DAVID PADEN was born in Pennsylvania, September 1, 1803. When quite young, he moved with his parents to Ohio. They settled near the city of Lancaster, where they remained until their decease. DAVID remained at home until he attained his majority, when he determined from that time to make his own way in the world, and located in Clark County, Ohio. At Springfield he wooed and won Miss SUSANNA PIPER, a native of Virginia. For three years they continued to reside in Clark County, and at the end of that time came to Tippecanoe County, Ind., in 1831, locating in the town of Dayton, where, in a little log cabin, Mr. PADEN opened a grocery and provision store, which he conducted successfully for a number of years. he subsequently disposed of his grocery stock and opened a dry goods store, in which he was equally successful, and in which branch of business he continued until failing health necessitated his retirement. He died December 26, 1869, lamented by a large circle of friends. he was one of the pioneers of Sheffield Township, and perhaps the first merchant in the town of Dayton.
He was the father of seven children, whose names are as follows: JOHN, GEORGE, JAMES, MARTHA L., RUTH J., SUSAN L. and MARY E., of whom JOHN, GEORGE, JAMES, MARTHA L., and SUSAN L. are deceased. His wife still survives, and has reached the advanced age of 68 years, enjoying a fair degree of health, although slightly disabled from the effects of a fall on an icy pavement several Winters since. She is a member of the Universalist Church, whose tenets were also warmly embraced by her husband during his life.
Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, pg. 48-49
Kingman Brothers, 1878
Submitted by: Bronwyn - brandy@nicrc.com
JOHN STANFIELD, Sr., Washington Township
The gentleman whose biography is herewith presented was born in Gilbert Co., N.C., in the year 1796. His father, JOHN STANFIELD, married Miss RACHEL STALKER, and in the year 1816 emigrated, with his family, to the then new State of Indiana, locating in Jackson County. He was engaged in farming, and to the pursuit of this occupation trained his son JOHN.
The subject of this sketch, in connection with his knowledge of farming, acquired a knowledge of the blacksmith trade. In this pursuit he was characterized by great industry and energy, and , by practicing the virtue of economy, he accumulated a very comfortable little capital.
In the year 1821, being then in the 25th year of his age, he married Miss CATHERINE COX, who bore him twelve children, as follows: WILLIAM, born January 2, 1822; RACHEL, born February 1, 1823; OLIVER, born January 27, 1824; JULIA ANN, born November 4, 1825; JEREMIAH, born February 26, 1827; JOHN, born June 9, 1828; LYDIA, born April 30, 1830; SAMUEL, born October 31, 1831; JOEL, born May 2, 1833; CARVER, born March 22, 1835; ALLEN, born September 2, 1836; WILLIAM C., born February 4, 1838, and CATHERINE, born September 10, 1841. Of the above named children, all are now living save WILLIAM, WILLIAM C. and OLIVER.
In September, 1829, Mr. STANFIELD moved, with his family, to Washington Township, where he cleared a farm of 35 acres, removing four years later, to the farm which he now occupies. He was one of the earliest settlers of this township, and, as a consequence, was called upon to endure the many hardships so inseparable from the life of a pioneer; but, like his contemporaries, he came with a mind fully reconciled to the difficulties he was to encounter, and his purpose was to meet and overcome them. He was not lacking in fortitude, and his faithful spouse stood ever ready to comfort and cheer him in his daily trials. Trees were to felled, their stumps removed, and the hitherto unproductive land prepared for cultivation; and, although the task often seemed more than he could master, and his weary limbs would fain seek repose, the thought of his loved ones came to him and stimulated him to greater exertion. The energy displayed in these early days soon began to bear fruit, and the forest ws succeeded by fields of waving grain. Through the years that followed, he bestowed unremitting labor upon his farm, exerting every effort to make it second to none in the county. Patience and frugality were rewarded; and, in his old age, he possesses a competence which places him beyond the possibility of want.
But the effects of the severe toil of his younger days have, in these later years worn sadly upon his constitution; and while we write these few lines in honor of one of the early pioneers of this county, he for whom they are written is confined to his couch. Although his physical system is greatly impaired, his mind is still active and vigorous. The faithful wife who, for a period of fifty-seven years, has cheered him on life's pathway, still remains to comfort his declining years; and, although well stricken in years, she still possesses a degree of health and activity unusual in one of her advanced years. For many years, she and her husband have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and have labored zealously in the good cause.
Mr. STANFIELD has always enjoyed the fullest confidence on the part of those by whom he has been surrounded, and their respect for him has been repeatedly expressed in his election to the office of Township Trustee, with solicitation on his own part. Since the organization of the Republican party, he has been a cordial supporter of its principles. In this, as in all his transactions through life, he has been governed by conscientious motives. He has never been a politician, and never sought public distinction.
When he has finished his course on earth, and his days shall have reached an end, may he find a triumphal entry into "a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens," and hear the welcome, "well done, good and faithful servant."
Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, pg. 49,52
Kingman Brothers, 1878
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
PHILIP MOTSINGER, retired farmer, Wabash Township, is one of the old pioneers of Indiana, having settled in the State the year before it was admitted into the Union, and in his early life he experienced many of the hardships and privations incident to pioneer life. He was born November 25, 1807, a son of JACOB and CHRISTINA (TASH) MOTSINGER, his parents settling with their family in Tennessee, in the year 1810. During the war of 1812 the father fought under General Jackson's flag at New Orleans. In 1815 the father brought his family to Indiana on pack horses, and located in what is now Washington County, where he made his home until his death. PHILIP MOTSINGER, the subject of this sketch, grew to manhood in Washington County, his youth being spent in working on the home farm, and in attending the schools of his neighborhood. He was married, when twenty-one years of age, to Miss ELIZABETH MORRIS, a native of North Carolina, and a daughter of CHRISTOPHER MORRIS. She died in Washington County, Indiana; in September 1843 leaving a family of six children - MARY J., RILEY M., BARBARA, JOHN and CHRISTOPHER C., all of whom are living in Missouri, and PHILIP, deceased. Mr. MOTSINGER was again married October 3, 1844 to MARIA J. HOAGLAN(D, a native of Indiana, born in Scott county, February 22, 1820, a daughter of SPENCER and JANE (MYERS) HOAGLAN(D). Of the five children born to this union but one is living, a son named HANNIBAL B., who was born August 21, 1857, and is now a druggist at Shoals Point. The names of the deceased are - MOSES H., DAVID M., MARY K. and RACHEL E. Mr. MOTSINGER continued to reside in Washington County, until 1853, when he came to Tippecanoe County, and bought the farm where he now resides. A portion of this land was under fence when he settled on it, but few improvements had been made. His farm is now well improved and under good cultivation, which he accomplished by years of persevering industry and toil, and he is now enjoying that rest which is the sure reward of a well spent life. In his political views he affiliates with the Democratic Party. Both he and his wife are worthy and consistent members of the Christian church.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pg. 587
The Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: James D. VanDerMark
JASPER M. DRESSER, State Senator, and a prominent and influential citizen of LaFayette, was born in Litchfield, Hillsdale County, Michigan, the date of his birth being May 17, 1838. He is the son of PARKER and LYDIA (CRONKHITE) DRESSER, his father being born and reared in Connecticut, and his mother a native of the State of New York. They were married near Watertown, New York, and in 1836 settled in Michigan, where they lived until their death. JASPER M. DRESSER was reared in his native State, receiving his education in Hillsdale College. He came to LaFayette, Indiana, in March, 1858, and until the following November he clerked in a dry goods establishment. He then began the study of law with Chase & Wilstach, and in 1859 was admitted to the bar to practice in the Circuit and Common Pleas courts. He remained with this firm two years, and in 1860 went to Illinois, and began dealing in grain at Buckley, Iroquois County, where he remained until February, 1861. He then went to Washington D.C., and March 7 was appointed to a clerkship in the general land office. April 15 he was mustered into the United States service with a militia company of which he was a member, this company being the first company mustered in after the President's call for 75,000 men. Mr. DRESSER was in the three month's service and took part in the battle of Bull Run, where he was wounded. He remained in Washington until August 14, 1861, when he was appointed Chief of Artillery on the staff of GENERAL JOHN A. McCLERNAND. He organized the artillery of McCLERNAND's brigade, and was made Captain of DRESSER's battery, serving with the battery until April, 1862, participating in the engagements at Belmont and Forts Henry and Donelson, and through the Shiloh campaigns. He was promoted in infantry service April 1, 1862, and resigned to accept the position of Lieutenant Colonel in a Michigan regiment. After the battle of Shiloh he came back to Indiana, and was in the thirty day's service witht he Seventy-sixth Indiana under CAPTAIN ORTH. He was appointed Major of the Eighty-sixth Indiana Infantry, in September, 1862, and went with his regiment to Covington, Kentucky, thence to Louisville, and was in the campaign through Kentucky in pursuit of GENERAL BRAGG, and participated in the battles of Perryville, LaVergne and Stone River, being wounded at the latter battle. He was then under the care of a surgeon until June, 1863, when he resigned, and returned to LaFayette, Indiana, and commenced the practice of law with JOHN D. GOUGAR, practicing under the firm name of DRESSER & GOUGAR almost three years. After the dissolution of the partnership with Mr. GOUGAR, he was appointed general agent of the Merchant's Insurance Company of Hartford, for the Western States. This company was one of the unfortunates in the great Chicago fire of October, 1871, and after closing up its losses he was appointed to the general agency for the Western States of the National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, and managed its business for about eleven years. In 1880 he was elected and served for one year as President of the Underwriters Association of the Northwest, and though not now in the insurance business, is continued on its rolls as an honorary member of the association. He then practiced alone until February, 1887, when WILLIAM C. MITCHELL became associated with him. In March, 1881, he bought the abstract business of CHARLES FORD. Mr. DRESSER was elected Indiana State Senator from Tippecanoe County in Novmeber, 1886, and served on the committees on Elections, Education, Benevolent Institutions, Congressional Apportionment and Executive Appointments.
