)

Class of 1894
Wilbur Bent
Leroy Dennis
Grace Hess (Smith)
Emma Holloway
Daisy Howe
Clara Jolliff
Robert King
Lucy Latchem
Jessica Lego
Lola Mcclure (Lower)
Caroline Miller (Hutchens)
Lottie Miller
Harley Pearson
Myrtle Pike
Charles Pressler
Minnie Smith (Allen)
Maud Squires (Vanbuskirk)
Bertha Weesner (Lamport)
Vesta Whitcraft (Murphy)
Anna Williams (Carr)
Louis Wolf

Class of 1895
Nellie Barrington (Burrows)
John A. Burns
Rhea Carpenter (Hoke)
Herbert Cochley
Florence Conner (Colbert)
Robert Conner
Royal Davis
Ruth Harter
Nellie Hipskind (Walker)
Ethel Hutchens (Stevens)
Jean Hyman
Musa Moore (Six)
Margaret Plummer
Grace Price (Bent)
Claude Rice
Madge Richmeyer
Martin Rogers
Lizzie Sagstetter (Hahn)
William Sailors
Jeannette Strauss (Feist)
Pauline Sundheimer (Kenyon)
Helen Swarts (Schwab)
Florence Thomas (Hayward)
Blanche Thompson (Hulett)
Thurman Wagner
Grace Wallace (Helps)
Josephine Walter (Freeman)
Morton Weesner
Henry Wolf

Class of 1896
Ertha Aukerman
Blanche Beitman (Oppenheim)
Anna Conner (Jones)
Merta Gochenour (King)
Florence Hackleman (Skinner)
Charles Herff
Gertie Hockett (Gift)
Ethel Jackson (Jones)
Mazie Jackson
Nettie Jenks
Minnie Joliff
Florence Jones (Birch)
Rudolph Klare
George Little
Aaron Mandelbaum
Jean Marks
Marie Mergy (Henley)
Lucy Miles (Christman)
Florence Murphy (Stineman)
Earnest Pearson
Paul Ragan
Mabel Rorbacher (Carter)
Marie Rohbock (Blizzard)
Carrie Rolfe (Hutchens)
Florence Ross (North)
Will Rusch
Milton Simion
Clarence Smith
Minnie Stewart (Mcclintock)
Mabel Stitt (Weesner)
Paul Stitt
Fanny Swarts (Goodman)
Settie Swarts
Lola Talbert (Small)
Estol Wilson

Class of 1897
Nellie Alber
Bessie Baer
Emma Barnett  (Eby)
Leo Beitman
Frank Bent
Herbert Bigler
Blanche Bockman (Schwartz)
Frank G. Carpenter
Daisy Curtis (Adams) 
Louis Early
Edna Ebbinghouse (Williams)
Edith Edwards (Lawson)
Chessie Fowler (Reman)
Guy Gardner
Mae Good (Mcnamee)
Alice Haas (Howell)
Bessie Henry (Comus)
Miriam Hill (Walter)
Mina Kisner (Bridges)
Clarence Lininger
Robert Little
Robert Malloch
Ada Sargent (Heaton)
Daisy Seidner (Bachelor)
Carrie Shellhamer
Myrtle Sholty
Gertrude Simon (Wolf)
Charles Smith
Anna Sommers (Brooks)
Carrie Spencer (Collins)
Jesse Squires (King)
Bessie Stewart (Alexander)
Marie Stitt (Cowgill)
Maud Stober (Witt)
Eric Thompson
Helen Watson
John Williams

Class of 1898
Lucile Bannister
Florence Barnett (Votaw)
Ida Baumbauer (Gaylord)
Eva Brady (Mosier)
Florence Bruner (Jones)
Zoe Dearmond (Douglas)
Clark Dennis
Clayton Faucett
Margaret Finney (Stokes)
Rolland Gardner
James Hart
Zell Henley
Lucy Herring (Bigler)
William Hipskind
Rosetta Holloway (White)
Ralph Howe
Anna Hutchens (Hale)
Grace Jones (Crumrine)
Homer Jones
Winifred Lautzenhiser (Craft)
Grace Lines (Hazelton)
Shelda Marks (Rosenmeyer)
Clara Mccoy (Sellers)
Shirley Mercer
Elizabeth Miles (Hodges)
Quincy Milliner
Macy Overly
Nellie Plummer (Harvey)
Fred Risser
Beth Ross (Gillen)
Nora Ryan (Driscoll)
Effie Sailors (Schwab)
Lola Shirk (Needham)
Ethel Sholty (Cross)
James Showalter
Stella Simon (Marks)
Maud Swadley (Logan)
Flora Talbert (Sayre)
Beulah Thompson
Bertha Todd (Porter)
Jessie Walker
Fred Walter
Lenore Whitcraft

