Urbana High School Graduates 1910-1962

Urbana High School is located on Indiana 13 in the center of the community of Urbana. It was begun in l910 and consolidated in the Metropolitan School district in l962. This listing has been made using the records of the Metropolitan School District.

Transcribed by Ron Woodward - drwoodward@cinergymetro.net

Deaths are indicated with an asterisk * and, at times, the death date as reported in the local newspapers or cemeteries.
Married names are shown in parenthesis ( ) when known.

Class of 1910
Howard Cook *
John Koch *
Lawrence Pullman *
Eunice Renner *
Verl Sholty *
Bertha Speicher *
Leona Weck *

Class of 1913
Anna Beghtol *
Myra Cook *
Ethel Cripe *
Lona Cripe *
Myrtle Frushour *
Harry Keffaber *
Theo Koch *
Lelah Kratzer *
Alma Pullman *
Maurice Price *
Verna Sholty *
Camilla Speicher *
Naomi Speicher *
Carl E. Wasem *died 1978  WWI

Class of 1914
Forest Baer *
Guy Dustman *
Walter Kab *
Clarence Lauer *died 1970
Helen McLaughlin *
Charles Speicher *
Raymond Stoops *

Class of 1915
Gladys Bartholomew *
Eva Cripe *
Lorena Grimm *
Edith Pretorius *
Margaret Starz *
Delcie Staver *

Class of 1917
Wayne Baer *
Ralph Ditton *
Alice Speicher *
Harland Starz *

Class of 1918
Velma Amber *
Vera Frushour *
Fred Goehler *
Ruth Haupert *
Loren Karns *died 1958
Harold Lauer *died 1965
Loran Stoops *
Marie Zahn *

Class of 1919
Harold Speicher *died 1989

Class of 1920
Orpha Printy *
Mary Smeltzley *

Class of 1921
Morris Alger *
Charlotte Dillon *
Houston Dunfee *
Carl Eiler *
Martha Keaffaber *

Class of 1922
Verga Amber *
Lola Crabb *
Lucille Crabb *
Wilbur Dawes *
Edna M. Geist (Hirschman) *died 1996
Herbert Haupert *
Laura Haupert *
Everette Jeffery *
Harold Keaffaber *
LaMoine Kell *
Elaner Mattern *
Lillian Myers *

Class of 1923
Robert Amber *
Bennie Bechtold *
Gladys Dillon *
Louise Dunfee *
Irma Eiler *
Cora Fleck *
Katheryn Russel *
Olive Speicher *

Class of 1924
Harold Boardman *
Paul Haupert *
Miriam Keafaber (Ziner) *
Doyle Mattern *
Lewis Norwood *
Marie Speicher *

Class of 1925
Mark Beghtel *
Orville Chamberlain
Kenneth Dawes *
Raymond Keafaber *
Edward Miller *
Elmer Miller *
Mabel Maurer (Hall) *
Mildred Russell (Eiler) *
Virginia Speicher
Gilbert Weesner *
Mildred  Zintsmaster (Haupert) *

Class of 1926
Gerald Dean *
Donald Eiler *
Geneveee Oliver (Eaton) *
Eleanor Starz (Davis)
Helen M. Wolf (Hardman) *died 2000

Class of 1927
Merel Amber *
Avery Boardman *
Louise Conrad *
Mariam Gaston *
Harland Haupert *
Elmer Keaffaber *
O. Audra Kyner (Schnell) *died 200l
Delbert Mattern *
Opal Salesman
Edith Schmalzried (Guttrich) *
Lauren [Lawrence] Stewart *2008
Helen Ziner *

Class of 1928
Mary C. Baker (Brane) *died 1999
Beatrice Boardman *
Howard Brembeck
Otho Dillman *
George Guttrich
Kenneth Lefforge *
Gilbert Miller *
Virginia Niccum (Miller) *
Walter Weck *

Class of 1929
Mary E. Baker (Purdy) *
Paul Conrad *
Harold Hagee *
Nevea Hiner (Neher) *
Lavon Krom (Bates) *
Mary Schmalzried (Howard) *
John T. Wolf *died 1995

Class of 1930
Maxine Deal
Lelah Eiler (Guttrich)
Paul Koch
Maurine Mauer (Haupert) *
Paul Schmalzried *
Walter L. Wolf *died 1996