He was married at LaFayette, Indiana, January 28, 1863, to MARY BECKNER, who still abides with him. They have three children living--EMMA C., JASPER M., and DEAN H., and two have gone before. ALTA M., their eldest child, died June 29, 1882, at the age of eighteen, and MARY died at birth.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
The Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
JOSEPH COCHRAN, a farmer of Wea Township, was born in Ross County, Ohio, April 8, 1815. His paternal grandfather, who was of Scotch ancestry, moved from Pennsylvania to Kentucky, in BOONE's time, thence to Ohio, where JOHN COCHRAN, father of JOSEPH, was reared, and married to MARY FLOOD, a native of the State of Delaware, and probably of Irish descent. They lived in Ross County until their death, JOHN COCHRAN dying in 1819, and his wife about 1880 at a very advanced age. JOSEPH, our subject, was brought up in his native county, and in 1836 immigrated to Tippecanoe County, Indiana, buying a quarter section of land the next year. The land was then partly fenced, and a small portion had been cultivated, and an old brick house was on the premises. In 1848 or '49, MR. COCHRAN put up his present brick residence, and has occupied the place of his first purchase up to the present time, prospering as a well managing farmer should. He has about 460 acres of land in several tracts. The grounds about the residence are tastefully set off with natural groves, which were mere patches of underbrush when Mr. COCHRAN first settled here, and all the improvements are of a handsome and substantial character. Having lived here for more than half a century Mr. COCHRAN is very prominently identified with the growth of the county. He was married in this county in 1838, to Miss MARIA CARR, a native of Fayette County, Ohio, and daughter of WILLIAM and ELIZABETH CARR, who settled in Tippecanoe County during its primitive days, on the land adjoining, west of MR.. COCHRAN's present farm. They lived in this county until their death. MRS. COCHRAN died in 1860, and was buried in the old Thorp graveyard. Of the eleven childen born to Mr. and Mrs. COCHRAN the following seven are living--WILLIAM, in Wea Township; MARTHA JANE, wife of CORNELIUS CALLAHAN, of LaFayette; JACKSON and DAVID, residents of Wea Township; ELIZABETH; NETTIE, wife of WILBERT HOLMES, and DORA, who married STEPHEN BRADY, and resides with her father. The deceased are-- CHARLES, MARY and two who died in infancy unnamed. WILLIAM was a soldier in the late war, serving in the One Hundred and Fiftieth Indiana Infantry. Since the war MR. COCHRAN, the subject of the foregoing biography, has been a Republican.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
The Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
C. Q. KIRKPATRICK, Jackson Township
CYRUS QUINN KIRKPATRICK was born in Adams County, Ohio, Sept. 8, 1822, and is of Scottish descent. His great-grandsire, WILLIAM KIRKPATRICK, resided in Scotland from the date of his birth until the year 1750, when he crossed the North Channel to Ireland, making his home on that island until the year 1756. In the year last named, he, with his wife and family of three sons–ANDREW, ROBERT and WILLIAM, embarked for the American Continent in order to better their condition in life, as well as to gratify an innate taste for travel and adventure. They settled in the wilderness of Virginia, east of the Alleghany Mountains. It would be difficult to portray the wild state of the region in which they settled. The most necessary articles were scarcely to be obtained by any means, and the luxuries of life were marked by a total absence. The father was by trade a blacksmith, and brought with him a small number of implements with which to carry on his trade. This proved fortunate, as he was compelled to erect a forge and manufacture a supply of nails sufficient to secure the roof to his new house. The hammer used by him on this occasion is still in possession of the subject of this sketch, and is a valued heirloom. Here the family continued to suffer under the hardships incident of their isolated situation for a number of years. Finally, the struggle for American independence began. The three sons, having inherited from their ancestors a love of country and an unconquerable spirit of heroism, determined to stand or fall with their adopted country. They accordingly enlisted in the American army, and like their great ancestor, ROGER KIRKPATRICK, of Scotland, proved themselves valiant advocates of the cause of freedom. ROBERT fell at the battle of Brandywine. About the close of the war, ANDREW married ELIZABETH BROWN, a lady of Welsh descent, much younger than himself–he being at that time about 45 years of age. To them were born seven sons, the second of whom–Absalom, was the father of the subject of this sketch. ANDREW acquired a comfortable estate east of the mountains, which he subsequently sold and removed to what is now West Virginia. Shortly after his removal to that point he he returned on business to his former home, and during his journey he met with the family of a former neighbor who had fled from home to evade the payment of his debts. The family and goods were in the custody of a son-in-law, who was arrested and held to bail for his appearance at court, to answer the charge of conveying away the property of the debtor. The family were in great distress, being among strangers and without a protector, and besought MR. K., as an old friend, to assist them. Being naturally of a kind and confiding disposition, he was induced by fair promises to sign the bond. The man was released, and stole away during the night, leaving MR. K. to pay the bond and the amount of the debts which would have been liquidated by a sale of the property, which obligation he discharged with characteristic honor. After discovering the whereabouts of the swindler, and believing him possessed of plentiful means, he instituted suit and expended a large sum of money in a vain endeavor to recover what he had lost. This consumed the greater portion of his property, and in order to make a new start he determined to remove to Ohio. About the year 1800 he constructed a family boat in which he placed his household goods, three horses, some poultry and his family, setting sail on the Monogahela River, about the mouth of Cheat, floating down this river to the Ohio, and down that stream to the mouth of Brush Creek, in Adams County, Ohio, where he disembarked and settled. But the infirmities of age had worn sadly upon his vigorous constitution, and he was greatly discouraged. Thus he never recovered the fortune so rudely swept away.
In 1810, ABSALOM KIRKPATRICK married ELIZABETH VANPELT, whose father was from Holland, and whose mother was of French descent. They started in almost abject poverty, but with vigorous constitutions, clear consciences and a firm resolution to gain a competence. After struggling a few years against the hardships of their position, they amassed a sufficient sum to enable them to purchase fifty acres of land. The father erected a cabin, made a small clearing, and began to prosper. As the years sped, eight children were born to them. They became gradually more prosperous; the small cabin of earlier days was superseded by one more pretentious, built of hewed logs, two stories in height, with stone chimney and a stairway on the exterior. The father, having entered upon married life in circumstances nearly akin to indigence, felt an overruling desire to spare his children the same experience, and be able to assist them as they arrived at maturity. His Ohio farm, however, offered but little opportunity for consummating this desire, and he recognized the necessity of removing to a region where the land was more fertile. Accordingly, in 1828, he disposed of his farm for four dollars per acre, taking a portion of the amount in trade. One of his friends, MR. WHEELER, had removed two years previously to Tippecanoe County, Ind, and returned to Ohio on business. He expressed a desire to have some good men join him in his neighborhood, and induced MR. KIRKPATRICK to accompany him on horseback to see the country. He was so heartily pleased with the sight which met his eye, that he determined to make it his future home. He entered 160 acres of land at $1.25 per acres, $60 of which was loaned him by his friend WHEELER. He returned to Ohio, and late in the same year collected his household goods and a few farm implements, and with his family and aged mother (his father having died a short time previously) started for his western home. On the first day of December, 1828, he moved to his new farm in Montgomery County, Ind., near the boundary line between that county and Tippecanoe. He left his family with a brother at Shawneetown, and immediately began to prepare his own farm for occupancy. He first dug a well, then built a "camp" of poles, with a stick chimney, in which the family resided until the father was enabled to hew logs and build a cabin 18x26 feet, with a clapboard rof and loft, a puncheon floor, and stick chimney plastered with mud. After the completion of the new house, new furniture was next in order. The father borrowed the necessary tools of JOB HAIGH, near Pond Grove, and constructed bedsteads, tables and stools from walnut and wild cherry lumber, unadorned by paint or varnish.