Class of 1899
No Class

Class of 1900
Elsie Aukerman (Sommers)
Lulua Baer
Mabel Bent (Ader)
Cornelia Blayney
Carrie Buffington
Edith Burke (Calvert)
Lucy Chapler (Carpenter)
Willis Compton
Pliny Crumrine
Thomas Fougeres
Gladys Gardner
Peter Goda
Ruth Goodlander
Madge Gray (Sage)
Nelle Hahn (Miracle)
George Heston
Emma Jenks
Edna Klare (Roff)
Essie Lynn (Childers)
Rose Mcnarney
Beatrice Mercer (Storey)
Ethel Moore (Chase)
Ella Moran
Virginia Murrel
Elsworth Smith
Nelle Smith
Frank Stewart
Essie Thorne (Stone)
Winifred Whitcraft (Gardner)

Class of 1901
Ethel Alber
Lena Alger (Wilson)
Gertrude Barnett
Marie Baubauer
Clarence Bent
Edith Bent
Lucretia Brady (Stouffer)
Mabel Carr
Vernon Clapp
Earl Dawes
Katherine Dillon (Thompson)
Paul Ebbinghouse
Minta Fisher (Lynch)
Bessie Gibbons (Leach)
Marie Gillen (Andrews)
Katherine Gochenour
Alberta Graden
Tina Guthrie (Brading)
Homer Halderman
Florence Hess (Colbert)
Herman Hipsind
Thomas Hipskind
Karl Keller
Ethel Klare (Meek)
Ethel Knight
Christine Kramer
Edith Lynn
Belle Milliorn
Bertha Miller
Marie Murphy (Bowen)
Ida Ply (Small)
Prue Rowan
Lula Showalter (Gamble)
Flora Simpson
Garl Small
Etta Smith (Keen)
Melville Sullivan
Bruce Ulsh
Alena Williams
James Williams

Class of  1902
Homer Aukerman
Frances Barnett (Hughes)
Irene Baumbauer (Durnbaugh)
John Birely
Jay L. Brown
James Chapler
Ella Clark
Mary Clark (Godrey)
Hazel Coate (Rose)
N.R. Colbert
Roy Dillon
Alvah R. Dubois
Lew Duncan
Adelaide Elward (Conner)
Lucile Ferry (Jones)
Eward Frash
Garl Gardner
Harold Gibson
Albert Good
Lucy Goodlander (Weigle)
Caroline Hipskind (Ferguson)
Edward Hipskind
Rosa Hipskind (Stouffer)
Jessie Hockett (Smith)
Alberta Howe (Hopper)
Paul J. Small
Georgia Jordan (Monroe)
Mary Lessig (Goldstein)
Marion Malloch (Jones)
Bessie Mariner (Neff)
Elsie Mariner (Yagerlander)
Aline Mergy
Lalan Moore (Dennis)
Dorothy Myers (Ranstetter)
Ola Pearson (Mellencamp)
Pearl Phillips
Faye Phillips (Denk)
Hazel Pike (Green)
Fanny Ragan
Nellie Richmeyer (Miller)
Hazel Roberts  (Davis)
Sarah Rogge (Wertenberger)
Esther Ross (Ebbinghouse)
Selma Simon (Cook)
Hazel Squires (Helwig)
Irvin Stanley
Moine Stitt
Tressie Teague (Groves)
Carl Thornley
Edward Weimer
Grace Werst (Payne)