Class of 1931
Ralph Allman
Janice M. Bates (Freed) *died 2005
Winston Brembeck
Martha Capes
Lucile Driscoll (Barker) *died 1992
Leah Dunfee *
Waldo Finfrock *
William Guttrich *
Myrval Haupert *
Ralph Haupert *
Ralph Karns *
Norris E. Krom *died 1996
Frederick Schneider *
Violet  F. Zimpleman (Haupert) *died 1997

Class of 1932
Janice Bates (Freed)
Martha Deal (Mills)
Eileen Driscoll (Scheiber) *died 1993
Verna Gaston (Monce)
Glen Gurtner
Josephine Keever (Flory)
Alice Koch (Krauskopf)
Hubert Krom
George Latuzenhiser
Orland Lefforge
Edith Metzger (Hipskind) *died 2001
Ruth Miller
Helene Oliver (Neff)
Arley Rickert
Don Sholty
Evelyn Stewart (Diefenbaugh)
Robert Turnipseed
Howard Wolf *died 1998

Class of 1933
Warren Beeks
Lois J. Biehl
Ruth E. Conrad (Gottschalk)
Kathryn Haupert
Kenneth Haupert
Gladys Hipskind (Holycross)
Irene Hoover (Ridenour)
Maurice Maurer
Dan Schafer
Lorine Shambaugh (Miley)
Eugene Smith
Horatio Van Cleave
Marian Smith

Class of 1934
Maurice Bowen
Marjorie Deal (Miller)
Mary Hippensteel (McLaughlin)
Theda Karns (Hairrell) *
Kenneth J. Keaffaber *died 2001
Lawrence Koch
Edna Lautzenhiser (Wertenberger)
Lowell McLaughlin
Paul McLaughlin
Leonard Miller
Mary Schafer
Hayden Schenkel
James Shultz

Class of  1935
Maria Baer (Hoover)
M. Jeanette Beghtel (Kisner) *died 2000
Cole Brembeck *died 1996
Donna B. Clark (Hoffman) *died 2005
Virginia Clark (Curless)
Helen Gurtner (Alger) *died 4-14-1997
Mary Guttrich (Maurer)
Mary Haupert (Frieden) * died 2009
Thomas Haupert
Marion Lefforge
Mildred L. Miller (Forrester)
Helene Odum
Donald Norwood
Bettye Ullom
Lucella Wiles
Jacob E. Zimpleman *died 1995

Class of 1936
Pauline Baker (Dooley)
Jeanette Beghtel (Kisner)
Leona Driscoll (Campbell)
Max Faust
Lyle Hunsley
Martha Keever (Snider)
Wilbur D. Knight
Charlotte Koch (Eisenhart)
John Latuzenhiser
Ruth Schafer (Rich)
Ralph Shultz (Carter)
Treva Shultz
Mabel J. Smith (Havens)
Paul Stoops
James Urschel
Mary M. Wolf (Stratton)

Class of 1937
Katherine Allman (Dawald)
Kathleen Bammerlin (Williams)
Billy Bramlett
Donnabelle Clark (Hoffman)
Ray Clink
Jean Deal (Fanderlik)
Doris Deardorff (Haverstock)
Carey Goehler
Evelyn Haupert (Montel) *died 2006
Lois Haupert
Ruth Lefforge (Gall)
Dorothy Knight (Bramlett)
Mary Miller (Newman)
Thomas Noonan
Paul Rickert
Robert Shultz
Maxine Sholty
Rosanna Tucker
Mae Urschel (Peoples)
Janet Wolf  (Carmack)
Vern Zook

Class of 1938
Paul M. Brembeck
Geraldine Bush
John Day
Anna Driscoll
Arleen Hanna (Leckrone) *died 2005
Theda Haupert (Werking)
Geraldine Jefferson (McLaughlin) *died 2002
Marjorie Karns (Carey)
Roseleen Koch (Abel)
Richard S. Lauer *died 1996
Elizabeth Lautzenhiser (Emans)
John McLaughlin
Donald Mattern
Donald Pretorius
Arnold Yentes
Betty Yentes

