The Winning Ticket
An Article From the
Lafayette Daily Courier
Thursday, October 11, 1888

The Courier is privileged
to present it readers today with the portraits and brief biographical
sketches of the gentlemen who have been selected by the Republicans
of Tippecanoe County as candidates for the several local offices to
be filled at the election to be held on the 6th day of November
ticket offered by the Republicans, individually and
collectively, is a good one, and a full vote will elect each and
every one of them by a handsome majority.
for Commissioner, was born in Franklin County, Indiana, April 20,
1838, his parents being descendants of the Quakers. He enlisted in
the war of the Rebellion April 21, 1861, in the three month's service
in the Twentieth Ohio Infantry, and re-enlisted in Company I,
Eleventh Indiana Infantry in August of the same year, until the close
of the war. He was a brave soldier and saw service in the battles of
Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Champion Hills, Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., and
Cedar Creek. Although not severely wounded in battle, Mr. Carter
returned home from the army much impaired in health, and has never
entirely recovered. In 1866 he removed from Franklin County to
Carroll County, and in 1882 came to this county, purchasing a farm
near Buck Creek, where he now resides. He was elected township
trustee in 1884 and re-elected in 1886, and discharged the duties of
the office in a manner highly satisfactory to his constituents. The
efficiency with which he looked after all the details connected with
the same, is assurance that the greater duties connected with the
office of Commissioner will be well administered. In politics Mr.
Carter is an ardent Republican, and votes as he shot. His neighbors,
who know him best, Republicans and Democrats alike, are enthusiastic
over his candidacy, and he will receive a large complimentary vote
outside his party.

for Commissioner, was born January 16, 1843, near Thorntown, Boone
county, Indiana, and remained there until 1863, when he went to
Rossville, Clinton county, and engaged in the dry goods business, in
which he continued until 1868, when he removed to Lafayette, and went
into the hardware trade under the firm name of Campbell, Cason &
Co., buying out Falley & Beach, on the north side of the Square,
where the Perrin Hardware Co. is now located. He continued there
until about 10 years ago when he sold his business, and traded the
house where Thomas Coleman's family now lives for a farm on the west
side of the river, where he has since resided. Mr. Cason is
eminently qualified for the office for which he is nominated. he is
a clear headed, careful, sagacious business man, honest, honorable
and straightforward, a man of convictions and firm for what he holds
as right. The office of Commissioner is probably the most important
that the citizens of the county will have to fill, and they are to
congratulated that a man of Mr. Cason's integrity is named for the
- the
candidate for County Treasurer, was born in Waynesville, Ohio, July
18th, 1832. One year later his parents moved to this State, settling
in Lafayette. When 12 years old he commenced in life for himself. His
first position in the dry goods business was in 1852 with C. E.
Crary, in McCormick's block. The following fall they occupied the
first room that was finished on the south side of the square after it
had been built up. A few years later the firm changed to Burt &
Crary, the latter a brother of C. E. Crary, Mr. Florer remaining with
them a short time, when he formed a partnership with A. Wise and W.
T. Shaffner, the firm name being Wise, Shaffner & Co., Mr. Florer
being the company. The firm remained together for several years, but
finally sold out to W. H. Dresser & Co., and he took a position
with them. July, 4, 1859, Mr. Florer took a position with a
well-known Bee Hive dry goods store, then Berry & Co.,
proprietors. Mr. Florer was head salesman and window dresser, and at
that time was called the artist of the day in that line. Several
years later Berry & Co. sold out to John S. Groenendyke &
Co., Mr. Florer still remaining with this firm in the same position.
Several years later one of this firm died and the stock was sold. Mr.
Florer formed a partnership with Mr. Warwick who then was in the
same firm, and bought the stock, and there he has remained ever
since. He had remained single until five years ago, when he was
married to Melvena E. Beal. There is a streak of humanity in "Tom"
Florer that wins the affectionate regard of every woman who takes hold
of his hand and feels that there is a heart in it. If he ever did a
mean or dishonest act in his life, he has been very successful at
concealing it from the public, and it would be a difficult task to
try to convince any man in Tippecanoe County that there is the least
trace of trickery or deceit in his entire composition. He is a
sincere Republican, a man of Spartan honesty, prudent, universally
and deservedly popular, and if his majority falls below 1,500 a good
many Republican an Democratic friends will be sadly disappointed in
their calculations.