Class of  1903
Eva Adams (Watson)
Edith Barnett (Smith)
Ethel Bent (Downey)
Frank Brannegan
Louise Conner (Teague)
Maud Dubois (Barnett)
Amy English (Pritchard)
Edgar Ewing
Mae Flinn (Iden)
Earl Foote
Nellie Goldie
Grace Hale (Richards)
Wurtem Jones
Grace Kisner (Fougeres)
Ruth Kohler (Daugherty)
Bessie Latchem
Grace Lautzenhiser (Oswalt)
John Lavengood
Ruth Mcconn (Spencer)
Rose Mills (Bond)
Glen O'rear
James V. Owen
Franklin W. Plummer
Miriam Rector (Fields)
Vida Ross (Laitem)
Myrtle Shively (Dufton)
Marie Skully (Young)
Margaret Smith (Petty)
Blanche Stewart (Chapler)
Jennie Stoops (Rinkenberger)
Nellie Sullivan (Arrick)
Frances Teague
Edith Thompson (Bethard)
Nellie Votaw (Ridenour)
Ella Webber
John Yagerlehner

Class of 1904
Georgia Alber
Carl Barnett
Jennie Brady (Thomas)
Floy Carr (Durnbaugh)
Inez D. Clapp (Gallagher)
Florence Coate
Edith Crain
Corral Dawes (Thomas)
Cora Deal (Stauffer)
Gervas Elliott
Bessie Gibbons (Manwaring)
Mary Hale (Donaldson)
Freda Haupt (Foyston)
Jessie Hoover (Helm)
Jennie Jester
Gouldie Kantzer
Willa Logan (Alger)
Leah Lynn (Jenks)
Hazel Mandlebaum
Charles F. Mcclure
Ethel Mcdonald (Jenkins)
Jessie Mcgrew (Furnish)
Harold Mcpike
Daisy F. Miller
Maud Miller (Mccandless)
Golda Milliner
Olive Milliner
Joseph Mills
Hazel Monson (Howard)
Donald D. Myers
Vance Nelson
Emma Nordquest (Dille)
Bessie Pearson (Miller)
Lawrence Rhoads
Jeannette Rinsberg (Neuman)
Ina M. Ross (Wilson)
Frost C. Sifert
Golda Simon (Gross)
Norman Simon
Verna Stockwell (Curtis)
Zona Tobias (Saine)
Phoebe Votaw (Baldwin)
Montus Werst (Fishback)
Harold Watson
Lucy Wilhelm
Billy Williams
Ethel C. Wilson (Gibson)
Homer Wilson
Roy Wilson
Vera Wilson (Hartman)

Class of 1905
Lucile Adams (Downey)
Ed Alger
Otis Alger
Eula Barnett
Delphia Bausman (Clark)
Maurice Braden
Alice Brett (Goodlander)
Oscar Bricker
Edgar Brodbeck
Glenn Buffington
Laura Carr (Philipy)
Tner Clark
Paul Colbert
Sam Cook
Marie Davis (Huff)
Thomas K. Davis
Faye Daywalt (Wakefield)
Victoria Doob (Wolf)
Beth Ebbinghouse (Hummer)
Edna Ferry (Bender)
Edith Freising (Smith)
Bessie L. Gilbert (Kellis)
Zertha Green
Lura Gurtner (Moy)
Lawrence Hess
Edna Hockett (Kennedy)
Elmer Hockett
Minnie Hoover (Orr)
Zoe Hutchins (Branson)
Gretchen Jessup (White)
Lela Keller (Martin)
James Kelly
Jean Mcmonigal
Gilbert Macy 
Bessie Newberry (Sweeney)
Altha Newhouse (Rader)
Jeannette Porter (Meehan)
Maud Potter (Sailors)
Hazel Rife (Paullus)
Edith Risser
Iva Rogers (Petty)
Julia Rogge (Gentry)
Raymond Rosenbaum
Mabel Shaull (Spencer)
Anna B. Showalter
Ruth Sittler (Melick)
Georgia Spencer (Fourth)
Lucile Spencer (Zimmerman)
Amy Stoops (Frantz)
May Sullivan (Makuh)
Marie L. Tilman (Davisson)
Mary Tilman (Caress)
Elza A. Unger
Marie Vrooman (Hughes)
Earl R. Walker
Mable Walker (Farr)
Gladys Wilson
Merlin Wilson