Class of 1939
Mary Amber (Caranna)
Junior Bromlet
Gerald Dawes
Junior Faust
Arlene Hanna (Leckrone)
Howard Haupert
Jean Haupert (Hipskind) *
Lavonne Haupert (Behrman)
Phyllis Hiner
Jack Hipskind
Peggy Kratzer (Yarnelle)
Richard Lauer
Evelyn McLaughlin (Dickason)
Dale H. Morris
Betty Ogalsbee (Childers)
Paul Schafer
Robert Schanlaub
Nancy  Smith
Billie Ullom
John Weck
Viola Zimpleman

Class of l940
Betty Bammerlin (Peters) *
Kenneth Clark
June Driscoll (Weed)
Ruth Gahl
Ruth Gurtner (Chamness)
Jonathan Hansing
Mary Helvie
Bernice Haupert
Eugene Haupert
Eugene Miller
Everett T. Miller *died 2002
Ada Schenkel (Ulrich)
Dorothy Schmalzried
John Schmalzried
Betty Stark
Robert Stauffer
Charlotte Tucker (Hudson)
Anna Wolf (Faurot)
Janet Zook (Reahard)
Ruth A. Zook (Shock) *died 2005

Class of 1941
Ardis Brembeck (Witkoske)
Margaret Burnsworth (Miller) *
Betty Chamberlain (Cooper) *
Mary E. Chamberlain (Cooper)
Letha Clink
Virginia Devers (Bozarth)
Robert Driscoll * died 2009
Donald Duhamell
Arthur Haupert
Doyle Haupert
Lois Hiner
Virgia Hoover (Smith)
Ethel M. Koch (Wagner) *died 2001
Bonnie M. Lauer (Frieden) *died 2005
Pearl Latzenhiser (Miller) *
Willis Lautzenhiser
Bobby Morris
Mamie Perry
Max Pretorius (Stellar) *
Max Purdy
Phyllis Schanlaub (Myers)
Bruce Smith
Thelma Speicher
Junior Wasem
Eva Wilcox (Satchwill)
John Wilcox
Weber Willis
Donna Yentes

Class of 1942
William Dluzak
Leoda Gahl (Sands)
Marcella Haupert (Wilson)
Earleen Karns (Ulrey) *
Max Kester *
Kenneth L. Knight
Florence Miller (Snyder) *
James R. Pretorius
Leon Ridenour
Grace Schmalzried (Kester)
Margaret Stouffer (Powell) *
Ralph B. Ullom *died 1996
Anna Weck
Lois Yarnelle (Ullom)
Ralph Yentes

Class of 1943
Eleanor Hanna
Doyle R. Haupert *died 2005
Doris Hoover (Mattern)
Herman Myers
Louise Purdy )Martin)
Rex Ridenour *
Inez L. Schenkel (Hagenbuch) *
Lowell Smith
Hobart Wagner
Jeanne Webster (Rudig) *
Earl C. Wilcox
Robert E. Wolf
Maurice Young

Class of 1944
Leatha Mae Clink
Bob Carver *died 2001
Mildred G. Eiler (Driscoll) * died 2010
Arthur Gaston
Maurine Gemmer
Marcus Guttrich
Dean Haupert
Ruth Henderson (Pretorius, Baer) * died 17 Mar 2019
Edna Jackson (Yentes)
John Paul
Evalyn M. Pauling (McGill)
John A. Shoemaker
James Smith
Jean Whistler (Dale) *
Claude R. Wilcox *
Bobby L. Wilhelm
Paul D. Yentes *

Class of 1945
Edgar Brouhard
Doris Capes (Jenkins)
Joan Charles
Martha Dluzak (Shoemaker)
Juanita Eiler (Ranck) *
Jean Gaston (Fleck)
Glenn Haupert
Norma Hoover (Wilcox)
Phyllis Ireland (Morton) *
Roscoe Jackson
Anita Karns (Merrel) *
Junior Mattern
DeWayne Monce
Delores Prather (Wagoner)
Ruth Purdy (Hallett)
Richard Ranck
Lela Schenkel (Sale)
Jeannette Schmalzried (Schnepp)
Morris Speicher
Phyllis J. Stouffer (Lehman) *died 2006
Darl Wagner (Willcox)
Myron C. Wassen * died 9-16-2007
Dorothea Willcox (Biehl) *2008