The father never became wealthy, but was enabled to realize the desire which prompted him to settle in Indiana; and as his sons arrived at manhood, each was presented with a small tract of land by him, thereby enabling them to make a fair start in life. He enjoyed the utmost confidence of his neighbors, and was ever ready to render assistance to the unfortunate poor. His house was always open to the homeless and to ministers of every denomination. For many years, it was the place where religious meetings were held by the Methodist congregation.
CYRUS QUINN was but 6 years of age at the time of his father's removal to Indiana, but remembers distinctly all the circumstances connected therewith. At that time, the prairie wolves were to be heard nearly every night, and large numbers of deer and wild turkeys were to be seen during the day. Here CYRUS grew to manhood, and continued to work on his father's farm until 24 years of age without any compensation save a knowledge of the fact that he should gain possession of a certain tract of land when he should embark in life upon his own responsibility.
At the age of 24 years he began teaching school, and in this occupation remained engaged through seven consecutive Winters, achieving great popularity as an instructor. At the age of 32 years he married MISS SUSAN K. SAYERS, a lady of Scotch-Irish descent, who has proved herself a helpmeet: and to her excellent management and cooperation, MR. K. is largely indebted for his success in life.
In the Spring of 1869, MR. KIRKPATRICK was elected Trustee of Jackson Township, which position he filled until the Fall of 1876. This position presented opportunities for a wider field of usefulness in a sphere in which he loved to labor. He always employed the most competent teachers, and made it a rule to visit the several schools of his township, and, by his presence and advice, to stimulate both teachers and pupils to more active exertions. He was personally acquainted with each scholar, and made himself familiar with them, thereby winning their regard and affection. His object was not so much to build expensive graded schools as to elevate the existing district schools to a high standard. He enjoys the consciousness of having done much by his labors as Trustee to improve and build up the schools of his township, and that his influence and example in that capacity were largely instrumental in elevating the schools throughout the county.
Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, pg. 48
Kingman Brothers, 1878
CYRUS QUINN KIRKPATRICK...was married February 7, 1855, to SUSAN K. SAYERS, a daughter of ROBERT K*. SAYERS. deceased, who was one of the pioneers of Vermillion** County, he having come from Tazewell County, Virginia, in the year 1830. To Mr. and Mrs. KIRKPATRICK were born four children–IDA A., MARTHA, SAMUEL S. and SUSAN. IDA A. married WILLIAM A. McBETH, of Jackson Township, and they have two children, named WILLIAM Q. and REED S. ... MRS. KIRKPATRICK died March 28, 1884.
The paragraph above is from a biography on CYRUS QUINN KIRKPATRICK from
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 644-645.
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888
*Robert Sayers' middle name was Floyd, the initial K was a typo. **Should be Tippecanoe County. Robert Floyd Sayers was my 3rd great-grandfather. - Adina.
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
WILLIAM HIETT, the father of the gentleman whose biography is herewith presented, was a native of the State of Virginia, and during his residence in that State married Miss MARY DANIEL, also a native Virginian. By this marriage they were the parents of eight children–ELLEN, SAMUEL, LETTIE, ELIZABETH, JOHN, ISABELLA, JAMES and MARY, of whom only three survive, viz., ISABELLA, MARY and JOHN. WILLIAM HIETT was a man of great energy and unconquerable perseverance. Reared to farm life, and inure to labor himself, he early taught his children the principles of economy and industry, as the only road to success in life. In 1806, he moved to the then new State of Ohio, and became identified with the early settlement of Adams County. Brown County was formed in later years, by incorporating portions of Adams and Clermont Counties, Mr. HIETT's farm being included in the district thus created. Thus he became interested in the development of both counties.
In a heavily timbered region, remote from the influences of schools, refined society, and all that makes life pleasant, and surrounded by all the trials and hardships which characterize a frontier settlement, he passed the remainder of his life. For a period of eight ears he continued to reside in this locality, during which time he made many improvements, and reduced his forest farm to a state of comparative perfection, deriving therefrom a return sufficient for the support of his family. He was one who ever commanded respect, and when, in 1814, his active life closed in death, he was universally lamented throughout the community in which he resided.
JOHN HIETT, the subject of this biographical sketch, was born in Adams County, Ohio, on the 26th day of October, 1808. Left fatherless before attaining to the age of 7 years, he has been compelled through life to rely in a great measure upon his own exertions. From the fact that his early life was passed amid the scenes of frontier life, his educational advantages were of a very limited nature. Such as he enjoyed, however, were eagerly improved by him, and although his school privileges were limited to three months each Winter, the instructions there received laid the foundation for a store of knowledge which has placed him above mediocrity. Out of school hours, his time was occupied on the home farm, and this pursuit became, in later years, his chose avocation.
In 1829, he gave his hand and heart in marriage to MISS ELIZABETH HAWK, a native of Brown County, Ohio. This union was blessed by four children; named respectively, WILLIAM, MARY, JAMES and PHILIP. On the 10th day of March, 1834, Death entered the household, and his devoted wife fell a victim to his irresistible power. In the following year, MR. HIETT removed to Tippecanoe County, Ind., and located in Jackson Township, where he has since continued to reside.
In 1837, he was a second time united in marriage, choosing for his companion MISS SARAH A. ODELL, also a native of Brown County, Ohio, who came with her parents to Tippecanoe County in 1831. They were the parents of five children–JOHN WESLEY, FRANCIS MARION, SUSANNA, SAMUEL R. and NATHANIEL G.
