Linlawn High School Alumni 1908-1952

Linlawn High School began in 1908. It was located on Mill Creek Pike west of the intersection with the Yankee Road. In 1952 it was consolidated with Chippewa into Noble Township High School. The list of graduates from l908 - l9l0 was taken from the yearbook 1962 Treasure. Other records were taken from the Metropolitan School District files.
Asterisk * indicates deceased.
Names in parentheses ( ) indicate married name when known.

Transcribed by Ron Woodward.
Additions and corrections can be sent to

Class of 1908
Lorin Elliott *
Lamoine Gilbert *
Howard Ridenour *
Russell Stouffer *died 1970

Class of 1909
May Malone *
Lyle Smith *
Lawrence Stanley *

Class of 1910
G. Gordon Downey *died 1991
Hazel F. Early (Kisner) *
Paul Stouffer *died 1938
Levi Wilson *
Sylvan Wilson *

Class of 1911
Ruth V. Snyder *
Edith Stanley *
James Stone *
Carl Stouffer *

Class of 1912
Lewis Dale *
Pearl Denney  (Cassady) *
Ruth DuBois *
Archie Fall *
Elizabeth Haupt *
Claude Ridgway *
Flossie C. Tippey  (Elliott) *
Raymond Wilson *

Class of 1913
Lida Albright *
Iona Cooper *
Hazel Deeter  (Lynn) *
Flossie L. Early  (Williams) *
Pearl Jenks (Pease) *
Ruth McKinney (Harrington) *
Reid Shambaugh *
Pauline Shellhamer (Barnett) *
Lenore Thompson *
Hannah Wilson *

Class of 1914
B. Bernice Barnett (Bradley) *
Lenore M. Barnett  (Wilson) *
Willie Dale *
Norris Eppley *
Ruth Pearson *
Emma C. Schuster (Schafhauser) *
Merrit Tippey *
Allen Wilson *

Class of 1915
Howard Dale *
Esther Gibney *
Guilford Peebles *

Class of 1916
Mary E. Gibney (Hettmansperger) *died 2000
Ethel F. Jones  (Stouffer) *

Class of 1917
Elsie Ridenour *
Max Ridgeway *
Wayne Slagle *
Paul Spencer *
Clarkson Wilson *

Class of 1918
Mildred Barnett  (Meyer) *died 1992
Winifred Jenks *
Ralph Miller *
Earl Stouffer *

Class of 1919

Class of 1920
Dorothy Prickett

Class of 1921
Paul Gillespie
Herschel Roby *died Sep 1970
Dale Shellhamer
Pauline Thompson

Class of 1922
Herbert Badgett
Charles Bricker
Jacob Gillespie
Alice Gurtner
Bernice Keafaber
Louise Keafaber
Florence Smith
Martha Trent
Everett White

Class of 1923
Ruth Bowlby
Mary Bowman
Hilda Gurtner
Maxine Keller
Dwight Ridenour *died 1990
Ruth Schnar
Daniel Votaw

Class of 1924
Lewis Baker
Ardath Gurtner
Emma Harvey
Keith Keafaber
Velma Marks
Amy Ridenour
Willard Rohrer
Olive M. Shambaugh (Harshbarger)
Louise Williams (Roser)

Class of 1925
Anna Bowman
Eldon Carlin
Edna Gillespie
Ruth Miltenberger
Ruth Putnam (Powell)
Ralph W. Ridenour *died 2000
Howard Roby
Mabel Unger Huber *died 11-18-1970
Elizabeth Voris

Class of 1926
Elizabeth Barnett (Berkebile)
Hazel Carlin (Donaldson)
Ava Cullers
Helen Curless
Mary Curless
Wilbur Curless
Gilbert Garrison
Guilford Gurtner
Geraldine M. Huddleston (Harper)
Daisy Lewis (Schuster)
Eldon L. Landis *died 1996
Ralph Lynn
Josephine Peebles (Carter)
Louise M. Story (Watson)
Helen Tomson (Garpow)
Violet L. Williamson (Woods)