Class of 1946
Jane Beghtel (Lewis) *
Doris Chamberlain (Paul)
Mary M. Driscoll (Meyer)
Betty Duhamel (Brumbaker) *
John D. Gaston *died 2001
James Henderson *
Jean Lautzenhiser (Yentes) *
Alice Miller (Stouffer)
Charlene Niccum (Roberts)
Jane Ziner (Winebrenner)

Class of 1947
Eldon Biehl
Max Capes *
Joan Grandstaff
Donald Haupert *
Harold Hiner
Mary Hoover
Mary Jackson (Morris)
Robert Leazenby *
Phyllis Pauling (Woinine) *
Ruth Stauffer
Vaugh Widmeyer

Class of 1948
Richard Amber
Joan Beghtel *
Max Beihl
Edward Carr *
Darle Dawes
Alice Dicken
Norma L. Eiler (Ross) *
Phoebe A. Faust (Langley) *
Myrval Guttrich
Donna J. Monce (Yentes)
Larry Olmstead
Joanne Stewart (Ferrer) *
Mary H. Stoops
Alan Urschel
Lois Wagner (Haupert)
Don J. Yentes *died 2005
Jo Ann Young

Class of 1949
Robert L. Cristee
Lloyd Driscoll
Doris Duhammell (Haupert)
Doyle Hoover
Anna L. Karns (biehl)
Betty King (Applegate) *
Beverly S. Kratzer (Tyner)
Robert Miller
Rhea Olmstead (Wilcox)
Marie Russell (Denniston)
Peggy Stewart
Gordon Wolfe

Class of 1950
Elva J. Bower (Rouch)
Harold R. Christie
Dean Dawes
Floy A. Eads
Bryce E. Eiler
Jeannine Eiler (Young)
Vivian Hardman (Shortreed)
Patsy Hiner (Ballard)
Joann Mercedes
Phyllis A. Morris (Angelidis) *
Armond Pauling
Barbara L. Pressler (Lynn)
Mary J. Purdy (Anderson) *
Larry H. Urschel
Don T. Wilhelm

Class of 1951
Doris L. Bower (Bever)
Marjorie L. Capes (Eib)
Patricia E. Carr *
Roger Deal *
Leonel Duhammell
Porter L. Eads *died 2003
Kay L. Freed *
Max Gaston *
Dale Haupert
Shirley Lautzenhiser *
Billy Lester *
Lavon Michel (Behny)
Jimmy Niccum *
Lorna Prather (King)
Duane Wagner
Dean H. Wilhelm

Class of 1952
Diane Beghtel (True)
Rita A. Driscoll
Don Eiler
Billy Gahl
Irene Hoover (Donaldson)
Jim Hudson
Lowell Karns
Loyle Karns
Virginia Purdy (Madsen)
Donald Ranck
Daniel E. Speicher
Judy K. Stouffer (Sellers)
Ted Wittke

Class of 1953
Max Chamberlain
Toby Grey (Smith)
Alice Henderson (Scotten)
Lowell E. Haupert *
Ethel M. Hoover (Fogel)
Tommy Pobst
Janet Rice (Fitch)
Betty L. Russell (Blair) *
Carol S. Russell *2008
Mary C. Wittke (Lengel)

Class of 1954
Muirel Bower (Tyson)
Delores Cripe (Timberman)
Loretta Dunham (Reber)
Todd Eiler
Wanda Eiler (Frehse)
Larry Lauer *died 31 Mar 2007
Robert Long
James Mattern *
Donna Prather (Nusbaum)
Max W. Reed
LaVicie M. Weaver (Runkel)
Joe Wilcox

Class of 1955
Joann Bartoo
Nancy A. Biehl (Chamberlain)
Terry L. Burris
Betty L. Carroll (Wilcox)
Cynthia Hairrel (Nolan)
Donald R. Hardman
Sharon A. Koch *
Louise Monce (Lambert) *died 2001
Vincent Noonan
Hallis Pressler
Emma L. Osman (Roberts)
Janice S. Rife (Pitts)
Rochelle A. VanDeGrift (DeHaven)
Philip Weck

