JOHN FRYBACH, in 1825, came to Tippecanoe County, and entered a half section of land on 5 and 19, Wea Township, and section 13 in Union Township; but he never became a resident here. He continued to occupy his old home in Ohio until his death in 1875, at the age of eighty-seven years. He and his wife had twelve children, eleven of whom grew up; a son died in infancy. There were six sons and six daughters. Four of the sons and three of the daughters are still living.
Mr. FRYBACH, whose name heads this sketch, was brought up in Pickaway
County, visited Tippecanoe County in 1838, traveling over a great portion
of it, and moved here in 1840, since which time he has resided here. He
owns much of the land that his father entered in 1825. His brother BENJAMIN,
a married man, came with him, and they worked and lived together for about
three years. Mr. EDMUND FRYBACH married, in 1843, Miss ELIZABETH HOOVER,
a native of
Ohio, and a daughter of JOHN HOOVER. Soon after his marriage he settled
where he now lives, on section 19, where he has about 500 acres. He has
seventy-three acres elsewhere. The greatest affliction that has befallen
him was the death of his faithful wife, November 20, 1884, after a happy
life together for forty-one years. They lost their only child, a son, in
infancy. Mr.FRYBACH is a member of the Lutheran church, as was also his
wife. He is a Republican in his political principles, casting his first
Presidential vote for Henry Clay, adn his last for James G. Blaine. The
old settlers will soon all be gone, and we feel particularly fortunate
in finding such a gentleman as the subject of the sketch still among us,
to aid in commemorating the deeds and experiences of our forefathers, who
laid deep the foundations of Tippecanoe County's prosperity.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County,
pg. 374
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
Mr. GATES, born in Adams County, Penn, March 4, 1813. His father, JACOB GATES, was a native of Lancaster County, Penn. He married CATHERINE SUTHREY, a native of the same county, and after a few years, moved to Adams County, in the same State. From that point he moved to Preble County, Ohio, where he remained for a period of twenty years, finally locating in Tippecanoe County, Ind. His son ANDREW came with him at that time, and, through the years which have followed, has been on the of the honored and respected citizens of this county and the community in which he resides.
On the 31st day of May, 1824 (this is a misprint, should be 1844), he married ELIZA CUNNINGHAM, a native of Clermont County, Ohio, who came with her parents, JOHN and SARAH CUNNINGHAM, to Tippecanoe County in 1831. By this marriage, Mr. Gates is the father of six children, named respectively, JAMES A., LEWIS A., SARAH M., GEORGE W., CHARLES H., and LILLIE B., of whom the two former are deceased.
Mr. GATES is one of the early pioneers of this county, having located here at a time when the present city of Lafayette was a mere frontier village, containing only a few log cabins. After a vigorous struggle with the hardships of pioneer life, he has been rewarded with a goodly portion of this world's goods; a competence which places him beyond the possibility of want, and enables him to pass the declining years of his life in peaceful repose. In the sixty-sixth year of his age, he is still vigorous and healthy, pleasantly situated, and surrounded by a happy family. His home, which is situated three and one half miles south of Lafayette, is well represented in the pages of this volume.
Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, pg. 52
Kingman Brothers, 1878
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
PATTERSON STALEY, a representative of one of the earliest pioneer families of Tippecanoe County, was born at the homestead farm in Perry Township, this county, March 8, 1836 and is the eldest surviving son of JOHN STALEY. The latter was born in North Carolina, in 1802, and in early life went to ontgomery County, Ohio, his father, MARTIN STALEY, being one of the early settlers of that county. JOHN STALEY was married in Ohio, to HULDAH WAYMIRE, August 20, 1828, who was born June 6, 1809. In 1828 MARTIN STALEY, came with his family to Tippecanoe County, and settled on section 27 Perry Township where he lived until his death. His wife survived him a number of years. They had a family of eight children, all of whom came to Tippecanoe County with them but JOHN, who came the following year with his wife and their eldest child, then a babe of three months. He them entered 100 acres on sections 34 and 35, Perry Township, where he made a homestead, and lived here until his death, which occurred November 23, 1868. His widow and oldest daughter, MARY ANN GADIS, still live at the homestead. They had ten children, eight still living--MARY ANN, ELIZABETH, PATTERSON, CLARK, REBECCA, JOHN, ADELINE and ALBERTUS. PATTERSON STALEY, whose name heads this sketch, was reared on the old homestead, which has been his home for fifty-two years. His farm contains sixty acres, a part of the home farm, and in 1886 he erected his present fine residence He was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion enlisting in September, 1863, in the Tenth Indiana Battery, in which he served about two years, participating in many hard fought battles. He had many narrow escapes from death, and at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain was slightly wounded in the left arm. He was united in marriage to MARY EILER, of Butler County, Ohio, and they are the parents of eight children-- LAURA M., CORA ANN, ELIZABETH, JAMES CLIFFORD, CHARLES P. and FRANKLIN E. Mr. STALEY is one of the well-known citizens of his township. He is a member of Elliott Post, No. 160, G.A.R. of Dayton. Politically he is a Republican.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Maureen Johnson
who has been identified with the interests of Perry Township for almost
half a century, was born in Granger County, East Tennessee, June 9, 1805,
family came to Indiana and settled in Clinton County, the father entering
land from the Government, near Oxford, where he made his home until his
death. ROLLER WIDENER was married in 1833 to Miss JANE RICHARDSON,
a native of Kentucky, and to them were born five children, three yet living--MATTHIAS,
WILLIAM, and MAHALA. Mrs.. WIDENER died in 1842, and in 1843 Mr..
WIDENER was married to Mrs.. LUCINDA WARRICK, and to this marriage were
born five children--DAVID at Danville, Indiana, OSCAR, who resides at the
home farm, and MARTHA ANN, MARY and CELESTIA, the last three being deceased.
Mr.. WIDENER was a second time bereaved by the death of his wife in 1873.
He resided in Clinton County until 1848, when he came to Perry Township,
this county, and after a residence here of eight years he returned to Clinton
remaining there until 1863. In that year he sold his property in
Clinton County and bought the farm in Perry Township which he now occupies.
The WIDENER farm contains 159 acres of Tippecanoe County's best soil, well
improved and under a high state of cultivation, with commodious farm residence
and substantial barn and other farm buildings. In his political views
Mr.. WIDENER is a Republican. He is a faithful and consistent member
of the Presbyterian church, and an upright honorable citizen. His
son, OSCAR WIDENER, who is one of the intelligent and enterprising men
of Perry Township, was born in Clinton County, Indiana, November 5, 1857.
He was reared to agricultural pursuits, his youth being spent in assisting
on the farm and in attending the common schools of his neighborhood.
He was united in marriage to Miss JENNETTE VIRGIN, of Perry Township, and
to them have been born three children, but two now living, named MAGGIE
MAY and BLAINE. OSCAR WIDENER, like his father, is a Republican,
and though but a young man
is numbered among the leading citizens of his township.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pg. 761
Volunteer: Maureen Johnson
one of Tippecanoe County's most respected men, is a native of Ohio, born
in Montgomery County, July 18, 1819, his father, THOMAS ELLIS, having been
born in Virginia, on the Cheat River. The grandfather of our subject,
ROWLAND ELLIS, built a flat-boat, and in 1800 floated down the Ohio river
to Cincinnati, Ohio, with his family. The parents of our subject
came to Tippecanoe County, Indiana, in September, 1828, locating near the
farm of our subject, and in the fall of 1829 settled on the land which
is now occupied by him. The surrounding country was at that time
almost in a state of nature, and Indians and wild animals were the principal
inhabitants. Many of the old pioneers had to go long distances to
do their trading and get their milling done. The mills were then
on a most primitive style, principally corn cracker, and run by horse-power.
When the parents settled on their land the remains of three wigwams were
standing near the present site of the house of our subject. Of the
twelve children born to THOMAS ELLIS and his wife but five are living,
three daughters residing in this county, one daughter in California, and
JOHN J. ELLIS, the subject of this sketch. JOHN J. ELLIS was the
eldest child in his father's family. He was reared amid the scenes
and incidents of pioneer life, and received his education in the rude log
cabin subscription schools of his day. He was married February 9,
1862, to Miss HARRIET LAMBKIN, who was born in Kent, County, England, and
died June 14, 1878. Of the six children born to Mr.. and Mrs.. ELLIS,
five still survive--MARY A. married ENNIS F. COE, of Lauramie Township,
and has one child named BESSIE M., MARTHA K., REUBEN W., WILLIAM J., and
FLORENCE MAY. Mr. ELLIS has made farming his life work, devoting
some attention to stock-raising and is now the owner of 1591/2 acres of
fine land located on section 13, Lauramie Township, where he resides.
