Mr. JONES was born in Kanawha
County, W. Va., Jan. 14, 1814. He is the son of WILLIAM and
(JARRETT) JONES. During his boyhood he enjoyed no educational
beyond those offered by the subscription schools of his neighborhood,
teachers were generally men of imperfect attainments, and scarcely
to impart a knowledge of the rudiments of an education; but , possessed
of a naturally bright intellect, and a desire to acquire knowledge, the
faint glimpses of learning here received only heightened his ambition
acquire more; and thus every spare moment was employed in conning the
of some volume placed within his reach.
From early youth, his inclination was toward the study of law; and, although uncertain as to how his purpose should be accomplished, he was still firm in his resolve that it should be so. Until 21 years of age, his time was employed on his father's farm, where, in the discharge of his daily duties, little opportunity was afforded him for the pursuit of his studies, and thus he did not begin the study of his chosen profession until later years. While yet a child, he removed with his father's family to Cincinnati, Ohio, floating down the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers in a flat-boat. From Cincinnati, the family removed to Wayne County, Ind., where they continued to reside until 1824. In that year, the father again moved his family, this time locating in Tippecanoe County. Here, in a new and sparsely settled country, young Mark had much to discourage him in his pursuit of learning; but he persevered, despite his disadvantages, and a grand triumph crowned his efforts in the end. As he grew to manhood, his
abilities began to make themselves manifest,
and were recognized by his fellow citizens. He was first elected
Constable in LaFayette, afterward serving as Clerk of the Court of
County. In 1856, he was elected Judge of the Court of Common
in which capacity he served two years. After retiring from the
office, he engaged in the collection of soldier's claims, and finally
regularly in the practice of law.
On the 23d day of July, 1835, he united in marriage with Miss NANCY WOLFE, who was born November 19, 1819, in Ross County, Ohio, removing to Tippecanoe County, Ind., in 1825, with her parents, JONATHAN and JANE WOLF, whose maiden name was HAYS. By this marriage, Mr. JONES
is the father of three children, one of whom died in infancy. The
surviving children are both married. MARY J. is now the wife of
PAGE B. SEVERSON, and EMILY G. the wife of Mr. JOHN M. KERPER. In
religion Mr. JONES has ever been favorable to the doctrines of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, and has been a member of that denomination
for a number of years.
Until 1854, he acted and voted with the Democratic party, but in that year voted the People's ticket. In 1856, he embraced the principles of the Republican party, and continued to act with them until 1874, when he became identified with the National or Greenback party. During the excitement caused by the reported approach of a band of Black Hawk Indians, many years ago, Mr. JONES joined a regiment for the protection of the settlement. They were not called into active service, and beyond this, he has had no military experience. During the war of the rebellion, he served as Commissioner of Draft for this county. Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
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