Class of 1956
Eugene Carroll
Sylvia J. Carver (Jacobsen)
Betty M. Colclesser (Benson)
Larry Eads
Delores K. Eiler (Holycross)
Doris Gardner (Eads)
David Gaston
Philip Goebel
Gary Grey
Karl Hardman
James W. Haupert *died 2006
Sandra L. Haupert
Harvey Hoover
Hilda Jacobsen (Speicher)
Norman Knee *
Virginia Kotterman (Beattie)
Larry E. Mast
David Monce *died 1 Nov 2007
John Mullinix
Jack A. Randall
Dorothy E. Reed (Brouhard)
Patricia J. Rife (Bills)
Norman Rogers
Jim Rosen
Jim Zimpleman *

Class of 1957
Sally Bartoo (Merciez) *
Nancy Bates (Mast)
John Bower
Chris Brouhard *
Kenneth Cooper
Jon D. Grey
Janice K. Harden
Leslie Harden
Jerry Hudson
Betty J. Kellum (Robinson)
Ruth King (Reed)
Jim Krom
Patricia Lewis (Meyer)
Danny Long *
James Monce *
Joseph Noonan
Lois Prather (Hacker)
Donna F. Rogers (Carr)
Carolyn Stouffer *
Tommy Wilcox
Bill Winebrenner

Class of l958
Roberta Akers (Stewart)
Betty Bates (Bates)(Calloway)
June Bowman (Noonan)
Wayne Dawes
Wendell Dawes
Peggy S. Eads (Dilling)
Stephen Gilbert
Karen Goebel
Nancy Hoover (Neher)
Sally Jacobs (Lawson) *
Sandra D. Jester (Hartman)
Karmen K. Karns (Caruso)
Pat Keaffaber (McNabney)
Marvin Mast
Myrval Miller
Marjorie E. Monce (Wolf)
Mary A. Weck (Mast)
Shelvia J. Wilcox (Hetzler)

Class of 1959
James Bidwell
Marcella E. Cripe (Palmer)
Chad Dilling
William R. Hoover *
Judy M. Hudson (Rice)
Lonnie R. Jacobs
Susan K. Lewis (Abernathy)
Jack D. Krom
Larry D. Meyer
Marlin C. Miller
Patricia E. Monce
James W. Pobst
Nancy J. Reed (Meyer)
Larry L. Rice *2008
Nancy J. Shaffer (Miller)
Winston J. Stewart *
Dale Williams

Class of 1960
Arlene Antrim (Smith) *
Sharon Bowman (Lindzy)
Tom Eads
Larry Finnegan
Bonita Graft (Gill)
Davetta Holycross (Norris)
Wanda Kellams (Blackman)
Kay Knee (Hapner)
Dan Knee
Joan Koch (Trusner)
Terry Lloyd
Pat McLaughlin
Bill Maurer
Bette Rosen (Fitch)
Wayne Stouffer *
Sharon Tyner (Gilbert)
Pat Wetzel (Nelson)
John Wilcox

Class of 1961
Rebecca Amber (Ramsey)
Charles Cormany *
Ronnie Frieden
Kenneth S. Hoover
Larry Hoover
Judith Kendall (Ringel)
Larry Koch *
James Lefforge
Margaret Lefforge (Bailey)
Clair Lynn
Mike Meyers
Marilyn Monce (Hiscott)
Brent Norris
Marca Niccum (Snook)
Darwin Pressler
Sally Rife
Dan Roth
Brenda Shaffer (Miller) *
Donna Weaver (Harstine)
Eileen Weck
Gary Wilcox
James Wittke *

Class of 1962
J. Lynn Amones
Beatrice Bower (Reed)
Robert Carroll
Gene Coonfare
Mary E. Cripe (Hornung) *died 1995
Sam Fineegan
Karen Frieden (Wilson)
Robert Haupert
Dueane Keaffaber
Nancy Lewis (Odle) *
Jerry Long
Linda Mattern (Hoy)
Evelyn Miller
Roger Pattee
William Plough
Karen Rogers (Hoover)
Ronnie Roth * died 16 Mar 2019
Alice Russell (Reahard)
Fred Wilcox *
Rebecca Wolf (Zolott)
Shirley Wright (Anderson)

Rose Cristle
George Frushour
William Frushour
Hildreth Mason
Audra Richardson
Treva Shoemaker
Ethel Sholty
Myriam Speicher

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