Class of 1927
Floyd Cain
Jeanette Hunt
Eldon Landis
Pauline Pettit
Ethel Powell (Bricker) *died 1992
Paul Richards
Kenneth Unger
Pauline Ulshafer
Wendel Votaw
Panel Walker
Carl Widmyer
Theodore Wolfrum

Class of 1928
Everett M. Allen
Mary Allen
Paul A. Beaver
Harry Berlan
James Bricker
Bernard A. Harris
Richard Layman
Alice Myers
Millard Ridenour
Mary F. Shambaugh

Class of 1929
Morris Bricker
Kenneth Cooper
Helen Curless
Mary Curless
Roland DuBois
Elizabeth Garrison
Leslie Hunt
Rachel Kaufman
Vivian Ogan
Paul Peebles
Milton Richards
Donald Ridenour *died 1983
Nina Ridenour
Versel Ridenour (Richards)
Violet Rohrer
EmmaLou Shambaugh
Lillian Shambaugh
Maude Thomas (Mullett) *died 2002
Quentin Votaw

Class of 1930
Maude R. Christman (Parks)
Billy Gurtner
Ida M. Knipp
John Layman
Raymond E. Lytle *died 1995
Forrest Miller
Marie H. Murphy (Gilley)
Gene Pottenger
Miriam Rogers
Elizabeth Stouffer (Miller)
William Strasser
Dorothy B. Tomson (Shivers)
Austin Votaw
Dean Walker
Paul Wolfrum

Class of 1931
Ernest Barnett
Robert Barnett
Eugene Bright
Larry Curless
Robert Cooper
Hazen Denney
Sarah O. DuBois (Colby)
Margaret Eltzroth (McNeeley
Mary L. Garrison (Wolfrum)
Frances Glass (Rish) *died 2001
Lucille Hayes (Johnson)
Dorothy Jones (Burke)
Lucille Jones
Russell Pettit
Josephine Stone (Denney)
Aline Stouffer (Myers)
Kathryn Talbert (Couts)
Ruth A. Unger (Albaugh) *died 1996
Gertrude Walsh (Mason)
Grace L. Williams (Krom) *died 2002
Verona Wolfrum (Pettit)

Class of 1932
Iona Bowlby
Murrel Campbell
William E. Davis
Robert Early
Larry Gidley
Howard Herron
Joe Hunt
Gathel Joy
Lucile Jones
Margaret Kendall
Lois Lambert
Mary E. Landis
Louise Mendenhall
Dorothy Odum
Norma Pottenger
Paul Weimer
Robert Williamson
John Zimmerman

Class of 1933
Lucile Arnett (Beher)
Martha Bright
Mildred Brown (Dillman) * died 2010
Minerva Brown
Richard Bussard
Devon Daihl
Rhea Denney0
 Hubert A. Dubois
Robert Dyson *died 2002
Emery Eltzroth
David Glass
Cleo Halleck
Marjorie Hayes (Eckelbarger)
Laura J. Keller
Marcella M. King (Klinger)
Eva Knipp (Miller)
Robert Lytle
Byron Mendenhall
Donald Porter
Paul Ridenour
Ruth Ridenour
Edna Ross (Gaunt)
Evelyn F. Row
Katherine M. Stouffer (Vrooman) *died 1991
Golda P. Thompson (Allen) *died 2002
Lois Tyner
John D. Weesner
Hazel Williams (Cecil
Opal Williams (Cooper)
Robert Williams

Class of 1934
Samuel Barnett *died 2-26-2007
Virginia Barnett
Mary A. Brown (keppel)
Maxine Brubaker (Finnell)
Robert Brubaker
Kenneth Bryant
Joan Cleland
Raymond Crist
Freida G. Curless (Bashore) *died 2006
Robert Curless
Morman Dawald
Martha Daugherty
Helen E. Dawes (Fox)
Kenneth Eppley
Floyd Faust
Gertrude Garrison (Burkhart)
Crystal L. Halleck (West)
Avis Hunt
Gayle Kamp
Wayne Kirby
Ruth A. Lynn
Merritt Miley *
John Peebles
Opal Robbins
Ruth Small
Oneida Smyers (Smith) *died 10-23-1985
Roger Vrooman