Mr. ELLIS served as justice of the peace from 1846 until 1848, having been
elected by the Whig party, although the township was strongly Democratic.
From 1853 until 1859 he was deputy postmaster of Stockwell, and during
this time also carried on the mercantile
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pg. 763
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Maureen Johnson
Dr. JOHN SIMISON, one of the prominent physicians of Romney, Tippecanoe County, is a native of Ohio, born in Columbiana County, November 16, 1824, a son of ROBERT E. SIMISON, who is now deceased. His father was a hatter by trade, and was a soldier in the war of 1812. The doctor was reared in his native State, receiving his education at Atwater Academy in Portage County. In 1846 he came to Indiana, locating at Rockville where he taught school three years, and during this time he read medicine in his leisure hours, under the preceptorship of Doctors ALLEN and RICE of that place. He attended the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1850, and in 1851 he came to Romney, where he has since followed the medical profession, and during his long residence here he has built up a large and successful practice, and by his genial manners and cordial disposition he has made may friends, and gained the confidence and esteem of all who know him. His son, JOHN F., a rising young physician is now associated with him, taking a great share of his father's practice. Dr. SIMISON was united in marriage March 25, 1851, to Miss HARRIET E. AGNEW, a daughter of GIBSON AGNEW, deceased, and a niece of Dr. AGNEW, who was one of the consulting physicians during President Garfield's last illness. Dr. and Mrs. SIMISON are the parents of six children, named as follows--ALICE, BOYD D., JOHN F., CHARLES G., DAVID P., and GERTRUDE M., the last three being students at De Pauw University at Greencastle, Indiana. The doctor is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. His first presidential vote was cast for General Taylor in 1848, and since the organization of the Republican party he has affiliated with that great political body. He is a Master Mason and is a charter member of Lodge 441, at Romney.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 363-364
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
WILLIAM J. DeHART, retired farmer, is a native of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, born in Wea Township, March 26, 1844, a son of ABNER and MARGARET A. (TROTTER) DeHART, both now deceased. The father of our subject was a native of Ross County, Ohio, and in his boyhood was brought to this county by his father, ADAM DeHART, locating here as early as 1825, being one of the old and honored pioneers of the county. The mother was a native of Virginia. To the parents of our subject were born seven children, only three of whom are now living-WILLIAM J.; LAVINA ELLEN, wife of Dr. GEORGE W. KIRKPATRICK, of Wea Township; and STEPHEN, living in Wea Township. WILLIAM J. DeHART was reared a farmer, a vocation he has always followed, becoming a thorough, practical agriculturist. He received but limited educational advantages, being obliged to work from an early age. He has always been a hard worker, and by his industrious habits, persevering energy and good management he succeeded well in life and is now the owner of 410 acres of valuable land. In connection with his general farming he was also engaged in stock raising, making a specialty of raising short horn cattle. In August, 1886, he retired from active duties of life, moving to Stockwell, where he has since made his home, being surrounded with all the necessary comforts of life. Mr. DeHART was married December 24, 1869, to Miss ALAMEDA ANDERSON, a daughter of SAMUEL ANDERSON, deceased, who was living near Frankfort, Indiana, at the time of his death. Two children were born to this union, of whom only one is living, a daughter, EVA. In politics Mr. DeHART is a Republican. Mrs. DeHART is a member of the Christian church of Wea Township.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 364-365
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
JOHN A. BAER, one of the well and favorably known citizens of Sheffeld Township, is a native of Missouri, born in Ray County, October 8, 1841, a son of JACOB BAER, who died in Missouri, in February 1852. The mother of our subject died in 1848. Being left an orphan when in his eleventh year he has always had to fight the battles of life alone. He came to Tippecanoe County when a lad, and here he grew to manhood, spending his youth in working on farms. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, he enlisted, April 17, 1861, in Company A of the 10th Indiana Infantry for three months, and in September following he re-enlisted in Co. A., 40th Indiana Infantry and during his term of service was promoted to 1st. Sergeant. He was taken prisoner at Kennesaw Mountain and was confined in Andersonville prison. He received an honorable discharge from the army and returned to this county, where he resumed the more peaceful pursuit of farming. Mr. Baer is a member of the Stockwell Lodge No. 439 I.O.O.F., and is also a Comrade of Carrol post G.A.R, at Stockwell. He is a member of the Christian Church and one of the respected men of the township. Politically he casts his sufferage with the Republican party.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 763-764