Class of 1906
Floyd Barnett
Clara Barton (Ruhl)
Marie Bechtol (Smallwood)
Ruth Bent (Corbus)
Loren Berry
Marie Burke (Willett)
Nellie Cassatt (Maris)
Blanche Coughlin (Smith)
Clarence Custer
Viola Daniel (Dickerson)
Murrel Dawes (Rife)
Lula Deal (Denny)
Frank Emrick
Leroy Eppley
Laura Flinn (Mickman)
Catherine Freeze (Dickover)
Leona Garrison (Thomas)
Maude Glazier (Putnam)
Manie Goodlander (Flora)
John Greenman
Anna Hansing
Otis Harris
Estella Hipskind (Wolf)
Samuel Hipskind
Hazel Johnson (Hazen)
Robert Langston
Paul Latchem
Elmer Mattern
Edith Miller (Richards)
Rose Oswalt (Hettmansperger)
Gertrude Pearson (Dearmond)
Ethel Roby (Langston)
Kenneth K. Roby
Kenneth D. Rose
Clare Schuler (Moody)
Bernice Stoops (Fosnough)
Greer Tilman
Cloyd Tobias
Grace Wagner (Palmer)
Carl Weesner
Glenn Wilson
Roger Wilson
Mayme Wright (Mattern)
Addie Wylie (Mcconn)

Class of 1907
Florence Alber (Zeller)
Carrie Badger (Warner)
Ruby Ball (Foster)
Rufus Blount
Kenneth Braden
Edith Brembeck (Pullman)
Myrtle Brewer (Goldsbarry)
Ralph Bricker
Marie Campbell (Myers)
Fern Carney (Elliott)
Clarence Cassatt
Lucile Craig
Georgia Gardner
Hazel Gillespie
James M. Haines
Mark M. Haines
Anna Hale (Murdock)
Arnold Harter
Maurice Healy
Homer Hipskind
Floyd Hoover
Orma Huddleston (Brewer)
Ruth Jackson
Vern Jenkins
Dolia Jones (Strey)
Ruth Jordan (Doherty)
Edna King
Robert Kunse
Floyd Lipscombe
Ida Livengood (Brubaker)
Lawrence Logan
Robert Logan
Reha Lowenberg (Burton)
Maud Mckinley (Forbes)
Raymond Mcpike
Mary Milliner
Elizabeth Myers (Owens)
Russell Newhouse
Roscoe Peebles
Elsie Pike
May Potter (Sadler)
Oren Pyle
Frank Rettig
Faye Richards (Mentzer)
John Richards
George Ridgeway
Helen Robertson (Little)
Esther Semans (Elder)
Arnie Smithee
Georgia Stiggleman
Vera Stone (Irelan)
Howard Walker
Mary Walker
Albert Wallace
Fred Whisler
Lydia Wylie (Harkness)
George Yarnelle

Class of 1908
Edna Ball (Tyer)
Milton Barnett
Hazel Bent
Pearl Blake
Amy Bradley
Gladys Brannegan
Arnold Bucholtz
Lola Dawes (Eppley)
Effie Dubois
Lester Eppley
Herbert French
Mearl Gidley
Jean Graden (Walter)
Nora Green (Dalton)
Madge Greer (Boyce)
Edna Harkness (Flora)
Martha Haupert
Ruth Houser
Vera Hughes (Hippensteel)
Clifton Jackson
Winona Jackson (Putnam)
Maizie Jennings (Arlens)
Helen Johnson (Logan)
Lola Langston (Pence)
Bertha Mcgriff
Mary Martin (Morrow)
Karl Mattern
Hazel Mertz (Buchanan)
Edith Moon (Elliott)
Floy Morrow (Guthrie)
Bynoe Reed
Gladys Rhoads (Myers)
Leah Rife (Pretorius)
Luie Ross (Uff)
Wilbur Shanahan
Arthur Simon
Clarence Smith
Walker Stiggleman
Rosalind Sweetser (Ford)
Samuel Taber
Eva P. Thompson (Bickel)
Grace Ward (Adams)
Hazel Whitcraft (Dukes)
Ethel White (Cook)
Marie Williams
Donald F. Wilson
Kenneth Yarnelle
Florence Young