In March 1846, MR. HIETT was again robbed by death of the companionship of a faithful and loving wife. Two years later, he married his present companion, MISS MARY F. DAVISON. MISS DAVISON was also a native of Brown County, Ohio, but was reared in Montgomery County, Ind., having removed to that county with her parents when quite young. This union has been blessed by eight children, named respectively, GEORGE WEAVER, ALFRED C., EMERY R., GEORGE W., ISABELLA L., SARAH A., CHARLES G., and MARGARET D. Each of the children was provided with a thorough education, and all have turned their talents to good account. SAMUEL R. attended Asbury University, at Greencastle, Ind., graduating in 1867 with the degree of B.S.; SUSANNA graduated at Terre Haute Female College in 1857, with a degree of M. E. L.; FRANCIS M. graduated at Rush Medical College in 1861; EMORY R., graduated at Asbury University in 1877, with the degree of A. B.; SARAH A. is now a student in high standing at Purdue University. JAMES located in California when quite young, and there engaged in mining with fair success. He subsequently married and engaged in farming, remaining thus employed until the date of his decease. WILLIAM removed to McLean County, Ill., where he engaged in farming; PHILIP located in the same county and for a time was engaged in mercantile pursuits, but finally adopted the occupation of farming; FRANCIS M. is a practicing physician in Red Oak, Iowa. SAMUEL R. adopted the legal profession as his field of action in life, and entered upon the practice at LaFayette; EMERY R. is now reading law with the view to adopt that profession; and GEORGE W., is studying the science of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
In the labors incident to farm life, MR. HIETT is assisted by those of his children who remain at home. Much of this labor, however, is performed by himself, and although 70 years of age, he is still vigorous and healthy, always happiest when actively employed. Although never a politician, he has always felt a lively interest in the success of the Republican party, whose principles he has supported since its organization. He is not identified with any religious denomination, but has done much throughout his life, both by precept and example, to encourage morality among all with whom he has been associated. His wife united with the Methodist Episcopal Church early in life, and has ever been a consistent member of that denomination. Her example has been followed by her children, who are all members of the same church.
Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, pg. 48
Kingman Brothers, 1878
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
one of the enterprising and successful farmers of Sheffield Township, is
a native of Pennsylvania, born in York County, December 29, 1817, a son
of GEORGE and ROSENA REBMAN. He was reared and educated in the common
schools of his native State, and at the age of thirty-five was married
to LYDIA MEISENHELTER, who was born in York County, Pennsylvania, a daughter
of JOHN M. MEISENHELTER. To this union eight children were born,
of whom seven are yet living--MILTON, AARON, EDWARD, AMANDA, PETER, BARBARA
and ISABELLA. A son named ALBERT died at the age of nine years.
Mr. REBMAN immigrated with his family to Tippecanoe County, Indiana, in
1866, settling in Wea Township where they made their home for four years.
In 1870 he bought the farm where he has
since resided, and where his wife died September 11, 1884. She
was a loving wife and mother, and a kind neighbor, and her death was a
source of universal regret throughout the community. Mr. REBMAN's
fine brick residence was erected by Mr. McGEORGE, a prominent pioneer of
Sheffield Township, and since settling on the place he has built one of
the best
bank barns in the township, 35x50 feet, with good basement, and everything
about the farm shows the care and thrift of the owner. Mr. REBMAN
has given his children good educational advantages, fitting them to take
responsible positions in life, and all have become useful members of society.
In politics he affiliates with the Democratic party. He is a member
of the Lutheran church, as was also his wife.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 374,379
Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
GEORGE W. WARWICK, one of the well known and highly respected citizens of Perry Township, was born in Sheffield Township, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, November 12, 1828, a son of JOHN D. WARWICK, one of the county's early pioneers. Our subject was reared on the home farm, amid the wild surroundings of pioneer life, his youth being spent in assisting with the work of the farm and in attending the log cabin subscription schools of that early day. At the age of seventeen years he started out in life for himself, commencing to work at the blacksmith's trade near Milberry, Clinton County, for NICHOLAS BUCK, working at this trade five years. September 27, 1849, he was united in marriage to Miss CATHERINE BARR, a lady of intelligence and refinement, a daughter of ABRAHAM and CATHERINE (RUSH) BARR. Her parents came from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to Tippecanoe county, Indiana, in 1837, and located in Perry Township, where they spent the remainder of their lives. To Mr. and Mrs. WARWICK were born five children, of whom but two are living--LULA, wife of MARK KELLENBERGER, of Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas, and RENA, who is yet at home with her parents. Their greatest affliction has been the death of their children--INA, the third daughter, died at the age of two years; DORA died at the age of twenty-three years, and ALPHA, who was the wife of WILLIAM PAYNE, died at the age of twenty-six years. After his marriage Mr. WARWICK settled on the land where he has since made his home, his first dwelling being a small log house. This was replaced by a more commodious frame dwelling in 1870, which in its turn has given way to his present fine brick residence, which is built in modern style, and well furnished throughout. Mr. WARWICK has always taken an active interest in the cause of education, and all his children received good educational advantages. He is a man of genial disposition, and is fair and honorable in all dealings, and is classed among the highly esteemed citizens of the township where he has made his home for so many years. He is an active and zealous member of the Presbyterian church, as are also his wife and daughter. In politics he was formerly a Whig, but now affiliates with the Republican party.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pg. 380
Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
CLARK S. FULLER, of the firm of Hanley & Fuller, proprietors of the Eagle Mills, Chauncey, was born in Watertown, New York, August 10, 1842, a son of JABEZ and HANNAH (SHELDON) FULLER, the father being a native of the State of New York and the mother of Vermont. The father, who is still a resident of Watertown, is a farmer by occupation, which he has always followed. CLARK S., the subject of this sketch, was reared to manhood and educated in the schools of his native county. At the age of seventeen years he began learning the miller's trade at Brownville, New York, at which he serve an apprenticeship. In September, 1861, he enlisted in the war of the Rebellion, and was assigne to Company A, Ninety-Fourth New York Infantry, remaining in the service until July 3, 1865, when he was mustered out. He was in the engagement at South Mountain, Front Royal, Bull Run (where he received a gun shot wound), Antietam and Gettysburg, where was again wounded, and here taken prisoner, but four days later he made his escape and rejoined his regiment with which he participated in the battles of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania Court House, Mine Run, battle of the Wilderness and Cold Harbor. At the last mentioned battle, June 6, 1864, he was taken prisoner, and sent to Libby Prison, and from there transferred to Castle Thunder. From there he was taken to Danville, Virginia, thence to Salsbury, thence to Andersonville, and from there he was taken to the Lake City of Florida, where he was paroled. He then went to the Union lines at Jacksonville, Florida, and from there to Savannah, thence to New York, where he was mustered out of the service. He was a prisoner a year lacking six days, and experienced the many hardships and privations of prison life, having at times but little to eat and often receiving very rough treatment. After the war he went to Brownsville, New York, and there worked at this trade about three years, when he went to Oswego, and there operated a mill until 1874. In that year he came to LaFayette, where he has since been engaged in milling, and in 1881, the firm of HANLEY, FULLER & CASSELL, of the Eagle Mills, was formed, Mr. CASSELL retiring from the firm in 1885, since which time the business has been carried on under the firm name of HANLEY & FULLER. These mills are the largest in the city of LaFayette, and both members of the firm being active and energetic men, they carry on an extensive business, and have shipped as far as Glasgow, Scotland.