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Maureen Johnson
FRANCIS ACHESON, farmer and stockraiser, Wayne Township, is one of the prominent agriculturists of Tippecanoe County. He is a native of Ireland, born in County Cavan, in April, 1835, a son of THOMAS and ELIZABETH (JOHNSON) ACHESON. He was reared a farmer in his native county, and when nineteen years old, in May, 1854, left home and embarked on a sailing vessel for the United States, landing in New York in July, after a six week voyage. He came direct to LaFayette, where he obtained employment as a farm hand at $13 a month, and was thus employed two years. He then rented land until 1860, when he bought eighty acres of improved land in Jackson Township, near Shawnee Mound, for which he paid $25 an acre. In 1868 he bought the farm where he now lives, to which he moved in 1869, which contains 465 acres of valuable land. He is now one of the well-to-do farmers of the county, and has acquired his property by hard work and good management, assisted by his wife, who has always been a true helpmeet to him. When he landed in LaFayette he had one gold dollar, and his present possessions are now the result of his years of labor in this county. He was married March 7, 1860, to TALITHA A. WADE, a native of Fountain County, Indiana, who was left an orphan when a child, and was reared by DAVID MEHARRY. Mr. and Mrs. ACHESON have nine children–JAMES WILLIAM, GEORGE THOMAS, JOHN FRANCIS, ROBERT ERWIN, JESSE MORTON, LIZZIE JANE, ALEXANDER DELOSS, CHARLES EMERY, and WALTER GARFIELD. In 1880 Mr. ACHESON was elected county commissioner, and served three years, and it was during his term that the courthouse was built. He is a member of Shawnee Lodge, No. 129, A. F. & A. M. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he is a supporter of the principles of the Republican party.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 370-371
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
LOUIS KIMMEL, merchant, of LaFayette, was born in the town of Roedgen, in the Grand Duchy of Hesse Darmstadt, now in the empire of Germany, April 21, 1828, his parents being CONRAD and CATHERINE (RENTER) KIMMEL. From six to fourteen years of age he attended a country school in the vicinity of his home, after which time he was employed on the farm of his father and in linen weaving. His father died in 1850. As he grew to years of maturity and began to form opinions of his own, he found himself a Republican in his political principles, and during the Revolution of 1848 he published anonymous articles in defense of his views. This he did until he became personally endangered, and was advised to leave the country. He did not do this, however, until 1854, in which year he came with his mother to America, landing at New York, and from there came to LaFayette, where he arrived August 8, with but $1 in his pocket. Here he expected to meet friends who had preceded him, but to his horror he learned they were dead. A stranger in a strange land, almost penniless, he was brought nearly to despair, but rallying, he began to seek employment among the strangers by whom he was surrounded, and finally found a position in Hubler's foundry. He had worked here but a few days when his whole family was attacked by that terrible scourge, Asiatic cholera, and within three weeks after his arrival all had died except himself and one son, JOHN, who now carries on a book store in LaFayette. His wife, who was among the victim's, was formerly Miss CATHERINE STUMPF, and, like her husband, was a native of Hesse Darmstadt. For the next year and a half Mr. KIMMEL was employed at the Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Railway depot, where he formed the acquaintance of JOHN PFUHL, whose daughter, MARY PFUHL, he married July 9, 1857. In 1859 he took charge of a German paper called Die Beobachter, which name he changed to the Indiana Post. In 1861 he further demonstrated his Republicanism by enlisting in the Union army, and was assigned to Company G, Thirty-second Indiana Infantry, of which he was appointed Second Lieutenant. After rendezvousing at Indianapolis, the regiment was ordered to Kentucky, and the next spring it took part in the battle of Shiloh, after which Mr. KIMMEL was promoted First Lieutenant. His next engagements were near Corinth and at the battle of Stone River, remaining at the latter place until May, 1863, when he was discharged on account of disability. Returning from the war, he accepted a clerical position in the Wabash Valley Railway Company at LaFayette. From 1867 to 1871 he was justice of the peace, and from 1871 to 1873 was Mayor of