Candidate for Prosecuting Attorney was born in Jackson Township,
Tippecanoe County, Indiana, and lived on a farm the greater part of
his minority. He taught school first in Iroquois County, Ill.,
several terms in Tippecanoe County, and afterwards attended the
Northern Indiana Normal school at Valparaiso, taking the scientific
course and graduating in the class of '76. He commenced reading law
in the office of Bartholomew & Smith at Valparaiso, in the fall
of 1876, in the office of Capt. A.A. Rice in 1879, and was two years
in the office of G.O. & A. O. Behm. He was admitted to the bar
in 1880, and formed a partnership with W. F. Bechtel, of this place
in 1882 which was dissolved in 1885. Mr. Haywood was a candidate for
the nomination for Prosecuting Attorney before the Republican
nominating convention in 1884 at which time he was defeated, and a
successful candidate for the nomination in 1886, and was elected by a
majority of 1,372. Mr. Haywood assumed the duties of his office
last November, and during the past year has displayed his eminent
qualifications for the position. A number of important cases that
have come under his charge during that time have been looked after
with decided ability. He is studious and industrious and not content
with doing well, devotes all his extra time to still further
advancing himself in his chosen profession. Mr. Haywood is an
earnest and enthusiastic Republican, his father an old citizen of
the county having been a Harrison voter of 1836 and 1840.
Hon. Byron W. Langdon, the Republican candidate for Judge of
Tippecanoe Circuit Court, was born in New York, August 1, 1838. His
great grandfather was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, and served
seven years as such. His grandfather was a clergyman, and his father
a businessman. The subject of this sketch graduated at Union
College, New York, in June, 1861, and came to Lafayette in November
of that year, beginning a study of law with Judge Andrew Ingram,
whose daughter, Elizabeth, Mr. Langdon married in the month of
August, 1862. In 1863 he was admitted to the practice of law and has
since continuously engaged in that profession. In July, 1863, he
enlisted in the One Hundred and Eighth Regiment, Indiana Volunteers,
and was Sergeant Major of the regiment. In 1876 he was elected by
the Republicans of Tippecanoe County to the Lower House of the
General Assembly of Indiana, and in 1878 he was elected State Senator
for a term of four years. In 1882 Mr. Langdon was a candidate for
the Republican nomination for Congressman for the Ninth District, but
was defeated by Major Charles T. Doxey. Mr. Langdon, nevertheless,
entered into the campaign in earnest in behalf of his successful
opponent, and his voice and influence for the major's election. At
the county convention in August last, he was nominated for Judge of
the Circuit Court, the position to which he now aspires, and the
decision of which is left to the qualified voters of the county to
express on the 6th day of November next. Mr. Langdon is now in the
very prime of life, vigorous in body and mind, and thoroughly
equipped for the judicial position for which he has been nominated. He
has been a close student and a keen observer and his long
experience and acquirements, added to natural ability of high order,
serve to complete a man well-fitted for the bench. During his
six-years service in the legislature he won distinction as a member
quick to comprehend and analyze a situation, and his readiness and
vigor as a debater gave him prominence as one of the leading
Republicans of the House and he was no less useful and influential
after his promotion to the Senate. Mr. Langdon has always been a
consistent, straightforward Republican. He is a gentleman of
character and ability, and if elected to the office for which he has
been nominated, as he doubtless will be an honest, impartial
administration of the trust reposed in him may be safely assured in
THOMAS G. McKEE -Candidate
for Sheriff, is a native of Indiana, born in Rush county, August 24,
1828, came with his parents to Lauramie township, in Tippecanoe
county when four years of age, and has resided there ever since. His
youth was spent in assisting with the work on the farm and attending
the early schools of the county. After his marriage in 1851, he
engaged in farming on his own account and in 1872 began the buying
and shipping of stock to which he has since paid considerable
attention. In August, 1886, he was nominated for sheriff, and was
triumphantly elected after one of the most bitter contests ever made.