MR. FULLER was married in Oswego, New York, January 22, 1867, to MISS ELLEN C. MARSE, and they have three children living, named CLARA, CHARLES and ORVILLE. One child, named ELLA, is deceased. MR. FULLER is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Tippecanoe Lodge, and is also a comrade of John A. Logan Post, G.A.R., holding the office of Quartermaster of the post. MRS. FULLER is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 373-374
Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
WILLIAM K. COCHRAN, deceased, was one of the early pioneers of Tippecanoe County, who located in Wea Township in the spring of 1826. He was born near Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, August 28, 1807, a son of JAMES COCHRAN, who was also a native of that State, of Scotch-Irish ancestry; he died September 5, 1836, aged fifty-eight years. The wife of JAMES COCHRAN died September 30, 1837, aged fifty-four years and ten months. WILLIAM K. was nineteen years of age when he came to this county. His father entered a large tract of Government land on section 3, Wea Township, and this became the home of the family. When twenty-one years of age the subject of this sketch married MISS RACHEL STOCKTON, a native of Ohio, who afterward died. His second marriage was to MISS NANCY A. HUMMER, a native of Indiana. By this union were three sons and three daughters. Three of the children are now living, namely: MARTHA E., wife of L.M. SANFORD, of Des Moines, Iowa; HUGH B., and NANCY A., wife of H.A. FELTON. Their mother died APril 11, 1851, and MR. COCHRAN, for his third wife, married MRS. EMELINE B. (BOOTH) HUMMER, who was a native of New York State, and is now residing at Leroy, Illinois. MR. COCHRAN was a Republican in his political views, taking an active interest in public affairs; and in religious matters he was a worthy, consistent and active member and elder of the First Presbyterian Church of LaFayette, having been elected at the organization of the church at that place. He came to his death August 30, 1864, by his team running away and throwing him out of the wagon while on his way to LaFayette.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 394-395
Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
H. B. COCHRAN, farmer, section 10, Wea Township, was born on the farm where he now resides, March 26, 1842, son of WILLIAM K. COCHRAN. He was reared in his life's calling, and received an education in the district schools of this county and at Wabash College. September 3, 1861, he married MISS MARY E. SHORTRIDGE, of this county, daughter of MORGAN and CLARISSA SHORTRIDGE. They have had three children--WILLIAM M., of Colorado; EMMA S. and MARY G. MR. COCHRAN owns 220 acres of the best soil in the county. His residence, erected in 1850, is one of the best dwellings to be found in the township. He is a Republican in his political views, and has served his township as trustee in a worthy manner. He is an active member of the First Presbyterian Church in LaFayette, as was his father before him. His wife and eldest daughter are also members of the same church. MR. COCHRAN is one of the leading citizens of the township, always taking an active part in everything pertaining to the advancement of education, religion, and the best interests of the community.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 386-387
Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
BENJAMIN DYE has been a resident of Morgan County nearly thirty years, and during that time has been prosperously pursuing agriculture and is one of the prominent farmers of township 15, range 10. Here he has a beautiful home, replete with all the modern conveniences and comforts, of a pleasing style of architecture and constructed of brick. His farm comprises a quarter of section 12, and it is considered one of the best managed and most desirable in this part of the county. The subject of this biography was born April 30, 1828, in Miami Co., Ohio, within five miles of the town of Troy. His father, VINCENT, was a native of the same county, born in the early days of its settlement, and after attaining to manhood he undertook the pioneer task of constructing a farm from the primeval forest in that wild, sparsely settled part of the country. He took unto him a wife, REBECCA SWILLS, and seven children blessed their union, three of whom are living: our subject; MARIA, now MRS. HARRIS, of Indiana; FANNY, (MRS. ELLIDGE) of Missouri. In 1832, he moved with his family to Tippecanoe Co., Ind., and became a pioneer there. In 1859, he made another move and became a pioneer of still another state, this time settling in Bates County, Missouri. He was not allowed to remain in undisturbed possession of his new home very long, but on account of his strong union and anti-slavery sentiments, which he was too noble to disguise even for peace and safety, he was driven out of that county, and returning to Indiana in 1861, he died there in the month of August, aged sixty-five years, and now lies quietly sleeping his last sleep near Dayton, Ind. He was a good and true man, whose honorable, manly course through life merited the highest respect. His wife stayed in Missouri after his departure to look after their property, and after the close of the war came to Illinois and made her home with our subject till she closed her eyes in death at the age of sixty-five years.