LaFayette. He was then cashier of the German Savings Bank four years, when, in 1877 he was again elected Mayor, which office he held until 1881. He was then engaged in exchange and transportation, both home and foreign, and in fire and life insurance. Having received a commission as treasury agent to Alaska, he went to that Territory in April, 1882, remaining away from his family and friends for eighteen months, and received news from home but once during that period. After his return he was employed for eight months in the Custom House at Chicago, since which time he has been engaged in the grocery trade in LaFayette. In 1885 he was elected school trustee of LaFayette, and the following year he was reelected for a term of three years, and was chosen president of the board, which position he still holds. In politics he affiliates with the Republican party. In business and mental qualificiations generally he is a self-made man, fighting his way through life with the odds greatly against him. He has long been one of the leading citizens of LaFayette. Mr. and Mrs. KIMMEL have six children living–LOUIS, Jr., employed in his father's store; OTTO, a musician; EMIL, now in Los Angeles, California; LAURA, CARL, and HARRY. Two of their children, named HARRY and CLARA, are now deceased.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
pp. 372-373
Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
MRS. NARCISSA ALEXANDER, Tippecanoe Township
This lady, whose maiden name was NARCISSA KELLEY, is a native of Kentucky. She was borin in Gallatin County, in the year 1824. At the age of four years, she came with her parents to Tippecanoe County, Ind. Here the days of her girlhood were passed, in blissful ignornace of the griefs and burdens which were to be her portion in later years. She was awakened from her girlish dreams, however, to the stern realities of womanhood.
On the 16th day of January, 1850, she gave her hand in marriage to Mr. JOHN M. ALEXANDER, who was born in Ohio, on the 16th day of January, 1826. This union was blessed by six children, three of whom–one son and two daughters–are still living. On the 31st day of December, 1872, death again entered this family, bereaving them of the father. During his life, he was a successful farmer and accumulated a fine estate for his family. He was one who enjoyed the unlimited confidence of all his acquaintances, and his death was lamented by a large circle of friends.
His wife still conducts the large farm left her by her husband. She is thoroughly acquainted with the details of farming, having received practical instruction in this science in her childhood.
Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, pg. 44
Kingman Brothers, 1878
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
Jackson Township
By a Friend
ALEXANDER and JANE MEHARRY, the parents of the gentleman whose name appears above; were natives of Scotland. Their ancestors were driven from their home by the persecution of the Papists, and sought an asylum in the north of Ireland, where Protestant view were tolerated and where they might worship in peace "according to the dictates of their own consciences."
ALEXANDER and JANE MEHARRY were married in Cavan County, Ireland, in the Spring of 1794, and in the following May bade adieu to their island home, with the United States as their objective point. After tossing for thirteen weeks on the billows of the Atlantic, the welcome sound of "land ho" was heard from the lookout, and the weary emigrants landed upon the shores of New York. From this point they went to Philadelphia, and thence to New London Cross Roads, Lancaster Co., Penn.
They located temporarily on the farm of a Mr. SHELLABARGER, where they remained until the following Summer, removing at that time to Connellsville, in the same State. In 1798, they filled out a family flat-boat, and, in this primitive conveyance, they floated down the Ohio River, landing at Manchester, Adams Co., Ohio, on the 28th day of April following.
They purchased the land of NATHANIEL BEASLEY, located on the East Fork of Eagle Creek, about eight miles northwest of Manchester. Their farm was located in the midst of a dense forest, and ere it could be rendered productive hundreds of heavy trees were to be felled, and all the arduous labor of frontier life must be performed. To this task the father applied himself with an energy characteristic of the man.
During the progress of this work he rented a small tract of land situated about two miles above his home, on the same stream. On this tract he planted a crop of corn, and the land being very fertile, it grew rapidly; but on the night of September 13th, the entire crop was ruined by a heavy frost. So complete was the destruction that not an ear was spared. The grain turned black upon the cob, and upon this frost-bitten corn the family were compelled to subsist until another crop could be planted and gathered. To further increase their sufferings, the entire family fell victims to that scourge of unsettled regions–ague.