Class of 1909
Glenn Baker
Irene Barcus (Rockwell)
Nell Ball (Unger)
Beulah Bausman (Dawes)
Walter Bennett
Carl Boyce
Edith Bradley (States)
Ralph Brannin
Gladys Bright (Tobin)
Minnie Brown (Brannin)
Velma Burke
Lawrence Carney
Addie Chandler (Hanger)
Harry Chapler
Helen Clark (Hipskind)
Florence Colbert (Brill)
Bessie Cook (Kalmeyer)
Frank Daugherty
Louise Davis (Kennard)
Harry Dawes
Luvea Degering
Helen Depuy (Yarnelle)
Grace Douglas (Kemp)
Lucille Duffey (Zintsmeister)
Floyd Duncan
Eula Fulton (Phillips)
Marcia Gardner
Ruth Garretson (Stewart)
Paul Guild
Lena Gurtner (Day)
Ada Haas (Bloomer)
Lydia Hess (Hausman)
Edna Hipskind (Scheerer)
Ruth Hipskind (Moore)
Dell Huddleston
Lemoine Jenkins
Victoria Jordan
Scott Kemp
Muriel King
Abessie Lasalle (Batchelor)
Minnie Lewis
Nellie Logan (Dickson)
Ned Lutz
Mary Lynn (Findlay)
Mildred Mccreary (Shepherd)
Warner Moone
Merrill Moore
Ruth Myers (Loghrey)
Nellie Otis (Ireland)
Lee Ridgeway
Mary Ridgeway (Stouffer)
Mary Ring
Fred I. Robertson
Thomas Rockwell
Donald Rodibaugh
Oliver Scott
Mabel Sherwin (Reno)
Vern Sholty
Albert Smith
Tennie Talbert (Bigham)
Iva Tilman (Baker)
Montrue Unger
Dayton Walker
Elbert Weist
Ruth Wooley (Sproat)

Class of  1910
Mildred Adams
Stella Ball (Parkings)
Michael Blew
Nelle Bright (Rogers)
Muriel Bruner (Smalzried)
Harriett Carr (Benham)
Pearl Closson (Adams)
Russell Coate
Imogene Conner (Watts)
Cleo Cooper (Mcmichael)
Howard Cooper
Helen Courtright (Sedgewick)
Laura Craig (Smith)
Mary Daugherty
Elva Evans
Paul Fred
Miriam Grant (Chandler)
Glen Gurtner
Karl Harris
Lura Harvey (Keesler)
Harry Hetzler
Mary Hickey
Cloe L. Holmes
Nellie Ivory (Bahler)
Bernice Jones (Hipskind)
Ethel O. Mccready
Hazel Mcginnis (Mckinney)
Golda Mcgriff (Gamble)
Jean Milliner
Claire Morgan
Hazel Morrow (Showalter)
Howard Morrow
Louise Naber
Mayme Rice (Bassen)
Lelah Rish
Elsa Showalter
Homer Showalter
Edna Slegelmilch (Harenour)
Clara Smallwood (Brown)
Mary Smith (Jackson)
Phoebe Snavelly (Wilson)
Cedric Stewart
Mrytle Stouffer (Early)
Marie Thomson (Wormser)
Bonnie Unger
Wellman Unger
Julia Walker
Edith Ward (Bridgeman)
Clarence Weesner
Ruby Wimmer (Rohrer)