Our subject inherited from his worthy parents many sterling traits of character that have made him a strong, manly man, true to those high principles that they inculcated by precept and example. He was a child of four years when he was taken from the beautiful scenes of his early home to Indiana, and there, near Dayton, seven miles from LaFayette, where his father took up new land, he grew to manhood, obtaining a good, practical education in the common schools. After his schooldays were over he engaged with his father in farming till he attained his majority, when he worked on a farm for someone else at first, and after a little had a farm of his own. He began with eighty acres of timber land, which he improved into a fine farm before he left it, and erected a good frame house and other buildings. When he first started out in life, desiring a companion and helpmate, MR. DYE asked MISS SARAH BUGHER to share his fate and fortunes with him, and they were united in marriage in June, 1850. MRS. DYE is an Indianian by birth, born about six miles south of Delphi, the county seat of Carroll County, in 1829, and she lived under the parental roof till her marriage. Her father, SAMUEL BUGHER, was a native of Miami County, Ohio, and was there married to MISS NANCY SCHAEFFER, who was born near Troy, that state. They moved to Indiana at the same time that the parents of our subject did, and lived there till after the marriage of their daughter and our subject, when they went to Wisconsin. MR.SCHAEFFER died there, and his wife also, her death preceeding his. He was always a farmer and also owned and managed a mill. To MR. and MRS. DYE were born twelve children, ten of whom are living, four of them born in Indiana, and all have received good school advantages and are well-bred. OLLIE ANN, is now MRS. EZRA BROWN, of Cowley County, Kansas; EUGENE, who lives at home, married MARGARET MILLER, and they have twodaughters; BELLE and REBECCA are at home, the latter a teacher; SAMPSON is in Cowley County, Kan.; NANCY and RHODA are at home; LEWIS is farming with his father; BENJAMIN, Jr., and JOHN are at home.
MR. DYE became a man of prominence in his Indiana home, although he avoided politics, and he served in all the School and various District offices. On the organization of the Republican party he bravely took sides with it and advocated its principles, although he knew that in doing so in that part of the country where he was then residing his very life was in danger, the pro-slavery element predominating and the Southern sentiment very strong. He incurred the hatred and animosity of his neighbors, who called him a "black abolitionist," and pitched on to him and he barely escaped having serious trouble. He was a member of the militia or home guards, Company B, 10th Ind. and accompanied his regiment to Virginia at the time of the call for "100 day" volunteers. Prior to going on this expedition MR. DYE deemed it expedient to sell his property in Indiana, and did so in the spring of 1861. But he did not come to Morgan County, this state, till the fall of 1861, when he bought his present farm, the land of which was improved to some extent, and he has ever since been a valued resident of this township. His removal to this place was made with teams and it took ten days to accomplish the journey. In the twenty-eight years that have elapsed since our subject came here to swell among the kindly, hospitable people of this township, he has shown himself an open-hearted, generous, public spirited citizen, one who is ever on the side of the right, ready to succor the needy and unfortunate, and who has at heart the good of the community. He and his wife are highly esteemed in social circles, and for a time he was a member of the I.O.O.F.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Morgan & Scott Counties Illinois, 1889
THOMAS O. BAILEY, one of the prosperous and progressive agriculturists of Jackson Township, residing on section 32, was born in Adams County, Ohio, March 8, 1826, a son of EBEN BAILEY. His father was born near May's Lick, Kentucky, and when an infant was brought by his parents to Adams County, Ohio. He and his father, JOEL BAILEY, were at one time the only Whigs in the township in which they lived. JOEL BAILEY was the founder of Winchester, Ohio, and his father, WILLIAM BAILEY, founded the city of Winchester, Virginia. The latter was a native of Wales, and both he and JOEL, the grandfather of our subject, were soldiers in the Revolutionary war.
THOMAS O. BAILEY, whose name heads this sketch, was reared in his native State, to the vocation of farmer, and received his education in the pioneer log cabin schools of that early day. In 1849 he came to Tippecanoe County, Indiana, where he was married April 28, 1851, to MISS MARY E. HIETT, a daughter of JOHN HIETT, a resident of Jackson Township, this county. Of the thirteen children born to this union ten still survive, their names being as follows–JAMES A., ELIZABETH R., JOHN S., MARY F., EBEN E., JACOB S., ELLEN C., CHARLES L., NATHAN O., and C. EUGENE. JAMES married SELINA CRUMB, who died leaving at her death two children named MARY F. and THOMAS A. He was a second time married to EMILY PEARSON. They are living at Normal, Illinois. ELIZABETH BAILEY married CULBERT CARTER, of Saybrook, Illinois, and they are the parents of three children–MARY, LENORA, and JOHN T. MARY BAILEY is now the wife of JOHN JOLLY, of Chauncey, this county. MR. BAILEY removed to McLean County, Illinois, in 1853, and in 1859 returned to this county, and settled in Jackson Township, where he has since resided. By his industrious habits and good management he has met with excellent success in his agricultural pursuits, and is now the owner of 300 acres of choice land. In connection with his general farming, he devotes some attention to stock-raising, making a specialty of graded stock. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, an organization in which he takes an active interest. MR. BAILEY is a man of genial disposition, fair and honorable in all his dealings, and is classed among the respected men of Jackson Township, where he has made his home for so many years.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pg. 645
Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
JOHN CLOYD, of Wea Township, is a representative of one of the old and honored pioneers of Tippecanoe County, his father, WILLIAM CLOYD, having settled here at an early day. WILLIAM CLOYD was born and reared in the State of Tennessee, and was there married to ESTHER NEAL. He removed to Miami County, Oho, among the early pioneers, with his wife and four children, and in 1828 he came to Tippecanoe County, bring with his wife and five children, while several of the older children, who were married, remained in Ohio. The same year he bought land on section 35, Wea Township, and here made a good farm on which he lived until his death. He was married a second time, but his second wife has long since pased away. Of the children born to his last marriage two sons and a daughter yet survive. WILLIAM CLOYD was a worthy citizen, and one of the most highly esteemed of the early settlers. In politics he was Democrat of the Jackson school.