A strong prejudice existed among their few neighbors against persons of their nationality, and for this reason they were compelled to suffer alone. With limited means, sickness and the scarcity of comforts so inseparable from a frontier settlement, their condition was one which required a vast amount of fortitude. But they bore up so bravely under their burdens, and returning health gave them new hope and new energy. In due time, another crop was planted and reaped, and prosperity seemed to smile upon them. With new hopes came new friends. Their upright bearing and indomitable industry rapidly overcame the prejudice hitherto existing against them, and they were ever after regarded as valuable citizens.
Both parents were reared under pious Christian influences, and throughout life were active members of the Church. During his residence in Ireland, the father was a member of the Methodist Church, and his wife a Presbyterian. Soon after locating in Pennsylvania, both united with the Methodist Episcopal Church.
During his residence in Adams County, Ohio, the father attended a camp meeting held at New market, Highland County, and while en route for home, on the 21st day of June 1813, met a violent and sudden death. While riding with a friend and deeply engaged in conversation, an oak tree fell across the road, one of the limbs striking his head and crushing the skull. After this sad bereavement, the management and conduct of the farm devolved upon the mother, who was a woman of great energy and ability. Only thirty acres had been cleared, and from the products of this small farm she contrived to support her family of eight children, and to provide them with such an education as was afforded by the schools of their neighborhood. She was an earnest Christian, and after the decease of her husband, continued family prayer night and morning. Here children were reared under the influences, and as consequence all became honored and useful citizens. As the boys grew in years and strength, they united in clearing the remainder of the home farm, and by their efforts it was rendered productive and profitable.
JESSE MEHARRY was born on the old homestead in Adams County, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1806. Until 20 years of age, his time was occupied in the customary routine of farm life, and within this period he acquired his early education. His opportunities in this direction were naturally quite limited from the fact that good schools did not then exist in the neighborhood of his home. But the deficiencies of his school education were fully made up by travel and observation in later years. In the fall of 1826, in company with his brother JAMES, he took passage on an Ohio River steamer for the purpose of settling in Austin's Colony in the Province of Texas, lured thither by the inducements offered to settlers by the founder of the colony, viz.: One league square to each settler, and a "labor" of 170 acres.
At New Orleans, JESSE and his brother secured passage in a schooner bound for the mouth of the Rio Brazos, via the mouth of the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico. They sailed from New Orleans January 26, 1827, and after cruising for several days, at length descried the mouth of the Brazos, the entrance to which was marked by only one small cabin. The bar at the mouth of this stream formed a barrier which was utterly impassable for vessels of this size, and after a hazardous attempt to cross, it was abandoned by the Captain, who determined to seek and entrance into Galveston Bay, sixty miles east. The vessel was accordingly "brought about," and headed on her new course, reaching Harrisburg February 26, 1827. That city then contained but two small cabins, located on the west side of Buffalo Bayou, and the site of the present city of Galveston was then an uninhabited desert, there being no houses within forty miles of it.
While at Harrisburg, our adventurers met the HOUSTON brothers, whom they describe as four very noble looking young men. The HOUSTONs were refugees from Tennessee, and became prominent men in the settlement of Texas. SAMUEL HOUSTON became a man of note in the colony, and in later years the city of Houston was laid out by him and his brothers. After remaining about one month in Texas, Mr. MEHARRY and his brother decided to abandon the object of their visit. Experience convinced them that their enterprise would not meet their anticipations, and to persons accustomed to refined and Christian influences , the society was positively unendurable. The major portion of the population was composed of fugitives from justice from the United States, and this in connection with the unsettled condition of the country, rendered the prospect far from pleasant.
They again took passage in the schooner by which they had arrived one month previously, and set sail on the 17th of March following. They were overtaken in the bay by a terrible storm from the northwest; the vessel was stranded, and the passengers and crew narrowly escaped with their lives. Our adventurers then purchased a horse, and started for Opelousas, La., 300 miles distant. This was a dreary and tedious journey, over a trackless prairie, which, in many localities, was so marshy as to render travel almost impossible. From thirty to fifty miles intervened between the cabins of settles, and hence they were forced to endure many hardships, not the least of which was a scanty supply of provisions. After suffering greatly from wading in water, swimming the bayous and sleeping on the open prairie, they reached Opelousas at the end of twelve days. After resting long enough to recuperate their energies and health, they started for their home in Ohio, which they reached in safety on the 29th day of April 1827.