Class of 1911
Lavon Adams (Northrop)
Lucille Altdoerffer (Smith)
Jessie Armstrong (Mcdowell)
Helen Beck (Sloop)
Lola Beelar
Hortense Braden
Ruby Brannin (Tryon)
Hazel Bridges (Miller)
Bertha Brolyer
Laila Brooks (Rettig)
Edna Brown
Ruth Carney (Vice)
Thomas Christman
Maud Marie Daugherty
Ada Ellibee (Cook)
Esther Flinn (Tinsley)
Leah Gardner (Pontius)
Helen Guild (Showalter)
Marjorie Halderman
Charles Hill
Edgar Hipskind
Vincent Hollopeter
Dorothy Houlihan (Fitzpatrick)
Leonard Huber
Holmes Hunter
Ruth Jones
Edith King (Dale)
Harriet King (Daugherty)
Paul Knight
Karl Kuldau
Wallace Lewis
Lucile Logan (Mcpike)
Leroy Lumaree
Lois Lutz (Mudgett)
John R. Lynn
Hervey Miller
Avery Morrow
Helen Naftzger
Beulah Needham (Kantzer)
Herbert O'brien
Minnie Oswalt (Clupper)
Bethlene Powell
Jennie Rammel (Roberts)
Ona Roby (Lines)
Lester Simon
Margaret Slegelmilch (Lingenfelter)
Anna Smith
Asa Smith
Sue Smith (Stevens)
Ruth Spencer (Jackson)
Harold States
Jewel Summerton (Murphy)
Ruby Vice (Towne)
Mildred Vigus (Ross)
Jeannette Wysong
Alice Zimmer (Murphy)

Class of 1912
Lawrence Brodbeck
Edith Burnworth (Haas)
Louise Conner (Fox)
Marie Cross (Hawley)
Orie Downey (Gilbert)
Elizabeth Everhard
Holton Ford
Mabel Grover (Schlemmer)
Emma Harter
Gertrude Haupert
Lloyd Hefner
Charles Hendorf
Mazie Huddleston (Sampson)
Dorothy King (Dillstrom)
Raymond Launder
Odin Livengood
Margaret Martin (Talmage)
Aline Mattern (Croll)
Ruth Mertz (Giles)
Ruth Metherel (Minnear)
Hubert Miller
Gladys Milliner (Bloomer)
Ruby Oswalt (Nesbit)
Maurice Shanahan
Howard Showalter
William H. Talbert
Isabelle Unkefer
Helen Wise (Tibbs)

Class of 1913
Esther Alber (Graf)
Philip Alber
Florence Barton (Plummer)
Fernice Bowman (Jones)
Vada Brooks (Matthews)
Devere Cain
Elizabeth Campbell (Follmer)
Lena Clauve
Marguerite Daughtery
Rena Downs (Hostettler)
Marie Epley (Hendricks)
Wilbur E. Ford
Mary Fraustein (Butler)
Vaughn Garrison
Earl Glenn
Lillian Grant (Baker)
Minnie Harkness (Jenks)
Nina Harvey (Sundheimer))
Frances Hayden
Wilbur Hibben
Bernard S. Hipskind
Etheldreda Hipskind (Endres)
Raymond Hipskind
Phoebe Lumaree
Frances Lynn
William D. Lynn
Walter Mccoy
Harry Mcquire
W. Cecil Mills
Fannie Morrow (Peters)
Susan Mossman (Route)
Miriam Oswalt (King)
Blanche Petty
Howard Plummer
Paul Pursian
Lela Reynolds (Mossburg)
Charles Ring
Mimo Semans
Frances Showmaker (Moyer)
Esther Simpson (Schroeder)
Howard A. Smith
Lorin W. Smith
Mary Spencer (Runyan)
Frank Steele
Ruth Sundheimer (Martin)
Bernice Troxel (Bedwell)
Howard Unger
Letha Urschel (Beamer)
Doris Williams (Brady)
Margaret Wilson (Mcgath)
Reginald Woodward
Mabel Yopst (Schlemmer)
Laura Zimmer (Campbell)