JOHN CLOYD, whose name heads this sketch, was born in Ohio, December 8, 1816, and is the only surviving child of his father's first marriage. He was in his thirteenth year when brought to this county, and well remembers the condition of the county almost sixty years ago, and has witnessed many changes which have occurred in that time, transforming the wilderness into a well settled country. He was reared to manhood on the home farm amid the scenes and incidents of pioneer life. He has lived within two miles of the old homestead since coming here in 1828, and now owns 160 acres of the pioneer farm. His present home is on section 26, Wea Township, and he has altogether 400 acres of choice land, acquired by industry, economy and good management, and is classed among the substantial citizens of the county. MR. CLOYD was first married to MISS ELIZABETH NICEWANDER, who died in 1852. For his second wife he married MISS JANE BAILEY, a daughter of SILAS BAILEY. She is also deceased, her death taking place April 7, 1880. MR. CLOYD has had a family of fourteen children, six by his first marriage and eight by his second. Three sons and seven daughters are living at the present time, as follows: WILLIAM, RITCHIE, THOMAS B., MARIA, MARGARET, LOUISA, ELLEN, ESTER, MARTHA and ANNA. MR. CLOYD has always taken an active interest in the advancement of his township and county, and any enterprise having that object in view has his encouragement and support. He is a man of strict integrity, honorable in all his dealing, and is held in high esteem by all who know him.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 384-385
Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: AdinaWatkins Dyer
JOHN W. JENNINGS, one of the representative citizens of Tippecanoe County, is a native of this county, born in Tippecanoe Township, January 7, 1845, his father, ABEL B. JENNINGS, being on of the old pioneers of the county. ABEL B. JENNINGS was a native of Ohio, his wife, MINERVA (GRAVES) JENNINGS, also being a native of the Buckeye State. They reared a family of nine children: F.M., living in Sioux City, Iowa; SARAH, living at Brookston, Indiana; MARTHA, at LaFayette; L.B. of Polk City, Iowa; L.N., P.L. and JOHN W. are residents of Tippecanoe Township, and two, named JACOB and MARY E., deceased. ABLE JENNINGS lived in Tippecanoe Township until his death, which occurred March 1884. The mother of our subject is still living, aged sixty-six yeras. The father being a farmer by occupation, JOHN W., our subject, was reared to the same avocation. He was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting December 1, 1861, in Company H, Fortieth Indiana Infantry, and served in the Army of the Cumberland. He participated in the hard fought battles of Shiloh, Mission Ridge, Buzzard's Roost, Resaca, New Hope Church and Kenesaw Mountain. June 27, 1864, at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain he received a severe gunshot wound in the left side of his face, which carried away his upper jaw and a part of his tongue. He was then confined in different hospitals until November 20, 1864, when he was honorably discharged on account of disability resulting from his wound from the effects of which he has never recovered. He then returned to Tippecanoe County, and was united in marriage April 6, 1866, to MISS HESTER A. SHIGLEY, a daughter of ADAM P. and RACHEL (O'SHAL) SHIGLEY, of Tippecanoe Township. They are the parents of eight children named as follows: ALICE, LIZZIE, BELLE, GEORGE, JAMES, ASA, DORA and ARTHUR. For three years after his marriage MR. JENNINGS resided at LaFayette. He settled on the farm where he now resides on section 9, Tippecanoe Township, in 1887, where he has fifty acres of well-improved land, a comfortable and commodious residence and good farm buildings. In politics MR. JENNINGS affiliates with the Republican party. He is a comrade of the JOHN A. LOGAN Post, G.A.R., of LaFayette, and also belongs to the Odd Fellows lodge at Brookston, Indiana, No. 164. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: AdinaWatkins Dyer
AUGUSTUS SEVERSON,. the present efficient superintendent of the Tippecanoe County Farm, is a native of this county, born in Wabash Township, April 11, 1835, and is a worthy representative of one of Tippecanoe County's pioneer families. His father, JAMES SEVERSON, was a native of Ohio, where he grew to manhood, and married ELIZABETH THOMPSON. In the fall of 1829 he came to this county and settled in the northern part of Wabash Township. His wife died after coming to Indiana, and he was married a second time to MISS PATIENCE PIERCE, whose father, WILLIAM PIERCE, was also one of the county's pioneers, MR. PIERCE and MR. SEVERSON coming here together from Ohio. By his first wife, JAMES SEVERSON had one daughter, ELIZABETH, who is now the wife of WILLIAM BRYANT, a prominent attorney of LaFayette. By his second marriage he had nine children, five sons and two daughters still living, as follows–PAGE B., of LaFayette; AUGUSTUS, the third son, and the subject of this sketch; JAMES, engaged on the railroad, and a resident of Indianapolis; THEODORE, of Chauncey, Tippecanoe County; JOHN P., who is also engaged in railroading; SALLIE, widow of EDWARD VISCHER, and JENNIE, a music teacher. MORTIMER died aged eight years, and WILLIAM died when about twenty-seven years of age. PATIENCE SEVERSON died January 24, 1885. She was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, in 1816. JAMES SEVERSON lived in Wabash Township until his death which occurred in 1878, at the age of seventy-nine years. He was for many years a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In early life he was a Whig and later a Republican.
AUGUSTUS SEVERSON, whose name heads this sketch has spent his life in Tippecanoe County, where his general occupation has been farming. He has held his position of superintendent of the county farm a number of years, discharging the responsible duties of that office in an acceptable and able manner. MR. SEVERSON was united in marriage to MISS MELVINA DUNLAP, who was born in Carroll County, Indiana, a daughter of ROBERT and ZERUA DUNLAP, of Tippecanoe County. They have two children living named–CLARENCE and EDWARD VISCHER. Two of their children, HARRY and JESSIE, are deceased. Politically MR. SEVERSON affiliates with the Republican party.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pg. 383
Lewis Publishing Company, 113 Adams Street, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: AdinaWatkins Dyer
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