It may truthfully be said that the office of sheriff has never been
more carefully attended to and its duties more efficiently discharged
than under Mr. McKee's management. He has looked after all its
details, minor affairs receiving the same attention as those of
greater importance. No work was too much, no labor too great so long
as it was to fully fill his office and discharge the duties which it
brought. By all who know him, and what citizen of the county does
not, he is regarded as the very soul of honor, the upright citizen
and the straightforward businessman. The vote of November will show
him reelected by an increased majority and speak more forcibly than
words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Candidate for Coroner, is the third son of Edmund Throckmorton, an
old and well known resident of the county. Mr. T. was born in
Randolph Township, near Romney, in April, 1862. His early school
days were spent in the district schools of the township, and after
leaving there he entered Purdue University, from which institution he
graduated in June, 1883, with high honors. Ambitious and energetic,
Mr. Throckmorton at once entered Rush Medical College at Chicago, and
applying himself diligently for four years graduated in February,
1887, one of the first of a large class. Soon after he began the
practice of medicine in this city, and in a short time took a place
among the leading young physicians of the city. Mr. Throckmorton is
devoted to his profession and will make a model officer.

Candidate for Surveyor, was born in Jennings County, Indiana, August
23, 1859, and with his parents removed to Lafayette in 1864, and has
resided here since. His father, P. C. Vawter, was a practical
surveyor and civil engineer, and young Vawter devoted all his time
out of school hours to learning his profession, and under the careful
guidance of his father, at the age of nineteen, had grown to be a
practical surveyor and civil engineer. In 1882 the senior Vawter was
defeated by S. K. Richards for surveyor, and young Vawter was thrown
temporarily out of employment. He turned his attention to
contracting for the next two years, not giving up the idea of
pursuing his chosen profession. He was associated with J. W. Newton,
a prominent contractor, and in this business acquired a knowledge of
the cost of labor and material that was of great practical value in
this branch of the engineering profession. In the summer of 1884 the
Republicans in need of a candidate, (his father having been appointed
the city engineer of Lafayette), young Vawter was nominated as
against worthy competition, Thomas Cory, and pitted against his
father's old opponent, S. K. Richards. In this campaign, as well as
in 1886 (at which time he was nominated by acclamation), he was
elected by handsome majorities, the last time over 1,100. During
the time he has been in office he has shown his high ability for the
discharge of its duties. He is withal a clever, genial and
accommodating gentleman. Mr. Vawter is unmarried, and the Courier
wants to say to the young ladies if they allow him to slip through
their hands they will miss a prize in the matrimonial lottery.
Asbury F. Wells, who has been honored by the Republicans of
Tippecanoe County for the office of Representative, is native born
and bred, he having first saw the light of day near Wyandotte,
Sheffield Township, August 14, 1844. His parents, Henry and Sarah
Ann Wells, are among the pioneers of Tippecanoe County and both are
yet living at Stockwell, where they are the center of a devoted
family and a large circle of acquaintances and friends. Mr. Wells
was raised on a farm, but took advantage of every opportunity to add
to his store of knowledge and education. After taking an academic
course at the Thorntown Academy, at that period an institution of
high standing and reputation, Mr. Wells began teaching school,
devoting the summer season to farming, and continued in this line for
several years. His moral training from early youth was of the most
orthodox character, and at the age of fifteen years he united with
the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he continues to remain an
active and influential member. For twelve years past he has been
superintendent of the M. E. Sunday school at Stockwell, and is an
ardent supporter of every cause intended for the advancement of
Christianity and the betterment of humanity. Two years after his
marriage to Miss Ruth E. Steel, a highly respected young lady of
Stockwell, Mr. Wells removed to the city and engaged in the grocery
business with his brother, Wesley E. Wells, their store then being at
the corner of Ninth and Union streets. The following year, however,
he returned to the farm, and in 1870 he was elected a Justice of the
Peace for Sheffield Township. He subsequently engaged in the drug
business at Stockwell, in co-partnership with his brother, Dr. A. A.
Wells, now a resident of this city. The drug business, however, was
hardly suited to his active nature, and he became interested in the
grain and lumber business and the buying and shipping of cattle. For
a man of his years and the active part he has taken in affairs, he is
a remarkably well-preserved man, a fact that is in a great measure
due, no doubt, to the strictly temperate habits he has always
observed. Mr. Wells' friends do not claim for him the distinction of
being a statesman, but they do claim that he possesses the ability
and inclination to discharge the duties of Representative with credit
to himself and to his constituents, and wherever he is known the
faith will be expressed that his course as a legislator will be
upright and honorable, and that the interest of the people of the
county and State may safely be entrusted to his keeping.