Class of 1935
Freida Curless (Bashore)
Irvin Custer
Geraldine Eltzroth
Lucille Frank (Faust) *died 1993
Ernest Garner
Thelma Garrison (Brown)	 * died 2009
Margaret Graves (Roser) *died 1992
Evelyn Kerlin
Martha Kirby
Lois E. Lambert
Ruby N. Lewis (Meyer) *died 2000
Chester Ogan * died 2010
Marvin Ridgeway
Allen Routt
Peter Smith
Arbutus Williams
Elmer E. Wolf

Class of 1936
Russell Barnett
John Bever
Mary J. Bogges
Kenneth Bryant
Eugene Cooper
Eileen Courter Truss *2008
Helen Davis
Betty Early
Lois E. Elliott (Gill)
Clarence Eltzroth
Mary G. Engleman (Weisenberger)
Carl Eppley
Velma Eppley (Ridenour)
Harry Faust
Alton Jenkins
Arline Kirby
Marjorie E. Lloyd
Allen Lynn
Marcella Niccum (Unger) *died 1997
Adeline Pearson
Alice Putnam (Curless) *died 1998
Martha Putnam
Maxine Ridgeway (Peebles) *died 2002
Esther Ross (Hickey)
Arline Row (Manning)
Gerald Scott
Clinton Smyers
Adrian Stouffer
Robert Sumpter
John Unger * died 2009
Orland Unger
Idabelle Votaw (Butler)
Loren L. Williams
Opal Williams
Glen Zook

Class of 1937
Alma Marcil Albright
Louise Barnett (Kusiak) *died 1994
Allen Bright
Martha Bryant
John Henry Custer
Jeanne Daughtery *died 2001
Kenneth Elzroth
Francis Finnegan
Helen E. Gephart (Williamson)
Eleanor Gill (Flynn) * died 2010
Velora Halleck
Harry Hayes
Janet Kendall (Meyer)
Kenneth Kendall
Edna Leohard
Ralph Lyttle
Robert Meyers
Paul Nicely
Ruth A. Ogan (Wall)
Paul Porter
Ruth Pully (Thrush) *died 2002
Barbara Routt (Biggs)
Fredrick Routt
William Rupert
Mary Stone
Francis Stouffer
Paul Stouffer *died 1998
Martha Tomlinson (Whinery)
Mitchell Williamson

Class of 1938
Lois Cole (Behny)
Betty Cook
John Custer
Merel J. Graves
Perry Kaufman * died 2010
Robert McCulloch
Mary C. Schlemmer
Robert C. Shellhamer *died 1996
Robert Smith
Betty J. Stone
Gene Tharpe
Lois Vrooman (McCullough)
Martha White
Emilou Whitehead (Deafenbaugh)
Ivadean Williams (Armstrong) *died 1989

Class of 1939
Ruth Barlow
Milton Barnett
Ralph Barnhouse
Frank Bever
Pauline Bond (Timmons)
Donald Clupper
Merele E. Custer
Nathan Daugherty *died 2005
Doris Elliott (Souder)
Virgil Elzroth
Donald Emrick
Ruby Gant
Kathryn Halderman (Dillman)
Mary A. Hollingshead
Richard Hoover
Richard Jenkens
Isaac W. Kendall *died 2001
Robert King
Earl McGuire
Dorothy J. Martin (Timmons)
Jack Mendenhall
Jeanne Murphy (Trisler)
Lucille Rogers (Smith)
John Routt
Virginia Smith
John C. Stone
Ruth Stouffer
Eugene Wilson

