Transcribed and Submitted by Steve Harvey
Augustine W. Harvey } Be it known that on this thirtieth day of December one
and } thousand eight hundred and thirty three a marriage license
Mary Hays } Issued to Augustine W. Harvey and Mary Hays both of
Tippecanoe County in the State of Indiana, and both of lawful age by the written & oral consent of Robert Harvey his father. A Certificate of whose marriage is returned and filed in the clerks office.I Certify that Augustine W. Harvey and Mary Hays were legally joined in marriage on the 31st of December 1833 by me Samuel McCormick, J.P.
Robert Parrish } Be it remembered that on this Seventeenth day of May in the
and } year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one a
Catharine Harvey } marriage license issued to Robert Parrish and Catharine Harvey
both of lawful age and residents of the County of Tippecanoe in the State of Indiana which license reads in the words and figures following to writ: "The State of Indiana to any person empowered by law to solemnize marriages Greetings: You are hereby authorized to join together as Husband and wife Robert Parrish and Catharine Harvey and of the same make due return within three months according to the laws of the State of Indiana: Witness: Mark Jones clerk of our said Tippecanoe circuit court and the seal thereof affixed at office in Lafayette this 17th day of May A. D. 1851 Mark Jones clerk By Fred W. Cole Dep"And afterwards towit: on the 11th day of July A. D. 1851 a certificate of the marriage of Robert Parrish and Catharine Harvey was returned and filed in the office of the clerk of the Tippecanoe Circuit Court towit: The State of Indiana Tippecanoe County Hereby certify that on the 18th day of May A. D. 1851 I joined Robert Parrish and Catharine Harvey in marriage according to the laws of the State of Indiana. Given under my hand and seal on this 19 day of May A. D. 1851
Rev. W. F.Wheeler {seal}
Alfred Street } Be it remembered that on the 15th day of December A D 1852
and } a marriage license issued to Alfred Street and Dorcus Harvey he
Dorcus Harvey } being of lawful age and she having the consent of her father in person
and both being residents of the county of Tippecanoe in the State of Indiana which said license reads as follows to wit: The State of Indiana Tippecanoe County & The State of Indiana To any person empowered by law to solemnize marrige Greeting You are hereby authorized to join together as husband and wife Alfred Street and Dorcus Harvey and of the same make and return within three months according to the laws of the state of Indiana.Witness Mark Jones clerk of our said Tippecanoe Circuit Court and the seal thereof affix at office in Lafayette on this 15th day of December A D 1852.
Mark Jones clerk."Afterwards to wit on this 18th day of December A D 1852 a certificate of the marrage was returned and filed which reads as follows to wit: The State of Indiana Tippecanoe County & I hereby certify that on the 16th day of December A D 1852 joined Alfred Street and Dorcus Harvey in marriage according to the laws of the State of Indiana.
Given under my hand and seal on this 16 day of December of A D 1852
John Shaw {Seal} Justice of the Peace"
David Bryan } Be it remembered that on the 26th day of August A. D. 1852
and } a marriage license issued to David Bryan and Elizabeth Harvey
Elizabeth Harvey } both being of lawful age and residents of the county of Tippecanoe
in the state of Indiana which said license reads as follows to wit: The State of Indiana Tippecanoe County & The State of Indiana to any person empowered by law to solemnize marriage Greeting You are hereby authorized to join together as husband and wife David Bryan and Elizabeth Harvey and of the same make due return within three months according to the laws of the state of Indiana Witness Mark Jones clerk of our said Tippecanoe Circuit Court and the seal thereof affixed at office in Lafayette on this 26th day of August A. D. 1852. Mark Jones clerkAfterwards to wit: on the 8th day of October A D. 1852 a certificate of the marriage of said parties was returned and filed which reads as follows to wit: The State of Indiana Tippecanoe County I hereby certify that on the 28th day of August A. D. 1852 I joined David Brian (missed spelled and t crossed out on last name) and Elizabeth Harvey in Marriage according to the laws of the state of Indiana given under my hand and seal on this 8th day of October A. D. 1852
Vincent N. Canfield {seal} "A minister of the Gospel"
John P. Harvey } Be it remembered that on the twelfth day of December in the
and } year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & thirty one a
Elizabeth Archabald } marriage license issued to John P. Harvey and Elizabeth
Archabald of the county of Tippecanoe and both of Lawful age by certificate of whose marriage is returned and Filed to wit: I Thomas Williams a justice of the peace in and for the County of Tippecanoe do here by certify that John P. Harvey and Elizabeth Archabald Both of the County aforesaid were Legally Joined in marriage by me on the 15th of December 1831 in witness where of I have here unto set my hand & seal the 29th December 1831.Thomas Williams Justice of the peace {seal}
Joseph P. Harvey } Be it known that on this third day of March in the year one
and } thousand Eight hundred and thirty six a marriage transpired
Mary Ward } to Joseph Harvey and Mary Ward both of the County of
Tippecanoe in the State of Indiana and both of Lawfull age. A certificate of which marriage is returned and filed to.I John Roberts Justice of the peace of Tippecanoe County Ind. do certify that Joseph P. Harvey and Mary Ward now by me legally joined in marriage on the 3rd day of March 1836.
John Roberts J. P.
Levi Harvey } Be it remembered that on this twenty eightday of October in the
and } year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four a Tetitha C. Erwin } marriage license issued to Levi Harvey and Tetitha C. Erwin both
of the county of Tippecanoe in the state of Indiana and both of lawful age - and with the consent of her father in person - which license was returned and filed on the 21 day of November a.d. 1844 with the following certificate of marriage entered Thurs. towit: "I do hereby certify that the within named parties were joined in marriage by me on Thursday the 7th of Nov 1844.C. Jefferies Minister of M. P. Church
Richard G. Godman } Be it remembered that on this second day of August in the year
and } of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five a
Mary Harvey } marriage license issued to Richard G. Godman and Mary
Harvey both of the County of Tippecanoe in the State of Indiana and both of lawful age a certificate of which marriage was returned and filed on the 16th day of August A. D. 1845 to wit: "This is to certify that Richard G. Godman and Mary Harvey were lawfully joined in Marriage by me on this 3rd of August 1845 in witness thereof I hereunto set my hand this 16th day of August 1845 Tippecanoe Co. State of Ind."
James Griffith, M. G. C. u. B.
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