Soon after this date, the elder brothers, HUGH, THOMAS and JAMES, decided to visit Indiana for the purpose of locating upon its fertile prairies. They left home in May 1827, and, after an extended tour of investigation, settled in Montgomery County, Ind. Each entered a half section of land, which they purchased at $1.25 per acre, and in the following Spring, they married and settled upon their newly purchased farms.
Two years later, JESSE and his brother DAVID entered land at Shawnee Mound, on Sections 22 and 23, Jackson Township, Tippecanoe County, Ind., afterward returning to their home in Adams County, Ohio.
On the 10th day of August 1831, the subject of this sketch was united in marriage with Miss JANE L. FRANCIS, the second daughter of WILLIAM FRANCIS, whose ancestors were also Scottish Protestants, and were compelled to flee to Ireland during the time of the persecution. In November 1831, Mr. MEHARRY moved with his wife to his "Shawnee Mound" farm, and immediately began to make the necessary improvements. Young and vigorous at that time, his constant and untiring labors soon bore rich fruit, and the goal of his ambition was attained–he was the possessor of a rich farm and a happy home. His wife was a woman of rare ability and integrity–pious, honest and industrious; in a word, one of God's noble women, and a fit companion for a good man. She was a zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, having united with that body at the age of 14 years, and during her life never neglected an opportunity of speaking a good word for the cause of the Master she loved. On the 30th day of November 1866, she was called from earth to the fold of the Shepherd who has said: "I know My sheep, and am known of Mine." Her husband still resides on the farm where he first began life in Indiana. For more than fifty years, he, too, has been an active and consistent member of the church in whose faith his wife delighted to live. For forty years, he has been a class leader, and in May 1876, was a Lay Delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Baltimore, Md.
In May 1843, he was appointed Postmaster at Shawnee Mound post office, and is still acting under virtue of that commission. He served as Justice of the Peace in Jackson Township for a period of fourteen years, and is now acting in the capacity of Notary Public.
In all his political transactions, he has been governed by his conscience. His first vote was cast for Andrew Jackson, in 1828, but when the official acts of the Administration failed to meet his approval, he united with the Whig element and continued a cordial supporter of its principles until the formation of the Republican party, whose principles he embraced and has ever since supported with equal warmth.
On the 16th day of January 1840, he, in company with is friends, MARK MANLOVE, JOHN GILBERT and ANDREW ISLEY, set out on horseback to attend the Whig Convention, held at Indianapolis. The roads were very rough and the air extremely cold, and two days were required for the completion of their journey. Upon their arrival, they were kindly entertained at the private room of Dr. O. L. CLARKE, then State Senator from the Tippecanoe District. This convention resulted in the nomination of Hon. SAMUEL BIGGER for Governor, and the subsequent canvas resulted in his election. The delegates from Tippecanoe County were twenty-nine in number, and to them Dr. CLARKE submitted a proposition for holding a grand celebration at the Tippecanoe Battle Ground, on the 29th of May following. This proposition met the approval of the entire delegation, and was then submitted to the convention.
The history of the great mass meeting, which was held at the time and place then suggested, is too well known to our readers to require a repetition. It was attended by the residents of many States of the Union, and it has been said that the audience consisted of more than forty thousand people.
Mr. MEHARRY also attended the Republican Convention at Chicago which resulted in the nomination of ABRAHAM LINCOLN for President, on the 18th of May 1860.
To educational institutions Mr. MEHARRY has always been a generous friend. He assisted in erecting the first school house in his township, as well as the school houses and churches erected in subsequent years. He donated a handsome sum toward the founding of Wabash College and the Indiana Asbury University, and has contributed liberally toward the maintenance of many other schools and churches in this and other States.
Prior to the location of the State Agricultural College at LaFayette, he offered to donate his farm of four hundred acres for the site of that Institution. This proposition was favorably entertained by two of the Trustees, but two were opposed to it, and Gov. Baker cast the deciding vote in favor of LaFayette.
Several years ago, he began to advocate the erection of suitable buildings for a high school in Jackson Township, offering as an inducement $5,000 as an endowment for such an institution. Although his efforts have not met with the anticipated success, he says his proposition remains unchanged, and that he is ready to comply with its terms so soon as they shall be accepted by the residents of the township.