Class of 1940
Dorotha Barlow
Ruth E. Binkerd
Martha J. Brown (Young)
Helen L. Cole (Bakehorn) *died 2002
Martha E. DuBois
Marcella M. Emrick (Landis)
Russel Eppley
Naomi Finkenbiner *1999
Avis Fordyce (Feathringill)
Robert Fordyce
Paul Glass
Maurice Halleck
Merrill Kendall
John R. Lynn *died 2002
Dorwin Mendenhall
Kathleen Miller (Titus
Mike Mindala
Bob Oliver
Ivan B. Rinearson
Doris Schaaf
Milton Stitz
Martha Stone
Delores Weesner
Lilly Whitaker
Dorothy Wilson

Class of 1941
Betty Baldinger
Donald Cochran
Virginia Courter (Weiss) *died 2009
Richard Dale
Dorothy Dawes (Mattern) *died 1993
Mary Dotson
Charles King
Freeman Mathis
Stanford Mendenhall
Erma L. Metzger (Dawson)
Victor Odum
Frank Pearson
Max Pippenger
Ethel Ridenour
Junior Ridenour
Kathleen M. Shambaugh (Yoder) *died 8-12-2006
Rebecca Shoemaker
James Smith
Max E. Snyder *died 2005
Vernice Steel
Hubert Weesner

Class of 1942
Donald Armstrong
Walter Coldren
Joseph W. Cooper *died 2005
Edith Deafenbaugh
Roberta M. Deardorff (Brinegar)
Myrtle Dyson
Edson Finkenbiner
Lionel Fordyce
Frances  Halderman
Janet G. Hawkins (Wolfal) *died 2009
Marjorie Hawkins (Sparling)
Margaret Lynch (Allison)
Howard O'Dell
Raymond Reed
James Schetzle
Arthur J. Tinkel *died 2001
Junior Tinkle
Gloe Vrooman
Mary J. Vernard
Virginia Waymire
Willodean Weimer (Rakestraw)
Mary H. Weisenbarger
Danny Whitehead

Class of 1943
Mary Adams
Frances A. Binkerd (Martin)
Robert Burt
Cleo M. Carter (Morris)
Charles Cox
Betty Dickey
Martha Dyson (Hughes)
Ruth Elliott
Robert Ellison *died 2006
Dorothy Frank (Weitzel)
Richard Frank
Sheldon D. Helms
Gene Hoover
Anna M. Hunt (Halderman)
Robert Huss
George N. Kendall
Charlene Knee
Betty McElwee
Robert Martin
Mary K. Moore (Eddingfield)
Nevin Murphy
Virginia Pearson
Doris Peters
Anna M. Quinn
Jesse Reed
Mary J. Roderick
Gladys Ross
Davis Schaaf
Doris Shillinger (Schnar)
Jane Speicher
Donald Smith
Miriam L. Stone (Whitcraft)
James Weesner
James Wiley

Class of 1944
Burnell Barnett
Charlotte Barnette
Thomas Bever
Marjorie Emrick
Helen Hunt (Smith)
Charles A. Johnson
John Martin
Robert Metzger
Bonnie J. Reed (McVicker)
Marjorie R. Roser (King)
Wendell Snyder
Martha J. Stouffer (Biehl)
Robert H. Stouffer *died 1994
Vernon Waymire
Louis Udell

Class of 1945
Gene Custer
Richard Early *
Betty Garrison
Helen L. Kaufman (Roser)
Richard Lambert *
Evelyn Miller (Futrell)
Ruth Pollitt
Donna Rife (Thompson)
Eloise Shanafelt (Unger)
Traverse L. Shanafelt *died 2002
Abige Smith
Emmalou Stitz (Whistler)
Jack Thompson
Tommy Waymire
Richard Weesner *
Melvin Dean "Hardwood" Whitesel
Emmalou Wilson *died 1995