Class of 1914
Thomas A. Alber
Madeleine Alber
Neva Anderson (Mertz0
Marguerite Bauer (Watson)
Lola Beck (Stephens)
Ethel Bishop (Ferguson)
Ellen Bloomer (Grass)
Mary Bradley
Lewis Brett
Bernice Brooks (Closson)
Veda Browns (Berg)
Leewell Carpenter
Violet Colbert (Alexander)
Paul Conner
Donald Cross
Mary Davis (Benham)
Harold Dawes
Frances Embry (Shideler)
Ethel Esterbrook (Christman)
Alice Fountain (Hoare)
Helen Garner (Rockhold)
Lenore Hahn (Steele)
Genevieve Hanes
Elizabeth Harkness (Snowberger)
Ray Hayes
Franklin Hildebrand
Stanley Hipskind
Anna Huber
Marna Jonston (Barr)
Faye Jones (Summers)
Pharaba Jones (Smeltzley)
Deah Koon
Mary Mckahan (Vigus)
Bryan Martin 
Russie Masters
Kenneth Miller
Josephine Mitten (Phillips)
Odette Needham (Krantzer)
Edith Niccum
Howard Pullman
Anna Pusian (Martin)
Mabel Renner (Launder)
Emily Rettig (Brett)
Louise Rish (Pressler)
Ruth Rose (Kilgore)
Ola Roser (Jacobs)
Gladys Schaaf (Jenks)
Marie Schoel (Bowman)
George Slegelmilch
Bryan Sloop
Harold Sundheimer
Lulu Sundheimer (Creps)
Keith Tilman
Vesta Unger (Ridgeway)
Emma Wassman (Cross)
Mona Webster (Neihmeyer)
Golda White
Gladys Willians (Gill)
Vera Worth (Blanchard)

Class of 1915
Howard Adams
Velma Adams
Harold Butler
Raymond Clayton
Marian Conner
James Davis
Esther Everhard (Williams)
John L. Ford
Susan Fouts (Mcvicker)
Ruth L. Fowler (Coates)
Amy Garner (Mccomber)
Henrietta Gurtner (Hamer)
Ralph Kern
Galen Knight
Walter Mason
Gladys Moody (Van Ducen)
Mabel Morrrow (Elshire)
Paul Ralmer
Mary R. Rhoads (Hall)
Donald Semans
Albert Slegelmilch
Donald Snyder
Vera Summerton (Kisner)
Mary L. Switzer (Parker)
Kathryn Troxel
Ruth Tyner (Valentine)
Harry Ulsh
Floyd Van Ducen
Helen Vaughn (Zeigler)
Charles Wardwell
Katherine Weesner (Mattern)
Eloise Wilson

Class of 1916
Bernice Adams (Ford)
Elizabeth Alber (Mcgee)
Kenneth Alger
Richard Barnett
Velma Barnwell (Stillwell)
Evangeline Billings (Sunday)
Ruby Bradley (Kisner)
Frances Casey (Hipskind)
Russell Comer
Lois Elliott (Yarnelle)
James L. Evans
Vestal M. Fiant
Gertrude Flinn (Brower)
Cecil Follis
Eugene Goshon
Isabell Harkness (Rice)
Esther Harris
Irene Hoffman
Harold Hummer
George Jewett
Vera Johnson (Boys)
Leah Jones (Evans)
Veda Keller
Lucille Klinger
Anna Lichty (Newell)
Margaret L'amoreaux (Lynn)
Lorin Lynn
Harold Matthews
Mildred Milliner (Meredith)
Fred Naber
James C. Olive
Joseph J. Phillips
Hubert Reynolds
Lauron Rice
Howard Rish
Helen Shanahan
Ruth Simpson (Kline)
Vivian Smith
Willard Smith
Gladys Spencer (Eschleman)
Raymnond Stevens
Geraldine Stewart (Dawes)
Robert Stitt
Lorene Thompson (Crow)
Olive Unger (Elliott)
Esther Vigus (Lankford)
Marvel Walrod
Lola Watson (Lebrunn)
Margaret Wildoner (Mccallan)
Houston Woods
Ross Wright

Class of 1917
Barbara Alber (Foust)
Garl Baber
Genevieve Baer (Gongwer)
Ruth L. Beaver (Gillard)
George Biggerstaff
Mary Burt (Beem)
Ruth Clapp (Millspaugh)
Arnold Clauve
Merlin Clupper
Glen Coffey
Esther Conner
Lewis H. Davis
Honor Dennison
Kathryn F. Donovan (Marrer)
Raymond Elliott
Marian J. Flinn (Shaw) 
Richard Ford
Imogene Fowler
Marold Fudge
Robert Garner
Beatrice Jackson (Baber)
Robert Klein
Mildred Ladd (Macdougall)
Rettig L'amoreaux
Howard Lintner
Roland Mcdaniels
Vera Mcpike (Bowman)
Mary Mason (Thomas)
Leona Mattern
Dewey L. Palmer Maxwell G. Powell
Jessie Roser (Hawkins)
William Schreck
Francis W. Shields
Robert Slegelmilch
Nelle Smith (Hipskind)
Alyce Talmage (Shambaugh)
Nettie Tanner (Mills)
Della Tilman
Geneva Tyner (Skehens)
Neil Unger
Malcom Walrod
Worth Walrod
Henrietta Wassman (Small)
Wade D. Williams
Bruce V. Worth

