Submitted by Susan Yost Clawson
In anticipation of the good times coming when the
railroad is finished and Dayton is Station No. 1 east of
Lafayette, the good people are beginning to put on
almost city airs. Grounds are being pointed out for
depots, machine shops, warehouses and other public
builddings. To hear some of them talk, one is reminded
of Chicago only a few years ago. The town is better
supplied with church edifices than with devout church
members, judging from the attendance at the weekly
prayer meetings. The Presbyterians, Methodists, United
Brethren, and Universalists have each neat and
commodious houses of worship. A new, large two story
brick schoolhouse will be ready for occupancy early in
the spring. Dayton has beautiful stores, groceries,
eating-houses, manufacturing establishments &c. It
has no saloons, and but one hotel, kept by Jacob Kahl.
It has no name and in this respect reminds one of the
definition an intuitive understanding of the
word--Acophalous, which means without a head. A-ceph,
Aceph-alous without doubt. Name or no name, between
substantial moment is not to be found anywhere about
that furnished by Kahl’s other and better half. There is
but one drug store in the place, that of Carnahan &.
Bush; but this accounts . . . add adult enough to . . .
region of country. The senior partner is a graduated
physician of the old school, a younger brother of our
Prosecuting Attorney. The best observable feature is
that there is not a single lawyer in the place. “Here lies the man . . . “Here lies the woman, the first save one,* The mind of the old man is about as vigorous as in his youth. Two years hence he expects to celebrate his golden wedding. In the meantime, he will vote for Grant, Colfax, or any other man the Republicans may nominate.
Lafayette Public Schools [picture of Ford School Building] We occupied a leisure hour this forenoon in accompanying J. T. Merrill, Esq., the efficient Superintendent of the Public Schools, to the Ford School Building, to take a look through the various rooms and examine the varied and large assortment of geological specimens, which comprise the cabinet of curiosities, as well as the splendid apparatus used in the illustration of the scientific studies of the pupils. Upon the walls, in tasteful letters, are inscribed mottoes, reminding the youth who gather within their sacred precincts to drink from the Pyerian spring of their duties and privileges. Some of these we transfer to our columns: "Prize the Truth," "Love One Another," "What I do I will do Well," "No Excellence Without Great Labor," "Perseverance," "God Bless our Schools," "He does well who does the best he can," "Be Faithful to Every Trust." There are fourteen rooms occupied as school and recitation rooms, admirably seated and complete in all their appointments, including a lecture room which will readily seat three hundred pupils. They are tastefully adorned with pictures, rendering them cheerful and giving an air of refinement to all the surroundings. The cabinet embraces many rare specimens of fossil formation, some two hundred of which came from Germany, all appropriately labelled. We are not sufficiently conversant with geology to describe them, or to give their names. Superintendent Merrill has been at great pains to collect them and to have them properly arranged. Many of them were contributed by Mr. Stein, of this city, who brought them with him from California and Utah, on his return from the Pacific slope last summer. The appliances for making chemical tests are ample and excellent. The astronomical and electrical apparatus have been purchased under the supervision of Mr. Merrill, and are perhaps the best to be found in any public school in the State of Indiana. The electrical machines, the telegraphic battery, the astronomical views, with the gas generators, all in the hands of the skillful teacher, assist in making clear to the pupil the hidden mystery of science. We can not forbear giving a description of the "Celestial Indicator," an admirable apparatus in facilitating the study of astronomy, which it has been eloquently said has "the beauty of poetry and the exactness of geometry." The Celestial Indicator, invented and constructed by
Mr. Henry Bryant, is a simple apparatus which
illustrates with great clearness many important
astronomical phenomena. It is a celestial
sphere within which the sun and planets are placed in
their proper positions. All the parts have freedom of
motion whenever motion is required. Without entering
into detail, a few of the The subject of celestial measurements is made very
clear, the meaning of right ascension and declination
being seen as [illegible on my
Personal Rudolph Schwegler, of Schwegler & Bro., and Mr.
Hausen, of Hull’s jewelry establishment, started
Saturday evening for Europe. They will sail from New
York on the 15th. May success attend them.
Mr. Hanson returned home from Europe Saturday. He is
looking well and happy. Rudolph Schwegler who went out
with him was to have sailed for home on Wednesday of
last week.
Trouble at Monitor Our correspondent “Billy” writes from Monitor,
under date of April 8:
Dr. Crouse of Dayton, and Thomas Baker, of the Lahr and Mason houses, accompanied by their wives, will resume their wedding tours today. They will visit Niagara Falls, go down the St. Laurence to Quebec, thence to Boston, and home by Philadelphia, and revisit the scenes of their earlier years in Pennsylvania. M.V. Crouse, son of our old friend Dr. D. H.
Crouse, of Dayton, Indiana, preached in the First
Presbyterian Church last evening. He is a young man of
fine talent, and given abundant promise of a career of
great success and usefulness in his chosen profession.
Our Heroic Dead The following are the names of the soldiers who were buried in the different cemeteries near this city, prior to last Decoration Day. Since then many brave boys have fallen while fighting the peaceful battles of life. Their memories are as sacred to the loyal men, women and children of the nation as those who fell on the gory battle-field, and to-morrow their graves will be strewn with flowers and their names and fame will be sent to history along with those gone before. “Their swords are rust. War of the Revolution—Jacob Lane, Nathan White. War of 1812—John Goldey, Thomas Goldsberry, Captain Thomas Rogers, James Emerson, James Bruce, George Rank, Sr., Elias Bedford, William Cunningham, Abraham Fry, Lemuel Devault, David W. Parker, Robert W. Thompson, John G. Bedford, Joshua Wood, Charles B. Naylor, William Bullock, Newberry Stockton. Black Hawk War—Benjamin Bowen, Joseph Goldsberry, Jacob Walker, WIlliam M. Jenners, John L. Pifer, John McCormick, Major Daniel Mace. Mexican War—Robert Marshall, James Stewart, Z. M. P. Hand. War of the Rebellion—John Heppehamer, C. F. Wilstach, Stephen M. Goodwin, Isaac Marshall, Colonel William B. Carroll, Captain Henry Quigley, W. K. Davison, George P. Thompson, William P. Thompson, Martin Thompson, Hi Carroll, Charles A. Naylor, Jr., Charles W. Brower, Richard F. Fahnestock, William H. Rinard, P. D. Downey, James C. Walters, J. W. Vance, C. A. Harms, S. E. Henry, James Hays, G. W. Glaze, William Frazier, J. W. Dill, Wm. T. Gerrard, H. C. Cowdry, Henry C. Wallace, Robert Marshall, George S. Rose, Jeremiah Grover, John Clark, Lieutenant Carter, Samuel Briley, Alvin Gay, Thomas Hamer, Sr., Frank Hamer, Jr., John F. Tanquary, William J. Tanquary, Gideon G. Lane, James Lupton, — Allen, Williard G. Lane, John McGuire, Joab Gillet, Frank B. Sloan, William Ball, Samuel M. Miller, James E. Devault, George Halliday, William Rodgers, Thomas C. Wallace, eight in the pit, killed in the railroad collision—names unknown—Clem Bell (colored), Benjamin Bruce, William Robinson, Augustus Bemis, J. W. Buchanan, Andrew Hickenlooper. Any person having information as to those who have died
and been buried in any of the city cemeteries since last
Decoration Day, will confer a favor upon the committee
by leaving the names at this office for publication
to-morning morning. Daily Journal, May 30 , 1873 The following omissions in the list of soldiers,
published yesterday, have been reported: