Jackson Township
Tippecanoe County, Indiana

ASHER, John 22 -- Laborer In Reg. Not known
BALDIS, John 30 86th Farmer In None
BETSEL, George 25 63rd Laborer 3 month Discharged
BIBLE, John 21 72nd Farmer In None
BIRCH, Ewry 17 40th Laborer In None
BOYD, John P. 22 40th Laborer In None
BRAUNAM, Landes 22 11th Laborer In None
BROWN, Harrison 24 10th Farmer In None
BRYANT, John 20 15th Ind. --- In None
BYERS, David 22 -- Farmer In None
CALAHAN, Wm. H. 31 72nd Carpenter In None
CALHOUN, John 32 40th Laborer In None
CARROLL, Joseph 30 86th Farmer In None
CASSEL, John M. 18 15th Laborer In None
CLARK, Michael M. 26 4th Cavalry --- In None
CLASPILL, William 20 15th Laborer In None
COBB, Uriah 28 72nd Laborer In None
CONNELL, Charles 21 15th Farmer In Discharged, Disability & Disability still exists
CONNELL, James A. 24 40th Farmer In None
CONNELL, John K. 22 40th Farmer In Transferred to Randolph
CONNELL, Moses 37 40th Farmer In None
CONNELL, T. B. 23 72nd Farmer In None
COOK, Alex? 17 16th Laborer In None
CROSE, G. W. 21 72nd Farmer In None
CROUSE, Wm. O. 21 18th Artillery Laborer In None
DUNCAN, Alex 24 18th Artillery Laborer In None
EDWARDS, Hardin? 23 72nd Laborer In None
ELLIOTT, James Y. 25 40th Farmer In None
ELLSWORTH, Thomas 21 40th Laborer In None
ELROD, Samuel 20 40th Laborer In None
EVANS, Benjamin 23 40th Farmer Deceased None
EVANS, Francis M. 24 18th Artillery Farmer In None
EVERETT, Fred. --- --- --- --- None
FERGESON, John 25 86th Laborer In None
FERGUSON, Isaac 19 86th Laborer In None
FITZGIBBON, Martin 35 35th Laborer In None
FLANAGAN, Martin 21 20th Laborer In None
FLANAGAN, Michael 19 15th Laborer In None
FLINN, Michael 32 72nd Farmer In Transferred to Randolph
FORD, John 21 41st Laborer In None 
FURGESON, Howel 24 20th Farmer In None
GARBER, Othneal 23 40th Laborer In None
GREENBERG, John 20 72nd Laborer In None
HADSON, Richard 22 15th Laborer In None
HAINS, Charles G. 17 72nd Laborer In None
HAINS, Cornelius 19 40th Laborer In None
HAINS, Hesakiah 21 60th Laborer In None
HAMILTON, James 19 15th Farmer In None
HAMILTON, John 19 10th Farmer Out Died in hospital Ky.
HAWK, Benjamin 19 15th Farmer In Vouched for by J. V. Dutton & John
HAYWOOD, John 20 10th Farmer In None
HAYWOOD, Thomas 21 72nd Farmer In None
HERR, Johnathan  21 86th Laborer In None
HIETT, S.R. 18 40th Farmer In None
HOBBS, Horatio 25 72nd Farmer In None
HOLT, William 22 10th Farmer In None
INSLEY, Charles W. 23 -- Farmer In None
INSLEY, Ellis 25 10th Ill. Cav. Farmer In None
INSLEY, John N. 26 72nd Farmer In None
INSLEY, William A. 18 72nd --- In None
ISGSIGG?, Joseph 21 72nd Farmer In None
KENDALL, James 22 72nd Farmer In None
KIRKPATRICK, Absolom 24 40th Captain In None
KIRKPATRICK, Cyrus 18 40th Farmer In None
KIRKPATRICK, Milton 34 72nd Farmer In None
LAVIN, Patrick 30 41st Laborer In None
LESOY?, James 56 --- Drum major In None
LIVINGSTON, Daniel 26 40th Laborer In None
LIVINGSTON, Wm. J. 19 40th Laborer Out Discharged
LONG, Samuel 34 86th Laborer In None
MALONE, Michael 21 25th Laborer In None
MARKS, Jacob 24 40th 1st Lieutenant In None
McLAIN, Delno 20 40th Farmer In None
MEADOW, James H. 25 72nd Farmer In None
MERSHON?, John D. 20 72nd Farmer In None
MERTHENA, Thomas 30 11th Farmer In None
MEUAUGH, Robert 23 72nd Farmer In None
MILLER, William 19 72nd Farmer In None
MURDOCK, John 30 16th Laborer In None
NEAL, Andrew S.? 23 5th Cavalry --- --- None
NEIGHBORS?, Henry 27 40th Laborer In None
ODELL, Alfred B. 21 86th Laborer In None
ODELL, Thomas A. 30 86th Laborer In None
PATTERSON, Joseph 10 40th Laborer In None
PEED, Oscar 21 72nd Laborer In None
PETERSON, A. J. 21 20th Laborer In None
PHILIPS, Wm. A 22 63rd Farmer In None
POTTS, John 20 72nd Farmer In None
PRESTON, Geo. W. 10 20th Laborer In None
RAUB, Allison 24 40th Laborer In None
REED, Henry 26 86th Laborer In None
REYNOLDS, Stephen 17 40th Laborer In None
RICE, Henry E. 19 72nd Farmer In None
RICE, Jacob 30 20th Farmer In None
ROUSH, William 18 72nd Farmer In None
SDWARD?, B. F. 22 15th 3 months service In None
SEALIG?, John 23 15th Laborer In None
SHELBY, David 31 72nd Farmer In None
SHEPHERD, James 20 40th Laborer In None
SHEPHERD, John Y. 18 72nd Farmer In None
SPRAGUE, Daniel 20 10th Laborer In None
STEWARD, John J. 23 72nd Laborer In None
STRADER, Daniel 21 72nd Farmer In None
STRADER, William 19 40th Farmer In None
STRINGER, George 24 20th Farmer In Wounded in foot in Virginia
SUMMERVILLE, James 20 18th Artillery Laborer In None
THAYER, Caleb 20 40th Farmer In None
TIFFANY, George Jr. 21 52nd Laboer In None
VENIS, Milton 19 72nd Farmer In None
WAINSCOTT, Abraham 21 15th Laborer In None
WATKINS, Elisha 21 72nd Laborer In None
WELLECK, Benjamin 32 Chicago Artillery Farmer In None
WILHITE, James 21 Navy Laborer In None
WILHITE, Lewis 23 72nd Laborer In None
WILSON, Isaiah 20 -- Farmer In None
WILSON, Samuel 23 11th School teacher In None
YEAGER, Augustus 24 10th Laborer In None

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