![]() WILLIAM HIETT, the father of the gentleman whose biography is herewith presented, was a native of the State of Virginia, and during his residence in that State married Miss MARY DANIEL, also a native Virginian. By this marriage they were the parents of eight children–ELLEN, SAMUEL, LETTIE, ELIZABETH, JOHN, ISABELLA, JAMES and MARY, of whom only three survive, viz., ISABELLA, MARY and JOHN. WILLIAM HIETT was a man of great energy and unconquerable perseverance. Reared to farm life, and inure to labor himself, he early taught his children the principles of economy and industry, as the only road to success in life. In 1806, he moved to the then new State of Ohio, and became identified with the early settlement of Adams County. Brown County was formed in later years, by incorporating portions of Adams and Clermont Counties, Mr. HIETT's farm being included in the district thus created. Thus he became interested in the development of both counties. In a heavily timbered region, remote from the influences of schools, refined society, and all that makes life pleasant, and surrounded by all the trials and hardships which characterize a frontier settlement, he passed the remainder of his life. For a period of eight ears he continued to reside in this locality, during which time he made many improvements, and reduced his forest farm to a state of comparative perfection, deriving therefrom a return sufficient for the support of his family. He was one who ever commanded respect, and when, in 1814, his active life closed in death, he was universally lamented throughout the community in which he resided. JOHN HIETT, the subject of this biographical sketch, was born in Adams County, Ohio, on the 26th day of October, 1808. Left fatherless before attaining to the age of 7 years, he has been compelled through life to rely in a great measure upon his own exertions. From the fact that his early life was passed amid the scenes of frontier life, his educational advantages were of a very limited nature. Such as he enjoyed, however, were eagerly improved by him, and although his school privileges were limited to three months each Winter, the instructions there received laid the foundation for a store of knowledge which has placed him above mediocrity. Out of school hours, his time was occupied on the home farm, and this pursuit became, in later years, his chose avocation. In 1829, he gave his hand and heart in marriage to MISS ELIZABETH HAWK, a native of Brown County, Ohio. This union was blessed by four children; named respectively, WILLIAM, MARY, JAMES and PHILIP. On the 10th day of March, 1834, Death entered the household, and his devoted wife fell a victim to his irresistible power. In the following year, MR. HIETT removed to Tippecanoe County, Ind., and located in Jackson Township, where he has since continued to reside. In 1837, he was a second time united in marriage, choosing for his companion MISS SARAH A. ODELL, also a native of Brown County, Ohio, who came with her parents to Tippecanoe County in 1831. They were the parents of five children–JOHN WESLEY, FRANCIS MARION, SUSANNA, SAMUEL R. and NATHANIEL G. In March 1846, MR. HIETT was again robbed by death of the companionship of a faithful and loving wife. Two years later, he married his present companion, MISS MARY F. DAVISON. MISS DAVISON was also a native of Brown County, Ohio, but was reared in Montgomery County, Ind., having removed to that county with her parents when quite young. This union has been blessed by eight children, named respectively, GEORGE WEAVER, ALFRED C., EMERY R., GEORGE W., ISABELLA L., SARAH A., CHARLES G., and MARGARET D. Each of the children was provided with a thorough education, and all have turned their talents to good account. SAMUEL R. attended Asbury University, at Greencastle, Ind., graduating in 1867 with the degree of B.S.; SUSANNA graduated at Terre Haute Female College in 1857, with a degree of M. E. L.; FRANCIS M. graduated at Rush Medical College in 1861; EMORY R., graduated at Asbury University in 1877, with the degree of A. B.; SARAH A. is now a student in high standing at Purdue University. JAMES located in California when quite young, and there engaged in mining with fair success. He subsequently married and engaged in farming, remaining thus employed until the date of his decease. WILLIAM removed to McLean County, Ill., where he engaged in farming; PHILIP located in the same county and for a time was engaged in mercantile pursuits, but finally adopted the occupation of farming; FRANCIS M. is a practicing physician in Red Oak, Iowa. SAMUEL R. adopted the legal profession as his field of action in life, and entered upon the practice at LaFayette; EMERY R. is now reading law with the view to adopt that profession; and GEORGE W., is studying the science of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. In the labors incident to farm life, MR. HIETT is assisted by those of his children who remain at home. Much of this labor, however, is performed by himself, and although 70 years of age, he is still vigorous and healthy, always happiest when actively employed. Although never a politician, he has always felt a lively interest in the success of the Republican party, whose principles he has supported since its organization. He is not identified with any religious denomination, but has done much throughout his life, both by precept and example, to encourage morality among all with whom he has been associated. His wife united with the Methodist Episcopal Church early in life, and has ever been a consistent member of that denomination. Her example has been followed by her children, who are all members of the same church. Combination Atlas Map of Tippecanoe County, Indiana,
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