Class of 1946
Mary F. Barnett (Bell)
Francis Custer
Rachel A. Dale (Stanley)
Laurence Denney
Sarah Elliott (Kroggel)
Valette Eppley
Charles Hoover
Sarah Houlihan
Lawrence Jamerson
Shirley Lundquist
Mary L. Mansfield (Rohrer)
Louise Ogan
Robert Penn
Martha A. Pond  (Chamberlin)
Ronald Reed
Mary Roser
Kathryn Sailors (Scholes)
Martha Spitler (Kay)
Jerry Stouffer
Maxine L. Vandegrift  (Howard)
Donald Waymire

Class of 1947
Peggy L. Baer (Bever)
Grayston Campbell
Robert D. Coldren
Richard Dyson
Merrill Hobbs
Robert E. Jackson
Lewis Jamerson
Robert Jordan
Doris Kaufman (Williams)
Lois M. Mansfield (Rohrer)
Joyce A. Minnear
James Paul
Patty K. Smith
Robert Smith
Wilma J. Tyner (Collins)
Robert Ward
Beach Whitaker
Donald Wilson

Class of 1948
Wayne D. Baer
Betty Barlow
Mary L. Denney
Gwendolynn Farley
Morris L. Ford *died 2006
Gary Fordyce
Wilbur Frank *2008
Paul Keel
Jane Niccum
Vivian Ogan
Gne Pottenger
Joann Rife
Naomi Sailors (Davenport)
Lavonne Shoemaker
Patty A. Smith
Mary Stoops
Margaret Stouffer
James Van Camp
Jack Weesner
Barbara A. Whitehead (Merville)

Class of 1949
Fred Aukerman
Anna J. Axe (Weller) *died 1993
Isaac Binkerd
Joan Burnell
Constance Clark (Storm)
Phyllis Crull (Bailey)
Larry Curless
Donald Dale
Donald Denny
Ralph Dyson
Marilyn M. Garrison (Denny) *2008
Donald Harnish *died 2010
June Knable (Caudill)
JoAnn Kroft
Billy McGinnis
Jean Mowrer
Rex Nielsen
Harriet Peebles (Early)
Joan Potterf (Hairell)
Earl Raver
Delores A. Roser (Schulz)
Eugene Spitler
Robert Van Camp
John Winters
Robert Winters

Class of 1950
Barbara Barlow
Gail Baublet
Joann Bender
Jean A. Brown
Curtis D. Carpenter
John Dale
Carol Denny
Miriam Eppley
Morris Ford
Wallace Hunt
Martha Keel
Theodore McNabney
John Marvin Niccum
Alan Oswalt
Norma Pottenger
Richard L. Prickett
Fred Reed
Joseph Schindler
Juliann Shillinger
John Thompson
Pat Truss
Janice Vandegrift
Harold Walters
Janet J. Waymire
Ralph Whitaker
Clara M. Wilson
Merrell R. Wilson
Barnett Wolfrum
Jerry Young

Class of 1951
Mary L. Allegree
Johnny Baer
Patty Baer
Norma J. Cox
D. Jean Crull
Deloris DeArmond
Robert Dyson
Lela Eppley
Lois Eppley
Lewis E. Goodwin
Otto Hamm
Lillian Harnish
Dick Hobbs
James L. Hoy
Bill Huddleston
Joann Keel
Neil Kershner
Lawrence Kirby
Danny Paul
Donald Pries
Barbara Ray
George Roser
Wayne Sparling
Eugene J. Speicher
Alma Stoops
Hazel E. Tait
Lois Tyner
Charlene Votaw

Class of 1952
Larry D. Anderson
George Barlow
Merritt D. Bennett
Dick Binkerd
Raymond Bland
Carolyn Clark
Lea B. DeArmond
Virginia A. Dyehouse
Eilean Eltzroth
Judith Hoy
Neil Kershner
Robert Kiefaber *died 2010
Lawrence Marks
Geneva Parson
Joseph Ridenour
Shirley Ann Ridenour (Ross) *died 2000
Ann Rish
George Roser
Doyle Ross
Rebecca Schuster
Donald Stouffer
Duane Truss
Joseph Votaw
Becky Weesner
Dickie Werking

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