Class of 1918
Hulda Armstrong (Koons)
Edith Arrington (Scheerer)
Herman Baker
Mary Biggerstaff
Freda Bradley (Peebles)
Jennie Brolyer (Mason)
James Butler
Florence Donovan (Geiger)
Kathryn Ebbinghouse (Ford)
Mildred Eikenbary (Eaton)
Raymond Elliott
Winifred Everhard (D'andre)
Emma Fraustein
Robert Gaunt
Thelma Gurtner
Cecillian Hahn
Louise Hubbard (Ebbinghouse)
Agnes Jones (Nail)
Dorothy Jones (Snyder)
Janey Jones (Mccaffey)
Lanore King (Miller)
Indian Kreider (Link)
Eleanor Lasalle
Mabel Liechty
Marjorie Mcclintock (Schlemmer)
Margaret Mccracken
Roland Mcdaniel
Freda Mcginnis
Doroth Malott (Gillespie)
Camilla Mathews (Morphet)
Marguerite Miller
Ruth Miller
Doris O'brien (Jewett)
Edna Palmer (Mehring)
Christine Payne (Kauffman)
Edith Pyle (Easter)
Frances Rigdon (Abbott)
Lemoine Rish
Vergil Roby
Rebertha Ruhl (Lightfoot)
Charles Rumpf
Mary Steele
Isabel Stewart (Ryan)
Jean Stitt (Grover)
Aline Sundheimer (Binks)
Luther Tilman
Mabel Weaver (Kessler)
Audra White
Louise Whitson
Alice Wilson (Huffine)
Frances Wilson (Israel)
Marguerite Yopst (Coffey)

Class of 1919
Josephine S. Adams
Martin A. Adams
Chauncey Airgood
Arnold Y. Alber
Merritt Barnes
Helen Bridges
Orn Burnworth
Cyril L. Clupper
Karl E. Elliott
Edith L. Garpow (Palmer)
Ruth C. Giver
Erma L. Hettmansperger
Lenore Hoffman (Larent)
Mary Holderman (Miller)
Irvin Knee
Robert Lasalle
Elizabeth Leland (Wilson)
Carmen Morris
Cornelia Morris
Darwin Pearson
Pauline Phillips (Potter)
Josephine Purdy (Spencer)
Ernest Rife
Lucile Roby (Urshel)
Josephine Rockwell (Moore)
Charles S. Rose
Mabel Schwab (Leslie)
Alice Shoemaker
Howard Smith
Valentine Smith
Edward L. Smithee
Henrietta Weinberg (Kaplan)
Nadine Wilcoxon (Elliott)
Frances V. Worth (Nevelle)

Class of 1920
Nelson Adams
Christine Butler (Farr)
Lenore Conner (Pearson)
Miriam Eikenbary (Simmonds)
Edith Endres (Anderson)
Guilford Gardner
Marcella Garpow (Mattern)
Ruth Gift
Mary Gillen (Beers)
Pauline Glazier
Martha Grafft (Coleman)
Catherine A. Hahn
Robert Hale
Jeannette Jefferies (Elliott)
Ruth M. Jones
Hilda Kerr (Copeland)
Geraldine Klinger (Heyde)
Bernice Lassond
Esther Luhman (Miller)
Thelma Lynn
Lorinda Miles
Marland Mills
Harry Morrow
Esther Musselman (Denny)
Florence Musselman (Trader)
June Nuzum
Margaret Payne (Birrell)
William Pearson
Melville Powell
Eleanor Schetzle
Mildred Schlemmer (Voss)
Carl Slegelmilch
Lucile Snyder (Lyle)
Helen Squires (Haymaker)
Marie Stonehour (Celroy)
Gladys Stoops (Buehrer)
Marie Weck (Balzhiser)
Mrytle Welch (Westerhauser)
Charles Zeller

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