Mr. MEHARRY has been, throughout his life, a man of sound moral and religious principles. He has never indulged in the use of intoxicating liquors and has exerted every effort to discourage their use by others. The use of tobacco is regarded by him with equal disfavor. In conversation with the writer, he remarked: "I have made an estimate as to the amount I have saved in sixty years by abstaining from this useless practice; and, basing my estimate on two cents per day, with compound interest, I find that I have saved about $20,000–a neat little sum for pocket in my old age!"
During the days of the rebellion in our land, he was a cordial supporter of the Union cause; and , though unable, through infirmities of age, to take an active part in defense of the nation's honor, he rendered substantial aid to the Government by liberal donations from his private means, and no sacrifice was considered too great for a cause so sacred.
Eulogy, applied to one so universally respected and loved, would be superfluous; and here we leave him, invoking a kind Providence for the continuance of a life so useful and an example so thoroughly worthy of emulation; and while we deem it a duty to posterity, we also regard it a pleasant privilege, to place among the pages of history the record of a life so nobly spent.
Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, pg. 47
Kingman Brothers, 1878
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
CYRUS J. BORUM, Jackson Township
Mr. BORUM was born near Leesburg, Highland Co., Ohio, May 31, 1825. His parents were natives of Virginia. His father, OBED A. BORUM, was the proprietor of a large plantation and a number of slaves. He was a gentleman of culture and refinement, and his ideas were greatly in advance of the time and locality in which he lived. He regarded the institution of slavery as a national evil, and after a consideration of the subject, granted liberty to his own slaves and determined to leave a region where the pernicious influence of the institution existed. Accordingly, he with his mother and two sisters moved to the North, locating near Leesburg, Highland County, Ohio. Soon after locating in that county he married Miss ALICE INSLEY. Five sons and two daughters blessed this union, and for a number of years the happiness of the family circle was complete. The farm had been cleared and improved by him, and he began to see the reward of his labors. But in the midst of prosperity he was called away by death, ere his children had reached an age when they could provide for themselves. The farm was conducted by the mother after the decease of her husband, and from its products she contrived to sustain the family and provide each of the children with a fair English education. As the latter grew to maturity they began to seek their own fortunes in various parts of the country. CYRUS J., the third son and subject of this sketch, left his home in 1848, reaching LaFayette after a tedious overland journey. He proceeded immediately to Jackson Township and located on a small farm one mile north of Shawnee Mound. Two years after locating upon this farm (February 19, 1850), he united in marriage with Miss ANN H. MANLOVE, daughter of MARK MANLOVE, Esq. one of the pioneers of Tippecanoe County. He with his wife, JANE MANLOVE, emigrated from Highland County, Ohio, in 1834, and purchased a farm on Longlois Reserve, west of Shawnee Mound, where he continued to reside until 1864, when he moved to Illinois. Few improvements existed at the time of his settlement in this township and educational advantages ere especially limited. As a consequence, his daughter ANN was deprived of the facilities for developing an intellect of unusual native vigor; but the refining influences and precepts of educated parents placed her far above mediocrity, socially and intellectually, and she grew up beloved and respected by all.
Growing out of the period of girlhood, she assumed the responsibilities of the matron at the date above mentioned. Six children crowned the happiness of this union, namely, MARK MANLOVE, NEWTON OBED A., MILTON EVERETT, ADDIE, AMELIA, EMILY AURELIA and JOHN FRANKLIN. Her husband was one in whose nature was combined a vast amount of kindness, sagacity and native goodness, united with an indomitable will and unyielding perseverance. Throughout his life he wielded a subtle though potent influence which constantly drew friends to him with almost magnetic power, and he was universally regarded as a good man. He was no less remarkable for his business qualities than for his social attainments.
Although prudent in all his business transactions, he was not one who would "drive a close bargain," or take an unfair advantage. Honesty was a ruling characteristic of his nature, and he was recognized by all as a valuable and worthy citizen. But the love of family or friends could not interpose to avert death's fatal thrust, and on the 21st day of November 1877, after a protracted illness, he died. A good man has gone to his rest, and the "peace of God goeth with him." Long will his memory be cherished on earth by those who have reason to bless his bounty.
Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, pg. 48
Kingman Brothers, 1878
Volunteer: Adina Watkins Dyer
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